protected virtual void InitializeEntries() { if (editedType == null) { editedType = new PaymentType(); } else { txtName.Text = editedType.Name; } cboType.Load(PaymentType.GetAllBaseTypePairs(), "Key", "Value", (int)editedType.BaseType); }
private void InitializeGrid() { try { if (initialized) { return; } ColumnController cc = new ColumnController(); supportsSumming = false; for (int i = 0; i < dataQueryResult.Result.Columns.Count; i++) { DbField field = dataQueryResult.Columns [i].Field; DataType fieldType = ReportProvider.GetDataFieldType(field); string columnName = dataQueryResult.Result.Columns [i]; string columnHeaderText = ReportProvider.GetReportFieldColumnName(dataQueryResult, i); CellText cell; bool thisColumnSummable = false; switch (fieldType) { case DataType.Date: cell = new CellTextDate(columnName); break; case DataType.DateTime: cell = new CellTextDateTime(columnName); break; case DataType.Quantity: cell = new CellTextQuantity(columnName); thisColumnSummable = true; break; case DataType.CurrencyIn: cell = new CellTextCurrency(columnName, PriceType.Purchase); thisColumnSummable = true; break; case DataType.CurrencyOut: cell = new CellTextCurrency(columnName); thisColumnSummable = true; break; case DataType.Currency: cell = new CellTextCurrency(columnName, PriceType.Unknown); thisColumnSummable = true; break; case DataType.Percent: cell = new CellTextDouble(columnName) { FixedFaction = BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.PercentPrecision }; break; case DataType.Id: case DataType.UserId: cell = new CellTextNumber(columnName); break; case DataType.DocumentNumber: cell = new CellTextNumber(columnName) { FixedDigits = BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.DocumentNumberLength }; break; case DataType.OperationType: cell = new CellTextLookup <int> (columnName); CellTextLookup <int> cellOperationType = (CellTextLookup <int>)cell; foreach (OperationType operationType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(OperationType))) { if (operationType > 0) { cellOperationType.Lookup.Add((int)operationType, Translator.GetOperationTypeName(operationType)); } } break; case DataType.DocumentType: cell = new CellTextLookup <int> (columnName).Load(DocumentBase.GetAllDocumentTypes()); break; case DataType.BasePaymentType: cell = new CellTextLookup <int> (columnName).Load(PaymentType.GetAllBaseTypePairs()); break; case DataType.PaymentType: cell = new CellTextLookup <long> (columnName); CellTextLookup <long> cellPaymentType = (CellTextLookup <long>)cell; foreach (PaymentType paymentType in PaymentType.GetAll()) { cellPaymentType.Lookup.Add(paymentType.Id, paymentType.Name); } break; case DataType.PriceGroupType: cell = new CellTextLookup <int> (columnName).Load(Currency.GetAllPriceGroups()); break; case DataType.PartnerType: cell = new CellTextLookup <int> (columnName).Load(Partner.GetAllTypes()); break; case DataType.ItemType: cell = new CellTextLookup <int> (columnName).Load(Item.GetAllTypes()); break; case DataType.UserAccessLevel: cell = new CellTextLookup <int> (columnName).Load(User.GetAllAccessLevels()); break; case DataType.TurnoverType: cell = new CellTextLookup <int> (columnName).Load(CashBookEntry.GetAllTurnoverTypes()); break; case DataType.TurnoverDirection: cell = new CellTextLookup <int> (columnName).Load(CashBookEntry.GetAllTurnoverDirections()); break; case DataType.TaxGroupCode: cell = new CellTextLookup <string> (columnName).Load(VATGroup.AllCodes); break; case DataType.Sign: cell = new CellTextLookup <int> (columnName).Load(Payment.GetAllSignTypes()); break; case DataType.PaymentMode: cell = new CellTextLookup <int> (columnName).Load(Payment.GetAllModeTypes()); break; case DataType.Text: cell = new CellText(columnName); break; default: continue; } Column col = new Column(columnHeaderText, cell, 0.1, columnName) { MinWidth = 100, Visible = !skip.Contains(field) && CheckColumnVisible(dataQueryResult, i) }; cc.Add(col); supportsSumming |= thisColumnSummable && col.Visible; } grid.ColumnController = cc; // Prevent the grid from reapplying the old sort grid.Model = null; grid.Model = model; grid.AllowSelect = true; grid.AllowMultipleSelect = true; grid.CellsFucusable = true; grid.RulesHint = true; grid.SortColumnsHint = true; grid.RowActivated -= grid_RowActivated; grid.RowActivated += grid_RowActivated; initialized = true; } finally { EventHandler onInitialized = Initialized; if (onInitialized != null) { onInitialized(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } }