public JsonResult AddPatient(FormCollection form) { var patient = new PatientDto { FirstName = form["firstname"], SecondName = form["secondname"], Surname = form["surname"], Street = form["street"], BuildingNumber = form["buildingnumber"], FlatNumber = form["flatnumber"], ZipCode = form["zipcode"], City = form["city"], CountryId = Convert.ToInt32(form["Countries"]), PhoneNumber = form["phonenumber"], DateOfBirth = Convert.ToDateTime(form["dateofbirth"]), CityOfBirth = form["cityofbirth"], Pesel = form["pesel"], NationalityId = Convert.ToInt32(form["nationality"]) }; var patientId = _repository.AddPatient(patient); return(Json(new { type = patientId > 0 ? "OK" : "Error", message = patientId > 0 ? "Poprawnie dodano pacjenta" : "Wystąpił błąd!", url = $"edytuj-pacjenta/{patientId}" })); }
public ActionResult EditPatientData(FormCollection form) { var patient = new PatientDto { Id = Convert.ToInt32(form["Id"]), FirstName = form["FirstName"], SecondName = form["SecondName"], Surname = form["Surname"], Street = form["Street"], BuildingNumber = form["BuildingNumber"], FlatNumber = form["FlatNumber"], ZipCode = form["ZipCode"], City = form["City"], CountryId = Convert.ToInt32(form["CountryId"]), PhoneNumber = form["PhoneNumber"], DateOfBirth = Convert.ToDateTime(form["DateOfBirth"]), CityOfBirth = form["CityOfBirth"], Pesel = form["Pesel"], NationalityId = Convert.ToInt32(form["NationalityId"]) }; var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); var result = _repository.EditPatient(patient, userId); return(Json(new { type = result ? "OK" : "Error", message = result ? "Poprawnie zapisano dane pacjenta" : "Wystąpił błąd!" })); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Create(string assessmentId = null) { var patientDto = new PatientDto(); patientDto.Name = new PersonName("X", "X"); //TODO: Pilot Only patientDto.Gender = new LookupDto { Code = Gender.Female.Code }; patientDto.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(2001, 1, 1); var requestDispatcher = CreateAsyncRequestDispatcher(); AddLookupRequests(requestDispatcher, typeof(PatientDto)); requestDispatcher.Add(new CreatePatientRequest { PatientDto = patientDto }); var response = await requestDispatcher.GetAsync <SaveDtoResponse <PatientDto> >(); AddLookupResponsesToViewData(requestDispatcher); return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = response.DataTransferObject.Key })); ViewData["AssessmentId"] = assessmentId; ViewData["Patient"] = patientDto; return(View("Edit", patientDto)); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PatientAsync(PatientDto patient) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { Patient dbPatient = new Patient { DateOfBirth = patient.DateOfBirth, FirstName = patient.FirstName, LastName = patient.LastName, Gender = patient.Gender }; _unitOfWork.Patients.Add(dbPatient); await _unitOfWork.CompleteAsync(); patient.Id = dbPatient.Id; return(Created(new Uri(Request.RequestUri + "/" + patient.Id), patient)); } _logger.Warn(string.Join(" | ", ModelState.Values.SelectMany(e => e.Errors.Take(1)).Select(e => e.ErrorMessage))); return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } catch (Exception ex) { if (_logger.IsDebugEnabled) { _logger.Debug(ex); return(InternalServerError(ex)); } return(InternalServerError()); } }
public async Task <ApiResponse> UpdatePatientAsync(int patientID, PatientDto patient) { var _test = await _dbContext.Patients.Where(t => t.PatientID == patientID).SingleOrDefaultAsync(); if (_test != null) { var modifiedData = _mapper.Map <Patient>(patient); modifiedData.UpdatedBy = 1; modifiedData.CreatedOn = _test.CreatedOn; modifiedData.CreatedBy = _test.CreatedBy; modifiedData.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now; _dbContext.Entry(_test).State = EntityState.Detached; _dbContext.Entry(modifiedData).State = EntityState.Modified; _dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(new ApiResponse { Data = patient, Message = "Success", StatusCode = StatusCode.Ok }); } else { return(new ApiResponse { Message = $"Patient not found with id {patientID}", StatusCode = StatusCode.NotFound }); } }
public void Should_return_zero_search_results() { PatientDto expectedDto = new PatientDto() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Jeff Carley", Status = "Active", Street = "123 Main St", City = "Madison", State = "WI", Zip = "53571" }; var query = new EnumerableQuery <PatientDto>(new List <PatientDto>() { expectedDto }); IReportingRepository <PatientDto> repository = MockRepository.GenerateMock <IReportingRepository <PatientDto> >(); repository.Stub(repo => repo.GetAll()).Return(query); PatientSearchViewModel viewModel = new PatientSearchViewModel(repository); // searchs are exact only viewModel.SearchText = "Jeff"; viewModel.Search.Execute(null); viewModel.PatientResults.ShouldBeEmpty(); }
public void CreateAmbCaseWithTfomsInfoFull() { using (TestPixServiceClient c = new TestPixServiceClient()) { PatientDto patient = (new SetData()).PatientSet(); c.AddPatient(Global.GUID, Data.idlpu, patient); } using (TestEmkServiceClient client = new TestEmkServiceClient()) { CaseAmb caseAmb = (new SetData()).MinCaseAmbSetForCreate(); caseAmb.MedRecords = new List <MedRecord> { MedRecordData.tfomsInfo }; client.CreateCase(Global.GUID, caseAmb); } if (Global.errors == "") { Assert.Pass(); } else { Assert.Fail(Global.errors); } }
public void AddStatStep_Ref() { using (TestPixServiceClient PixClient = new TestPixServiceClient()) { PatientDto patient = (new SetData()).PatientSet(); PixClient.AddPatient(Global.GUID, Data.idlpu, patient); } using (TestEmkServiceClient EmkClient = new TestEmkServiceClient()) { CaseStat caseStat = (new SetData()).MinCaseStatSetForCreate(); EmkClient.CreateCase(Global.GUID, caseStat); StepStat stepStat = (new SetData()).MinStepStatSet(); stepStat.MedRecords = new List <MedRecord> { MedRecordData.referral }; EmkClient.AddStepToCase(Global.GUID, Data.idlpu, caseStat.IdPatientMis, caseStat.IdCaseMis, stepStat); } if (Global.errors == "") { Assert.Pass(); } else { Assert.Fail(Global.errors); } }
