private void cmiLoadPeptideMatrix_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DialogResult dlg = dlgOpenPeptideMatrix.ShowDialog(); if (dlg != DialogResult.OK) { return; } string filename = dlgOpenPeptideMatrix.FileName; string[,] peptides = FileUtil.ReadPeptideMatrix(filename); rowCount = peptides.GetLength(0); colCount = peptides.GetLength(1); SetRowColumnCount(); UpdateArrayInfo(); if (peptides != null) { PA = new PeptideArray(rowCount, colCount, rowsFirst); PA.SetPeptideMatrix(peptides); peptidelength = PA.PeptideLength; ePeptideLength.Text = peptidelength.ToString(); LoadPeptidesFromPeptideArrayToGrid(); peptidesLoaded = true; quantificationLoaded = false; FillPAValues(); Renormalize(); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("There is a problem with loading the peptide matrix file.\r\nPlease make sure the peptide matrix is the only data in the loaded file.\r\n", Application.ProductName); } }
private void cmiPastePeptide_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string[,] matrix = MatrixUtil.ClipboardToMatrix(); matrix = MatrixUtil.StripHeaderRowColumns(matrix, false); rowCount = matrix.GetLength(0); colCount = matrix.GetLength(1); PA = new PeptideArray(rowCount, colCount, rowsFirst); PA.SetPeptideMatrix(matrix); peptidelength = PA.PeptideLength; ePeptideLength.Text = peptidelength.ToString(); dgQuantification.RowCount = dgQuantification.ColumnCount = 0; dgNormalized.RowCount = dgNormalized.ColumnCount = 0; SetRowColumnCount(); GridUtil.LoadStringMatrixToGrid(dgPeptides, matrix); peptidesLoaded = true; quantificationLoaded = false; FillPAValues(); ClearMotifs(); } catch { } }