public PatientAddress UpdatePatientAddressData(int id, PatientAddress patientInfo) { try { if (id > 0) { var patientAddress = _context.PatientAddress.Find(id); if (patientAddress != null) { patientAddress.PatientID = patientInfo.PatientID; patientAddress.IsMailingSame = patientInfo.IsMailingSame; patientAddress.Address1 = patientInfo.Address1; patientAddress.Address2 = patientInfo.Address2; patientAddress.City = patientInfo.City; patientAddress.StateID = patientInfo.StateID; patientAddress.Zip = patientInfo.Zip; patientAddress.Phone = patientInfo.Phone; patientAddress.CountryID = patientInfo.CountryID; patientAddress.IsActive = patientInfo.IsActive; patientAddress.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; patientAddress.UpdatedBy = patientInfo.UpdatedBy; _context.SaveChanges(); } return(patientAddress); } return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> PatientAddress(PatientAddressViewModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { ViewBag.AddressResult = "Model is NOT valid."; return(View()); } var patientAddress = new PatientAddress { Id = model.Id, City = model.City, Street = model.Street, Number = model.Number, PatientId = model.Id, }; var addressTracker = await _polyclinicContext.PatientAddresses.AddAsync(patientAddress); if (addressTracker.State == EntityState.Added) { await _polyclinicContext.SaveChangesAsync(); } else { ViewBag.AddressResult = "Address NOT saved."; } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); }
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] List <PatientDTO> IPt) { HttpContext.Session.SetString("key", "add"); foreach (var itemPatientDTO in IPt) { PatientAddress newIPT = _mapper.Map <PatientAddress>(itemPatientDTO); var validcontext = new System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ValidationContext(newIPT, null, null); List <ValidationResult> errresults = new List <ValidationResult>(); bool isValid = Validator.TryValidateObject(newIPT, validcontext, errresults); if (isValid) { patientDBContext.patients.Add(newIPT); } else { return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, errresults)); } } patientDBContext.SaveChanges(); List <PatientAddress> pats = patientDBContext.patients.ToList <PatientAddress>(); return(Ok(pats)); }
public PatientAddress Update(PatientAddress addressChanges) { var address = _context.PatientAddresses.Attach(addressChanges); address.State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); return(addressChanges); }
public void ValidateAddressFields(PatientAddress address) { _validator.IsWhitespaceOrEmptyOrNull(address.HouseNo); _validator.IsWhitespaceOrEmptyOrNull(address.Street); _validator.IsWhitespaceOrEmptyOrNull(address.City); _validator.IsWhitespaceOrEmptyOrNull(address.State); _validator.IsWhitespaceOrEmptyOrNull(address.Pincode); }
public ActionResult Put(int id, [FromBody] PatientAddress address) { if (id > 0) { ar.Update(address); return(Ok("Address Updated")); } return(NotFound()); }
public PatientAddress Delete(int id) { PatientAddress address = _context.PatientAddresses.Find(id); if (address != null) { _context.PatientAddresses.Remove(address); _context.SaveChanges(); } return(address); }
public string ForExport(string delimiter) { return (PatientAddress.ToString() + delimiter + Country + delimiter + Region + delimiter + Birthyear + delimiter + TreatmentAddress + delimiter + TreatmentBeginDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + delimiter + Symptoms.Aggregate("", (x, y) => x + y + "|") + delimiter + Diagnoses.Aggregate("", (x, y) => x + y + "|")); }