public void UpdateStatCaseRef_ToStep() { using (TestPixServiceClient PixClient = new TestPixServiceClient()) { PatientDto patient = (new SetData()).PatientSet(); PixClient.AddPatient(Global.GUID, Data.idlpu, patient); } using (TestEmkServiceClient EmkClient = new TestEmkServiceClient()) { CaseStat caseStat = (new SetData()).MinCaseStatSet(); EmkClient.AddCase(Global.GUID, caseStat); StepStat stepStat = (new SetData()).MinStepStatSet(); stepStat.MedRecords = new List <MedRecord> { MedRecordData.referral }; caseStat.Steps = new List <StepStat> { stepStat }; EmkClient.UpdateCase(Global.GUID, caseStat); } if (Global.errors == "") { Assert.Pass(); } else { Assert.Fail(Global.errors); } }
public void CloseStatCaseFullRef() { using (TestPixServiceClient PixClient = new TestPixServiceClient()) { PatientDto patient = (new SetData()).PatientSet(); PixClient.AddPatient(Global.GUID, Data.idlpu, patient); } using (TestEmkServiceClient EmkClient = new TestEmkServiceClient()) { CaseStat caseStat = (new SetData()).MinCaseStatSetForCreate(); EmkClient.CreateCase(Global.GUID, caseStat); caseStat = (new SetData()).MinCaseStatSetForClose(); caseStat.MedRecords = new List <MedRecord> { MedRecordData.referral, (new SetData()).MinClinicMainDiagnosis() }; EmkClient.CloseCase(Global.GUID, caseStat); } if (Global.errors == "") { Assert.Pass(); } else { Assert.Fail(Global.errors); } }
public void CreateAmbCaseFullRef() { using (TestPixServiceClient PixClient = new TestPixServiceClient()) { PatientDto patient = (new SetData()).PatientSet(); PixClient.AddPatient(Global.GUID, Data.idlpu, patient); } using (TestEmkServiceClient EmkClient = new TestEmkServiceClient()) { CaseAmb caseAmb = (new SetData()).MinCaseAmbSetForCreate(); caseAmb.MedRecords = new List <MedRecord> { MedRecordData.referral }; EmkClient.CreateCase(Global.GUID, caseAmb); } if (Global.errors == "") { Assert.Pass(); } else { Assert.Fail(Global.errors); } }
public void UpdateAmbCaseMinRef() { using (TestPixServiceClient PixClient = new TestPixServiceClient()) { PatientDto patient = (new SetData()).PatientSet(); PixClient.AddPatient(Global.GUID, Data.idlpu, patient); } using (TestEmkServiceClient EmkClient = new TestEmkServiceClient()) { CaseAmb caseAmb = (new SetData()).MinCaseAmbSet(); EmkClient.AddCase(Global.GUID, caseAmb); caseAmb.MedRecords = new List <MedRecord> { (new SetData()).MinRefferal(), (new SetData()).MinClinicMainDiagnosis() }; EmkClient.UpdateCase(Global.GUID, caseAmb); } if (Global.errors == "") { Assert.Pass(); } else { Assert.Fail(Global.errors); } }
public void SearchNullPatient() { PatientDto searchPatient = null; Result <PatientDto> response = _PhekoServiceClient.Search(searchPatient); Assert.AreEqual(response.Models.Count, 0); }
public void SearchEmptyPatient() { PatientDto searchPatient = new PatientDto(); Result <PatientDto> response = _PhekoServiceClient.Search(searchPatient); Assert.IsTrue(response.Models.Count > 0); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UpdatePatient(Guid patientId, [FromBody] PatientDto patient) { await _patientService.UpdatePatient(patientId, patient.Street, patient.PostCode, patient.PhoneNumber, patient.City); return(NoContent()); }
public void AddPatient(string guid, string idlpu, PatientDto patient) { TestPatient p = new TestPatient(guid, idlpu, patient); try { p.DeletePatient(); client.AddPatient(guid, idlpu, patient); p = new TestPatient(guid, idlpu, patient); TestPatient a = TestPatient.BuildPatientFromDataBaseData(guid, idlpu, patient.IdPatientMIS); if (!p.CheckPatientInDataBase()) { Global.errors1.AddRange(Global.errors2); Global.errors1.Add("Не совпадение значений объектов"); } } catch (System.ServiceModel.FaultException<PixServiseTests.PixServise.RequestFault> we) { if (we.Detail.Message == reinclusionString) { TestPatient wwww = TestPatient.BuildPatientFromDataBaseData(guid ,idlpu, patient.IdPatientMIS); if (TestPatient.BuildPatientFromDataBaseData(guid ,idlpu, patient.IdPatientMIS) == null) Global.errors1.Add("Ошибочное сообщение о попытке повторного добавления"); else Global.errors1.Add(we.Detail.Message); } else { Global.errors1.Add(we.Detail.Message); } } }
public async Task <ActionResult <PatientDto> > PutAsync(int id, [FromBody] PatientDto patientDto) { var command = new PutPatient.Command(id, patientDto); var result = await _mediator.Send(command); return(Ok(result)); }
public async Task <ReturnPatientInformationModel> GetByIdentificationNumber([FromUri] GetPatientInformationModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } PatientDto patientDto = await PatientFacade.GetPatientByIdentificationNumberAsync(model.IdentificationNumber); if (patientDto == null) { throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } ReturnPatientInformationModel patientInfo = new ReturnPatientInformationModel(); patientInfo.Name = patientDto.Name; patientInfo.Surname = patientDto.Surname; patientInfo.DateOfBirth = patientDto.DateOfBirth; patientInfo.Email = patientDto.Email; patientInfo.IdentificationNumber = patientDto.IdentificationNumber; patientInfo.ProfileCreationDate = patientDto.ProfileCreationDate; patientInfo.Doctors = patientDto.Doctors.Select(dto => new Tuple <string, Specialization>($"{dto.Name} {dto.Surname}", dto.Specialization)); return(patientInfo); }
public bool CheckIfUnique(string parameter, PatientDto entity) { bool isUnique = false; switch (parameter) { case FISCAL_CODE_PARAMETER: isUnique = _ctx.Patients.Any(p => p.FiscalCode == entity.FiscalCode); break; case NAME_PARAMETER: isUnique = _ctx.Patients.Any(p => p.Name == entity.Name); break; case SURNAME_PARAMETER: isUnique = _ctx.Patients.Any(p => p.Surname == entity.Surname); break; case PHONE_PARAMETER: isUnique = _ctx.Patients.Any(p => p.Phone == entity.Phone); break; case EMAIL_PARAMETER: isUnique = _ctx.Patients.Any(p => p.Email == entity.Email); break; } return(isUnique); }
