    public RequestMessage applePayAuthRequest()
        RequestMessage request = new RequestMessage();

        // we will let the client pick up the merchantID
        // from the config file.  In multi-merchant scenarios,
        // you would set a merchantID in each request.

        // this sample requests auth of apple pay

        // Credit Card Authorization
        request.ccAuthService      = new CCAuthService();
        request.ccAuthService.run  = "true";
        request.ccAuthService.cavv = "ABCDEFabcdefABCDEFabcdef0987654321234567";
        request.ccAuthService.commerceIndicator = "internet";
        request.ccAuthService.xid = "ABCDEFabcdefABCDEFabcdef0987654321234567";

        // add required fields

        request.merchantReferenceCode = "your_merchant_reference_code";

        BillTo billTo = new BillTo();

        billTo.firstName  = "John";
        billTo.lastName   = "Doe";
        billTo.street1    = "1295 Charleston Road";
        billTo.city       = "Mountain View";
        billTo.state      = "CA";
        billTo.postalCode = "94043";
        billTo.country    = "US";
        billTo.email      = "*****@*****.**";
        billTo.ipAddress  = "";
        request.billTo    = billTo;

        Card card = new Card();

        card.accountNumber   = "4111111111111111";
        card.expirationMonth = "12";
        card.expirationYear  = "2020";
        request.card         = card;

        PurchaseTotals purchaseTotals = new PurchaseTotals();

        purchaseTotals.currency = "USD";
        request.purchaseTotals  = purchaseTotals;

        // there are two items in this sample
        request.item = new Item[2];

        Item item = new Item();

        item.id         = "0";
        item.unitPrice  = "12.34";
        request.item[0] = item;

        item            = new Item();
        item.id         = "1";
        item.unitPrice  = "56.78";
        request.item[1] = item;

        PaymentNetworkToken paymentNetworkToken = new PaymentNetworkToken();

        paymentNetworkToken.transactionType = "1";
        request.paymentNetworkToken         = paymentNetworkToken;
        request.paymentSolution             = "001";
        // add optional fields here per your business needs

    public RequestMessage paymentNetworkTokenizationRequest()
        RequestMessage request = new RequestMessage();

        // we will let the client pick up the merchantID
        // from the config file.  In multi-merchant scenarios,
        // you would set a merchantID in each request.

        // this sample requests

        // Credit Card Authorization
        request.ccAuthService     = new CCAuthService();
        request.ccAuthService.run = "true";
        request.ccAuthService.commerceIndicator = "vbv";
        request.ccAuthService.cavv = "EHuWW9PiBkWvqE5juRwDzAUFBAk=";
        request.ccAuthService.xid  = "EHuWW9PiBkWvqE5juRwDzAUFBAk=";

        request.merchantReferenceCode = "your_merchant_reference_code";

        UCAF ucaf = new UCAF();

        ucaf.authenticationData  = "EHuWW9PiBkWvqE5juRwDzAUFBAk=";
        ucaf.collectionIndicator = "2";
        request.ucaf             = ucaf;

        BillTo billTo = new BillTo();

        billTo.firstName  = "John";
        billTo.lastName   = "Doe";
        billTo.street1    = "1295 Charleston Road";
        billTo.city       = "Mountain View";
        billTo.state      = "CA";
        billTo.postalCode = "94043";
        billTo.country    = "US";
        billTo.email      = "*****@*****.**";
        billTo.ipAddress  = "";
        request.billTo    = billTo;

        Card card = new Card();

        card.accountNumber   = "4650100000000839";
        card.expirationMonth = "12";
        card.expirationYear  = "2031";
        request.card         = card;

        PurchaseTotals purchaseTotals = new PurchaseTotals();

        purchaseTotals.currency = "USD";
        request.purchaseTotals  = purchaseTotals;

        // there are two items in this sample
        request.item = new Item[2];

        Item item = new Item();

        item.id         = "0";
        item.unitPrice  = "12.34";
        request.item[0] = item;

        item            = new Item();
        item.id         = "1";
        item.unitPrice  = "56.78";
        request.item[1] = item;

        PaymentNetworkToken paymentNetworkToken = new PaymentNetworkToken();

        paymentNetworkToken.transactionType = "1";

        request.paymentNetworkToken = paymentNetworkToken;
