}//end page_load

    protected void ShowInstitutionSelect(int patientId)
        groupMessage.Text = "";

        PatientInstitutionDa da = new PatientInstitutionDa();

        //get users existing insts
        DataTable dt = da.GetPatientInstitutionsByPatientId(patientId);

        rptInstitutions.DataSource = dt.DefaultView;

        if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
            groupMessage.Text = "No Institutions Assigned. This patient will only be accessible in the All Dataset";

        //get groups
        InstitutionDa i   = new InstitutionDa();
        DataTable     iDt = i.GetInstitutions();

        Institutions.DataSource     = iDt.DefaultView;
        Institutions.DataValueField = "InstitutionId";
        Institutions.DataTextField  = "Institution";
        Institutions.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(""));

        SelectInstitutionTable.Visible = true;
        private void InsertDimension(object atts, int patientId, SqlTransaction trans)
            DataRow dr;

            if (atts is XmlNode)
                dr = this.AttributesToRow(((XmlNode)atts).Attributes);
                dr = (DataRow)atts;

            string dimType = (string)dr["type"];

            switch (dimType)
            case "Institution":
                InstitutionDa ida           = new InstitutionDa();
                int           institutionId = ida.GetPrimKey((string)dr["value"]);
                this._CheckId(institutionId, dimType, dr);
                PatientInstitutionDa pida = new PatientInstitutionDa();

                if (VerifyUnique((pida.GetPatientInstitution(patientId, institutionId, trans)).Tables[0]))
                    // NEW CODE, insert record though middle tier
                    PatientInstitution ptInstitution = new PatientInstitution();
                    ptInstitution[PatientInstitution.PatientId]     = patientId;
                    ptInstitution[PatientInstitution.InstitutionId] = institutionId;

                    // OLD CODE, inserts now handled by middle tier
                    // pida.InsertPatientInstitution(patientId, institutionId, trans);  add trans logic after concurrency fully tested- spy 2/21
                    // pida.InsertPatientInstitution(patientId, institutionId, trans);

            case "Physician":
                PhysicianDa pda = new PhysicianDa();
                //to get Physician primary key need to pass first and last name in from dataset defined in XML
                int physicianId = pda.GetPrimKey((string)dr["value"], (string)dr["value2"]);
                this._CheckId(physicianId, dimType, dr);

                PatientPhysicianDa ppda = new PatientPhysicianDa();
                if (VerifyUnique((ppda.ValidatePatientPhysician(patientId, physicianId)).Tables[0]))
                    // NEW CODE, insert record though middle tier
                    PatientPhysician ptPhysician = new PatientPhysician();
                    ptPhysician[PatientPhysician.PatientId]   = patientId;
                    ptPhysician[PatientPhysician.PhysicianId] = physicianId;

                    // OLD CODE, inserts now handled by middle tier
                    //should be creating Patient Physician biz object and passing object to PatientPhysicianDa
                    //ppda.InsertPatientPhysicianDimension(patientId, physicianId, _sc.GetUserName(), trans);

            case "Protocol":
                ProtocolDa protDa     = new ProtocolDa();
                int        protocolId = protDa.GetPrimKey((string)dr["value"]);
                this._CheckId(protocolId, dimType, dr);

                PatientProtocolDa ptProtDa = new PatientProtocolDa();
                if (VerifyUnique((ptProtDa.ValidatePatientProtocol(patientId, protocolId)).Tables[0]))
                    // NEW CODE, insert record though middle tier
                    PatientProtocol ptProtocol = new PatientProtocol();
                    ptProtocol[PatientProtocol.PatientId]  = patientId;
                    ptProtocol[PatientProtocol.ProtocolId] = protocolId;

                    // OLD CODE, inserts now handled by middle tier
                    //ptProtDa.InsertPatientProtocolDimension(patientId, protocolId, _sc.GetUserName(), trans);

            case "Disease":
                DiseaseDa disDa     = new DiseaseDa();
                int       diseaseId = disDa.GetPrimKey((string)dr["value"]);
                this._CheckId(diseaseId, dimType, dr);

                PatientDiseaseDa ptDiseaseDa = new PatientDiseaseDa();
                if (VerifyUnique((ptDiseaseDa.GetPatientDisease(patientId, diseaseId)).Tables[0]))
                    // NEW CODE, insert record though middle tier
                    PatientDisease ptDisease = new PatientDisease();
                    ptDisease[PatientDisease.PatientId] = patientId;
                    ptDisease[PatientDisease.DiseaseId] = diseaseId;

                    // OLD CODE, inserts now handled by middle tier
                    //ptDiseaseDa.InsertPatientDisease(patientId, diseaseId, trans);