private ParsingReturnStructure ReadData(ParsedTable pt, string fileId)
            int             firstDateRow = 0;
            PeriodTypes2017 frequency    = PeriodTypes2017.Monthly;
            string          seriesName   = "";
            var             increment    = 1;

            //get high level info from the first few rows
            for (int row = 0; row <= pt.Vals.GetUpperBound(0); row++)
                var cell = pt.Vals[row, 0].ToString();

                if (cell.Contains(fileId))
                    seriesName = pt.Vals[row, 1].ToString().Replace(",", " ");  //TODO - probably need to shorten this
                if (cell.Contains("Frequency"))
                    if (cell.Contains("Monthly"))
                        frequency = PeriodTypes2017.Monthly;
                    else if (cell.Contains("Quarterly"))
                        frequency = PeriodTypes2017.Quarterly;
                    else if (cell.Contains("Weekly"))
                        frequency = GetDailyFrequency(pt.Vals[row + 2, 0]);  //actual dates start two rows down  ;
                    else if (cell.Contains("Daily"))
                        frequency = GetDailyFrequency(pt.Vals[row + 2, 0]);  //actual dates start two rows down
                        increment = 5;
                        //TODO - handle more cases
                        Debug.Assert(false, "unknown frequency");
                DateTime dateResult;
                if (DateTime.TryParse(pt.Vals[row, 0], out dateResult))
                    firstDateRow = row;
            var neumonic = SeriesToNeumonic(seriesName);

            seriesName = neumonic;
            Guid seriesId = _nk.GetValue(neumonic);

            _nk.AddSeriesName(seriesId, seriesName);
            var dataPointList = new DataPointList();

            for (int row = firstDateRow; row <= pt.Vals.GetUpperBound(0); row += increment)
                var dp = new DataPoint2017(DateTime.Parse(pt.Vals[row, 0]), frequency, decimal.Parse(pt.Vals[row, 1]));
                dp.Neum           = neumonic;
                dp.ParentSeriesId = seriesId;
            var prs = new ParsingReturnStructure();

            prs.DataPoints = dataPointList;

            BGTableInfo bgTableInfo = new BGTableInfo();  ///

            bgTableInfo.TableName = seriesName;
            BGTableLineInformation tableLineInfo = new BGTableLineInformation();

            tableLineInfo.linelabel        = seriesName;
            tableLineInfo.tablelineindents = 0;
            tableLineInfo.tablelinenum     = 1;
            tableLineInfo.objectID         = seriesId;

        private List <ParsingReturnStructure> ReadData(ParsedTable pt, string fileId)
            PeriodTypes2017  frequency = PeriodTypes2017.Annual;
            List <Regions>   regions   = new List <Regions>();
            List <Crimes>    crimes    = new List <Crimes>();
            List <Footnotes> footnotes = new List <Footnotes>();
            List <string>    metaData  = new List <string>();

            List <ParsingReturnStructure> prsList = new List <ParsingReturnStructure>();  //Since there is a table made per region, instead of retruning one parsing return structure we are returning a list of them
            bool underArea   = false;
            int  categoryRow = 0;

            for (int row = 0; row <= 213; row++)    //Loop through the all the rows on sheet
                int num;
                if (row <= 202 && pt.Vals[row, 0] != null && underArea == true) //If excel cell is not null and the range of rows occurs before footnotes
                    regions.Add(new Regions(pt.Vals[row, 0].ToString(), row));
                if (pt.Vals[row, 0] != null && pt.Vals[row, 0].ToString() == "Area") //If row is under the Area topic, underArea is true and indicates the starting row where regions start
                    underArea   = true;
                    categoryRow = row;

                if (pt.Vals[row, 0] != null && Int32.TryParse(pt.Vals[row, 0].ToString().Substring(0, 1), out num))  //Puts footnote id value and footnote into footnote object
                    footnotes.Add(new Footnotes(num, pt.Vals[row, 0].ToString().Substring(1, pt.Vals[row, 0].ToString().Length - 1)));
                if (pt.Vals[row, 0] != null && pt.Vals[row, 0].ToString().Substring(0, 4) == "NOTE")
                    metaData.Add(pt.Vals[row, 0].ToString());
            for (int col = 2; col < 22; col++)  //iterates through all of crime columns and if it is not an empty cell adds to the crime object
                if (pt.Vals[categoryRow, col] != null)
                    crimes.Add(new Crimes(pt.Vals[categoryRow, col].ToString(), col));