public void AddAmbCaseRef_ToStep() { using (TestPixServiceClient PixClient = new TestPixServiceClient()) { PatientDto patient = (new SetData()).PatientSet(); PixClient.AddPatient(Global.GUID, Data.idlpu, patient); } using (TestEmkServiceClient EmkClient = new TestEmkServiceClient()) { CaseAmb caseAmb = (new SetData()).MinCaseAmbSet(); StepAmb stepAmb = (new SetData()).MinStepAmbSet(); stepAmb.MedRecords = new List <MedRecord> { MedRecordData.referral }; caseAmb.Steps = new List <StepAmb> { stepAmb }; EmkClient.AddCase(Global.GUID, caseAmb); } if (Global.errors == "") { Assert.Pass(); } else { Assert.Fail(Global.errors); } }
public ActionResult <Patient> CreatePatient(PatientDto patientDto) { var patient = _mapper.Map <PatientDto, Patient>(patientDto); var result = _patientsService.Create(patient).Result; return(Ok(result)); }
public List<string> CheckDB_AfterGet(PatientDto patient) { var errorList = new List<string>(); CommonFun f = new CommonFun(); errorList.AddRange(f.Check_MainDataInDB(patient.IdGlobal, patient)); if (patient.Job != null) errorList.AddRange(f.Check_JobInDB(patient.IdGlobal, patient.Job)); if (patient.BirthPlace != null) errorList.AddRange(f.Check_BirthPlaceInDB(patient.IdGlobal, patient.BirthPlace)); if (patient.Contacts != null) { foreach (ContactDto contact in patient.Contacts) errorList.AddRange(f.Check_ContactInDB(patient.IdGlobal, contact)); } if (patient.Documents != null) { foreach (DocumentDto document in patient.Documents) errorList.AddRange(f.Check_DocumentInDB(patient.IdGlobal, document)); } if (patient.Addresses != null) { foreach (AddressDto address in patient.Addresses) errorList.AddRange(f.Check_AddressInDB(patient.IdGlobal, address)); } if (patient.Privilege != null) errorList.AddRange(f.Check_PrivilegeInDB(patient.IdGlobal, patient.Privilege)); return errorList; }
public async Task <bool> Update(PatientDto model) { _patientRepository.Update(_mapper.Map <TPatient>(model)); var recordUpdated = await _patientRepository.SaveChangeAsync(); return(recordUpdated > 0); }
public async Task <ActionResult <PatientDto> > Put(int id, PatientDto model) { try { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest("Model is not valid")); } var oldPatient = await _patientServices.GetPatientsByIdAsync(id); if (oldPatient == null) { return(NotFound($"Could not find patient with id of {id}")); } var updatedPatient = _mapper.Map(model, oldPatient); if (await _patientServices.UpdatePatient(updatedPatient)) { return(Ok(updatedPatient)); } } catch (Exception e) { return(this.StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, $"Database Failure: {e}")); } return(BadRequest()); }
public Result <PatientDto> Search(PatientDto searchPatient, ModelPager modelPager) { Result <PatientDto> response = new Result <PatientDto>(); using (UnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork()) { Expression <Func <Patient, bool> > searchFilter = null; if (searchPatient != null) { searchFilter = p => (searchPatient.PatientId == null || p.PatientId == searchPatient.PatientId) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchPatient.FirstName) || p.FirstName.Contains(searchPatient.FirstName)) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchPatient.LastName) || p.LastName.Contains(searchPatient.LastName)) && (searchPatient.BirthDate == null || p.BirthDate == searchPatient.BirthDate) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchPatient.IDNumber) || p.IDNumber.Contains(searchPatient.IDNumber)); } response.Models = unitOfWork.PatientRepository.GetPagedEntities(searchFilter, GetOrderExpression(modelPager), modelPager, "PostalAddress, PhysicalAddress") .Select(item => _PatientMapper.MapToPatientDto(item)) .ToList <PatientDto>(); response.Total = unitOfWork.PatientRepository.Count(searchFilter); } return(response); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> UpdatePatientAsync(PatientDto patient) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { Patient dbPatient = await _unitOfWork.Patients.GetAsync(patient.Id); if (dbPatient == null) { return(NotFound()); } dbPatient.DateOfBirth = patient.DateOfBirth; dbPatient.FirstName = patient.FirstName; dbPatient.LastName = patient.LastName; dbPatient.Gender = patient.Gender; await _unitOfWork.CompleteAsync(); return(Ok(patient)); } _logger.Warn(string.Join(" | ", ModelState.Values.SelectMany(e => e.Errors.Take(1)).Select(e => e.ErrorMessage))); return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } catch (Exception ex) { if (_logger.IsDebugEnabled) { _logger.Debug(ex); return(InternalServerError(ex)); } return(InternalServerError()); } }
private PatientDetailResponse CreatePatient(PatientDto insertedPatient) { PatientDetailResponse response = _PatientBusinessRules.CreateCheck(insertedPatient); if (response.HasErrors) { return(response); } Patient patient = new Patient(); _PatientMapper.MapToPatient(patient, insertedPatient); using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { using (UnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork()) { unitOfWork.PatientRepository.Insert(patient); unitOfWork.Save(); response.Patient = _PatientMapper.MapToPatientDto(unitOfWork.PatientRepository.GetByID(p => p.PatientId == patient.PatientId, "PostalAddress, PhysicalAddress")); } scope.Complete(); } return(response); }
