public static bool Prefix(PawnRenderer __instance, Pawn ___pawn, PawnWoundDrawer ___woundOverlays, PawnHeadOverlays ___statusOverlays, Vector3 rootLoc, float angle, bool renderBody, Rot4 bodyFacing, Rot4 headFacing, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, bool portrait, bool headStump, bool invisible) { if (___pawn.def is RaceAddonThingDef thingDef) { if (! {; } RaceAddonComp racomp = ___pawn.GetComp <RaceAddonComp>(); Quaternion bodyQuat = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up); Quaternion headQuat = bodyQuat; rootLoc.z -= racomp.cachedDrawLocCorrection; Vector3 bodyLoc = rootLoc; Vector3 headLoc = __instance.BaseHeadOffsetAt(bodyFacing); GetModifiedValue(racomp, ref bodyQuat, ref headQuat, ref bodyLoc, ref headLoc, ___pawn, ref renderBody, ref bodyFacing, ref headFacing, portrait); // For Resolve Head Targeting Error Mesh bodyMesh = racomp.raceAddonGraphicSet.bodyMeshSet.MeshAt(bodyFacing); Mesh headMesh = racomp.raceAddonGraphicSet.headMeshSet.MeshAt(headFacing); List <ApparelGraphicRecord> apparelGraphics =; if (renderBody) { List <Material> bodyMatList =, bodyDrawType); for (int i = 0; i < bodyMatList.Count; i++) { // Draw Body And Apparel Material mat = OverrideMaterialIfNeeded_NewTemp(, bodyMatList[i], ___pawn, portrait); GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(bodyMesh, bodyLoc.SetLayer((i + 3) * 10), bodyQuat, mat, portrait); } if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Fresh && thingDef.raceAddonSettings.graphicSetting.drawWound) { // Draw Wound ___woundOverlays.RenderOverBody(bodyLoc.SetLayer(60), bodyMesh, bodyQuat, portrait); } for (int k = 0; k < apparelGraphics.Count; k++) { // Draw Shell if (apparelGraphics[k].sourceApparel.def.apparel.LastLayer == ApparelLayerDefOf.Shell && !apparelGraphics[k].sourceApparel.def.apparel.shellRenderedBehindHead) { Material original3 = apparelGraphics[k].graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing); original3 = OverrideMaterialIfNeeded_NewTemp(, original3, ___pawn, portrait); GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(bodyMesh, bodyLoc.SetLayer(bodyFacing == Rot4.North ? 80 : 70), bodyQuat, original3, portrait); } // Draw Pack if (PawnRenderer.RenderAsPack(apparelGraphics[k].sourceApparel)) { Material original4 = apparelGraphics[k].graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing); original4 = OverrideMaterialIfNeeded_NewTemp(, original4, ___pawn, portrait); if (apparelGraphics[k].sourceApparel.def.apparel.wornGraphicData != null) { Vector2 vector3 = apparelGraphics[k].sourceApparel.def.apparel.wornGraphicData.BeltOffsetAt(bodyFacing, ___pawn.story.bodyType); Vector2 vector4 = apparelGraphics[k].sourceApparel.def.apparel.wornGraphicData.BeltScaleAt(___pawn.story.bodyType); Matrix4x4 matrix = Matrix4x4.Translate(bodyLoc.SetLayer(bodyFacing == Rot4.South ? 10 : 90)) * Matrix4x4.Rotate(bodyQuat) * Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(vector3.x, 0f, vector3.y)) * Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(vector4.x, 1f, vector4.y)); GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater_NewTemp(bodyMesh, matrix, original4, portrait); } else { GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(bodyMesh, bodyLoc.SetLayer(bodyFacing == Rot4.North ? 80 : 70), bodyQuat, original4, portrait); } } } //Draw Body Addons if (bodyDrawType != RotDrawMode.Dessicated && racomp.raceAddonGraphicSet.addonGraphics.FindAll(x => is var list && list.Count > 0) { foreach (var record in list) { if (!