 public PullToTargetPositions(PedigreeModel model)
     step = delegate()
         foreach (PedigreeIndividual pi in model.individuals)
             PedigreeUtils.PullTowardX(model.TargetPositions[pi.HraPerson.relativeID].x, pi.point, 0.1, model);
             PedigreeUtils.PullTowardY(model.TargetPositions[pi.HraPerson.relativeID].y, pi.point, 0.1, model);
        public LayoutSipshipsTwo(PedigreeModel model)
            step = delegate()
                if (model.individuals.Count < 2)

                //if (model.cycles > 150)
                //    return;
                //for each couple, layout their children
                foreach (PedigreeCouple parents in model.couples)
                    parents.children.Sort(delegate(PedigreeIndividual a, PedigreeIndividual b)
                        double ax = EffectivePosition(a);
                        double bx = EffectivePosition(b);


                    double sibWidth  = 0;
                    double leftEdge  = 0;
                    double rightEdge = 0;;

                    foreach (PedigreeIndividual child in parents.children)
                        leftEdge  = GetLeftEdge(child, double.MaxValue, model);
                        rightEdge = GetRightEdge(child, double.MinValue, model);

                        sibWidth += (rightEdge - leftEdge);
                    double spacing = sibWidth / ((double)(parents.children.Count));

                    double i = 0;
                    foreach (PedigreeIndividual child in parents.children)
                        //position the individuals vertically based on the
                        //positions of the parents:
                        double goalY    = parents.point.y + model.parameters.verticalSpacing;
                        double strength = model.parameters.verticalPositioningForceStrength;
                        PedigreeUtils.PullTowardY(goalY, child.point, strength, model);

                        double goalX = leftEdge + (spacing * i);
                        PedigreeUtils.PullTowardX(goalX, child.point, strength, model);

        public LayoutSibships(PedigreeModel model)
            step = delegate()
                if (model.individuals.Count < 2)

                //if (model.cycles > 150)
                //    return;
                //for each couple, layout their children
                foreach (PedigreeCouple parents in model.couples)
                    PedigreeCouple otherCouple = null;
                    foreach (PedigreeCouple otherparents in model.couples)
                        if (parents != otherparents && (parents.mother == otherparents.mother || parents.father == otherparents.father))
                            if (otherparents.alreadyHandledHalfSibship == false)
                                otherCouple = otherparents;
                                parents.alreadyHandledHalfSibship = true;
                                double oneleft  = double.MaxValue;
                                double oneright = double.MinValue;
                                double twoleft  = double.MaxValue;
                                double tworight = double.MinValue;
                                foreach (PedigreeIndividual one in parents.children)
                                    if (one.point.x < oneleft)
                                        oneleft = one.point.x;
                                    if (one.point.x > oneright)
                                        oneright = one.point.x;
                                foreach (PedigreeIndividual two in otherparents.children)
                                    if (two.point.x < twoleft)
                                        twoleft = two.point.x;
                                    if (two.point.x > tworight)
                                        tworight = two.point.x;
                                foreach (PedigreeIndividual two in otherparents.children)
                                    if (two.point.x < oneright && two.point.x > oneleft)
                                        if (parents.point.x < otherparents.point.x)
                                            PedigreeUtils.PullTowardX(tworight, two.point, 5, model);
                                            PedigreeUtils.PullTowardX(oneleft, two.point, 5, model);
                    //Pull children toward their computed ideal locations as follows:
                    //Step 1 of 2: Sort sibship by x position
                    parents.children.Sort(delegate(PedigreeIndividual a, PedigreeIndividual b)
                        double ax = EffectivePosition(a);
                        double bx = EffectivePosition(b);


                    //Step 2 of 2: Pull sibship members toward their ideal positions,
                    //spaced ideally and centered around thir parent couple, leaving
                    //open spaces for spouses (as they will be positioned by the
                    //layout step addressing couples).

                    double spacing;

                    //Compute the offset from the couple center for positioning individuals
                    double offset = 0;

                    int numIndividualsInSibshipSpan = 0;

                    //compute the center for the couple's sibship
                    double sibshipMinX = double.MaxValue;
                    double sibshipMaxX = -double.MaxValue;
                    for (int j = 0; j < parents.children.Count; j++)
                        PedigreeIndividual child = parents.children[j];

                        if (child.point.x < sibshipMinX)
                            sibshipMinX = (int)child.point.x;
                        if (child.point.x > sibshipMaxX)
                            sibshipMaxX = (int)child.point.x;

                        //double leftEdge = GetLeftEdge(child, double.MaxValue, model);
                        //double rightEdge = GetRightEdge(child, double.MinValue, model);

                        //if (leftEdge < sibshipMinX)
                        //    sibshipMinX = (int)leftEdge;
                        //if (rightEdge > sibshipMaxX)
                        //    sibshipMaxX = (int)rightEdge;

                        //count the child

                        foreach (PedigreeCouple pc in child.spouseCouples)
                            //overlap += pc.childOverlap;
                            if (pc.mother != null && pc.father != null)
                                PedigreeIndividual spouse;
                                if (child.HraPerson.relativeID == pc.mother.HraPerson.relativeID)
                                    spouse = pc.father;
                                    spouse = pc.mother;