private PatientDetailResponse UpdatePatient(PatientDto updatedPatient) { PatientDetailResponse response = _PatientBusinessRules.UpdateCheck(updatedPatient); if (response.HasErrors) { return(response); } using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { using (UnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork()) { Patient patient = unitOfWork.PatientRepository.GetByID(p => p.PatientId == updatedPatient.PatientId, "PostalAddress, PhysicalAddress"); _PatientMapper.MapToPatient(patient, updatedPatient); if (updatedPatient.MedicalAidInd == null || !updatedPatient.MedicalAidInd.Value) { patient.PatientMedicalAidDependancies.ToList().ForEach(item => unitOfWork.PatientMedicalAidDependancyRepository.Delete(item)); } unitOfWork.PatientRepository.Update(patient); unitOfWork.Save(); response.Patient = _PatientMapper.MapToPatientDto(unitOfWork.PatientRepository.GetByID(p => p.PatientId == patient.PatientId, "PostalAddress, PhysicalAddress")); } scope.Complete(); } return(response); }
public async Task GetAllAsync_ShouldReturnListPatient() { // Arrange var patientDto = new PatientDto { Id = 99 }; _mediator.Send(Arg.Any <GetAllPatient.Query>()) .Returns(new GetAllPatient.Response(new List <PatientDto> { patientDto })); // Act var actionResult = await _sut.GetAllAsync(); // Assert if (actionResult.Result is OkObjectResult result) { result.StatusCode.Should().Be(200); if (result.Value is List <PatientDto> value) { value.Should().HaveCount(1); } } }
public async Task UpdatePatient_ShouldCallRepo_WhenExist() { // Arrange var counter = 0; var patient = new Patient { Id = 99 }; _patientRepository.GetPatient(patient.Id).Returns(patient); _patientRepository.When(x => x.UpdatePatient(patient)).Do(x => counter++); // Act var patientDto = new PatientDto { Id = 99, FamilyName = "FamilyName", GivenName = "GivenName", Gender = Gender.Female, DateOfBirth = DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0)) }; await _sut.UpdatePatient(99, patientDto); // Assert await _patientRepository.Received().UpdatePatient(patient); counter.Should().Be(1); }
public void AddAmbStep_SameIdMin() { using (TestPixServiceClient PixClient = new TestPixServiceClient()) { PatientDto patient = (new SetData()).PatientSet(); PixClient.AddPatient(Global.GUID, Data.idlpu, patient); } using (TestEmkServiceClient EmkClient = new TestEmkServiceClient()) { CaseAmb caseAmb = (new SetData()).MinCaseAmbSetForCreate(); EmkClient.CreateCase(Global.GUID, caseAmb); StepAmb stepAmb = (new SetData()).MinOtherStepAmbSet(); stepAmb.IdStepMis = CaseAmbData.step.IdStepMis; EmkClient.AddStepToCase(Global.GUID, Data.idlpu, caseAmb.IdPatientMis, caseAmb.IdCaseMis, stepAmb); } if (Global.errors == "") { Assert.Pass(); } else { Assert.Fail(Global.errors); } }
public void AddAmbStep_OtherIdFull() { using (TestPixServiceClient PixClient = new TestPixServiceClient()) { PatientDto patient = (new SetData()).PatientSet(); PixClient.AddPatient(Global.GUID, Data.idlpu, patient); } using (TestEmkServiceClient EmkClient = new TestEmkServiceClient()) { CaseAmb caseAmb = (new SetData()).MinCaseAmbSetForCreate(); EmkClient.CreateCase(Global.GUID, caseAmb); StepAmb stepAmb = CaseAmbData.otherStep; stepAmb.MedRecords = new List <MedRecord> { (new SetData()).MinService(), (new SetData()).MinAppointedMedication(), (new SetData()).MinDiagnosis(), MedRecordData.clinicMainDiagnosis, MedRecordData.referral, (new SetData()).MinLaboratoryReport() }; EmkClient.AddStepToCase(Global.GUID, Data.idlpu, caseAmb.IdPatientMis, caseAmb.IdCaseMis, stepAmb); } if (Global.errors == "") { Assert.Pass(); } else { Assert.Fail(Global.errors); } }
public void AddEmptyPatient() { TestPixServiceClient client = new TestPixServiceClient(); PatientDto patient = new PatientDto(); client.AddPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient); if (Global.errors == "") Assert.Pass(); else Assert.Fail(Global.errors); }
public List<string> ComparePatient(PatientDto idealPatient, PatientDto patientForCompare) { var errorList = new List<string>(); errorList.AddRange(CompareMainData(idealPatient, patientForCompare)); if (idealPatient.Documents != null) errorList.AddRange(CompareDocument(idealPatient.Documents[0], patientForCompare.Documents)); return errorList; }
public static PatientDto AssemblePatientDto(Patient patient) { var dto = new PatientDto(); dto.Id = patient.Id.ToString(); dto.PID = patient.Pid; dto.Weight = UnitValueDto.AssembleUnitValueDto(patient.Weight); dto.Height = UnitValueDto.AssembleUnitValueDto(patient.Height); return dto; }
public void Test_GetAfterUpdate_ContactOldType() { //добавляем пациента с адресом PatientDto patient = (new FuncForAdd()).OnlyRequiredParamCorrect(); patient.Contacts = new ContactDto[] { (new CommonFun()).Set_Contact(PatientData.Contact_1) }; // удаляем из БД, во избежание ошибки повторного добавления (new CommonFun()).DeletePatientFromDB(guid, idLPU, patient.IdPatientMIS); pixs.AddPatient(Data.guid, Data.idLPU, patient); // проверяем наличие пациента в БД var error = (new CommonFun()).CheckDB(patient); Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, base.ErrorsListToStr(error)); //пациент с таким же адресом PatientDto updatePatient = new PatientDto(); updatePatient.IdPatientMIS = patient.IdPatientMIS; ContactDto contact = (new CommonFun()).Set_Contact(PatientData.Contact_1); contact.ContactValue = PatientData.Contact_2.ContactValue; updatePatient.Contacts = new ContactDto[] { contact }; pixs.UpdatePatient(Data.guid, Data.idLPU, updatePatient); //проверка корректности обновления error = (new CommonFun()).CheckDB(updatePatient); Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, base.ErrorsListToStr(error)); PatientDto[] getPatient = pixs.GetPatient(Data.guid, Data.idLPU, updatePatient, SourceType.Reg); // Проверяем найденных пациентов foreach (PatientDto pat in getPatient) { if (pat.Contacts.Length == 2) { //сравниваем заданного для поиска пациента и найденого error.AddRange((new FuncForGet()).ComparePatient(updatePatient, pat)); //проверяем наличие найденного пациента в БД error.AddRange((new FuncForGet()).CheckDB_AfterGet(pat)); } else error.Add("Вернулось неверное количество контактов"); } (new CommonFun()).DeletePatientFromDB(guid, idLPU, patient.IdPatientMIS); Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, base.ErrorsListToStr(error)); }
