private async Task LoadPersonFacesFromService()
            this.progressControl.IsActive = true;


                Person latestVersionOfCurrentPerson = await FaceServiceHelper.GetPersonAsync(this.CurrentPersonGroup.PersonGroupId, this.SelectedPerson.PersonId);

                this.SelectedPerson.PersistedFaceIds = latestVersionOfCurrentPerson.PersistedFaceIds;

                if (this.SelectedPerson.PersistedFaceIds != null)
                    foreach (Guid face in this.SelectedPerson.PersistedFaceIds)
                        PersistedFace personFace = await FaceServiceHelper.GetPersonFaceAsync(this.CurrentPersonGroup.PersonGroupId, this.SelectedPerson.PersonId, face);

            catch (Exception e)
                await Util.GenericApiCallExceptionHandler(e, "Failure downloading person faces");

            this.progressControl.IsActive = false;
        public async Task <IList <Guid> > UploadPhotosToFaceList(string directory, int count, int skip, string faceListId, string userData)
            Guard.Argument(count, nameof(count)).NotNegative();
            Guard.Argument(skip, nameof(skip)).NotNegative();
            Guard.Argument(directory, nameof(directory)).NotNull().NotWhiteSpace();
            Guard.Argument(directory, nameof(faceListId))
            .Require(dir => this.fileSystem.Directory.Exists(dir), dir => $"Directory does not exist '{dir}'");

            IEnumerable <string> files = this.fileSystem.Directory.EnumerateFiles(directory).Skip(skip).Take(count);

            List <Guid> faceIds = new List <Guid>(count);

            foreach (string imageFile in files)
                using (Stream stream = this.fileSystem.File.OpenRead(imageFile))
                    PersistedFace persistedFace = await this.faceClient.FaceList.AddFaceFromStreamAsync(

                    this.logger.LogDebug($"Added '{imageFile}' to FaceList '{faceListId}' with PersistedFaceId {persistedFace.PersistedFaceId}");

        private async void AcceptBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var faceClient = FaceToWork.Form1.faceClient;

                Person person = await faceClient.PersonGroupPerson.CreateAsync(_groupId, Name_txtBox.Text.ToString());

                DataSet1TableAdapters.PersonTBLTableAdapter personTBL = new DataSet1TableAdapters.PersonTBLTableAdapter();
                personTBL.AddPerson(person.PersonId.ToString(), Name_txtBox.Text, _groupId);

                foreach (string u in ListFolderPath.Items)
                    Stream s = File.OpenRead(u);

                    Console.WriteLine($"Add face to the person ({Name_txtBox.Text}).");
                    PersistedFace face = await faceClient.PersonGroupPerson.AddFaceFromStreamAsync(_groupId, person.PersonId, s);

                MessageBox.Show("Person successfully added");
            catch (APIErrorException ex)
        private async void OnImageDataContextChanged(FrameworkElement sender, DataContextChangedEventArgs args)
            PersistedFace dataContext = sender.DataContext as PersistedFace;

            if (dataContext != null)
                Image image = sender as Image;
                if (image != null)
                    BitmapImage bitmapImage = new BitmapImage();
                    image.Source = bitmapImage;

                        if (Path.IsPathRooted(dataContext.UserData))
                            // local file
                            bitmapImage.SetSource(await(await StorageFile.GetFileFromPathAsync(dataContext.UserData)).OpenReadAsync());
                            // url
                            bitmapImage.UriSource = new Uri(dataContext.UserData);
                    catch (Exception)
        public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req,
            ILogger log, ExecutionContext context)
            #region Config
            var config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                         .AddJsonFile("local.settings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true)

            var faceEndpoint    = config["faceEndpoint"];
            var subscriptionKey = config["faceSubscriptionKey"];

            #region Read Body
            string  requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync();
            dynamic data        = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody);
            string  imageUrl    = data?.imageUrl;
            string  personName  = data?.personName;
            string  personId    = data?.personId;

            #region Cognitive Services Calls
            FaceClient faceClient = new FaceClient(new ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(subscriptionKey), new System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler[] { })
                Endpoint = faceEndpoint

            //Sample Person Group is created at first run for demo purposes.
            //await faceClient.PersonGroup.CreateAsync(PersonGroupId, PersonGroupId);
            PersonGroup humanGroup = await faceClient.PersonGroup.GetAsync(PersonGroupId);

            Person human = null;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(personId))
                human = await faceClient.PersonGroupPerson.CreateAsync(humanGroup.PersonGroupId, personName);
                human = await faceClient.PersonGroupPerson.GetAsync(humanGroup.PersonGroupId, new System.Guid(personId));

            PersistedFace face = await faceClient.PersonGroupPerson.AddFaceFromUrlAsync(humanGroup.PersonGroupId, human.PersonId, imageUrl);

            await faceClient.PersonGroup.TrainAsync(PersonGroupId);


            #region Return JSON
            var myObj        = new { faceId = face.PersistedFaceId, personId = human.PersonId };
            var jsonToReturn = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(myObj);

            return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
                Content = new StringContent(jsonToReturn, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")

        public static async Task IdentifyInPersonGroup(IFaceClient client, string recognitionModel, Dictionary <string, string> employees)
            Console.WriteLine("========IDENTIFY FACES========");

            EmployeesNames = new Dictionary <string, string>(employees.Count);

            // Create a person group.
            Console.WriteLine($"Create a person group ({personGroupId}).");
            await client.PersonGroup.CreateAsync(personGroupId, personGroupId, recognitionModel : recognitionModel);

            // The similar faces will be grouped into a single person group person.
            foreach (var employee in employees)
                // Limit TPS
                await Task.Delay(250);

                Person person = await client.PersonGroupPerson.CreateAsync(personGroupId : personGroupId, name : employee.Value);

                Console.WriteLine($"Create a person group person '{employee.Value}'.");

                var directoryPath = Path.Combine(@"C:\CheckpointHSE", employee.Key);
                if (!Directory.Exists(directoryPath))
                    //чо делать если нет папки с картинками

                EmployeesNames.Add(person.PersonId.ToString(), employee.Value);
                // Add face to the person group person.
                foreach (var filePath in Directory.GetFiles(directoryPath))
                    using (var fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))
                        Console.WriteLine($"Add face to the person group person({employee.Value}) from image `{filePath}`");
                        PersistedFace face = await client.PersonGroupPerson.AddFaceFromStreamAsync(personGroupId, person.PersonId, fileStream);
            // Start to train the person group.
            Console.WriteLine($"Train person group {personGroupId}.");
            await client.PersonGroup.TrainAsync(personGroupId);

            // Wait until the training is completed.
            while (true)
                await Task.Delay(1000);

                var trainingStatus = await client.PersonGroup.GetTrainingStatusAsync(personGroupId);

                Console.WriteLine($"Training status: {trainingStatus.Status}.");
                if (trainingStatus.Status == TrainingStatusType.Succeeded)
            IsTrained = true;
        public async Task <IAddFaceToPersonResponse> Handle(IAddFaceToPersonRequest addFaceToPersonRequest)
            PersistedFace persistedFaceResult = null;