___pawn.InBed() || ___pawn.InBed() && { Material addonMat = OverrideMaterialIfNeeded_NewTemp(, record.MatAt(bodyFacing, bodyDrawType), ___pawn, portrait); if (addonMat != null) { Vector3 offset =; GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(bodyMesh, offset + bodyLoc.SetLayer(, bodyQuat, addonMat, portrait); } } } } } if ( != null) { // Draw Head if (, bodyDrawType, headStump, portrait) is var headMat && headMat != null) { GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(headMesh, headLoc.SetLayer(headFacing == Rot4.North ? 70 : 80), headQuat, headMat, portrait); } // Draw Hat, Mask bool hideHair = false; if (!portrait || !Prefs.HatsOnlyOnMap) { for (int j = 0; j < apparelGraphics.Count; j++) { if (apparelGraphics[j].sourceApparel.def.apparel.LastLayer == ApparelLayerDefOf.Overhead) { hideHair = !apparelGraphics[j].sourceApparel.def.apparel.hatRenderedFrontOfFace; Material mat = OverrideMaterialIfNeeded_NewTemp(, apparelGraphics[j].graphic.MatAt(headFacing), ___pawn, portrait); GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(headMesh, headLoc.SetLayer(hideHair ? 120 : (bodyFacing == Rot4.North) ? 10 : 110), headQuat, mat, portrait); } } } if (bodyDrawType != RotDrawMode.Dessicated && !headStump) { bool blinkNow = false; bool winkNow = false; if (racomp.raceAddonGraphicSet.eyeBlinker != null) { blinkNow = racomp.raceAddonGraphicSet.eyeBlinker.BlinkNow; winkNow = racomp.raceAddonGraphicSet.eyeBlinker.WinkNow; } // Draw Upper Face if (racomp.raceAddonGraphicSet.upperFaceGraphic != null) { Material faceMat = OverrideMaterialIfNeeded_NewTemp(, racomp.raceAddonGraphicSet.upperFaceGraphic.MatAt(headFacing, portrait, blinkNow, winkNow), ___pawn); GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(headMesh, headLoc.SetLayer(105), headQuat, faceMat, portrait); } // Draw Lower Face if (racomp.raceAddonGraphicSet.lowerFaceGraphic != null) { Material faceMat = OverrideMaterialIfNeeded_NewTemp(, racomp.raceAddonGraphicSet.lowerFaceGraphic.MatAt(headFacing, portrait, blinkNow, winkNow), ___pawn); GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(headMesh, headLoc.SetLayer(85), headQuat, faceMat, portrait); } // Draw Upper Hair if (!hideHair || racomp.raceAddonGraphicSet.drawUpperHair) { GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(headMesh, headLoc.SetLayer(100), headQuat,, portrait), portrait); } // Draw Lower Hair if (racomp.raceAddonGraphicSet.hairGraphic != null && (!hideHair || racomp.raceAddonGraphicSet.drawLowerHair)) { if (renderBody || ___pawn.InBed() && (___pawn.story.hairDef as ImprovedHairDef).drawnInBed) { Material mat = racomp.raceAddonGraphicSet.hairGraphic.MatAt(headFacing); mat = OverrideMaterialIfNeeded_NewTemp(, mat, ___pawn, portrait); GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(headMesh, headLoc.SetLayer(20), headQuat, mat, portrait); } } // Draw Head Addons if (racomp.raceAddonGraphicSet.addonGraphics.FindAll(x => ! is var list && list.Count > 0) { foreach (var record in list) { if (!___pawn.InBed() || ___pawn.InBed() && { Material addonMat = OverrideMaterialIfNeeded_NewTemp(, record.MatAt(headFacing, bodyDrawType), ___pawn, portrait); if (addonMat != null) { Vector3 offset =; GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(headMesh, offset + headLoc.SetLayer(, headQuat, addonMat, portrait); } } } } } } /* * if (!portrait) * { * DrawEquipment(rootLoc, ___pawn, racomp.raceAddonGraphicSet.equipmentMeshSet.MeshAt(bodyFacing)); * if (___pawn.apparel != null) * { * List<Apparel> wornApparel = ___pawn.apparel.WornApparel; * for (int l = 0; l < wornApparel.Count; l++) * { * wornApparel[l].DrawWornExtras(); * } * } * ___statusOverlays.RenderStatusOverlays(bodyLoc.SetLayer(130), bodyQuat, MeshPool.humanlikeHeadSet.MeshAt(headFacing)); * } * return false; */ } return(true); }
