    void Awake()
        this.persistentInfoPrefab = Resources.Load <PersistentShipInfo>("Prefabs/ShipInfo");

        this.ships = GetComponentsInChildren <ShipInfo>();
        foreach (ShipInfo ship in ships)
            ship.selectingPlayer = this.player;

        #region Keyboard Support
        if (this.player == PlayerEnum.player1)
            this.left  = KeyCode.A;
            this.right = KeyCode.D;
            this.A     = KeyCode.Alpha1;
            this.B     = KeyCode.Alpha2;
            this.Y     = KeyCode.Alpha4;
            this.start = KeyCode.Space;
        else if (this.player == PlayerEnum.player2)
            this.left  = KeyCode.LeftArrow;
            this.right = KeyCode.RightArrow;
            this.A     = KeyCode.Keypad1;
            this.B     = KeyCode.Keypad2;
            this.Y     = KeyCode.Keypad4;
            this.start = KeyCode.KeypadEnter;
    IEnumerator OnLevelWasLoaded(int levelIndex)
        if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name != GameManager.MainSceneName)
            yield break;

        //Wait for GameManager to initialize itself
        while (GameManager.S == null)
            yield return(null);

        //Wait 2 frames, since GameManager takes 1 frame to re-assign player references
        yield return(null);

        yield return(null);

        //Wait an additional frame to initialize player 2's ship to guarantee initialization order
        if (selectedShip.selectingPlayer == PlayerEnum.player2)
            yield return(null);

        //Create the object that will pass the information to GameManager
        PersistentShipInfo persistentShipInfo = Instantiate(persistentInfoPrefab);

        persistentShipInfo.gameObject.name = "P" + ((int)selectedShip.selectingPlayer + 1) + "ShipInfo";
        persistentShipInfo.Initialize(selectedShip, device);

    //TODO: JPS: OnLevelWasLoaded is deprecated.  Replace this implementation with SceneManager stuff at some point
    IEnumerator OnLevelWasLoaded(int levelIndex)
        if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name != GameManager.MainSceneName)
            yield break;

        //Wait for GameManager to initialize itself
        while (GameManager.S == null)
            yield return(null);

        //Wait 2 frames, since GameManager takes 1 frame to re-assign player references
        //TODO: Can we have a more general implementation of this?
        yield return(null);

        yield return(null);

        for (int curControlsIndex = 0; curControlsIndex < this.shipSelectionControls.Count; curControlsIndex++)
            //Create the object that will pass the information to GameManager
            PersistentShipInfo persistentShipInfo = Instantiate(this.shipSelectionControls[curControlsIndex].persistentInfoPrefab);
            persistentShipInfo.gameObject.name = "P" + ((int)this.shipSelectionControls[curControlsIndex].player + 1) + "_ShipInfo";
            persistentShipInfo.Initialize(this.shipSelectionControls[curControlsIndex].selectedShip, this.shipSelectionControls[curControlsIndex].device);

    void Awake()
        persistentInfoPrefab = Resources.Load <PersistentShipInfo>("Prefabs/ShipInfo");

        if (selectionMenus == null)
            selectionMenus = new List <ShipSelectionManager>();