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(addFaceToPersonRequest.FaceCapture))
                persistedFaceResult = await _faceClient.PersonGroupPerson.AddFaceFromStreamAsync(addFaceToPersonRequest.GroupId.ToString(), addFaceToPersonRequest.PersonId, ms);

            return(new AddFaceToPersonResponse(persistedFaceResult));
        public static async Task CreateSampleProjectAsync(IFaceClient client, string url, string personGroupId)
            Dictionary <string, string[]> personDictionary =
                new Dictionary <string, string[]>
                { "Family1-Dad", new[] { "Family1-Dad1.jpg", "Family1-Dad2.jpg" } },
                { "Family1-Mom", new[] { "Family1-Mom1.jpg", "Family1-Mom2.jpg" } },
                { "Family1-Son", new[] { "Family1-Son1.jpg", "Family1-Son2.jpg" } },
                { "Family1-Daughter", new[] { "Family1-Daughter1.jpg", "Family1-Daughter2.jpg" } },
                { "Family2-Lady", new[] { "Family2-Lady1.jpg", "Family2-Lady2.jpg" } },
                { "Family2-Man", new[] { "Family2-Man1.jpg", "Family2-Man2.jpg" } }

            // string personGroupId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            //  sourcePersonGroup = personGroupId; // This is solely for the snapshot operations example
            Console.WriteLine($"Create a person group ({personGroupId}).");
            await client.PersonGroup.CreateAsync(personGroupId, personGroupId, recognitionModel : PersonGroupSample.RECOGNITION_MODEL1);

            // The similar faces will be grouped into a single person group person.
            foreach (var groupedFace in personDictionary.Keys)
                // Limit TPS
                await Task.Delay(250);

                Person person = await client.PersonGroupPerson.CreateAsync(personGroupId : personGroupId, name : groupedFace);

                Console.WriteLine($"Create a person group person '{groupedFace}'.");

                // Add face to the person group person.
                foreach (var similarImage in personDictionary[groupedFace])
                    Console.WriteLine($"Add face to the person group person({groupedFace}) from image `{similarImage}`");
                    PersistedFace face = await client.PersonGroupPerson.AddFaceFromUrlAsync(personGroupId, person.PersonId,
                                                                                            $"{url}{similarImage}", similarImage);
            Console.WriteLine($"Train person group {personGroupId}.");
            await client.PersonGroup.TrainAsync(personGroupId);

            // Wait until the training is completed.
            while (true)
                await Task.Delay(1000);

                var trainingStatus = await client.PersonGroup.GetTrainingStatusAsync(personGroupId);

                Console.WriteLine($"Training status: {trainingStatus.Status}.");
                if (trainingStatus.Status == TrainingStatusType.Succeeded)
        // Создает БД из фотографий, хранящихся на устройстве
        private static async Task IdentifyInPersonGroup(IFaceClient client, string url, string recognitionModel)
            Dictionary <string, string[]> personDictionary =
                new Dictionary <string, string[]>
                { "Ekaterina S.", new[] { "ES1.jpg", "ES2.jpg" } },
                { "Polina P.", new[] { "PP1.jpg", "PP2.jpg" } },
                { "Polina B.", new[] { "PB1.jpg", "PB2.jpg" } },

            Console.WriteLine($"Создание person group ({personGroupId}).");
            client.PersonGroup.CreateAsync(personGroupId, personGroupId, recognitionModel: recognitionModel).Wait();

            foreach (var groupedFace in personDictionary.Keys)
                // Limit TPS
                await Task.Delay(250);

                Person person = await client.PersonGroupPerson.CreateAsync(personGroupId : personGroupId, name : groupedFace);

                Console.WriteLine($"Create a person group person '{groupedFace}'.");

                // Добавление лица в person group person.
                foreach (var similarImage in personDictionary[groupedFace])
                    FileStream    stream = new FileStream(url + similarImage, FileMode.Open);
                    PersistedFace face   = await client.PersonGroupPerson.AddFaceFromStreamAsync(personGroupId, person.PersonId,
                                                                                                 stream, similarImage);

            // Тренировка person group
            await client.PersonGroup.TrainAsync(personGroupId);

            // Ожидание окончания тренировки
            while (true)
                await Task.Delay(1000);

                var trainingStatus = await client.PersonGroup.GetTrainingStatusAsync(personGroupId);

                if (trainingStatus.Status == TrainingStatusType.Succeeded)
        public async Task <IList <PersistedFace> > AddFacesToGroup(FaceProcess faces)
            IList <PersistedFace> persistedFaces = new List <PersistedFace>();

            Person person = await _faceClient.FaceClicent().PersonGroupPerson.CreateAsync(personGroupId: groupId, name: faces.Matric);

            foreach (var similarImage in faces.Images)
                using Stream fileStream = File.OpenRead(similarImage);
                PersistedFace face = await _faceClient.FaceClicent().PersonGroupPerson.AddFaceFromStreamAsync(groupId, person.PersonId,
                                                                                                              fileStream, similarImage);

        public static async Task AddGroup(IFaceClient client, List <string> urls, Person Personname, string personGroupId)
            await Task.Delay(250);

            foreach (var url in urls)
                // Limit TPS
                await Task.Delay(250);

                string userddata = url.Split('?')[0].Split('/')[4];

                PersistedFace face = await client.PersonGroupPerson.AddFaceFromUrlAsync(personGroupId, Personname.PersonId,
                                                                                        url, userddata);

                // Add face to the person group person.
        private async void OnDeleteFaceClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                foreach (var item in this.selectedPersonFacesGridView.SelectedItems.ToArray())
                    PersistedFace personFace = (PersistedFace)item;
                    await FaceServiceHelper.DeletePersonFaceAsync(this.CurrentPersonGroup.PersonGroupId, this.SelectedPerson.PersonId, personFace.PersistedFaceId);


                    this.needsTraining = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                await Util.GenericApiCallExceptionHandler(ex, "Failure deleting images");
        public async Task <string> FaceRegister(Guid personalId, string photo)
            //string filePath = "C:\\2.jpg";
            string base64 = photo.Substring(photo.IndexOf(',') + 1);

            byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(base64);
                using (Stream s = new MemoryStream(data))
                    PersistedFace persisted = await faceClient.PersonGroupPerson.AddFaceFromStreamAsync(
                        personalGroupId, personalId, s);

            }catch (Exception)
        public static async Task <GetRecognisedUserViewModel> IdentifyInPersonGroup(IFaceClient client, List <InPutDictlist> personDictionary, string url, string url2, string sourceImageFileName, string recognitionModel)
            GetRecognisedUserViewModel getRecognisedUserViewModel = new GetRecognisedUserViewModel();
            string OutPut = "Initializing..... \n Creating new Personal Model \n ";

            // Create a dictionary for all your images, grouping similar ones under the same key.