public PatientAddedEvent(string id, string aggregateId, int version, string firstname, string lastname, string nationalIdentityNumber, DateTime createDateTime, DateTime updateDateTime, GenderTypes gender, DateTime birthDate, string logoUrl, string eidCardNumber, DateTime?eidCardValidity, PatientAddress address, ICollection <PatientContactInformation> contactInformations) : base(id, aggregateId, version) { Firstname = firstname; Lastname = lastname; NationalIdentityNumber = nationalIdentityNumber; CreateDateTime = createDateTime; UpdateDateTime = updateDateTime; Gender = gender; BirthDate = birthDate; LogoUrl = logoUrl; EidCardNumber = eidCardNumber; EidCardValidity = eidCardValidity; Address = address; ContactInformations = contactInformations; }
public static AttributeCollection Map(this PatientAddress patientAddress) { AttributeCollection attrCol = new AttributeCollection(); if (patientAddress.StreetAddressLine != "" && patientAddress.State != "" && patientAddress.City != "" && patientAddress.State != "" && patientAddress.PostalCode != "") { attrCol.Add("crme_fulladdress", patientAddress.StreetAddressLine + " " + patientAddress.City + " " + patientAddress.State + " " + patientAddress.PostalCode); } attrCol.Add("crme_address1", patientAddress.StreetAddressLine); attrCol.Add("crme_city", patientAddress.City); attrCol.Add("crme_addressstate", patientAddress.State); attrCol.Add("crme_addresszip", patientAddress.PostalCode); return(attrCol); }
public void MapToPatientAddress(PatientAddress patientAddress, PatientAddressDto patientAddressDto) { if (patientAddressDto == null) { return; } patientAddress = patientAddress ?? new PatientAddress(); patientAddress.Line1 = patientAddressDto.Line1; patientAddress.Line2 = patientAddressDto.Line2; patientAddress.Suburb = patientAddressDto.Suburb; patientAddress.City = patientAddressDto.City; patientAddress.PostalCode = patientAddressDto.PostalCode; patientAddress.ProvinceId = patientAddressDto.ProvinceId; patientAddress.CountryId = patientAddressDto.CountryId; }
public PatientDTO AddPatient(PatientDTO PatientDTO) { var Patients = new Patient() { PatientName = PatientDTO.PatientName, Age = PatientDTO.Age, Gender = PatientDTO.Gender, PhoneNumber = PatientDTO.PhoneNumber, Loginid = PatientDTO.Loginid }; _context.Patients.Add(Patients); _context.SaveChanges(); int Patientid = Patients.PatientId; PatientAddress addr = new PatientAddress() { StreetNumber = PatientDTO.StreetNumber, Area = PatientDTO.Area, City = PatientDTO.City, State = PatientDTO.State, Country = PatientDTO.Country, ZipCode = PatientDTO.ZipCode, Patientid = Patientid }; _context.PatientAddresses.Add(addr); _context.SaveChanges(); var uid = new UniqueIdType() { UniqueidType = PatientDTO.UniqueIdType, UniqueidNumber = PatientDTO.UniqueidNumber, Patientid = Patientid }; _context.UniqueIdTypes.Add(uid); _context.SaveChanges(); PatientDTO.PatientId = Patientid; return(PatientDTO); }
public PatientAddress Add(PatientAddress address) { _context.PatientAddresses.Add(address); _context.SaveChanges(); //_context.Addresses.Add(new Address() //{ // StreetNumber = address.StreetNumber, // Area = address.Area, // Locality = address.Locality, // City = address.City, // State = address.State, // Country = address.Country, // ZipCode = address.ZipCode //}); //_context.SaveChanges(); return(address); }
public PatientAddressDto MapToPatientAddressDto(PatientAddress patientAddress) { if (patientAddress == null) { return(null); } PatientAddressDto patientAddressDto = new PatientAddressDto(); patientAddressDto.PatientAddressId = patientAddress.PatientAddressId; patientAddressDto.Line1 = patientAddress.Line1; patientAddressDto.Line2 = patientAddress.Line2; patientAddressDto.Suburb = patientAddress.Suburb; patientAddressDto.City = patientAddress.City; patientAddressDto.PostalCode = patientAddress.PostalCode; patientAddressDto.ProvinceId = patientAddress.ProvinceId; patientAddressDto.CountryId = patientAddress.CountryId; return(patientAddressDto); }
