        public void Sign(String src, String name, String dest, ICollection <X509Certificate> chain, ICipherParameters pk,
                         String digestAlgorithm, CryptoStandard subfilter, String reason, String location)
            // Creating the reader and the stamper
            PdfReader  reader  = new PdfReader(src);
            FileStream os      = new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create);
            PdfStamper stamper = PdfStamper.CreateSignature(reader, os, '\0');
            // Creating the appearance
            PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = stamper.SignatureAppearance;

            appearance.Reason   = reason;
            appearance.Location = location;
            // Creating the appearance for layer 0
            PdfTemplate n0     = appearance.GetLayer(0);
            float       x      = n0.BoundingBox.Left;
            float       y      = n0.BoundingBox.Bottom;
            float       width  = n0.BoundingBox.Width;
            float       height = n0.BoundingBox.Height;

            n0.Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
            // Creating the appearance for layer 2
            PdfTemplate n2 = appearance.GetLayer(2);
            ColumnText  ct = new ColumnText(n2);

            Paragraph p = new Paragraph("This document was signed by Bruno Specimen.");

            // Creating the signature
            IExternalSignature pks = new PrivateKeySignature(pk, digestAlgorithm);

            MakeSignature.SignDetached(appearance, pks, chain, null, null, null, 0, subfilter);
    public void Sign(String src, String dest,
                     ICollection <X509Certificate> chain, X509Certificate2 pk,
                     String digestAlgorithm, CryptoStandard subfilter,
                     String reason, String location,
                     ICollection <ICrlClient> crlList,
                     IOcspClient ocspClient,
                     ITSAClient tsaClient,
                     int estimatedSize, int RowIdx, int RowHeight, int x, int y, int NameWidth, int DateWidth,
                     String RevIndex, String RevStep, String Reason, String Name, String Date)
        // Creating the reader and the stamper
        PdfReader  reader  = null;
        PdfStamper stamper = null;
        FileStream os      = null;

            reader = new PdfReader(src);
            os     = new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create);
            // os = new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
            //Activate MultiSignatures
            stamper = PdfStamper.CreateSignature(reader, os, '\0', null, true);
            //To disable Multi signatures uncomment this line : every new signature will invalidate older ones !
            //stamper = PdfStamper.CreateSignature(reader, os, '\0');
            // Creating the appearance
            PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = stamper.SignatureAppearance;
            Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(x, y + RowIdx * RowHeight, x + NameWidth + DateWidth, y + (RowIdx + 1) * RowHeight);
            appearance.SetVisibleSignature(rectangle, 1, "Revision " + RevIndex + "|" + RevStep);
            appearance.Reason                 = "marked as changed";
            appearance.Location               = location;
            appearance.Layer2Text             = "Signed on " + DateTime.Now;
            appearance.SignatureRenderingMode = PdfSignatureAppearance.RenderingMode.DESCRIPTION;
            PdfTemplate n2   = appearance.GetLayer(2);
            Font        font = new Font();
            font.SetColor(255, 0, 0);
            font.Size = 10;
            ColumnText ct1 = new ColumnText(n2);
            ct1.SetSimpleColumn(new Phrase(Name, font), 0, 0, NameWidth, rectangle.Height, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
            ColumnText ct2 = new ColumnText(n2);
            ct2.SetSimpleColumn(new Phrase(Date, font), NameWidth, 0, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
            //n2.ConcatCTM(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0);
            // Creating the signature
            IExternalSignature pks = new X509Certificate2Signature(pk, digestAlgorithm);
            MakeSignature.SignDetached(appearance, pks, chain, crlList, ocspClient, tsaClient, estimatedSize, subfilter);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("GMA: " + ex.Message);
            if (reader != null)
            if (stamper != null)
            if (os != null)
        public static void SignHashed(MemoryStream Source, string Target, SysX509.X509Certificate2 Certificate, string Reason, string Location, bool AddVisibleSign, Image img, int nroHojaFirma, string path, float h, string att_1, string att_2, string att_3, string url_terminos)
                X509CertificateParser objCP             = new X509CertificateParser();
                X509Certificate[]     objChain          = new X509Certificate[] { objCP.ReadCertificate(Certificate.RawData) };
                IExternalSignature    externalSignature = new X509Certificate2Signature(Certificate, "SHA-1");

                PdfReader objReader = new PdfReader(Source);

                //string[] msg = Certificate.SubjectName.Name.Split(',');

                //Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 50, 50, 150, 100);
                //PdfWriter pdfwritter = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream("C:\\Users\\Public\\terminos_condiciones.pdf", FileMode.OpenOrCreate));

                using (PdfReader readerTerm = new PdfReader(url_terminos))
                    using (MemoryStream workStream = new MemoryStream())
                        PdfStamper objStamper = PdfStamper.CreateSignature(objReader, new FileStream(Target, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write), '\0');

                        int       nroPages  = objReader.NumberOfPages + 1;
                        Rectangle rectangle = readerTerm.GetPageSize(1);
                        objStamper.InsertPage(nroPages, rectangle);

                        PdfImportedPage bg = objStamper.GetImportedPage(readerTerm, 1);
                        objStamper.GetUnderContent(nroPages).AddTemplate(bg, 0, 0);

                        PdfSignatureAppearance objSA = objStamper.SignatureAppearance;

                        img.ScaleAbsolute(120f, 60f);
                        img.SetAbsolutePosition(0, 28);
                        BaseFont bf     = BaseFont.CreateFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1252, false);
                        BaseFont bfBold = BaseFont.CreateFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA_BOLD, BaseFont.CP1252, false);