            // A group photo that includes some of the persons you seek to identify from your dictionary.
            // string sourceImageFileName = "identification1.jpg";
            // Create a person group.
            // Console.WriteLine($"Create a person group ({personGroupId}).");

            OutPut = OutPut + "person group identity: " + personGroupId + ". \n";
            await client.PersonGroup.CreateAsync(personGroupId, personGroupId, recognitionModel : recognitionModel);

            // The similar faces will be grouped into a single person group person.
            foreach (var groupedFace in personDictionary)
                // Limit TPS
                await Task.Delay(250);

                Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.Face.Models.Person person = await client.PersonGroupPerson.CreateAsync(personGroupId, groupedFace.Name);

                // Console.WriteLine($"Create a person group person '{groupedFace}'.");

                // Add face to the person group person.
                foreach (var similarImage in groupedFace.ImageName)
                    OutPut = OutPut + "Add face to the person group person( " + groupedFace + ") from image `" + similarImage + "` \n ";
                    string        urlzz = url + similarImage;
                    PersistedFace face  = await client.PersonGroupPerson.AddFaceFromUrlAsync(personGroupId, person.PersonId, urlzz, similarImage);
            // Start to train the person group.
            OutPut = OutPut + "\n \n Now training Person Group: " + personGroupId + "\n";
            await client.PersonGroup.TrainAsync(personGroupId);

            // Wait until the training is completed.
            while (true)
                await Task.Delay(1000);

                var trainingStatus = await client.PersonGroup.GetTrainingStatusAsync(personGroupId);

                OutPut = OutPut + "Training status: " + trainingStatus.Status + ". \n";
                if (trainingStatus.Status == TrainingStatusType.Succeeded)

            List <Guid> sourceFaceIds = new List <Guid>();
            // Detect faces from source image url.
            List <DetectedFace> detectedFaces = await DetectFaceRecognize(client, $"{url2}{sourceImageFileName}", recognitionModel);

            // Add detected faceId to sourceFaceIds.
            foreach (var detectedFace in detectedFaces)
            // Identify the faces in a person group.
            var identifyResults = await client.Face.IdentifyAsync(sourceFaceIds, personGroupId);

            double numberstream = 0.0;

            Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.Face.Models.Person outputperson = new Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.Face.Models.Person();

            foreach (var identifyResult in identifyResults)
                Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.Face.Models.Person person = await client.PersonGroupPerson.GetAsync(personGroupId, identifyResult.Candidates[0].PersonId);

                OutPut = OutPut + "Person: '" + person.Name + "' is identified for face in: " + sourceImageFileName + " - " + identifyResult.FaceId + " \n";
                List <Guid> gruildie = new List <Guid>();

                if (identifyResult.Candidates[0].Confidence > numberstream)
                    outputperson.Name             = person.Name;
                    outputperson.PersonId         = person.PersonId;
                    outputperson.PersistedFaceIds = gruildie;
                    getRecognisedUserViewModel.ConfidenceLevel = identifyResult.Candidates[0].Confidence;
            await DeletePersonGroup(client, personGroupId);

            OutPut = OutPut + "\n \n Person Id group deleted.";
            getRecognisedUserViewModel.Answers       = OutPut;
            getRecognisedUserViewModel.highestperson = outputperson;

            // At end, delete person groups in both regions (since testing only)

        public static async Task Run(string endpoint, string key)
            Console.WriteLine("Sample of finding similar faces in face list.");

            IFaceClient client = new FaceClient(new ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(key))
                Endpoint = endpoint

            const string  ImageUrlPrefix       = "";
            List <string> targetImageFileNames = new List <string>

            string sourceImageFileName = "findsimilar.jpg";

            // Create a face list.
            string faceListId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            Console.WriteLine($"Create FaceList {faceListId}.");
            await client.FaceList.CreateAsync(
                "face list for FindSimilar sample",
                "face list for FindSimilar sample");

            foreach (var targetImageFileName in targetImageFileNames)
                // Add face to face list.
                var faces = await client.FaceList.AddFaceFromUrlAsync(

                if (faces == null)
                    throw new Exception($"No face detected from image `{targetImageFileName}`.");

                Console.WriteLine($"Face from image {targetImageFileName} is successfully added to the face list.");

            // Get persisted faces from the face list.
            List <PersistedFace> persistedFaces = (await client.FaceList.GetAsync(faceListId)).PersistedFaces.ToList();

            if (persistedFaces.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception($"No persisted face in face list '{faceListId}'.");

            // Detect faces from source image url.
            IList <DetectedFace> detectedFaces = await Common.DetectFaces(

            // Find similar example of faceId to face list.
            var similarResults = await client.Face.FindSimilarAsync(detectedFaces[0].FaceId.Value, faceListId);

            foreach (var similarResult in similarResults)
                PersistedFace persistedFace =
                    persistedFaces.Find(face => face.PersistedFaceId == similarResult.PersistedFaceId);
                if (persistedFace == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Persisted face not found in similar result.");

                    $"Faces from {sourceImageFileName} & {persistedFace.UserData} are similar with confidence: {similarResult.Confidence}.");

            // Delete the face list.
            await client.FaceList.DeleteAsync(faceListId);

            Console.WriteLine($"Delete FaceList {faceListId}.");
        public static async Task Run(string endpoint, string key)
            Console.WriteLine("Sample of verify face to person group.");

            IFaceClient client = new FaceClient(new ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(key))
                Endpoint = endpoint
            string recognitionModel = RecognitionModel.Recognition02;
            string detectionModel   = DetectionModel.Detection02;

            const string  ImageUrlPrefix       = "";
            List <string> targetImageFileNames = new List <string> {
                "Family1-Dad1.jpg", "Family1-Dad2.jpg"
            string sourceImageFileName1 = "Family1-Dad3.jpg";

            // Create a person group.
            string personGroupId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            Console.WriteLine($"Create a person group ({personGroupId}).");
            await client.PersonGroup.CreateAsync(personGroupId, personGroupId, recognitionModel : recognitionModel);

            // Create a person group person.
            Person p = new Person {
                Name = "Dad", UserData = "Person for sample"

            Console.WriteLine($"Create a person group person '{p.Name}'.");
            p.PersonId = (await client.PersonGroupPerson.CreateAsync(personGroupId, p.Name)).PersonId;

            foreach (var targetImageFileName in targetImageFileNames)
                // Add face to the person group.
                Console.WriteLine($"Add face to the person group person({p.Name}) from image `{targetImageFileName}`.");
                PersistedFace faces = await client.PersonGroupPerson.AddFaceFromUrlAsync(
                    detectionModel : detectionModel);

                if (faces == null)
                    throw new Exception($"No persisted face from image `{targetImageFileName}`.");

            List <Guid> faceIds = new List <Guid>();

            // Add detected faceId to faceIds.
            List <DetectedFace> detectedFaces = await Common.DetectFaces(
                recognitionModel : recognitionModel,
                detectionModel : detectionModel);


            // Verification example for faces of the same person.
            VerifyResult verifyResult =
                await client.Face.VerifyFaceToPersonAsync(faceIds[0], p.PersonId, personGroupId);

                    ? $"Faces from {sourceImageFileName1} & {p.Name} are of the same (Positive) person, similarity confidence: {verifyResult.Confidence}."
                    : $"Faces from {sourceImageFileName1} & {p.Name} are of different (Negative) persons, similarity confidence: {verifyResult.Confidence}.");

            // Delete the person group.
            Console.WriteLine($"Delete the person group ({personGroupId}).");
            await client.PersonGroup.DeleteAsync(personGroupId);

        public AddFaceToPersonResponse(PersistedFace persistedFace)

            _persistedFace = persistedFace;
        public static async Task davesIdentifyInPersonGroup(IFaceClient client, string url, string rcgMdl)
            string        nl  = Environment.NewLine;
            StringBuilder sbd = new StringBuilder();
            //Download images from internet:
            string imgDir = Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetParent(
                                                                        Environment.CurrentDirectory).FullName).FullName).FullName + @"\identifyImages\";
            await client.PersonGroup.CreateAsync(personGroupId, personGroupId, recognitionModel : rcgMdl);