private async System.Threading.Tasks.Task AddPatientDetails_ClickAsync() { var newAddress = new PatientAddress() { HouseNo = textBoxHouseNo.Text, Street = textBoxStreet.Text, City = textBoxCity.Text, State = textBoxState.Text, Pincode = textBoxPincode.Text }; var newVitals = new VitalsCategory() { PatientId = textBoxPatientId.Text, Spo2 = float.Parse(textBoxSpo2.Text), Bpm = float.Parse(textBoxBpm.Text), RespRate = float.Parse(textBoxResp.Text) }; var newPatient = new PatientDetails() { PatientId = textBoxPatientId.Text, PatientName = textBoxPatientName.Text, Age = int.Parse(textBoxAge.Text), ContactNo = textBoxContactNo.Text, BedId = textBoxBedId.Text, IcuId = textBoxIcuId.Text, Email = textBoxEmail.Text, Address = newAddress, Vitals = newVitals }; var response = await Client.PostAsync("http://localhost:5000/api/IcuOccupancyDetails/Patients", new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newPatient), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); var responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); textBoxPatientId.Text = responseString; }
public override async Task <IActionResult> PatchAsync(int id, [FromBody] PatientAddress patientAddress) { //var attrToUpdate = _jsonApiContext.AttributesToUpdate; //var patientAddressOld = _dbContextResolver.GetDbSet<PatientAddress>().Where(m => m.Id == id).FirstOrDefault(); //CommonMethods commonMethods = new CommonMethods(); //int eventID = _dbContextResolver.GetDbSet<Event>().LastOrDefault().Id + 1; //List<AuditLogs> auditLogs = commonMethods.GetAuditLogValues(patientAddressOld, patientAddress, "PatientAddress", attrToUpdate) // //.Where(i => attrToUpdate.Keys.Any(a1 => a1.InternalAttributeName == i.PropertyName)) // .Select(q => new AuditLogs() // { // NewValue = q.NewValue, // OldValue = q.OldValue, // PrimaryKeyID = q.PrimaryKeyID, // TableName = q.TableName, // PropertyName = q.PropertyName, // EventID = eventID // }).ToList(); //await _dbContextResolver.GetDbSet<AuditLogs>().AddRangeAsync(auditLogs); return(await base.PatchAsync(id, patientAddress)); }
public AddPatientRecordDetailsViewModel() { Department = new ObservableCollection <string> { "Orthopedic", "Cardiology", "Oncology", "Obstetrics and Gynaecology", "Cardiovascular ICU" }; Ward = new ObservableCollection <string> { "Cardiology Ward", "Neurology Ward", "Obstetrics and Gynaecology Ward", "Oncology Ward", "Maternity Ward" }; DocInCharge = new ObservableCollection <string> { "Dr. Asala Perera", "Dr. Janaka Thisera", "Dr. Manik Perera", "Dr. Seetha Fonseka", "Dr. Athula Dissanayake" }; m_windowService = new WindowService(); Patient = new PatientRecordDetailsModel(); PatientAddress = new PatientAddress(); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public string ToDelimitedString() { CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture; return(string.Format( culture, StringHelper.StringFormatSequence(0, 31, Configuration.FieldSeparator), Id, SetIdPid.HasValue ? SetIdPid.Value.ToString(culture) : null, PatientId?.ToDelimitedString(), PatientIdentifierList != null ? string.Join(Configuration.FieldRepeatSeparator, PatientIdentifierList.Select(x => x.ToDelimitedString())) : null, AlternatePatientIdPid != null ? string.Join(Configuration.FieldRepeatSeparator, AlternatePatientIdPid.Select(x => x.ToDelimitedString())) : null, PatientName != null ? string.Join(Configuration.FieldRepeatSeparator, PatientName.Select(x => x.ToDelimitedString())) : null, MothersMaidenName != null ? string.Join(Configuration.FieldRepeatSeparator, MothersMaidenName.Select(x => x.ToDelimitedString())) : null, DateTimeOfBirth.HasValue ? DateTimeOfBirth.Value.ToString(Consts.DateTimeFormatPrecisionSecond, culture) : null, AdministrativeSex, PatientAlias != null ? string.Join(Configuration.FieldRepeatSeparator, PatientAlias.Select(x => x.ToDelimitedString())) : null, Race != null ? string.Join(Configuration.FieldRepeatSeparator, Race.Select(x => x.ToDelimitedString())) : null, PatientAddress != null ? string.Join(Configuration.FieldRepeatSeparator, PatientAddress.Select(x => x.ToDelimitedString())) : null, CountyCode, PhoneNumberHome != null ? string.Join(Configuration.FieldRepeatSeparator, PhoneNumberHome.Select(x => x.ToDelimitedString())) : null, PhoneNumberBusiness != null ? string.Join(Configuration.FieldRepeatSeparator, PhoneNumberBusiness.Select(x => x.ToDelimitedString())) : null, PrimaryLanguage?.ToDelimitedString(), MaritalStatus?.ToDelimitedString(), Religion?.ToDelimitedString(), PatientAccountNumber?.ToDelimitedString(), SsnNumberPatient, DriversLicenseNumberPatient?.ToDelimitedString(), MothersIdentifier != null ? string.Join(Configuration.FieldRepeatSeparator, MothersIdentifier.Select(x => x.ToDelimitedString())) : null, EthnicGroup != null ? string.Join(Configuration.FieldRepeatSeparator, EthnicGroup.Select(x => x.ToDelimitedString())) : null, BirthPlace, MultipleBirthIndicator, BirthOrder.HasValue ? BirthOrder.Value.ToString(Consts.NumericFormat, culture) : null, Citizenship != null ? string.Join(Configuration.FieldRepeatSeparator, Citizenship.Select(x => x.ToDelimitedString())) : null, VeteransMilitaryStatus?.ToDelimitedString(), Nationality?.ToDelimitedString(), PatientDeathDateAndTime.HasValue ? PatientDeathDateAndTime.Value.ToString(Consts.DateTimeFormatPrecisionSecond, culture) : null, PatientDeathIndicator ).TrimEnd(Configuration.FieldSeparator.ToCharArray())); }
private void ChangePatientAddress(PatientAddressDto patientAddressDto, Patient patient, PatientAddress patientAddress) { RemovePatientAddress(patientAddressDto, patient, patientAddress); AddPatientAddress(patientAddressDto, patient); }
private static void RemovePatientAddress(PatientAddressDto patientAddressDto, Patient patient, PatientAddress patientAddress) { patient.RemoveAddress(patientAddress); }
public PatientAddress UpdatePatientAddressData(int id, PatientAddress patientInfo) { return(_patientCommonRepository.UpdatePatientAddressData(id, patientInfo)); }
public void CreatePatientMapping() { try { var dataSet = TableAgent.DataSet.Tables[FbTableName].Rows; RecordCount = TableAgent.RowCount; //Guid instId = nHelper.GetInstitutionId(MigrationVariables.CurrentSiteId); foreach (DataRow row in dataSet) { User user = new User(); // get userid from old aspnetdb matching on patientid #####.##### // if no userid then create new one for this patient var patId = row["KEYID"].ToString(); var uid = aHelper.GetUserIdFromPatientId(patId); var userId = (uid != Guid.Empty) ? uid : Guid.NewGuid(); userId = nHelper.ValidGuid(userId); if (mHelper.HasPatientMigrated(patId)) { MappingStatistics.LogFailedMapping("PATIENTS", patId, "Patients", typeof(Patient), String.Empty, "Patient previously migrated."); FailedCount++; } else { var medRecId = (row["MEDICALRECORDIDENTIFIER"] is DBNull) ? String.Empty : row["MEDICALRECORDIDENTIFIER"].ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(medRecId) && !medRecId.StartsWith("PR_")) { MemoryMappings.AddMRID(new MedicalRecordIdentifier { MRID = medRecId, //InstitutionId = instId, PatientUserId = userId }); } var pat = new Patient { UserId = userId, Firstname = (row["FIRSTNAME"] is DBNull) ? String.Empty : row["FIRSTNAME"].ToString(), Lastname = (row["LASTNAME"] is DBNull) ? String.Empty : row["LASTNAME"].ToString(), Middlename = (row["MIDDLENAME"] is DBNull) ? String.Empty : row["MIDDLENAME"].ToString(), Gender = (row["GENDER"] is DBNull) ? 