 public Personal(IClient client) : base(client)
     ListAccounts           = new PersonalListAccounts(client);
     NewAccount             = new PersonalNewAccount(client);
     UnlockAccount          = new PersonalUnlockAccount(client);
     LockAccount            = new PersonalLockAccount(client);
     SignAndSendTransaction = new PersonalSignAndSendTransaction(client);
 public Personal(IClient client) : base(client)
     ListAccounts = new PersonalListAccounts(client);
     NewAccount = new PersonalNewAccount(client);
     UnlockAccount = new PersonalUnlockAccount(client);
     LockAccount = new PersonalLockAccount(client);
     SignAndSendTransaction = new PersonalSignAndSendTransaction(client);
        public override async Task <bool> ExecuteAsync(IClient client)
            var personalunlockAccount = new PersonalUnlockAccount(client);
            int?duration = null;
            await personalunlockAccount.SendRequestAsync(Settings.GetDefaultAccount(), Settings.GetDefaultAccountPassword(), duration);

            if (Settings.IsParity())
                                                            Settings.GetDefaultAccountPassword(), new HexBigInteger(30)));
                                                            Settings.GetDefaultAccountPassword(), 30));
        public override async Task <string> ExecuteAsync(IClient client)
            //The compiled solidity contract to be deployed
            //contract test { function multiply(uint a) returns(uint d) { return a * 7; } }
            var contractByteCode =

            //Create a new Eth Send Transanction RPC Handler
            var ethSendTransation = new EthSendTransaction(client);
            //As the input the compiled contract is the Data, together with our address
            var transactionInput = new TransactionInput();

            transactionInput.Data = contractByteCode;
            transactionInput.From = Settings.GetDefaultAccount();
            // retrieve the hash

            var minerStart       = new MinerStart(client);
            var minerStartResult = await minerStart.SendRequestAsync();

            var personalUnlock = new PersonalUnlockAccount(client);
            var unlockResult   = await personalUnlock.SendRequestAsync(transactionInput.From, Settings.GetDefaultAccountPassword(), new HexBigInteger(90));

            var transactionHash = await ethSendTransation.SendRequestAsync(transactionInput);

            var personalock = new PersonalLockAccount(client);
            var lockResult  = await personalock.SendRequestAsync(transactionInput.From);

            //the contract should be mining now

            //get contract address
            var ethGetTransactionReceipt = new EthGetTransactionReceipt(client);
            TransactionReceipt receipt   = null;

            //wait for the contract to be mined to the address
            while (receipt == null)
                await Task.Delay(1000);

                receipt = await ethGetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(transactionHash);

            var minerStop       = new MinerStop(client);
            var minerStopResult = await minerStop.SendRequestAsync();

            //Encode and build function parameters
            var function = new FunctionCallEncoder();

            //Input the function method Sha3Encoded (4 bytes)
            var sha3Signature = "c6888fa1";
            //Define input parameters
            var inputParameters = new[] { new Parameter("uint", "a") };
            //encode the function call (function + parameter input)

            //using 69 as the input
            var functionCall = function.EncodeRequest(sha3Signature, inputParameters, 69);

            //reuse the transaction input, (just the address)
            //the destination address is the contract address
            transactionInput.To = receipt.ContractAddress;
            //use as data the function call
            transactionInput.Data = functionCall;
            // rpc method to do the call
            var ethCall = new EthCall(client);
            // call and get the result
            var resultFunction = await ethCall.SendRequestAsync(transactionInput);

            // decode the output
            var functionDecoder = new FunctionCallDecoder();

            var output  = functionDecoder.DecodeOutput <int>(resultFunction, new Parameter("uint", "d"));
            var message = "The result of deploying a contract and calling a function to multiply 7 by 69 is: " + output +
                          " and should be 483";

            Assert.Equal(483, output);

 public Personal(IClient client) : base(client)
     ListAccounts  = new PersonalListAccounts(client);
     NewAccount    = new PersonalNewAccount(client);
     UnlockAccount = new PersonalUnlockAccount(client);