            Console.WriteLine("The PersistedFace GUIDs: ");
            foreach (string prsn in personDictionary.Keys)
                Person person = await client.PersonGroupPerson.CreateAsync(personGroupId : personGroupId, name : prsn);

                foreach (string pic in personDictionary[prsn])
                    StreamReader  srd = new StreamReader(imgDir + pic);
                    PersistedFace pfc = await client.PersonGroupPerson.AddFaceFromStreamAsync(
                        personGroupId, person.PersonId, srd.BaseStream, pic);

                    Console.WriteLine($"{pfc.PersistedFaceId} - {pic} ");
            await client.PersonGroup.TrainAsync(personGroupId);

            Console.WriteLine("Training Statuses:");
            while (true)
                await Task.Delay(50);

                var trSt = await client.PersonGroup.GetTrainingStatusAsync(personGroupId);

                Console.WriteLine("\t" + trSt.Status.ToString());
                if (trSt.Status == TrainingStatusType.Succeeded)
            List <Guid?>         guidsPplInFamilyPic = new List <Guid?>();
            StreamReader         strmFullFamily      = new StreamReader(imgDir + "identification1.jpg");
            IList <DetectedFace> idf = await client.Face.DetectWithStreamAsync(strmFullFamily.BaseStream, recognitionModel :
                                                                               RecognitionModel.Recognition03, detectionModel : DetectionModel.Detection02);

            List <DetectedFace> ldf = idf.ToList();
            int cntFace             = 0;

            Console.WriteLine($"The {ldf.Count} detected faces in the full family pic: ");
            foreach (DetectedFace dfc in ldf)
            IList <IdentifyResult> iir = await client.Face.IdentifyAsync(guidsPplInFamilyPic, personGroupId);

            foreach (IdentifyResult ir in iir)
                foreach (IdentifyCandidate icd in ir.Candidates.OrderByDescending(c => c.Confidence))
                    Person prsn = await client.PersonGroupPerson.GetAsync(personGroupId, icd.PersonId);

                    Console.Write($"\t\t{prsn.Name}: {icd.Confidence} {nl}");
        public static void UpdateFace(ObservableCollection <Models.Face> collections, string imagePath, PersistedFace face)
            var renderingImage = LoadImageAppliedOrientation(imagePath);

            collections.Add(new Models.Face()
                ImageFile = renderingImage,
                FaceId    = face.PersistedFaceId.ToString(),
         * Identify faces
         * To identify faces, you need to create and define a person group.
        public static async Task IdentifyInPersonGroup(IFaceClient client, string recognitionModel1)
            Console.WriteLine("========Sample of identifing faces in a person group========");

            // Create a dictionary for all your images, grouping similar ones under the same key.
            Dictionary <string, string[]> targetImageFileDictionary =
                new Dictionary <string, string[]>
                { "Family1-Dad", new[] { "Family1-Dad1.jpg", "Family1-Dad2.jpg" } },
                { "Family1-Mom", new[] { "Family1-Mom1.jpg", "Family1-Mom2.jpg" } },
                { "Family1-Son", new[] { "Family1-Son1.jpg", "Family1-Son2.jpg" } },
                { "Family1-Daughter", new[] { "Family1-Daughter1.jpg", "Family1-Daughter2.jpg" } },
                { "Family2-Lady", new[] { "Family2-Lady1.jpg", "Family2-Lady2.jpg" } },
                { "Family2-Man", new[] { "Family2-Man1.jpg", "Family2-Man2.jpg" } }
            // A group photo that includes some of the persons you seek to identify from your dictionary.
            string sourceImageFileName = "identification1.jpg";

            // Create a person group.
            string personGroupId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            sourcePersonGroup = personGroupId;
            Console.WriteLine($"Create a person group ({personGroupId}).");
            await client.PersonGroup.CreateAsync(personGroupId, personGroupId, recognitionModel : recognitionModel1);

            // The similar faces will be grouped into a single person group person.
            foreach (var targetImageFileDictionaryName in targetImageFileDictionary.Keys)
                // Create a person group person.
                Person person = new Person {
                    Name = targetImageFileDictionaryName, UserData = "Person for sample"
                // Limit TPS
                await Task.Delay(250);

                person.PersonId = (await client.PersonGroupPerson.CreateAsync(personGroupId, person.Name)).PersonId;
                Console.WriteLine($"Create a person group person '{person.Name}'.");

                // Add face to the person group person.
                foreach (var targetImageFileName in targetImageFileDictionary[targetImageFileDictionaryName])
                    Console.WriteLine($"Add face to the person group person({targetImageFileDictionaryName}) from image `{targetImageFileName}`.");
                    PersistedFace face = await client.PersonGroupPerson.AddFaceFromUrlAsync(personGroupId, person.PersonId,
                                                                                            $"{IMAGE_BASE_URL}{targetImageFileName}", targetImageFileName);

            // Start to train the person group.
            Console.WriteLine($"Train person group {personGroupId}.");
            await client.PersonGroup.TrainAsync(personGroupId);

            // Wait until the training is completed.
            while (true)
                await Task.Delay(1000);

                var trainingStatus = await client.PersonGroup.GetTrainingStatusAsync(personGroupId);

                Console.WriteLine($"Training status: {trainingStatus.Status}.");
                if (trainingStatus.Status == TrainingStatusType.Succeeded)
            List <Guid> sourceFaceIds = new List <Guid>();
            // Detect faces from source image url.
            List <DetectedFace> detectedFaces = await DetectFaceRecognize(client, $"{IMAGE_BASE_URL}{sourceImageFileName}", recognitionModel1);

            // Add detected faceId to sourceFaceIds.
            foreach (var detectedFace in detectedFaces)

            // Identify the faces in a person group.
            var identifyResults = await client.Face.IdentifyAsync(sourceFaceIds, personGroupId);

            foreach (var identifyResult in identifyResults)
                Person person = await client.PersonGroupPerson.GetAsync(personGroupId, identifyResult.Candidates[0].PersonId);

                Console.WriteLine($"Person '{person.Name}' is identified for face in: {sourceImageFileName} - {identifyResult.FaceId}," +
                                  $" confidence: {identifyResult.Candidates[0].Confidence}.");
        public static async Task UpdatePersonGroupsWithNewRecModelAsync(PersonGroup oldPersonGroup, string userDataFilder, IProgress <FaceIdentificationModelUpdateStatus> progress = null)
                bool allPeopleHaveAtLeastOneFaceMigrated = true;

                // just make sure the person group use previous recognition model
                bool isOldPersonGroup = oldPersonGroup?.RecognitionModel != null && !oldPersonGroup.RecognitionModel.Equals(LatestRecognitionModelName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                // get persons
                IList <Person> personsInGroup = isOldPersonGroup ? await GetPersonsAsync(oldPersonGroup.PersonGroupId) : new List <Person>();

                if (personsInGroup.Any())
                    // create new person group
                    string newPersonGroupId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    await CreatePersonGroupAsync(newPersonGroupId, oldPersonGroup.Name, userDataFilder);

