文件: GifWriter.cs 项目: pvmm/Pixel3D
        private void WriteVariableBitsChunked(uint value, int bits, ref PendingBitsAndAndChunks pending)
            // NOTE: GIF uses LSB-first packing

            Debug.Assert(pending.bits >= 0 && pending.bits < 8);
            Debug.Assert(value < (1u << bits));

            while (bits > 0)
                int  takeBits = System.Math.Min(bits, 8 - pending.bits);
                uint takeMask = (1u << takeBits) - 1u;

                pending.value |= ((value & takeMask) << pending.bits);

                pending.bits += takeBits;
                bits         -= takeBits;
                value       >>= takeBits;

                if (pending.bits == 8)
                    WriteChunked((byte)(pending.value & 0xFF), ref pending);
                    pending.value = 0;
                    pending.bits  = 0;
文件: GifWriter.cs 项目: pvmm/Pixel3D
 private void FinishVariableBitsChunked(ref PendingBitsAndAndChunks pending)
     if (pending.bits > 0)
         WriteChunked((byte)(pending.value & 0xFF), ref pending);
         pending.value = 0;
         pending.bits  = 0;
文件: GifWriter.cs 项目: pvmm/Pixel3D
 private void FinishChunked(ref PendingBitsAndAndChunks pending)
     if (pending.chunkSize > 0) // If we're right on the chunk boundary (0 bytes in current chunk), just use the placeholder
         Debug.Assert(pending.chunkSize <= byte.MaxValue);
         buffer[bufferPosition - pending.chunkSize - 1] = (byte)pending.chunkSize;
         pending.chunkSize = 0;
         WriteByte(0); // Terminator
文件: GifWriter.cs 项目: pvmm/Pixel3D
        private void WriteChunked(byte byteToWrite, ref PendingBitsAndAndChunks pending)

            if (pending.chunkSize == 255)
                buffer[bufferPosition - 256] = 255;
                pending.chunkSize            = 0;
                WriteByte(0); // Placeholder for chunk size
文件: GifWriter.cs 项目: pvmm/Pixel3D
        // TODO: Factor this out such that frames can be appended on-the-fly (for capturing "animated screenshots").
        //       May want to do threading  (outside this class). Could thread the following:
        //       - Pulling GPU surfaces (want to return surfaces quikcly)
        //       - GIF encoding (maybe fast enough to combine, rather than take buffer re-cache hit and thread costs)
        //       - File I/O (want to avoid blocking useful work while writing to file, and built-in async allocates, uses a thread pool anyway??)
        //       Debatable about what, if anything, to combine.

        public void WriteAnimation(Animation animation)
            if (animation == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("animation");
            if (animation.FrameCount == 0)

            if (stream == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No stream set");

            Rectangle animationBounds           = animation.GetSoftRenderBounds(true);
            Position  accumulatedGameplayMotion = Position.Zero;

            bool animated = animation.FrameCount > 1;

            // Preconditions:
            if (animationBounds.Width > ushort.MaxValue || animationBounds.Height > ushort.MaxValue)

            bool transparency = true;

            // GIF: Header

            // GIF: Logical Screen Descriptor

                byte packed = 0;
                packed |= 1 << 7; // Global colour table present
                packed |= 7 << 4; // Bits-per-channel minus 1, in source data
                packed |= 0 << 3; // Is GCT priority-sorted?
                packed |= 7 << 0; // Global colour table size = 2^(N+1)

                WriteByte(0); // Background colour index into GCT (or 0 if not present)
                WriteByte(0); // Pixel aspect ratio, or 0 for "not-specified"

            // GIF: Global Color Table
            // TODO: Consider using pre-built NES palette? (Especially for game export)
            // TODO: Add support for local color tables
            // Reserve and clear space in output buffer:
            const int colorTableBytes = 256 * 3; // 256 RGB Colors
            int       gctStart        = bufferPosition;

            bufferPosition += colorTableBytes;
            Array.Clear(buffer, gctStart, colorTableBytes);
            int gctCount = 1; // <- first value is always pure black, and transparent if transparency is enabled

            // GIF: NETSCAPE2.0 Application Extension Block
            if (animated)

            foreach (var frame in animation.Frames)
                var data = frame.SoftRender();

                // HACK: If the image has zero size (blank, cropped to nothing), replace it with 1px of transparency
                //       (Because I'm not fiddling around trying to figure out how to encode a zero-sized frame, or how compatible that is, right now -AR)
                if (data.Width == 0 || data.Height == 0)
                    data = new Data2D <Color>(animationBounds.X, animationBounds.Y, 1, 1);

                accumulatedGameplayMotion += frame.positionDelta;
                Point motion = accumulatedGameplayMotion.ToWorldZero.FlipY(); // Convert to texture space
                data.OffsetX += motion.X;
                data.OffsetY += motion.Y;

                int delayTime = (frame.delay * 100) / 60; // Convert ticks at 60FPS to ticks at 100FPS (the GIF standard)
                // NOTE: Browsers do retarded things with timings of 0 or 1. Some even do stupid things with 2-5.
                //       See http://nullsleep.tumblr.com/post/16524517190/animated-gif-minimum-frame-delay-browser for details
                delayTime = System.Math.Max(2, System.Math.Min(delayTime, ushort.MaxValue));