public TestPatient(string guid, string idlpu, PatientDto p) { patient = p; if ((guid != null) && (idlpu != null) && (p.IdPatientMIS != null)) patient.IdGlobal = GetPatientId(guid, idlpu, p.IdPatientMIS); GUID = guid.ToLower(); IDLPU = idlpu; if ((p.Documents != null) && (p.Documents.Length != 0)) { List<TestDocument> doc = new List<TestDocument>(); foreach (DocumentDto d in p.Documents) { doc.Add(new TestDocument(d)); } documents = doc; } if ((p.Addresses != null) && (p.Addresses.Length != 0)) { List<TestAddress> add = new List<TestAddress>(); foreach (AddressDto a in p.Addresses) { add.Add(new TestAddress(a)); } addreses = add; } if ((p.Contacts != null) && (p.Contacts.Length != 0)) { List<TestContact> cont = new List<TestContact>(); foreach(ContactDto c in p.Contacts) { cont.Add(new TestContact(c)); } contacts = cont; } if (p.Job != null) job = new TestJob(p.Job); if (p.Privilege != null) privilege = new TestPrivilege(p.Privilege); if (p.BirthPlace != null) birthplace = new TestBirthplace(p.BirthPlace); }
public void Test_BirthPlaceUpdate() { PatientDto patient = (new FuncForAdd()).OnlyRequiredParamCorrect(); // удаляем из БД, во избежание ошибки повторного добавления (new CommonFun()).DeletePatientFromDB(guid, idLPU, patient.IdPatientMIS); pixs.AddPatient(Data.guid, Data.idLPU, patient); // проверяем наличие пациента в БД var error = (new CommonFun()).CheckDB(patient); Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, base.ErrorsListToStr(error)); PatientDto updatePatient = new PatientDto(); updatePatient.IdPatientMIS = patient.IdPatientMIS; updatePatient.BirthPlace = (new FuncForUpdate()).BirthPlaceUpdate(); pixs.UpdatePatient(Data.guid, Data.idLPU, updatePatient); error = (new CommonFun()).CheckDB(updatePatient); (new CommonFun()).DeletePatientFromDB(guid, idLPU, patient.IdPatientMIS); Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, base.ErrorsListToStr(error)); }
private List<string> CompareMainData(PatientDto idealPatient, PatientDto patientForCompare) { var errorList = new List<string>(); if (idealPatient.FamilyName != null && idealPatient.FamilyName != patientForCompare.FamilyName) errorList.Add("FamilyName не совпадает"); if (idealPatient.GivenName != null && idealPatient.GivenName != patientForCompare.GivenName) errorList.Add("GivenName не совпадает"); if (idealPatient.BirthDate != new DateTime() && idealPatient.BirthDate != patientForCompare.BirthDate) errorList.Add("BirthDate не совпадает"); if (idealPatient.Sex != 0 && idealPatient.Sex != patientForCompare.Sex) errorList.Add("Sex не совпадает"); // не проверяем IdPatientMis (так как он не возвращается get'ом), он проверяется в CheckDB_AfterGet return errorList; }
public void AddFullPatient() { TestPixServiceClient client = new TestPixServiceClient(); PatientDto patient = new PatientDto(); patient.BirthDate = new DateTime(1983, 01, 07); patient.DeathTime = new DateTime(2020, 02, 15); patient.FamilyName = "Жукин"; patient.GivenName = "Дмитрий"; patient.IdBloodType = 1; patient.IdLivingAreaType = 1; patient.IdPatientMIS = "123456789010"; patient.MiddleName = "Артемович"; patient.Sex = 1; patient.SocialGroup = 2; patient.SocialStatus = "2.11"; PixServise.DocumentDto document = new PixServise.DocumentDto(); document.IdDocumentType = 14; document.DocS = "1311"; document.DocN = "113131"; document.ExpiredDate = new DateTime(1999, 11, 12); document.IssuedDate = new DateTime(2012, 11, 12); document.ProviderName = "УФМС"; document.RegionCode = "1221"; patient.Documents = new PixServise.DocumentDto[] { document }; PixServise.AddressDto address = new PixServise.AddressDto(); address.IdAddressType = 1; address.StringAddress = "Улица Ленина 47"; address.Street = "01000001000000100"; address.Building = "1"; address.City = "0100000000000"; address.Appartment = "1"; address.PostalCode = 1; address.GeoData = "1"; PixServise.AddressDto address2 = new PixServise.AddressDto(); address2.IdAddressType = 2; address2.StringAddress = "Улица Партизанская 47"; address2.Street = "01000001000000100"; address2.Building = "1"; address2.City = "0100000000000"; address2.Appartment = "1"; address2.PostalCode = 1; address2.GeoData = "1"; patient.Addresses = new PixServise.AddressDto[] { address, address2 }; BirthPlaceDto birthplace = new BirthPlaceDto(); birthplace.City = "Тутинск"; birthplace.Country = "маленькая"; birthplace.Region = "БОЛЬШОЙ"; patient.BirthPlace = birthplace; ContactDto contact = new ContactDto(); contact.IdContactType = 1; contact.ContactValue = "89626959434"; ContactDto contact2 = new ContactDto(); contact2.IdContactType = 1; contact2.ContactValue = "89525959544"; patient.Contacts = new ContactDto[] { contact, contact2 }; PixServise.JobDto job = new PixServise.JobDto(); job.OgrnCode = "0100000000000"; // некорректный код job.CompanyName = "OOO 'МИГ'"; job.Sphere = "Я"; job.Position = "Я"; job.DateStart = new DateTime(2003, 1, 1); job.DateEnd = new DateTime(2004, 1, 1); patient.Job = job; PrivilegeDto privilege = new PrivilegeDto(); privilege.DateStart = new DateTime(1993, 01, 02); privilege.DateEnd = new DateTime(2020, 01, 02); privilege.IdPrivilegeType = 10; patient.Privilege = privilege; client.AddPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient); if (Global.errors == "") Assert.Pass(); else Assert.Fail(Global.errors); }
