        public PcapParser(IPcapStreamReader pcapStreamReader, byte[] firstFourBytes)
            this.pcapStreamReader = pcapStreamReader;
            this.metadata         = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

            //read pcap file header!
            byte[] buffer4 = new byte[4]; //32 bits is suitable
            byte[] buffer2 = new byte[2]; //16 bits is sometimes needed
            //uint wiresharkMagicNumber = 0xa1b2c3d4;

            //Section Header Block (mandatory)
            if (firstFourBytes == null || firstFourBytes.Length != 4)
                buffer4 = this.pcapStreamReader.BlockingRead(4);
                buffer4 = firstFourBytes;

            if (this.ToUInt32(buffer4, false) == LIBPCAP_MAGIC_NUMBER)
                this.littleEndian = false;
                this.metadata.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Endianness", "Big Endian"));
            else if (this.ToUInt32(buffer4, true) == LIBPCAP_MAGIC_NUMBER)
                this.littleEndian = true;
                this.metadata.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Endianness", "Little Endian"));
                throw new System.IO.InvalidDataException("The stream is not a PCAP file. Magic number is " + this.ToUInt32(buffer4, false).ToString("X2") + " or " + this.ToUInt32(buffer4, true).ToString("X2") + " but should be " + LIBPCAP_MAGIC_NUMBER.ToString("X2") + ".");

            /* major version number */
            this.pcapStreamReader.BlockingRead(buffer2, 0, 2);
            ushort majorVersionNumber = ToUInt16(buffer2, this.littleEndian);

            /* minor version number */
            this.pcapStreamReader.BlockingRead(buffer2, 0, 2);
            ushort minorVersionNumber = ToUInt16(buffer2, this.littleEndian);

            /* GMT to local correction */
            this.pcapStreamReader.BlockingRead(buffer4, 0, 4);
            int timezoneOffsetSeconds = (int)ToUInt32(buffer4, this.littleEndian);

            /* accuracy of timestamps */
            this.pcapStreamReader.BlockingRead(buffer4, 0, 4);
            /* max length of captured packets, in octets */
            this.pcapStreamReader.BlockingRead(buffer4, 0, 4);
            uint maximumPacketSize = ToUInt32(buffer4, this.littleEndian);

            /* data link type */
            this.pcapStreamReader.BlockingRead(buffer4, 0, 4); //offset = 20 = 0x14
            this.dataLinkType = (PcapFrame.DataLinkTypeEnum)ToUInt32(buffer4, this.littleEndian);
            this.metadata.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Data Link Type", dataLinkType.ToString()));
        internal PpiPacket(Frame parentFrame, int packetStartIndex, int packetEndIndex)
            : base(parentFrame, packetStartIndex, packetEndIndex, "PPI")
            this.ppiLength = Utils.ByteConverter.ToUInt16(parentFrame.Data, packetStartIndex + 2, true);
            if (!this.ParentFrame.QuickParse)
                base.Attributes.Add("Length", "" + ppiLength);
            uint dataLinkTypeUInt = Utils.ByteConverter.ToUInt32(parentFrame.Data, packetStartIndex + 4, 4, true);

            this.dataLinkType = (PcapFrame.DataLinkTypeEnum)dataLinkTypeUInt;
            if (!this.ParentFrame.QuickParse)
                base.Attributes.Add("Data Link Type", dataLinkType.ToString());