                                bool thisSpouseCounts = true;
                                bool spouseIsToRight  = spouse.point.x > child.point.x;

                                //don't count the spouse to the right of
                                //the sibship's rightmost child
                                if (j == parents.children.Count - 1 && spouseIsToRight)
                                    thisSpouseCounts = false;

                                //don't count the spouse to the left of
                                //the sibship's leftmost child
                                if (j == 0 && !spouseIsToRight)
                                    thisSpouseCounts = false;

                                if (model.parameters.hideNonBloodRelatives && !spouse.bloodRelative)
                                    thisSpouseCounts = false;

                                if (thisSpouseCounts)

                    double sibshipSpanSize = (sibshipMaxX - sibshipMinX) * model.parameters.sibshipShrinkingFacor;

                    if (numIndividualsInSibshipSpan == 1)
                        spacing = 0;
                        spacing = (sibshipSpanSize / (numIndividualsInSibshipSpan - 1));

                    if (spacing < model.parameters.horizontalSpacing)
                        spacing         = model.parameters.horizontalSpacing;
                        sibshipSpanSize = ((numIndividualsInSibshipSpan - 1) * spacing);

                    offset = parents.point.x - sibshipSpanSize / 2;

                    //position individuals ideally by applying a force to them
                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (PedigreeIndividual child in parents.children)
                        //position the individuals vertically based on the
                        //positions of the parents:
                            double goalY    = parents.point.y + model.parameters.verticalSpacing;
                            double strength = model.parameters.verticalPositioningForceStrength;
                            PedigreeUtils.PullTowardY(goalY, child.point, strength, model);

                        //position the individuals horizontally based on
                        //computation of their ideal horizontal positions
                            double goalX = offset;

                            //if the child has no spouse
                            if (child.spouseCouples.Count == 0)
                                //compute the position directly
                                //without incrementing i
                                goalX += i * spacing;

                            //if the child has a spouse, insert appropriate spacing
                            foreach (PedigreeCouple pc in child.spouseCouples)
                                if (pc.mother != null && pc.father != null)
                                    PedigreeIndividual spouse;
                                    if (child.HraPerson.relativeID == pc.mother.HraPerson.relativeID)
                                        spouse = pc.father;
                                        spouse = pc.mother;

                                    if (!model.parameters.hideNonBloodRelatives || spouse.bloodRelative)
                                        bool spouseIsToRight = spouse.point.x > child.point.x;
                                        int  index           = parents.children.IndexOf(child);
                                        //if the spouse is to the right...
                                        if (spouseIsToRight)
                                            //...but not for the rightmost child
                                            if (index != parents.children.Count - 1)
                                                //leave a space to the right.
                                                goalX = offset + (i++) * spacing;
                                                goalX = offset + i * spacing;
                                        else//if the spouse is to the left...
                                            //...but not for the leftmost child
                                        if (index != 0)
                                            //leave a space to the left.
                                            goalX = offset + (++i) * spacing;
                                        goalX += i * (spacing);

                            double strength = model.parameters.layoutSibshipsStrength;
                            PedigreeUtils.PullTowardX(goalX, child.point, strength, model);
                            //increment i to account for enumeration this child
        public PullTowardIdealVerticalPositions(PedigreeModel model)
            step = delegate()
                if (model.individuals.Count < 2)

                double spacing = model.parameters.verticalSpacing;
                double centerY = (model.displayYMin + model.displayYMax) / 2;
                double offset  = centerY - (model.maxGenerationalLevel + 1) * spacing / 2;
                foreach (PedigreeCouple couple in model.couples)
                    //pull the couples toward their optimal positions
                    //based on their generational level
                    int level = couple.GenerationalLevel;
                    if (level >= 0)
                        double goalY    = level * spacing + offset;
                        double strength = model.parameters.verticalPositioningForceStrength;
                        PedigreeUtils.PullTowardY(goalY, couple.point, strength, model);

                        //position the individuals vertically based on the
                        //positions of the couples:
                        goalY    = couple.point.y;
                        strength = model.parameters.verticalPositioningForceStrength;
                        if (couple.mother != null)
                            if (model.pointsBeingDragged.Contains(couple.mother.point) == false)
                                PedigreeUtils.PullTowardY(goalY, couple.mother.point, strength, model);
                                //foreach (PedigreeCouple pc in couple.mother.spouseCouples)
                                //    PedigreeUtils.PullTowardY(goalY, pc.father.point, strength, model);
                        if (couple.father != null)
                            if (model.pointsBeingDragged.Contains(couple.father.point) == false)
                                PedigreeUtils.PullTowardY(goalY, couple.father.point, strength, model);
                                //foreach (PedigreeCouple pc in couple.father.spouseCouples)
                                //    PedigreeUtils.PullTowardY(goalY, pc.mother.point, strength, model);
                        foreach (PedigreeIndividual pi in couple.children)
                            if (model.pointsBeingDragged.Contains(pi.point) == false)
                                if ((couple.mother != null) && (couple.father != null))
                                    double target = ((couple.mother.point.y + couple.father.point.y) / 2) + (model.parameters.verticalSpacing);
                                    pi.point.y = target;
                                    PedigreeUtils.PullTowardY(target, pi.point, model.parameters.verticalPositioningForceStrength, model);