        public static FunctionResult UpdateSettings(VideoPlayerSettings settings, UserInfo userInfo, string database, string table, string connectionString)
            #region Preparation
            SystemConfiguration systemConfiguration = HelperClass.SystemConfigurationLoader();
            FunctionResult      result = new FunctionResult();
            #endregion Preparation

            #region SQL statement
            string SQLCommand = string.Empty;
            SQLCommand  = "USE " + database + ";";
            SQLCommand += "UPDATE " + table + " SET ";
            SQLCommand += "VideoHeight=" + (int)settings.resolution + ", ";
            SQLCommand += "FrameRate=" + (int)settings.frameRate + ", ";
            SQLCommand += "BufferMode=" + (int)settings.bufferMode + ", ";
            SQLCommand += "PreloadFrames=" + (int)settings.preloadFrames + " WHERE ";
            SQLCommand += "UserID=" + userInfo.UserID + ";";
            #endregion SQL statement

            if (!Peralatan.UbahDataDatabase(SQLCommand, systemConfiguration.DatabaseProcessingConfiguration.DatabaseConectionString))
                result.functionResult = Result.Fail;
                result.functionErrroInformation.errorMessage = Peralatan.PesanKesalahan;
                result.functionResult = Result.Success;
        /// <summary>
        /// Update specific column of a table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database">Database of the item</param>
        /// <param name="table">Table of the item</param>
        /// <param name="target">Column (Key) and value (value) of target</param>
        /// <param name="reference">(Column (Key) and value (value) used as reference</param>
        /// <param name="connectionString">Connection string to connect to database</param>
        /// <returns>Bool</returns>
        public static bool UpdateSettings(string database, string table, string targetColumn, string targetValue, string referenceColumn, string referenceValue, string connectionString)
            string SQLCommand = string.Empty;

            SQLCommand  = "USE " + database + ";";
            SQLCommand += "UPDATE " + table + " SET " + targetColumn + "=" + targetValue + " WHERE " + referenceColumn + "=" + referenceValue + ";";

            return(Peralatan.UbahDataDatabase(SQLCommand, connectionString));
        public static Result WriteVideoActualEndFrame(UserInformation userInfo, ProcessedVideoInformation processedVideoInfo, string processID)
            #region Preparation
            Result result           = new Result();
            string sourceFileName   = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(processedVideoInfo.source.Replace("\"", string.Empty));
            string targetFolderName = processedVideoInfo.target.Replace("\"", string.Empty);
            #endregion Preapration

            #region Path recreation
            //if (processedVideoInfo.target.EndsWith("\\"))
            //    targetFolderName += processedVideoInfo.target.Replace("\"", string.Empty) + sourceFileName;
            //    targetFolderName += processedVideoInfo.target.Replace("\"", string.Empty) + "\\" + sourceFileName;
            #endregion Path recreation

            int totalFile = Directory.GetFiles(targetFolderName, "*.jpg").Length;

            #region Updater
            string SQLCommand = "USE MediaPlayerDatabase;";
            SQLCommand += "UPDATE ProcessedVideoInfo SET VideoActualEndFrame=" + totalFile.ToString() + " WHERE ProcessID=" + processID + ";";
            if (Peralatan.UbahDataDatabase(SQLCommand, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DatabaseConnectionString"]))
                result.result = FunctionStatus.Success;
                result.result       = FunctionStatus.Fail;
                result.HasError     = true;
                result.ErrorMessage = Peralatan.PesanKesalahan;
            #endregion Updater

        public static Result VideoStatusUpdater(UserInformation userInfo, ProcessedVideoInformation videoInfo, string processID, VideoProcessStatus status)
            Result result           = new Result();
            string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DatabaseConnectionString"];

            byte[] videoSourceInBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(videoInfo.source);

            string SQLCommand = "USE MediaPlayerDatabase;";

            SQLCommand += "UPDATE ProcessedVideoInfo SET VideoStatus=" + ((int)status).ToString();
            SQLCommand += " WHERE UserID=" + userInfo.UserID + " AND ProcessID= " + processID + ";";

            if (Peralatan.UbahDataDatabase(SQLCommand, connectionString))
                result.result = FunctionStatus.Success;
                result.result       = FunctionStatus.Fail;
                result.ErrorMessage = Peralatan.PesanKesalahan;