                        if (true)
                            objSA.SetVisibleSignature(new Rectangle(50, h - 120, 200, h), nroHojaFirma, "Firma Digital emitida por el sistema BV Digital");

                        PdfTemplate n2Layer = objSA.GetLayer(2);
                        n2Layer.SetFontAndSize(bfBold, 7);
                        n2Layer.ShowTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_LEFT, "Inspectorate Services Perú S.A.C", 0, 100, 0);
                        n2Layer.ShowTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_LEFT, "A Bureau Veritas Group Company", 0, 90, 0);


                        n2Layer.SetFontAndSize(bf, 7);
                        n2Layer.ShowTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_LEFT, "Firmado Digitalmente por", 0, 40, 0);
                        //string user = msg[2].Substring(msg[2].IndexOf('=') + 1);
                        //user += " " + msg[3].Substring(msg[3].IndexOf('=') + 1);
                        n2Layer.ShowTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_LEFT, att_3, 0, 30, 0);
                        n2Layer.ShowTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_LEFT, "Fecha: " + objSA.SignDate.ToString(), 0, 20, 0);
                        n2Layer.ShowTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_LEFT, att_1, 0, 10, 0);
                        n2Layer.ShowTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_LEFT, att_2, 0, 0, 0);
                        objSA.SignatureRenderingMode = PdfSignatureAppearance.RenderingMode.GRAPHIC_AND_DESCRIPTION;
                        MakeSignature.SignDetached(objSA, externalSignature, objChain, null, null, null, 0, CryptoStandard.CMS);
            catch (Exception e)
                Utility.log_err.save(null, e);
        private void AddSignature(PdfReader pdf, PdfSignatureAppearance sap, Juschubut.PdfDigitalSign.CertificateInfo certificate)
            int anchoPagina = (int)pdf.GetPageSize(1).Width;

            var rectangle = this.Appearance.GetRectangle(anchoPagina);

            var signatureRect = new iTextSharp.text.Rectangle((float)rectangle.X, (float)rectangle.Y, (float)(rectangle.X + rectangle.Width), (float)(rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height));

            int pagina = pdf.NumberOfPages;

            if (this.Appearance.Page.HasValue && this.Appearance.Page.Value <= pdf.NumberOfPages)
                pagina = this.Appearance.Page.Value;

            sap.SetVisibleSignature(signatureRect, pagina, null);

            sap.SignDate    = DateTime.Now;
            sap.Acro6Layers = true;

            sap.SignatureRenderingMode = PdfSignatureAppearance.RenderingMode.DESCRIPTION;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Appearance.SignatureImage))
                var fileInfo = new FileInfo(this.Appearance.SignatureImage);

                if (!fileInfo.Exists)
                    this.Log(string.Format("No se encontro archivo de firma ológrafa ({0})", this.Appearance.SignatureImage));
                else if (fileInfo.Length == 0)
                    this.Log(string.Format("El archivo de firma ológrafa está vacio ({0})", this.Appearance.SignatureImage));
                        sap.SignatureGraphic = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(new Uri(this.Appearance.SignatureImage));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log(string.Format("Error al leer el archivo de firma ológrafo. El archivo esta dañado, no es un archivo .png, o no se puede tener acceso de lectura. {0}", this.Appearance.SignatureImage));

                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                        var ex2 = ex;


                            ex2 = ex2.InnerException;
                        }while (ex2 != null);

                        Log("Error: " + sb.ToString());

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Appearance.SignatureImageDefault))
                                Log("Cargando firma por default");

                                sap.SignatureGraphic = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(new Uri(this.Appearance.SignatureImageDefault));
                            catch (Exception ex3)

                    sap.SignatureRenderingMode     = PdfSignatureAppearance.RenderingMode.GRAPHIC;
                    sap.SignatureGraphic.Alignment = iTextSharp.text.Image.ALIGN_TOP;

            // Descripcion de la Firma
            iTextSharp.text.Font textFont = new iTextSharp.text.Font(iTextSharp.text.Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, (float)10, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.BLACK);

            var phrase = new iTextSharp.text.Phrase();

            phrase.Font = textFont;
            int fontPre   = 6;
            int fontFirma = this.Appearance.Height < 100 ? 8 : 10;
            int fontPost  = this.Appearance.Height < 100 ? 7 : 10;

            if (this.Appearance.PreFirma != null)
                AddTexto(phrase, this.Appearance.PreFirma, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL, fontPre);

            AddTexto(phrase, certificate.CN, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD, fontFirma);

            if (this.Appearance.PostFirma != null)
                AddTexto(phrase, this.Appearance.PostFirma, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL, fontPost);

            PdfTemplate n2 = sap.GetLayer(0);
            ColumnText  ct = new ColumnText(n2);

            float x = n2.BoundingBox.Left;
            float y = n2.BoundingBox.Top;
            float w = n2.BoundingBox.Width;
            float h = n2.BoundingBox.Height;

            float x1 = x;
            float y1 = y;
            float x2 = x + w;
            float y2 = y - h;

            // new working code: crreate a table
            PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(1);

            table.DefaultCell.Border = iTextSharp.text.Rectangle.NO_BORDER;
            table.SetWidths(new[] { 1 });
            table.WidthPercentage = 100;
            table.AddCell(new PdfPCell(phrase)
                HorizontalAlignment = iTextSharp.text.Element.ALIGN_CENTER,
                VerticalAlignment   = iTextSharp.text.Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM,
                FixedHeight         = y1,
                Border = iTextSharp.text.Rectangle.NO_BORDER
            ct.SetSimpleColumn(x1, y1, x2, y2);