                    // create new persons
                    var newPersonList = new List <Tuple <Person, Person> >();
                    foreach (Person oldPerson in personsInGroup)
                        Person newPerson = await CreatePersonAsync(newPersonGroupId, oldPerson.Name);

                        newPersonList.Add(new Tuple <Person, Person>(oldPerson, newPerson));

                    // add face images
                    foreach (var(personItem, index) in newPersonList.Select((v, i) => (v, i)))
                        Person oldPerson = personItem.Item1;
                        Person newPerson = personItem.Item2;

                        // get face images from the old model
                        var personFaces = new List <PersistedFace>();
                        foreach (Guid face in oldPerson.PersistedFaceIds)
                            PersistedFace personFace = await GetPersonFaceAsync(oldPersonGroup.PersonGroupId, oldPerson.PersonId, face);


                        bool addedAtLeastOneFaceImageForPerson = false;
                        // add face images to the new model
                        foreach (PersistedFace persistedFace in personFaces)
                                bool isUri = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(persistedFace.UserData) ? Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(persistedFace.UserData, UriKind.Absolute) : false;
                                if (isUri)
                                    await AddPersonFaceFromUrlAsync(newPersonGroupId, newPerson.PersonId, imageUrl : persistedFace.UserData, userData : persistedFace.UserData, targetFaceRect : null);
                                    StorageFile localImage = await StorageFile.GetFileFromPathAsync(persistedFace.UserData);
                                    await AddPersonFaceFromStreamAsync(newPersonGroupId, newPerson.PersonId, imageStreamCallback : localImage.OpenStreamForReadAsync, userData : localImage.Path, targetFaceRect : null);

                                addedAtLeastOneFaceImageForPerson = true;
                            catch { /* Ignore the error and continue. Other images might work */ }

                        if (!addedAtLeastOneFaceImageForPerson)
                            allPeopleHaveAtLeastOneFaceMigrated = false;

                        progress?.Report(new FaceIdentificationModelUpdateStatus {
                            State = FaceIdentificationModelUpdateState.Running, Count = index + 1, Total = personsInGroup.Count

                    // delete old person group
                    await DeletePersonGroupAsync(oldPersonGroup.PersonGroupId);

                    // train new person group
                    await TrainPersonGroupAsync(newPersonGroupId);

                progress?.Report(new FaceIdentificationModelUpdateStatus {
                    State = allPeopleHaveAtLeastOneFaceMigrated ? FaceIdentificationModelUpdateState.Complete : FaceIdentificationModelUpdateState.CompletedWithSomeEmptyPeople
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorTrackingHelper.TrackException(ex, "Face API: Update PersonGroup using new recognition model error");
                progress?.Report(new FaceIdentificationModelUpdateStatus {
                    State = FaceIdentificationModelUpdateState.Error
        public static async Task Run(string endpoint, string key)
            Console.WriteLine("Sample of finding similar faces in large face list.");

            IFaceClient client = new FaceClient(new ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(key))
                Endpoint = endpoint
            string recognitionModel = RecognitionModel.Recognition02;

            const string  ImageUrlPrefix       = "";
            List <string> targetImageFileNames = new List <string>

            string sourceImageFileName = "findsimilar.jpg";

            // Create a large face list.
            string largeFaceListId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            Console.WriteLine($"Create large face list {largeFaceListId}.");
            await client.LargeFaceList.CreateAsync(
                "large face list for FindSimilar sample",
                "large face list for FindSimilar sample",
                recognitionModel : recognitionModel);

            foreach (var targetImageFileName in targetImageFileNames)
                // Add face to the large face list.
                var faces = await client.LargeFaceList.AddFaceFromUrlAsync(

                if (faces == null)
                    throw new Exception($"No face detected from image `{targetImageFileName}`.");

                    $"Face from image {targetImageFileName} is successfully added to the large face list.");

            // Start to train the large face list.
            Console.WriteLine($"Train large face list {largeFaceListId}.");
            await client.LargeFaceList.TrainAsync(largeFaceListId);

            // Wait until the training is completed.
            while (true)
                await Task.Delay(1000);

                var trainingStatus = await client.LargeFaceList.GetTrainingStatusAsync(largeFaceListId);

                Console.WriteLine($"Training status is {trainingStatus.Status}.");
                if (trainingStatus.Status != TrainingStatusType.Running)
                    if (trainingStatus.Status == TrainingStatusType.Failed)
                        throw new Exception($"Training failed with message {trainingStatus.Message}.");


            // Get persisted faces from the large face list.
            List <PersistedFace> persistedFaces = (await client.LargeFaceList.ListFacesAsync(largeFaceListId)).ToList();

            if (persistedFaces.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception($"No persisted face in large face list '{largeFaceListId}'.");

            // Detect faces from source image url.
            IList <DetectedFace> detectedFaces = await Common.DetectFaces(
                recognitionModel : recognitionModel);

            // Find similar example of faceId to large face list.
            var similarResults = await client.Face.FindSimilarAsync(

            foreach (var similarResult in similarResults)
                PersistedFace persistedFace =
                    persistedFaces.Find(face => face.PersistedFaceId == similarResult.PersistedFaceId);
                if (persistedFace == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Persisted face not found in similar result.");

                    $"Faces from {sourceImageFileName} & {persistedFace.UserData} are similar with confidence: {similarResult.Confidence}.");

            // Delete the large face list.
            await client.LargeFaceList.DeleteAsync(largeFaceListId);

            Console.WriteLine($"Delete LargeFaceList {largeFaceListId}.");
         * END - VERIFY

         * To identify faces, you need to create and define a person group.
         * The Identify operation takes one or several face IDs from DetectedFace or PersistedFace and a PersonGroup and returns
         * a list of Person objects that each face might belong to. Returned Person objects are wrapped as Candidate objects,
         * which have a prediction confidence value.
        // <snippet_persongroup_files>
        public static async Task IdentifyInPersonGroup(IFaceClient client, string url, string recognitionModel)
            Console.WriteLine("========IDENTIFY FACES========");

            // Create a dictionary for all your images, grouping similar ones under the same key.
            Dictionary <string, string[]> personDictionary =
                new Dictionary <string, string[]>
                { "Family1-Dad", new[] { "Family1-Dad1.jpg", "Family1-Dad2.jpg" } },
                { "Family1-Mom", new[] { "Family1-Mom1.jpg", "Family1-Mom2.jpg" } },
                { "Family1-Son", new[] { "Family1-Son1.jpg", "Family1-Son2.jpg" } },
                { "Family1-Daughter", new[] { "Family1-Daughter1.jpg", "Family1-Daughter2.jpg" } },
                { "Family2-Lady", new[] { "Family2-Lady1.jpg", "Family2-Lady2.jpg" } },
                { "Family2-Man", new[] { "Family2-Man1.jpg", "Family2-Man2.jpg" } }
            // A group photo that includes some of the persons you seek to identify from your dictionary.
            string sourceImageFileName = "identification1.jpg";

            // </snippet_persongroup_files>

            // <snippet_persongroup_create>
            // Create a person group.
            Console.WriteLine($"Create a person group ({personGroupId}).");
            await client.PersonGroup.CreateAsync(personGroupId, personGroupId, recognitionModel : recognitionModel);

            // The similar faces will be grouped into a single person group person.
            foreach (var groupedFace in personDictionary.Keys)
                // Limit TPS
                await Task.Delay(250);