                // GIF: Graphic Control Extension
                    WriteByte(0x21); // extension block
                    WriteByte(0xF9); // graphics control label
                    WriteByte(0x04); // block size in bytes (fixed)

                    byte packed = 0;
                    packed |= (byte)((animated ? 2u : 0u) << 2);    // Disposal method (0 = none specified, 1 = do not clear, 2 = clear to BG)
                    packed |= 0 << 1;                               // User input flag
                    packed |= (byte)((transparency ? 1u : 0) << 0); // Transparent colour flag

                    WriteUShort((ushort)(animated ? delayTime : 0)); // Delay time
                    WriteByte(0);                                    // Transparent colour index // TODO: Put this outside the table, so that non-transparent images don't have fixed black entry in palette.
                    WriteByte(0);                                    // Block terminator

                // GIF: Image descriptor
                    WriteByte(0x2C);                                         // Image separator
                    WriteUShort((ushort)(data.OffsetX - animationBounds.X)); // Image left
                    WriteUShort((ushort)(data.OffsetY - animationBounds.Y)); // Image top
                    WriteUShort((ushort)data.Width);                         // Image width
                    WriteUShort((ushort)data.Height);                        // Image height

                    byte packed = 0;
                    packed |= 0 << 7; // Local colour table
                    packed |= 0 << 6; // Interlace
                    packed |= 0 << 5; // Is LCT priority sorted?
                    packed |= 0 << 0; // Local colour table size = 2^(N+1)

                    // NOTE: Local colour table would folow if specified

                // GIF: Image Data (with LZW compression)
                    WriteByte(8); // LZW minimum code size (hard-coding for 256-colour images for now)
                    WriteByte(0); // Placeholder for chunk size
                    PendingBitsAndAndChunks pending = new PendingBitsAndAndChunks();

                    // Code table is a series of unbalanced binary trees of available suffixes, one for each prefix
                    LZWTableEntry[] codeTable;
                    ushort[]        treeRoots;
                    if (codeTableStorage == null)
                        codeTable = codeTableStorage = new LZWTableEntry[4096 - codeStart]; // maximum 12-bit codes
                        treeRoots = treeRootsStorage = new ushort[4096];
                        codeTable = codeTableStorage;
                        treeRoots = treeRootsStorage;
                        Array.Clear(treeRoots, 0, treeRoots.Length);

                    int codeCount    = 0; // <- number of used entries in the (stored) code table
                    int codeBitsUsed = 9;

                    // Always start with clear code:
                    WriteVariableBitsChunked(clearCode, codeBitsUsed, ref pending);

                    // Setup active prefix:
                    uint activePrefix = (uint)GetColorTableIndex(buffer, gctStart, ref gctCount, data.Data[0], transparency);
                    Debug.Assert(activePrefix < 256);

                    // Loop through remaining indicies:
                    int imageSize = data.Width * data.Height;
                    for (int i = 1; i < imageSize; i++)
                        uint activeSuffix = (uint)GetColorTableIndex(buffer, gctStart, ref gctCount, data.Data[i], transparency);
                        Debug.Assert(activeSuffix < 256);

                        uint lastTreePosition = 0; // <- sentinal value for the root
                        uint foundSuffix      = 0;
                        // Search for matching entry:
                            uint treePosition = treeRoots[activePrefix];
                            while (treePosition != 0)
                                lastTreePosition = treePosition;
                                foundSuffix      = codeTable[treePosition - codeStart].SuffixValue;

                                if (activeSuffix == foundSuffix)
                                    // FOUND:
                                    activePrefix = treePosition;
                                    goto nextIndex;
                                else if (activeSuffix < foundSuffix)
                                    treePosition = codeTable[treePosition - codeStart].LowerIndex;
                                else // activeSuffix > foundSuffix
                                    treePosition = codeTable[treePosition - codeStart].HigherIndex;

                        // NOT FOUND:

                        // Write the code we do know about
                        WriteVariableBitsChunked(activePrefix, codeBitsUsed, ref pending);

                        // If we fill up the code table, reset it
                        if (codeCount == codeTable.Length)
                            WriteVariableBitsChunked(clearCode, codeBitsUsed, ref pending);
                            Array.Clear(treeRoots, 0, treeRoots.Length);
                            codeCount    = 0;
                            codeBitsUsed = 9;
                        else // Add to the code table
                            // Insert into unbalanced binary tree (prefix index is implicit in the tree itself)
                            if (lastTreePosition == 0)
                                treeRoots[activePrefix] = (ushort)(codeStart + codeCount);
                            else if (activeSuffix < foundSuffix)
                                codeTable[lastTreePosition - codeStart].LowerIndex = (uint)(codeStart + codeCount);
                            else // activeSuffix > foundSuffix
                                codeTable[lastTreePosition - codeStart].HigherIndex = (uint)(codeStart + codeCount);

                            // If the new code is past the maximum representable at this code width, increase the code width
                            if ((codeStart + codeCount) == (1 << codeBitsUsed))
                                codeBitsUsed++; // NOTE: GIF does *not* do an early change of the code-width
                            // Fill table entry:
                            codeTable[codeCount++] = new LZWTableEntry(activeSuffix);

                        // Active prefix has been written, start searching from the suffix
                        activePrefix = activeSuffix;

                        nextIndex :;

                    WriteVariableBitsChunked(activePrefix, codeBitsUsed, ref pending);
                    WriteVariableBitsChunked(endCode, codeBitsUsed, ref pending);

                    FinishVariableBitsChunked(ref pending);
                    FinishChunked(ref pending);

            // GIF: Trailer

            // Finished creating gif data at this point, write it out
            stream.Write(buffer, 0, bufferPosition);
            bufferPosition = 0;