public void Test_NoSex() { PatientDto patient = new PatientDto(); Random random = new Random(); patient.FamilyName = PatientData.Patient.FamilyName; patient.GivenName = PatientData.Patient.GivenName; patient.IdPatientMIS = PatientData.Patient.IdPatientMIS + random.Next(1500); patient.BirthDate = PatientData.Patient.BirthDate; // удаляем из БД, во избежание ошибки повторного добавления (new CommonFun()).DeletePatientFromDB(guid, idLPU, patient.IdPatientMIS); try { pixs.AddPatient(Data.guid, Data.idLPU, patient); (new CommonFun()).DeletePatientFromDB(guid, idLPU, patient.IdPatientMIS); Assert.Fail("Отсутствие ошибки \"Параметр Sex контейнера Patient заполнен некорректно\""); } //catch (System.ServiceModel.FaultException<TestPixService.ServiceReference1.RequestFault> ex) catch (Exception ex) { (new CommonFun()).DeletePatientFromDB(guid, idLPU, patient.IdPatientMIS); Assert.AreEqual("Параметр Sex контейнера Patient заполнен некорректно", ex.Message.ToString()); } }
public void AddMinPatient() { TestPixServiceClient client = new TestPixServiceClient(); PixServiceClient c = new PixServiceClient(); PatientDto patient = new PatientDto(); patient.FamilyName = "Жукин"; patient.GivenName = "Дмитрий"; patient.BirthDate = new DateTime(1983, 01, 07); patient.Sex = 1; patient.IdPatientMIS = "123456789010"; patient.Documents = new PixServise.DocumentDto[] { new PixServise.DocumentDto() { DocN = "123-123-123-12", ProviderName = "ПФР", IdDocumentType = 223 } }; client.AddPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient); client.UpdatePatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient); if (Global.errors == "") Assert.Pass(); else Assert.Fail(Global.errors); }
public void UpdateMinPatient() { TestPixServiceClient client = new TestPixServiceClient(); PatientDto patient = new PatientDto(); patient.FamilyName = "Жукин"; patient.GivenName = "Дмитрий"; patient.BirthDate = new DateTime(1983, 01, 07); patient.Sex = 1; patient.IdPatientMIS = "123456789010"; patient.Documents = (new SetData()).PatientSet().Documents; client.AddPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient); //patient.FamilyName = "Сидоров"; client.UpdatePatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient); if (Global.errors == "") Assert.Pass(); else Assert.Fail(Global.errors); }
public void FindMultidocumentPatient() { TestPixServiceClient client = new TestPixServiceClient(); PatientDto patient = new PatientDto(); patient.Addresses = new PixServise.AddressDto[] { new PixServise.AddressDto { IdAddressType = 1, StringAddress = "Россия, г.Санкт-Петербург, р-н.Центральный, пер.Дегтярный, д.1/8, кв.82" } }; patient.BirthDate = new DateTime(1976, 07, 19); patient.BirthPlace = new BirthPlaceDto { City = "г. СПБ", Country = "г. СПБ", Region = "г. СПБ" }; patient.Contacts = new ContactDto[] { new ContactDto { ContactValue = "274-26-75", IdContactType = 1 } }; patient.Documents = new PixServise.DocumentDto[] { new PixServise.DocumentDto { DocN = "993820", DocS = "40 02", IdDocumentType = 14, IssuedDate = new DateTime(2002, 09, 06), ProviderName = "76 о/м СПб" }, new PixServise.DocumentDto { DocN = "7852320830001562", DocS = "ЕП", IdDocumentType = 228, IdProvider = "78008", IssuedDate = new DateTime(2014, 05, 03), ProviderName = "САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГСКИЙ ФИЛИАЛ ОАО 'РОСНО-МС'" }, new PixServise.DocumentDto { DocN = "148-841-391 96", IdDocumentType = 223, ProviderName = "ПФР" } }; patient.FamilyName = "Трескунов"; patient.GivenName = "Роман"; patient.IdLivingAreaType = 1; patient.Job = new PixServise.JobDto { CompanyName = "Не работает", }; patient.SocialStatus = "2.4"; patient.IdPatientMIS = "2312312312399"; patient.Sex = 1; client.AddPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient); client.UpdatePatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient); PatientDto patient2 = new PatientDto(); patient2.Documents = new PixServise.DocumentDto[] { new PixServise.DocumentDto { DocN = "7852320830001562", DocS = "ЕП", IdDocumentType = 228 } }; patient2.FamilyName = "Трескунов"; patient2.GivenName = "Роман"; patient2.BirthDate = new DateTime(1976, 07, 19); client.GetPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient2, SourceType.Reg); }
public void SearchPatientByMinParametrAndDocument() { TestPixServiceClient client = new TestPixServiceClient(); PatientDto patient = new PatientDto(); patient.FamilyName = "Жукин"; patient.GivenName = "Дмитрий"; patient.BirthDate = new DateTime(1983, 01, 07); patient.Sex = 1; patient.IdPatientMIS = "123456789010"; PixServise.DocumentDto document = new PixServise.DocumentDto(); document.IdDocumentType = 14; document.DocS = "1234"; document.DocN = "123456"; document.ProviderName = "УФМС"; patient.Documents = new PixServise.DocumentDto[] { document }; client.AddPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient); PatientDto forSearch = new PatientDto(); forSearch.FamilyName = "Жукин"; forSearch.GivenName = "Дмитрий"; forSearch.BirthDate = new DateTime(1983, 01, 07); forSearch.Sex = 1; PixServise.DocumentDto forSearchD = new PixServise.DocumentDto(); forSearchD.IdDocumentType = 14; forSearchD.DocS = "1234"; forSearchD.DocN = "123456"; forSearch.Documents = new PixServise.DocumentDto[] { document }; client.GetPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", forSearch, SourceType.Reg); if (Global.errors == "") Assert.Pass(); else Assert.Fail(Global.errors); }
public void FindByFamilyAndName() { //System.Collections.ArrayList exeptions; TestPixServiceClient client = new TestPixServiceClient(); PatientDto patient = new PatientDto(); patient.FamilyName = "Павел"; patient.GivenName = "Петров"; patient.BirthDate = new DateTime(1983, 01, 07); patient.Sex = 1; patient.IdPatientMIS = "123456789010"; PatientDto forSearch = new PatientDto(); forSearch.FamilyName = "Павел"; forSearch.GivenName = "Петров"; client.AddPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient); var patents = client.GetPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", forSearch, SourceType.Fed); if (Global.errors == "") Assert.Pass(); else Assert.Fail(Global.errors); }