                Person person = await client.PersonGroupPerson.CreateAsync(personGroupId : personGroupId, name : groupedFace);

                Console.WriteLine($"Create a person group person '{groupedFace}'.");

                // Add face to the person group person.
                foreach (var similarImage in personDictionary[groupedFace])
                    Console.WriteLine($"Add face to the person group person({groupedFace}) from image `{similarImage}`");
                    PersistedFace face = await client.PersonGroupPerson.AddFaceFromUrlAsync(personGroupId, person.PersonId,
                                                                                            $"{url}{similarImage}", similarImage);
            // </snippet_persongroup_create>

            // <snippet_persongroup_train>
            // Start to train the person group.
            Console.WriteLine($"Train person group {personGroupId}.");
            await client.PersonGroup.TrainAsync(personGroupId);

            // Wait until the training is completed.
            while (true)
                await Task.Delay(1000);

                var trainingStatus = await client.PersonGroup.GetTrainingStatusAsync(personGroupId);

                Console.WriteLine($"Training status: {trainingStatus.Status}.");
                if (trainingStatus.Status == TrainingStatusType.Succeeded)

            // </snippet_persongroup_train>
            // <snippet_identify_sources>
            List <Guid?> sourceFaceIds = new List <Guid?>();
            // Detect faces from source image url.
            List <DetectedFace> detectedFaces = await DetectFaceRecognize(client, $"{url}{sourceImageFileName}", recognitionModel);

            // Add detected faceId to sourceFaceIds.
            foreach (var detectedFace in detectedFaces)
            // </snippet_identify_sources>

            // <snippet_identify>
            // Identify the faces in a person group.
            var identifyResults = await client.Face.IdentifyAsync(sourceFaceIds, personGroupId);

            foreach (var identifyResult in identifyResults)
                Person person = await client.PersonGroupPerson.GetAsync(personGroupId, identifyResult.Candidates[0].PersonId);

                Console.WriteLine($"Person '{person.Name}' is identified for face in: {sourceImageFileName} - {identifyResult.FaceId}," +
                                  $" confidence: {identifyResult.Candidates[0].Confidence}.");
        public async Task Register()
            IsRegistrationEnabled = false;
                IEnumerable <PersonGroup> PersonGroups = null;
                int i = 3; //retry count

                // 1. Select group
                // If the group is full, another one needs to added manually with alphabetically preceeding name
                    PersonGroups = await FaceServiceHelper.ListPersonGroupsAsync(SettingsHelper.Instance.WorkspaceKey);

                    if (PersonGroups.Count() > 0)
                        CurrentPersonGroup = PersonGroups.OrderBy(pg => pg.Name).First();
                    // Do not forget to create a persons group if there is not one
                        await FaceServiceHelper.CreatePersonGroupAsync(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "DefaultGroup", SettingsHelper.Instance.WorkspaceKey);

                } while (PersonGroups.Count() < 1 && i >= 0);

                // 2. Create a person in that group
                CurrentPerson = await FaceServiceHelper.CreatePersonAsync(this.CurrentPersonGroup.PersonGroupId, FullName);

                // 3. Add face to that person
                CurrentFace = await FaceServiceHelper.AddPersonFaceFromStreamAsync(
                    imageStreamCallback : customerFace.GetImageStreamCallback,
                    userData : customerFace.LocalImagePath,
                    targetFaceRect : null);

                // 4. Train model
                await FaceServiceHelper.TrainPersonGroupAsync(CurrentPersonGroup.PersonGroupId);

                bool trainingSucceeded = false;
                bool recordAdded       = false;

                while (true)
                    TrainingStatus trainingStatus = await FaceServiceHelper.GetPersonGroupTrainingStatusAsync(CurrentPersonGroup.PersonGroupId);

                    if (trainingStatus.Status == TrainingStatusType.Succeeded)
                        trainingSucceeded = true;
                    else if (trainingStatus.Status == TrainingStatusType.Failed)

                    await Task.Delay(100);

                // 5. Add record to the database
                if (trainingSucceeded)
                    customerInfo = new CustomerRegistrationInfo
                        CustomerFaceHash = CurrentPerson.PersonId.ToString(),
                        CustomerName     = FullName,
                        RegistrationDate = DateTime.Now

                    recordAdded = IgniteDataAccess.CreateCustomerRecord(customerInfo.CustomerFaceHash, customerInfo.CustomerName);

                // 6. Update status
                if (trainingSucceeded && recordAdded)
                    StatusText      = "Success!";
                    StatusTextColor = Util.ToBrush("green");
                    customerInfo          = null;
                    IsRegistrationEnabled = true;
                    StatusText            = "Please try again later";
                    StatusTextColor       = Util.ToBrush("red");
                    ResumeCamera?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
            catch (Exception)
                customerInfo          = null;
                IsRegistrationEnabled = true;
                StatusText            = "Please try again";
                StatusTextColor       = Util.ToBrush("red");
                ResumeCamera?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

         * The example will create a large person group, retrieve information from it,
         * list the Person IDs it contains, and finally delete a large person group.
         * For simplicity, the same images are used for the regular-sized person group in IDENTIFY FACES of this quickstart.
         * A large person group is made up of person group persons.
         * One person group person is made up of many similar images of that person, which are each PersistedFace objects.
        public static async Task LargePersonGroup(IFaceClient client, string url, string recognitionModel)
            Console.WriteLine("========LARGE PERSON GROUP========");

            // Create a dictionary for all your images, grouping similar ones under the same key.
            Dictionary <string, string[]> personDictionary =
                new Dictionary <string, string[]>
                { "Family1-Dad", new[] { "Family1-Dad1.jpg", "Family1-Dad2.jpg" } },
                { "Family1-Mom", new[] { "Family1-Mom1.jpg", "Family1-Mom2.jpg" } },
                { "Family1-Son", new[] { "Family1-Son1.jpg", "Family1-Son2.jpg" } },
                { "Family1-Daughter", new[] { "Family1-Daughter1.jpg", "Family1-Daughter2.jpg" } },
                { "Family2-Lady", new[] { "Family2-Lady1.jpg", "Family2-Lady2.jpg" } },
                { "Family2-Man", new[] { "Family2-Man1.jpg", "Family2-Man2.jpg" } }

            // Create a large person group ID.
            string largePersonGroupId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            Console.WriteLine($"Create a large person group ({largePersonGroupId}).");

            // Create the large person group
            await client.LargePersonGroup.CreateAsync(largePersonGroupId : largePersonGroupId, name : largePersonGroupId, recognitionModel);

            // Create Person objects from images in our dictionary
            // We'll store their IDs in the process
            List <Guid> personIds = new List <Guid>();

            foreach (var groupedFace in personDictionary.Keys)
                // Limit TPS
                await Task.Delay(250);

                Person personLarge = await client.LargePersonGroupPerson.CreateAsync(largePersonGroupId, groupedFace);

                Console.WriteLine($"Create a large person group person '{groupedFace}' ({personLarge.PersonId}).");

                // Store these IDs for later retrieval

                // Add face to the large person group person.
                foreach (var image in personDictionary[groupedFace])
                    Console.WriteLine($"Add face to the person group person '{groupedFace}' from image `{image}`");
                    PersistedFace face = await client.LargePersonGroupPerson.AddFaceFromUrlAsync(largePersonGroupId, personLarge.PersonId,
                                                                                                 $"{url}{image}", image);