public static void Postfix(ref Apparel apparel, BodyTypeDef bodyType, ref ApparelGraphicRecord rec) { /* * bool Pauldron = apparel.TryGetCompFast<CompPauldronDrawer>() != null; * if (Pauldron) * { * // Log.Message("Updating pad graphics for "+apparel.LabelShortCap); * for (int i = 0; i < apparel.GetComps<CompPauldronDrawer>().Count(); i++) * { * // Log.Message("Pauldron drawer "+(i+1)); * CompPauldronDrawer comp = apparel.GetComps<CompPauldronDrawer>().ElementAt(i); * if (!comp.activeEntries.NullOrEmpty()) * { * for (int i2 = 0; i2 < comp.activeEntries.Count; i2++) * { * // Log.Message("Entry drawer " + (i2 + 1)); * comp.activeEntries[i2].UpdatePadGraphic(); * } * } * } * } */ string mskVariant = ""; if (apparel is ApparelComposite composite) { if (!composite.AltGraphics.NullOrEmpty() && composite.ActiveAltGraphic != null) { rec.graphic = composite.ActiveAltGraphic.GetGraphic(rec.graphic, true); Graphic graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get <Graphic_Multi>(composite.WornGraphicPath, apparel.def.apparel.useWornGraphicMask ? ShaderDatabase.CutoutComplex : ShaderDatabase.Cutout, apparel.def.graphicData.drawSize, composite.DrawColor, composite.DrawColorTwo); if (!composite.ActiveAltGraphic.maskKey.NullOrEmpty()) { mskVariant = "_" + composite.ActiveAltGraphic.maskKey; } rec = new ApparelGraphicRecord(graphic, apparel); } } CompColorableTwo compColorable = apparel.TryGetCompFast <CompColorableTwo>(); if (compColorable != null) { // Log.Message("CompColorableTwo "+ apparel); string comptype = compColorable.GetType().Name; string msg = string.Empty; string mskFaction = string.Empty; CompColorableTwoFaction factionColors = compColorable as CompColorableTwoFaction; Color colorOne = compColorable.Color; Color colorTwo = compColorable.ColorTwo; if (factionColors != null) { if (apparel.Wearer.Faction != null) { if (apparel.Wearer.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer) { factionColors.FactionDef = apparel.Wearer.Faction?.def; msg += " entry for Non Player Pawn using FactionDef " + factionColors.FactionDef; } else { if (factionColors.FactionDef != null) { msg += " entry for Player Pawn using FactionDef " + factionColors.FactionDef; } else { /* * CompPauldronDrawer pauldrons = apparel.TryGetCompFast<CompPauldronDrawer>(); * if (pauldrons != null) * { * for (int i = 0; i < pauldrons.activeEntries.Count; i++) * { * ShoulderPadEntry entry = pauldrons.activeEntries[i]; * if (entry.faction != null && entry.UseFactionTextures || entry.UseFactionColors) * { * factionColors.FactionDef = entry.faction; * msg += " entry for Player Pawn using FactionDef " + factionColors.FactionDef; * break; * } * * } * } * else * { * // Log.Message("CompFactionColorableTwo Player Pawn no CompPauldronDrawer"); * } */ } } } if (factionColors.Active) { // Log.Message("factionColors.Active"); colorOne = factionColors.Color; apparel.SetColorOne(colorOne); } if (factionColors.ActiveTwo) { // Log.Message("factionColors.ActiveTwo"); colorTwo = factionColors.ColorTwo; apparel.SetColorTwo(colorTwo); } if (factionColors.Extension != null) { // Log.Message("factionColors.Extension != null"); if (factionColors.ActiveTwo || factionColors.Active) { if (!factionColors.Extension.factionMaskTag.NullOrEmpty()) { // Log.Message("factionColors.factionMaskTag"); mskFaction = "_" + factionColors.Extension.factionMaskTag; // Log.Message("factionMaskTag: "+msk); } } } // msg if (factionColors.ActiveFaction) { comptype += "FactionActive: " + factionColors.FactionActive + ", FactionActiveTwo: " + factionColors.FactionActiveTwo; } else { comptype += "Active: " + factionColors.Active + ", ActiveTwo: " + factionColors.ActiveTwo; } } else { comptype += "Active: " + compColorable.Active + ", ActiveTwo: " + compColorable.ActiveTwo; } // Log.Message(comptype + msg + " present on " + apparel.Wearer +"'s "+ apparel + " colorOne: " + colorOne + ", colorTwo: " + colorTwo); // Log.Message("New graphic for "+rec.sourceApparel.LabelCap+" worn by "+rec.sourceApparel.Wearer.NameShortColored+ " colorOne: "+colorOne+", colorTwo"+ colorTwo); if (rec.graphic != null) { Graphic newgraphic = rec.graphic.GetColoredVersion(rec.graphic.Shader, colorOne, colorTwo); bool replaced = false; if (!apparel.def.apparel.wornGraphicPath.NullOrEmpty()) { Graphic replace = AdeptusApparelUtility.ApplyMask(newgraphic, apparel, colorOne, colorTwo, mskVariant, mskFaction); replaced = replace != null; if (replaced) { newgraphic = replace; rec = new ApparelGraphicRecord(newgraphic, apparel); } } if (!rec.graphic.path.NullOrEmpty()) { Texture texture = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(rec.graphic.path + mskFaction, false); if (texture != null) { newgraphic.MatSingle.SetTexture(ShaderPropertyIDs.MaskTex, texture); } newgraphic.MatEast.SetColor(ShaderPropertyIDs.ColorTwo, colorTwo); } } // Log.Message(comptype + msg + " present on " + apparel.Wearer +"'s "+ apparel + " colorOne: " + colorOne + ", colorTwo: " + colorTwo); } if (!apparel.def.apparel.wornGraphicPath.NullOrEmpty()) { if (apparel.def.GetModExtensionFast <ApparelRestrictionDefExtension>() is ApparelRestrictionDefExtension apparelExt) { if (!apparelExt.raceSpecifics.NullOrEmpty()) { foreach (var item in apparelExt.raceSpecifics) { ThingDef RaceDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(item.raceDef); if (RaceDef == null) { continue; } if (RaceDef == apparel.Wearer.def) { if (!item.texPath.NullOrEmpty()) { string path; if (apparel.def.apparel.LastLayer == ApparelLayerDefOf.Overhead || PawnRenderer.RenderAsPack(apparel) || apparel.def.apparel.wornGraphicPath == BaseContent.PlaceholderImagePath) { path = apparel.def.apparel.wornGraphicPath + "_" + item.texPath; } else { path = apparel.def.apparel.wornGraphicPath + "_" + item.texPath + "_" + bodyType.defName; } Graphic graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get <Graphic_Multi>(path, apparel.def.apparel.useWornGraphicMask ? ShaderDatabase.CutoutComplex : ShaderDatabase.Cutout, apparel.def.graphicData.drawSize, rec.graphic.color, rec.graphic.colorTwo); rec = new ApparelGraphicRecord(graphic, apparel); } break; } } } } } /* * for (int i = 0; i < apparel.AllComps.Count; i++) * { * CompPauldronDrawer drawer = apparel.AllComps[i] as CompPauldronDrawer; * if (drawer != null) * { * drawer. * } * * } */ apparel.BroadcastCompSignal(CompPauldronDrawer.UpdateString); }
public static bool TryGetGraphicApparel(Apparel apparel, BodyTypeDef bodyType, out ApparelGraphicRecord rec) { if (bodyType == null) { Log.Error("Getting apparel graphic with undefined body type."); bodyType = BodyTypeDefOf.Male; } if (apparel.def.apparel.wornGraphicPath.NullOrEmpty()) { rec = new ApparelGraphicRecord(null, null); return(false); } string path = ((apparel.def.apparel.LastLayer != ApparelLayerDefOf.Overhead && !PawnRenderer.RenderAsPack(apparel) && !(apparel.def.apparel.wornGraphicPath == BaseContent.PlaceholderImagePath)) ? (apparel.def.apparel.wornGraphicPath + "_" + bodyType.defName) : apparel.def.apparel.wornGraphicPath); Shader shader = ShaderDatabase.Cutout; if (apparel.def.apparel.useWornGraphicMask) { shader = ShaderDatabase.CutoutComplex; } Graphic graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get <Graphic_Multi>(path, shader, apparel.def.graphicData.drawSize, apparel.DrawColor); rec = new ApparelGraphicRecord(graphic, apparel); return(true); }