public void Test_SearchVersion4() { var error = new List<string>(); PatientDto patient = new PatientDto(); patient = (new FuncForAdd()).ConstParamCorrect("IdentGet"); // Задаём паспорт patient.Documents = new DocumentDto[] { (new FuncForAdd()).Set_MinDocument(PatientData.Passport) }; (new CommonFun()).DeletePatientFromDB(guid, idLPU, patient.IdPatientMIS); pixs.AddPatient(Data.guid, Data.idLPU, patient); error = (new CommonFun()).CheckDB(patient); // задаём необходимые данные для поиска добавленного пациента PatientDto searchPatient = new PatientDto(); (new FuncForGet()).Set_MainData(searchPatient); searchPatient.Sex = 1; // Задаём паспорт searchPatient.Documents = new DocumentDto[] { (new FuncForGet()).Set_DocumentForSearch(PatientData.Passport) }; PatientDto[] getPatient = pixs.GetPatient(Data.guid, Data.idLPU, searchPatient, SourceType.Reg); // Проверяем найденных пациентов foreach (PatientDto pat in getPatient) { //сравниваем заданного для поиска пациента и найденого error.AddRange((new FuncForGet()).ComparePatient(searchPatient, pat)); //проверяем наличие найденного пациента в БД error.AddRange((new FuncForGet()).CheckDB_AfterGet(pat)); } (new CommonFun()).DeletePatientFromDB(guid, idLPU, patient.IdPatientMIS); Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, base.ErrorsListToStr(error)); }
public void AddPatientWithPassport() { TestPixServiceClient client = new TestPixServiceClient(); PatientDto patient = new PatientDto(); patient.FamilyName = "Легенда"; patient.GivenName = "Легенда"; patient.BirthDate = new DateTime(1983, 01, 07); patient.Sex = 1; patient.IdPatientMIS = "1123123123"; PixServise.DocumentDto document = new PixServise.DocumentDto(); document.IdDocumentType = 14; document.DocS = "1311"; document.DocN = "113131"; document.ProviderName = "УФМС"; patient.Documents = new PixServise.DocumentDto[] { document }; client.AddPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient); if (Global.errors == "") Assert.Pass(); else Assert.Fail(Global.errors); }
public void AddPatientWithPrivilege() { TestPixServiceClient client = new TestPixServiceClient(); PatientDto patient = new PatientDto(); patient.FamilyName = "Жукин"; patient.GivenName = "Дмитрий"; patient.BirthDate = new DateTime(1983, 01, 07); patient.Sex = 1; patient.IdPatientMIS = "123456789010"; PrivilegeDto privilege = new PrivilegeDto(); privilege.DateStart = new DateTime(1993, 01, 02); privilege.DateEnd = new DateTime(2020, 01, 02); privilege.IdPrivilegeType = 10; patient.Privilege = privilege; client.AddPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient); if (Global.errors == "") Assert.Pass(); else Assert.Fail(Global.errors); }
public void AddPatientWithJob() { TestPixServiceClient client = new TestPixServiceClient(); PatientDto patient = new PatientDto(); patient.FamilyName = "Жукин"; patient.GivenName = "Дмитрий"; patient.BirthDate = new DateTime(1983, 01, 07); patient.Sex = 1; patient.IdPatientMIS = "123456789010"; PixServise.JobDto job = new PixServise.JobDto(); job.CompanyName = "OOO 'МИГ'"; patient.Job = job; client.AddPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient); if (Global.errors == "") Assert.Pass(); else Assert.Fail(Global.errors); }
public void AddPatientWithContacts() { TestPixServiceClient client = new TestPixServiceClient(); PatientDto patient = new PatientDto(); patient.FamilyName = "Жукин"; patient.GivenName = "Дмитрий"; patient.BirthDate = new DateTime(1983, 01, 07); patient.Sex = 1; patient.IdPatientMIS = "123456789010"; ContactDto contact = new ContactDto(); contact.IdContactType = 1; contact.ContactValue = "89626959434"; ContactDto contact2 = new ContactDto(); contact2.IdContactType = 1; contact2.ContactValue = "89525959544"; patient.Contacts = new ContactDto[] { contact, contact2 }; client.AddPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient); if (Global.errors == "") Assert.Pass(); else Assert.Fail(Global.errors); }
public void AddPatientWithAddress() { TestPixServiceClient client = new TestPixServiceClient(); PatientDto patient = new PatientDto(); patient.FamilyName = "Жукин"; patient.GivenName = "Дмитрий"; patient.BirthDate = new DateTime(1983, 01, 07); patient.Sex = 1; patient.IdPatientMIS = "123456789010"; PixServise.AddressDto address = new PixServise.AddressDto(); address.StringAddress = "Улица Ленина 47"; address.IdAddressType = 1; PixServise.AddressDto address2 = new PixServise.AddressDto(); address2.StringAddress = "Улица Партизанская 47"; address2.IdAddressType = 2; patient.Addresses = new PixServise.AddressDto[] { address, address2 }; client.AddPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient); if (Global.errors == "") Assert.Pass(); else Assert.Fail(Global.errors); }
public PatientDto PatientSet() { PatientDto patient = new PatientDto(); patient.IdPatientMIS = PatientData.Patient.IdPatientMIS; patient.FamilyName = PatientData.Patient.FamilyName; patient.GivenName = PatientData.Patient.GivenName; patient.Sex = PatientData.Patient.Sex; patient.BirthDate = new DateTime(1990, 10, 10); patient.IdBloodType = 1; //PixServise.DocumentDto d = new PixServise.DocumentDto(); //d.DocN = DocumentData.PatientPassport.DocN; //d.IdDocumentType = DocumentData.PatientPassport.IdDocumentType; //d.ProviderName = DocumentData.PatientPassport.ProviderName; //d.DocS = DocumentData.PatientPassport.DocS; PixServise.DocumentDto s = new PixServise.DocumentDto(); s.DocN = DocumentData.PatientSNILS.DocN; s.IdDocumentType = DocumentData.PatientSNILS.IdDocumentType; s.ProviderName = DocumentData.PatientSNILS.ProviderName; patient.Documents = new PixServise.DocumentDto[] { s }; return patient; }