            // Start to train the large person group.
            Console.WriteLine($"Train large person group {largePersonGroupId}.");
            await client.LargePersonGroup.TrainAsync(largePersonGroupId);

            // Wait until the training is completed.
            while (true)
                await Task.Delay(1000);

                var trainingStatus = await client.LargePersonGroup.GetTrainingStatusAsync(largePersonGroupId);

                Console.WriteLine($"Training status: {trainingStatus.Status}.");
                if (trainingStatus.Status == TrainingStatusType.Succeeded)

            // Now that we have created and trained a large person group, we can retrieve data from it.
            // Get list of persons and retrieve data, starting at the first Person ID in previously saved list.
            IList <Person> persons = await client.LargePersonGroupPerson.ListAsync(largePersonGroupId, start : "");

            Console.WriteLine($"Persisted Face IDs (from {persons.Count} large person group persons): ");
            foreach (Person person in persons)
                foreach (Guid pFaceId in person.PersistedFaceIds)
                    Console.WriteLine($"The person '{person.Name}' has an image with ID: {pFaceId}");

            // After testing, delete the large person group, PersonGroupPersons also get deleted.
            await client.LargePersonGroup.DeleteAsync(largePersonGroupId);

            Console.WriteLine($"Deleted the large person group {largePersonGroupId}.");
        private static async Task <SimilarFace> FindSimilarOrInsertAsync(string imageUrl, Func <Task <Stream> > imageStreamCallback, Guid faceId, DetectedFace face)
            if (faceLists == null)
                await Initialize();

            Tuple <SimilarFace, string> bestMatch = null;

            bool foundMatch = false;

            foreach (var faceListId in faceLists.Keys)
                    SimilarFace similarFace = (await FaceServiceHelper.FindSimilarAsync(faceId, faceListId))?.FirstOrDefault();
                    if (similarFace == null)

                    foundMatch = true;

                    if (bestMatch != null)
                        // We already found a match for this face in another list. Replace the previous one if the new confidence is higher.
                        if (bestMatch.Item1.Confidence < similarFace.Confidence)
                            bestMatch = new Tuple <SimilarFace, string>(similarFace, faceListId);
                        bestMatch = new Tuple <SimilarFace, string>(similarFace, faceListId);
                catch (Exception e)
                    // Catch errors with individual face lists so we can continue looping through all lists. Maybe an answer will come from
                    // another one.
                    ErrorTrackingHelper.TrackException(e, "Face API FindSimilarAsync error");

            if (!foundMatch)
                // If we are here we didnt' find a match, so let's add the face to the first FaceList that we can add it to. We
                // might create a new list if none exist, and if all lists are full we will delete the oldest face list (based on when we
                // last match anything on) so that we can add the new one.

                double maxAngle = 30;
                if (face.FaceAttributes.HeadPose != null &&
                    (Math.Abs(face.FaceAttributes.HeadPose.Yaw) > maxAngle ||
                     Math.Abs(face.FaceAttributes.HeadPose.Pitch) > maxAngle ||
                     Math.Abs(face.FaceAttributes.HeadPose.Roll) > maxAngle))
                    // This isn't a good frontal shot, so let's not use it as the primary example face for this person

                if (!faceLists.Any())
                    // We don't have any FaceLists yet. Create one
                    string newFaceListId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    await FaceServiceHelper.CreateFaceListAsync(newFaceListId, "ManagedFaceList", FaceListsUserDataFilter);

                    faceLists.Add(newFaceListId, new FaceListInfo {
                        FaceListId = newFaceListId, LastMatchTimestamp = DateTime.Now

                PersistedFace addResult = null;
                bool          failedToAddToNonFullList = false;
                foreach (var faceList in faceLists)
                    if (faceList.Value.IsFull)

                        if (imageUrl != null)
                            addResult = await FaceServiceHelper.AddFaceToFaceListFromUrlAsync(faceList.Key, imageUrl, face.FaceRectangle);
                            addResult = await FaceServiceHelper.AddFaceToFaceListFromStreamAsync(faceList.Key, imageStreamCallback, face.FaceRectangle);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (ex is APIErrorException && ((APIErrorException)ex).Response.StatusCode == (System.Net.HttpStatusCode) 403)
                            // FaceList is full. Continue so we can try again with the next FaceList
                            faceList.Value.IsFull = true;
                            failedToAddToNonFullList = true;

                if (addResult == null && !failedToAddToNonFullList)
                    // We were not able to add the face to an existing list because they were all full.

                    // If possible, let's create a new list now and add the new face to it. If we can't (e.g. we already maxed out on list count),
                    // let's delete an old list, create a new one and add the new face to it.

                    if (faceLists.Count == MaxFaceListCount)
                        // delete oldest face list
                        var oldestFaceList = faceLists.OrderBy(fl => fl.Value.LastMatchTimestamp).FirstOrDefault();
                        await FaceServiceHelper.DeleteFaceListAsync(oldestFaceList.Key);

                    // create new list
                    string newFaceListId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    await FaceServiceHelper.CreateFaceListAsync(newFaceListId, "ManagedFaceList", FaceListsUserDataFilter);

                    faceLists.Add(newFaceListId, new FaceListInfo {
                        FaceListId = newFaceListId, LastMatchTimestamp = DateTime.Now

                    // Add face to new list
                    if (imageUrl != null)
                        addResult = await FaceServiceHelper.AddFaceToFaceListFromUrlAsync(newFaceListId, imageUrl, face.FaceRectangle);
                        addResult = await FaceServiceHelper.AddFaceToFaceListFromStreamAsync(newFaceListId, imageStreamCallback, face.FaceRectangle);

                if (addResult != null)
                    bestMatch = new Tuple <SimilarFace, string>(new SimilarFace {
                        Confidence = 1, PersistedFaceId = addResult.PersistedFaceId
                    }, null);

         * To identify faces, you need to create and define a person group.
         * The Identify operation takes one or several face IDs from DetectedFace or PersistedFace and a PersonGroup and returns
         * a list of Person objects that each face might belong to. Returned Person objects are wrapped as Candidate objects,
         * which have a prediction confidence value.
        // <snippet_persongroup_files>
        public static async Task IdentifyInPersonGroup(IFaceClient client, string url, string recognitionModel)
            Console.WriteLine("========IDENTIFY FACES========");

            // Create a dictionary for all your images, grouping similar ones under the same key.
            Dictionary <string, string[]> personDictionary =
                new Dictionary <string, string[]>
                { "Family1-Dad", new[] { "Family1-Dad1.jpg", "Family1-Dad2.jpg" } },
                { "Family1-Mom", new[] { "Family1-Mom1.jpg", "Family1-Mom2.jpg" } },
                { "Family1-Son", new[] { "Family1-Son1.jpg", "Family1-Son2.jpg" } },
                { "Family1-Daughter", new[] { "Family1-Daughter1.jpg", "Family1-Daughter2.jpg" } },
                { "Family2-Lady", new[] { "Family2-Lady1.jpg", "Family2-Lady2.jpg" } },
                { "Family2-Man", new[] { "Family2-Man1.jpg", "Family2-Man2.jpg" } }
            // A group photo that includes some of the persons you seek to identify from your dictionary.
            string sourceImageFileName = "identification1.jpg";

