        internal PdfFormXObject(PdfDocument thisDocument, PdfImportedObjectTable importedObjectTable, XPdfForm form)
            : base(thisDocument)
            Debug.Assert(ReferenceEquals(thisDocument, importedObjectTable.Owner));
            Elements.SetName(Keys.Type, "/XObject");
            Elements.SetName(Keys.Subtype, "/Form");

            if (form.IsTemplate)
                Debug.Assert(importedObjectTable == null);
                // TODO more initialization here???
            Debug.Assert(importedObjectTable != null);

            XPdfForm pdfForm = form;
            // Get import page
            PdfPages importPages = importedObjectTable.ExternalDocument.Pages;

            if (pdfForm.PageNumber < 1 || pdfForm.PageNumber > importPages.Count)
                PSSR.ImportPageNumberOutOfRange(pdfForm.PageNumber, importPages.Count, form._path);
            PdfPage importPage = importPages[pdfForm.PageNumber - 1];

            // Import resources
            PdfItem res = importPage.Elements["/Resources"];

            if (res != null) // unlikely but possible
#if true
                // Get root object
                PdfObject root;
                if (res is PdfReference)
                    root = ((PdfReference)res).Value;
                    root = (PdfDictionary)res;

                root = ImportClosure(importedObjectTable, thisDocument, root);
                // If the root was a direct object, make it indirect.
                if (root.Reference == null)

                Debug.Assert(root.Reference != null);
                Elements["/Resources"] = root.Reference;
                // Get transitive closure
                PdfObject[] resources = importPage.Owner.Internals.GetClosure(resourcesRoot);
                int         count     = resources.Length;
#if DEBUG_
                for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++)
                    Debug.Assert(resources[idx].XRef != null);
                    Debug.Assert(resources[idx].XRef.Document != null);
                    Debug.Assert(resources[idx].Document != null);
                    if (resources[idx].ObjectID.ObjectNumber == 12)
                // 1st step. Already imported objects are reused and new ones are cloned.
                for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++)
                    PdfObject obj = resources[idx];
                    if (importedObjectTable.Contains(obj.ObjectID))
                        // external object was already imported
                        PdfReference iref = importedObjectTable[obj.ObjectID];
                        Debug.Assert(iref != null);
                        Debug.Assert(iref.Value != null);
                        Debug.Assert(iref.Document == Owner);
                        // replace external object by the already clone counterpart
                        resources[idx] = iref.Value;
                        // External object was not imported ealier and must be cloned
                        PdfObject clone = obj.Clone();
                        Debug.Assert(clone.Reference == null);
                        clone.Document = Owner;
                        if (obj.Reference != null)
                            // add it to this (the importer) document
                            Debug.Assert(clone.Reference != null);
                            // save old object identifier
                            importedObjectTable.Add(obj.ObjectID, clone.Reference);
                            //Debug.WriteLine("Cloned: " + obj.ObjectID.ToString());
                            // The root object (the /Resources value) is not an indirect object
                            Debug.Assert(idx == 0);
                            // add it to this (the importer) document
                            Debug.Assert(clone.Reference != null);
                        // replace external object by its clone
                        resources[idx] = clone;
#if DEBUG_
                for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++)
                    Debug.Assert(resources[idx].XRef != null);
                    Debug.Assert(resources[idx].XRef.Document != null);
                    Debug.Assert(resources[idx].Document != null);
                    if (resources[idx].ObjectID.ObjectNumber == 12)

                // 2nd step. Fix up indirect references that still refers to the import document.
                for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++)
                    PdfObject obj = resources[idx];
                    Debug.Assert(obj.Owner != null);
                    FixUpObject(importedObjectTable, importedObjectTable.Owner, obj);

                // Set resources key to the root of the clones
                Elements["/Resources"] = resources[0].Reference;

            // Take /Rotate into account
            PdfRectangle rect   = importPage.Elements.GetRectangle(PdfPage.Keys.MediaBox);
            int          rotate = importPage.Elements.GetInteger(PdfPage.Keys.Rotate);
            //rotate = 0;
            if (rotate == 0)
                // Set bounding box to media box
                Elements["/BBox"] = rect;
                // TODO: Have to adjust bounding box? (I think not, but I'm not sure -> wait for problem)
                Elements["/BBox"] = rect;

                // Rotate the image such that it is upright
                XMatrix matrix = new XMatrix();
                double  width  = rect.Width;
                double  height = rect.Height;
                matrix.RotateAtPrepend(-rotate, new XPoint(width / 2, height / 2));

                if (rotate != 180)
                    // Translate the image such that its center lies on the center of the rotated bounding box
                    double offset = (height - width) / 2;
                    if (height > width)
                        matrix.TranslatePrepend(offset, offset);
                        matrix.TranslatePrepend(-offset, -offset);

                //string item = "[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(matrix) + "]";
                //Elements[Keys.Matrix] = new PdfLiteral(item);
                Elements.SetMatrix(Keys.Matrix, matrix);

            // Preserve filter because the content keeps unmodified
            PdfContent content = importPage.Contents.CreateSingleContent();
#if !DEBUG
            content.Compressed = true;
            PdfItem filter = content.Elements["/Filter"];
            if (filter != null)
                Elements["/Filter"] = filter.Clone();

            // (no cloning needed because the bytes keep untouched)
            Stream = content.Stream; // new PdfStream(bytes, this);
            Elements.SetInteger("/Length", content.Stream.Value.Length);