 //Import the data from csv file chosen
 private void btnImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
             var    fileName = openFileDialog.FileName;
             string error    = "";
             if (Helpers.FileAccess.ValidateFormat(fileName))
                 _peoplelist = People_Class.ReadAllPeople(fileName, out error);
                 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error))//File imported succesfully
                     toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "File Imported Succesfully";
                     dataGridView1.DataSource  = _peoplelist;
                     toolStripStatusLabel.Text = error;
                 toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "File format incorrect, [Name, Surname, Address]";
         catch (Exception ex)
             toolStripStatusLabel.Text = ex.Message;
        public void TestMissingData()
            string file = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(@"..\..\..\Data\\MissingData.csv");

            if (FileAccess.ValidateFormat(file))
                string error = null;
                if (FileAccess.ValidateFormat(file))
                    People_Class.ReadAllPeople(file, out error);
                Assert.AreEqual("Index was outside the bounds of the array.", error);
        public void TestResults()
            string file = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(@"..\..\..\Data\\data.csv");

            if (FileAccess.ValidateFormat(file))
                string error = null;
                People_Class.ReadAllPeople(file, out error);

                List <string> expectedFirstNameList = new List <string>();
                expectedFirstNameList.AddRange(new string[] { "Iago Tieman", "Cordie Bleibaum", "Shandie Rowles", "Genny Seys", "Renault Millichap", "Shandie Rowles", "Iago Tieman", "Genny Seys", "Iago Tieman" });
                List <string> expectedAddressList = new List <string>();
                expectedAddressList.AddRange(new string[] { "42 Basil Park", "74584 Moose Parkway", "81075 Killdeer Road", "2 Nova Circle", "32 Butterfield Drive" });

                List <string> actualFirstNameList = People_Class.GetFullNameList();
                List <string> actualAddressList   = People_Class.GetAddressList();

                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expectedFirstNameList, actualFirstNameList);
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expectedAddressList, actualAddressList);