public void FindPatientBySnilsInReg() { TestPixServiceClient client = new TestPixServiceClient(); PatientDto patient = new PatientDto(); patient.FamilyName = "Легенда"; patient.GivenName = "Легенда"; patient.BirthDate = new DateTime(1983, 01, 07); patient.Sex = 1; patient.IdPatientMIS = "1123123123"; PixServise.DocumentDto document = new PixServise.DocumentDto(); document.IdDocumentType = 223; document.DocN = "123-456-789 45"; document.ProviderName = "Снилс"; patient.Documents = new PixServise.DocumentDto[] { document }; PatientDto find = new PatientDto(); find.FamilyName = "Легенда"; find.GivenName = "Легенда"; find.BirthDate = new DateTime(1983, 01, 07); find.Documents = new PixServise.DocumentDto[] { document }; client.GetPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", find, SourceType.Reg); if (Global.errors == "") Assert.Pass(); else Assert.Fail(Global.errors); }
public void FindByFamilyAndName() { //System.Collections.ArrayList exeptions; TestPixServiceClient client = new TestPixServiceClient(); PatientDto patient = (new SetData()).PatientSet(); PatientDto forSearch = new PatientDto(); forSearch.FamilyName = PatientData.Patient.GivenName; forSearch.GivenName = PatientData.Patient.FamilyName; client.AddPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient); var patents = client.GetPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", forSearch, SourceType.Fed); if (Global.errors == "") Assert.Pass(); else Assert.Fail(Global.errors); }
public void PatientWithRealationship() { TestPixServiceClient client = new TestPixServiceClient(); PatientDto patient = new PatientDto(); patient.FamilyName = "Жукин"; patient.GivenName = "Дмитрий"; patient.BirthDate = new DateTime(1983, 01, 07); patient.Sex = 1; patient.IdPatientMIS = "123456789010"; PatientDto patient2 = new PatientDto(); patient2.FamilyName = "Петров"; patient2.GivenName = "Денис"; patient2.BirthDate = new DateTime(1999, 02, 03); patient2.Sex = 1; patient2.IdPatientMIS = "098765432111"; client.AddPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient2); ContactPersonDto pers = new ContactPersonDto(); pers.ContactList = patient2.Contacts; pers.FamilyName = patient2.FamilyName; pers.GivenName = patient2.GivenName; pers.IdPersonMis = patient2.IdPatientMIS; pers.IdRelationType = 2; pers.MiddleName = patient2.MiddleName; patient.ContactPerson = pers; client.AddPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient); if (Global.errors == "") Assert.Pass(); else Assert.Fail(Global.errors); }
public void FindPatientByIdMIS() { TestPixServiceClient client = new TestPixServiceClient(); PatientDto patient = (new SetData()).PatientSet(); client.AddPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient); PatientDto find = new PatientDto(); find.IdPatientMIS = patient.IdPatientMIS; client.GetPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", find, SourceType.Reg); if (Global.errors == "") Assert.Pass(); else Assert.Fail(Global.errors); }
public void SearchEmptyPatient() { TestPixServiceClient client = new TestPixServiceClient(); PatientDto patient = new PatientDto(); var test = client.GetPatient("8CDE415D-FAB7-4809-AA37-8CDD70B1B46C", "1.2.643.", patient, SourceType.Fed); if (Global.errors == "") Assert.Pass(); else Assert.Fail(Global.errors); }
public void UpdatePatient() { TestPixServiceClient client = new TestPixServiceClient(); PatientDto patient = new PatientDto(); patient.FamilyName = "Жукин"; patient.GivenName = "АЛЕКСЕЙ"; patient.BirthDate = new DateTime(1983, 01, 07); patient.Sex = 1; patient.IdPatientMIS = "12345678900029"; PixServise.DocumentDto document = new PixServise.DocumentDto(); document.IdDocumentType = 14; document.DocS = "1311"; document.DocN = "113131"; document.ProviderName = "УФМС"; patient.Documents = new PixServise.DocumentDto[] { document }; PixServise.AddressDto address = new PixServise.AddressDto(); address.IdAddressType = 1; address.StringAddress = "ТУТ"; patient.Addresses = new PixServise.AddressDto[] { address }; ContactDto cont = new ContactDto(); cont.IdContactType = 1; cont.ContactValue = "89519435454"; ContactDto cont2 = new ContactDto(); cont2.IdContactType = 1; cont2.ContactValue = "89519435455"; patient.Contacts = new ContactDto[] { cont, cont2 }; client.AddPatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient); client.UpdatePatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient); PatientDto patient2 = new PatientDto(); PixServise.DocumentDto document2 = new PixServise.DocumentDto(); document2.IdDocumentType = 14; document2.DocS = "1311"; document2.DocN = "113131"; document2.ProviderName = "УФМС"; patient2.Documents = new PixServise.DocumentDto[] { document2 }; PixServise.AddressDto address2 = new PixServise.AddressDto(); address2.IdAddressType = 1; address2.StringAddress = "ТУТ"; patient2.FamilyName = "Сидоров"; patient2.Addresses = new PixServise.AddressDto[] { address2 }; ContactDto cont3 = new ContactDto(); cont3.IdContactType = 1; cont3.ContactValue = "89519435456"; patient2.Contacts = new ContactDto[] { cont3 }; patient2.IdPatientMIS = patient.IdPatientMIS; client.UpdatePatient(Global.GUID, "1.2.643.", patient2); if (Global.errors == "") Assert.Pass(); else Assert.Fail(Global.errors); }
public void Test_SearchТNoExistPatient() { var error = new List<string>(); PatientDto patient = new PatientDto(); patient = (new FuncForAdd()).ConstParamCorrect("IdentGet"); // удаляем пациента (new CommonFun()).DeletePatientFromDB(guid, idLPU, patient.IdPatientMIS); // задаём необходимые данные для поиска добавленного пациента PatientDto searchPatient = new PatientDto(); searchPatient.IdPatientMIS = patient.IdPatientMIS; PatientDto[] getPatient = pixs.GetPatient(Data.guid, Data.idLPU, searchPatient, SourceType.Reg); // Проверяем найденных пациентов foreach (PatientDto pat in getPatient) { //проверяем наличие найденного пациента в БД error.AddRange((new FuncForGet()).CheckDB_AfterGet(pat)); } (new CommonFun()).DeletePatientFromDB(guid, idLPU, patient.IdPatientMIS); Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, base.ErrorsListToStr(error)); }