/// <summary>
        ///     will calculate the delta mz (referenced to the theor) based on several of the observed peaks
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startingDelta"></param>
        /// <param name="peakWidth"></param>
        /// <param name="obsPeakData"></param>
        /// <param name="theorPeakData"></param>
        /// <param name="theorIntensityCutOff"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public double CalculateDeltaFromSeveralObservedPeaks(double startingDelta, double peakWidth,
                                                             PeakData obsPeakData, PeakData theorPeakData, double theorIntensityCutOff)
            //the idea is to use a selected number of theor peaks
            //and for each theor peak,  use the delta (mz offset) info
            //to find the obs peak data and determine the delta value for that peak.
            //accumulate delta values in an array and then calculate a weighted average

            var numTheorPeaks         = theorPeakData.GetNumPeaks();
            var filteredTheorPeakData = new PeakData();

            //filter the theor list
            var numFilteredTheorPeaks = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < numTheorPeaks; i++)
                ThrashV1Peak peak;
                theorPeakData.GetPeak(i, out peak);

                if (peak.Intensity >= theorIntensityCutOff)

            if (numFilteredTheorPeaks == 0)

            var    deltaArray     = new double[numFilteredTheorPeaks];
            var    intensityArray = new double[numFilteredTheorPeaks];
            double intensitySum   = 0;

            //double weightedSumOfDeltas = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < numFilteredTheorPeaks; i++)
                ThrashV1Peak theorPeak;
                filteredTheorPeakData.GetPeak(i, out theorPeak);

                var targetMzLower = theorPeak.Mz + startingDelta - peakWidth;
                var targetMzUpper = theorPeak.Mz + startingDelta + peakWidth;

                ThrashV1Peak foundPeak;
                obsPeakData.FindPeak(targetMzLower, targetMzUpper, out foundPeak);

                if (foundPeak.Mz > 0)
                    deltaArray[i]     = foundPeak.Mz - theorPeak.Mz;
                    intensityArray[i] = foundPeak.Intensity;
                    intensitySum     += foundPeak.Intensity;
                    deltaArray[i]     = startingDelta;
                    intensityArray[i] = 0;
                    //obs peak was not found; therefore assign 0 intensity (will have no effect on delta calc)

            if (intensitySum.Equals(0))
                return(startingDelta); // no obs peaks found at all;  return default
            //now perform a weighted average
            double weightedDelta = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < numFilteredTheorPeaks; i++)
                weightedDelta += intensityArray[i] / intensitySum * deltaArray[i];

        public void PerformTransform(
            float backgroundIntensity, float minPeptideIntensity, int maxProcessingTimeMinutes,
            ref float[] mzs, ref float[] intensities,
            ref ThrashV1Peak[] peaks, ref HornTransformResults[] transformResults,
            out bool processingAborted)
            PercentDone       = 0;
            processingAborted = false;

            var numPoints = mzs.Length;

            if (mzs.Length == 0)

            // mzs should be in sorted order
            double minMz         = mzs[0];
            double maxMz         = mzs[numPoints - 1];
            var    mzList        = new List <double>(mzs.Select(x => (double)x));
            var    intensityList = new List <double>(intensities.Select(x => (double)x));

            var peakData = new PeakData();

            peakData.MzList        = mzList;
            peakData.IntensityList = intensityList;

            if (IsMZRangeUsed)
                minMz = MinMZ;
                maxMz = MaxMZ;

            //loads 'currentPeak' with the most intense peak within minMZ and maxMZ
            ThrashV1Peak currentPeak;
            var          found = peakData.GetNextPeak(minMz, maxMz, out currentPeak);
            //var fwhm_SN = currentPeak.FWHM;

            var transformRecords = new List <HornTransformResults>();
            var numTotalPeaks    = peakData.GetNumPeaks();

            StatusMessage = "Performing Horn Transform on peaks";
            var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            while (found)
                var numPeaksLeft = peakData.GetNumUnprocessedPeaks();
                PercentDone = 100 * (numTotalPeaks - numPeaksLeft) / numTotalPeaks;
                if (PercentDone % 5 == 0)
                    StatusMessage = string.Concat("Done with ", Convert.ToString(numTotalPeaks - numPeaksLeft), " of ",
                                                  Convert.ToString(numTotalPeaks), " peaks.");
                if (currentPeak.Intensity < minPeptideIntensity)

                //--------------------- Transform performed ------------------------------
                HornTransformResults transformRecord;
                var foundTransform = FindTransform(peakData, ref currentPeak, out transformRecord, backgroundIntensity);
                if (foundTransform && transformRecord.ChargeState <= MaxChargeAllowed)
                    if (IsActualMonoMZUsed)
                        //retrieve experimental monoisotopic peak
                        var          monoPeakIndex = transformRecord.IsotopePeakIndices[0];
                        ThrashV1Peak monoPeak;
                        peakData.GetPeak(monoPeakIndex, out monoPeak);

                        //set threshold at 20% less than the expected 'distance' to the next peak
                        var errorThreshold = 1.003 / transformRecord.ChargeState;
                        errorThreshold = errorThreshold - errorThreshold * 0.2;

                        var calcMonoMz = transformRecord.MonoMw / transformRecord.ChargeState + 1.00727638;

                        if (Math.Abs(calcMonoMz - monoPeak.Mz) < errorThreshold)
                            transformRecord.MonoMw = monoPeak.Mz * transformRecord.ChargeState -
                                                     1.00727638 * transformRecord.ChargeState;

                if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(startTime).TotalMinutes > maxProcessingTimeMinutes)
                    processingAborted = true;
                    found             = false;
                    found = peakData.GetNextPeak(minMz, maxMz, out currentPeak);
            PercentDone = 100;

            // Done with the transform. Lets copy them all to the given memory structure.
            //Console.WriteLine("Done with Mass Transform. Found " + transformRecords.Count + " features");

            transformResults = transformRecords.ToArray();
            PercentDone      = 100;