            foreach (var region in regions)                                            //Iterates through all of the regions, with a nested loop going through all of the crimes for each region
                var dataPointList                      = new DataPointList();          //The Datapoint List stores a list of datapoints
                ParsingReturnStructure prs             = new ParsingReturnStructure(); //A parsing return structure's datapoint value adds datapoint list
                List <int>             regionFootnotes = new List <int>();
                if (region.RegionName.Any(c => char.IsDigit(c)))                       //Determines if region name contains a footnote, if so adds footnote id number
                    regionFootnotes = FormatFootnoteNumbers(region.RegionName);

                foreach (var crime in crimes)
                    List <int> crimeFootnotes = new List <int>();
                    if (crime.CrimeName.Any(c => char.IsDigit(c)))  //Determines if crime name contains a footnote, if so adds footnote id number
                        crimeFootnotes = FormatFootnoteNumbers(crime.CrimeName);
                    var  neumonic = SeriesToNeumonic(FormatString(region.RegionName) + " - " + FormatString(crime.CrimeName));  //Formats the neumonic name for the datapoint appends the region name to the crime name
                    Guid seriesId = _nk.GetValue(neumonic);
                    _nk.AddSeriesName(seriesId, region.RegionName);

                    /* foreach (var regionNote in regionFootnotes)    //this commented out section will add the footnotes into the into the prslist once other code that manipulates footnotes is changed
                     * {
                     *    foreach (var note in footnotes)
                     *    {
                     *        if (regionNote == note.FootnoteId)
                     *        {
                     *            _nk.AddFootnote(note.Value, seriesId);
                     *        }
                     *    }
                     * }
                     * foreach (var crimeNote in crimeFootnotes)
                     * {
                     *    foreach (var note in footnotes)
                     *    {
                     *        if (crimeNote == note.FootnoteId)
                     *        {
                     *            _nk.AddFootnote(note.Value, seriesId);
                     *        }
                     *    }
                     * }*/
                    int numLoops = 1;
                    if (crime.CrimeName.Contains("Population")) //Population category doesnt contain extra column pertaining to the rate of population committing a crime by 100k
                        numLoops = 0;
                    for (int col = crime.StartingCol; col <= crime.StartingCol + numLoops; col++)
                        string tempDate = "";

                        for (int row = region.StartingRow; row <= region.StartingRow + 1; row++)
                            if (row == region.StartingRow)  //Dates only have year values must be modified to into a DateTime format
                                tempDate = "12/31/2015";
                            else if (row == region.StartingRow + 1)
                                tempDate = "12/31/2016";

                            var dp = new DataPoint2017(DateTime.Parse(tempDate), frequency, decimal.Parse(pt.Vals[row, col])); //Datapoint value takes to values a Datetime value and decimal number value
                            dp.Neum           = neumonic;                                                                      //Data point takes a neumonic value as well as the parent series id, same as neumonic value unless datapoint has a parent
                            dp.ParentSeriesId = seriesId;
                            dataPointList.AddPoint(dp);                                                                        //Data point is added to the datapoint list
                        if (numLoops == 1)                                                                                     //if on second colummn of crime there is a given rate of crime per a 100k people
                            neumonic = SeriesToNeumonic(neumonic + "(RatePer100k)");
                            seriesId = _nk.GetValue(neumonic);
                            _nk.AddSeriesName(seriesId, region.RegionName);

                    BGTableInfo tableHere = new BGTableInfo();  //BGTableInfo contains relevant information for adding prs into the database at a later date
                    tableHere.TableName = region.RegionName;
                    BGTableLineInformation tableLineInfo = new BGTableLineInformation();
                    tableLineInfo.linelabel        = region.RegionName;
                    tableLineInfo.tablelineindents = 0;
                    tableLineInfo.tablelinenum     = 1;
                    tableLineInfo.objectID         = seriesId;

                prs.DataPoints.AddList(dataPointList); //prs adds the data point list that has accumulated all of the data points for the per one region
                prsList.Add(prs);                      // prs for one region is added prsList, prsList is what is returned