            // </snippet_persongroup_files>

            // <snippet_persongroup_create>
            // Create a person group.
            Console.WriteLine($"Create a person group ({personGroupId}).");
            await client.PersonGroup.CreateAsync(personGroupId, personGroupId, recognitionModel : recognitionModel);

            // The similar faces will be grouped into a single person group person.
            foreach (var groupedFace in personDictionary.Keys)
                // Limit TPS
                await Task.Delay(250);

                Person person = await client.PersonGroupPerson.CreateAsync(personGroupId : personGroupId, name : groupedFace);

                Console.WriteLine($"Create a person group person '{groupedFace}'.");

                // Add face to the person group person.
                foreach (var similarImage in personDictionary[groupedFace])
                    Console.WriteLine($"Check whether image is of sufficient quality for recognition");
                    IList <DetectedFace> detectedFaces1 = await client.Face.DetectWithUrlAsync($"{url}{similarImage}",
                                                                                               recognitionModel : recognitionModel,
                                                                                               detectionModel : DetectionModel.Detection03,
                                                                                               returnFaceAttributes : new List <FaceAttributeType> {

                    bool sufficientQuality = true;
                    foreach (var face1 in detectedFaces1)
                        var faceQualityForRecognition = face1.FaceAttributes.QualityForRecognition;
                        //  Only "high" quality images are recommended for person enrollment
                        if (faceQualityForRecognition.HasValue && (faceQualityForRecognition.Value != QualityForRecognition.High))
                            sufficientQuality = false;

                    if (!sufficientQuality)

                    Console.WriteLine($"Add face to the person group person({groupedFace}) from image `{similarImage}`");
                    PersistedFace face = await client.PersonGroupPerson.AddFaceFromUrlAsync(personGroupId, person.PersonId,
                                                                                            $"{url}{similarImage}", similarImage);

            // Start to train the person group.
            Console.WriteLine($"Train person group {personGroupId}.");
            await client.PersonGroup.TrainAsync(personGroupId);

            // Wait until the training is completed.
            while (true)
                await Task.Delay(1000);

                var trainingStatus = await client.PersonGroup.GetTrainingStatusAsync(personGroupId);

                Console.WriteLine($"Training status: {trainingStatus.Status}.");
                if (trainingStatus.Status == TrainingStatusType.Succeeded)

            List <Guid> sourceFaceIds = new List <Guid>();
            // Detect faces from source image url.
            List <DetectedFace> detectedFaces = await DetectFaceRecognize(client, $"{url}{sourceImageFileName}", recognitionModel);

            // Add detected faceId to sourceFaceIds.
            foreach (var detectedFace in detectedFaces)

            // Identify the faces in a person group.
            var identifyResults = await client.Face.IdentifyAsync(sourceFaceIds, personGroupId);

            foreach (var identifyResult in identifyResults)
                if (identifyResult.Candidates.Count == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine($"No person is identified for the face in: {sourceImageFileName} - {identifyResult.FaceId},");
                Person person = await client.PersonGroupPerson.GetAsync(personGroupId, identifyResult.Candidates[0].PersonId);

                Console.WriteLine($"Person '{person.Name}' is identified for the face in: {sourceImageFileName} - {identifyResult.FaceId}," +
                                  $" confidence: {identifyResult.Candidates[0].Confidence}.");
        public static async Task Run(string endpoint, string key)
            Console.WriteLine("Sample of identify faces in large person group.");

            IFaceClient client = new FaceClient(new ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(key))
                Endpoint = endpoint
            string recognitionModel = RecognitionModel.Recognition02;

            const string ImageUrlPrefix = "";
            Dictionary <string, string[]> targetImageFileDictionary =
                new Dictionary <string, string[]>
                    "Family1-Dad", new[] { "Family1-Dad1.jpg", "Family1-Dad2.jpg" }
                    "Family1-Mom", new[] { "Family1-Mom1.jpg", "Family1-Mom2.jpg" }
                    "Family1-Son", new[] { "Family1-Son1.jpg", "Family1-Son2.jpg" }
                    new[] { "Family1-Daughter1.jpg", "Family1-Daughter2.jpg" }
                    new[] { "Family2-Lady1.jpg", "Family2-Lady2.jpg" }
                { "Family2-Man", new[] { "Family2-Man1.jpg", "Family2-Man2.jpg" } }
            string sourceImageFileName = "identification1.jpg";

            // Create a large person group.
            string largePersonGroupId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            Console.WriteLine($"Create a large person group ({largePersonGroupId}).");
            await client.LargePersonGroup.CreateAsync(largePersonGroupId, largePersonGroupId, recognitionModel : recognitionModel);

            foreach (var targetImageFileDictionaryName in targetImageFileDictionary.Keys)
                // Create a large person group person.
                Person person = new Person {
                    Name = targetImageFileDictionaryName, UserData = "Person for sample"
                person.PersonId = (await client.LargePersonGroupPerson.CreateAsync(largePersonGroupId, person.Name))
                Console.WriteLine($"Create a large person group person '{person.Name}'.");

                foreach (var targetImageFileName in targetImageFileDictionary[targetImageFileDictionaryName])
                    // Add face to the large person group person.
                        $"Add face to the large person group person({targetImageFileDictionaryName}) from image `{targetImageFileName}`.");
                    PersistedFace face = await client.LargePersonGroupPerson.AddFaceFromUrlAsync(

                    if (face == null)
                        throw new Exception($"No persisted face from image `{targetImageFileName}`.");

            // Start to train the large person group.
            Console.WriteLine($"Train large person group {largePersonGroupId}.");
            await client.LargePersonGroup.TrainAsync(largePersonGroupId);

            // Wait until the training is completed.
            while (true)
                await Task.Delay(1000);

                var trainingStatus = await client.LargePersonGroup.GetTrainingStatusAsync(largePersonGroupId);

                Console.WriteLine($"Training status is {trainingStatus.Status}.");
                if (trainingStatus.Status != TrainingStatusType.Running)
                    if (trainingStatus.Status == TrainingStatusType.Failed)
                        throw new Exception($"Training failed with message {trainingStatus.Message}.");


            List <Guid> sourceFaceIds = new List <Guid>();

            // Detect faces from source image url.
            List <DetectedFace> detectedFaces = await Common.DetectFaces(
                recognitionModel : recognitionModel);

            // Add detected faceIds to sourceFaceIds.
            foreach (var detectedFace in detectedFaces)

            // Identify example of identifying faces towards large person group.
            var identifyResults = await client.Face.IdentifyAsync(sourceFaceIds, null, largePersonGroupId);

            if (identifyResults == null)
                    $"No person identified in the large person group for faces from the {sourceImageFileName}.");

            foreach (var identifyResult in identifyResults)
                Person person = await client.LargePersonGroupPerson.GetAsync(

                    $"Person '{person.Name}' is identified for face: {sourceImageFileName} - {identifyResult.FaceId}, confidence: {identifyResult.Candidates[0].Confidence}.");

            // Delete the person group.
            await client.LargePersonGroup.DeleteAsync(largePersonGroupId);

            Console.WriteLine($"Delete the large person group {largePersonGroupId}.");