         * public static void SetupSimpleCircuitEvaluation(Quorum quorum)
         * {
         *  int n = quorum.Size;
         *  var polyDeg = (int)Math.Ceiling(n / 3.0) - 1;
         *  Debug.Assert((n & (n - 1)) == 0); // is power of 2
         *  network = new LPSortingNetwork(n);
         *  IList<BigZp>[] shares = new IList<BigZp>[n];
         *  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         *      shares[i] = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 500 - 2*i), n, polyDeg);
         *  foreach (var id in quorum.Members)
         *  {
         *      Dictionary<InputGateAddress, Share<BigZp>> inShares = new Dictionary<InputGateAddress, Share<BigZp>>();
         *      int i = 0;
         *      foreach (var inAddr in network.Circuit.InputAddrs)
         *      {
         *          inShares[inAddr] = new Share<BigZp>(shares[i][id]);
         *          i++;
         *      }
         *      TestParty<IDictionary<OutputGateAddress, Share<BigZp>>> party = new TestParty<IDictionary<OutputGateAddress, Share<BigZp>>>();
         *      party.UnderTest = new SecureGroupCircuitEvaluation(party, quorum.Clone() as Quorum, network.Circuit, inShares);
         *      NetSimulator.RegisterParty(party);
         *  }
         * }
        public static void SetupMultiQuorumCircuitEvaluation(Quorum bigQuorum)
            int n = bigQuorum.Size;

            int qSize = n / 2;

            var polyDeg = (int)Math.Ceiling(qSize / 3.0) - 1;

            var quorums = new List <Quorum>();

            quorums.Add(new Quorum(0, 0, qSize));
            quorums.Add(new Quorum(1, qSize, 2 * qSize));

            Debug.Assert((n & (n - 1)) == 0); // is power of 2

            network = new LPSortingNetwork(n);
            //network = SortingNetworkFactory.CreateButterflyTournamentRound(n);


            IList <BigZp>[] shares = new IList <BigZp> [n];

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                shares[i] = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 500 - 2 * i), qSize, polyDeg);

            Dictionary <Gate, Quorum> gqmapping = new Dictionary <Gate, Quorum>();

            for (int i = 0; i < network.Circuit.TopologicalOrder.Count; i++)
                gqmapping[network.Circuit.TopologicalOrder[i]] = quorums[i];

            foreach (var id in bigQuorum.Members)
                Dictionary <InputGateAddress, Share <BigZp> > inShares = new Dictionary <InputGateAddress, Share <BigZp> >();

                int i = 0;
                foreach (var inAddr in network.Circuit.InputAddrs)
                    inShares[inAddr] = new Share <BigZp>(shares[i][id % 4]);

                TestParty <IDictionary <OutputGateAddress, Share <BigZp> > > party = new TestParty <IDictionary <OutputGateAddress, Share <BigZp> > >();
                Quorum[] quorumsClone = quorums.Select(a => a.Clone() as Quorum).ToArray();

                party.UnderTest =
                    new SecureMultiQuorumCircuitEvaluation <Share <BigZp> >(party, quorumsClone[id / qSize], quorumsClone,
                                                                            ProtocolIdGenerator.GenericIdentifier(0), network.Circuit, inShares, new BigZpShareGateEvaluationFactory(prime), gqmapping, prime);

        public MultiPartyShufflingProtocol(Party me, SortedSet <int> members, ulong protocolId, BigZp secret, BigInteger prime)
            : base(me, members, protocolId)
            Prime  = prime;
            Secret = secret;

            SortValue = new BigZp(prime, me.SafeRandGen.Next(prime));

            GateProtocolEvaluationFactory = new TaggedBigZpShareGateEvaluationFactory(Prime);

            SortNetwork = new LPSortingNetwork(members.Count);
        public MultiPartySortingProtocol(Party me, SortedSet <int> members, ulong protocolId, BigZp secret, BigInteger prime)
            : base(me, members, protocolId)
            Prime  = prime;
            Secret = secret;

            GateProtocolEvaluationFactory = new BigZpShareGateEvaluationFactory(prime);

            SortNetwork = new LPSortingNetwork(members.Count);

             * SortNetwork = SortingNetworkFactory.CreateButterflyTournamentRound(members.Count);
             * SortNetwork.AppendNetwork(SortingNetworkFactory.CreateButterflyTournamentRound(members.Count), 0);