1 : (row["GENDER"].ToString().ToLower().StartsWith("m", StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) ? 2 : 3, //From the GlobalStandards database, 'Gender' table DateofBirth = (row["DOB"] is DBNull) ? new DateTime(1800, 1, 1) : mu.ParseFirebirdDateTime(row["DOB"].ToString()), Email = (row["EMAIL"] is DBNull) ? String.Empty : row["EMAIL"].ToString(), //InstitutionId = instId, LastUpdatedByUser = userId }; var adr = new PatientAddress { Street1 = (row["STREET1"] is DBNull) ? String.Empty : row["STREET1"].ToString(), Street2 = (row["STREET2"] is DBNull) ? String.Empty : row["STREET2"].ToString(), Street3 = (row["STREET3"] is DBNull) ? String.Empty : row["STREET3"].ToString(), City = (row["CITY"] is DBNull) ? String.Empty : row["CITY"].ToString(), County = (row["COUNTY"] is DBNull) ? String.Empty : row["COUNTY"].ToString(), State = (row["STATE"] is DBNull) ? String.Empty : row["STATE"].ToString(), Zip = (row["ZIP"] is DBNull) ? String.Empty : row["ZIP"].ToString(), Country = (row["COUNTRY"] is DBNull) ? String.Empty : row["COUNTRY"].ToString(), LastUpdatedByUser = userId }; pat.PatientAddresses.Add(adr); // must create clinipro user to store new userid for future usage if (uid == Guid.Empty || uid != userId) { aHelper.CreateCliniProUser(userId, patId); user.UserId = userId; user.AssignedUserTypes.Add(new AssignedUserType { UserId = userId, UserType = (int)UserType.Patient }); user.CreationDate = DateTime.Now; pat.User = user; } // add patient info to in-memery collection for use throughout application MemoryMappings.AddPatientInfo(MigrationVariables.CurrentSiteId, patId, pat.UserId); if (CanAddToContext(user.UserId)) { CompletedMappings.Add(pat); } else { MappingStatistics.LogFailedMapping("PATIENTS", patId, "Patients", typeof(Patient), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user), "Patient already exist in database."); FailedCount++; } } } MappingStatistics.LogMappingStat("PATIENTS", RecordCount, "Patients", CompletedMappings.Count, FailedCount); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error creating Patient mapping.", e); } }
public ActionResult Post([FromBody] PatientAddress address) { ar.Add(address); return(Ok()); }
public string Update_Patient(PatientName Pat_Name, PatientPersonalDetails Pat_Per_Details, PatientAddress Pat_Add, PatientInsuranceDetails Pat_Ins_Details, PatientAllergies Pat_Allergies, FacilityInfo Fac_Info, PharmacyInfo Phrm_Info,ProviderInfo Prov_Info) { SqlConnection sqlCon = new SqlConnection(ConStr); SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("sp_update_Patient", sqlCon); sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter P_ID = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@Pat_ID", SqlDbType.Int); P_ID.Value = Pat_Name.Pat_ID; SqlParameter P_MName = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@Pat_MName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50); if (Pat_Name.MiddleName != null) P_MName.Value = Pat_Name.MiddleName; else P_MName.Value = Convert.DBNull; SqlParameter P_Gender = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@Pat_Gender", SqlDbType.Char, 1); if (Pat_Per_Details.Gender != null) P_Gender.Value = Pat_Per_Details.Gender; else P_Gender.Value = Convert.DBNull; SqlParameter P_DOB = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@Pat_DOB", SqlDbType.DateTime); if (Pat_Per_Details.DOB != null) P_DOB.Value = DateTime.Parse(Pat_Per_Details.DOB); else { Nullable<DateTime> NullDate = null; P_DOB.Value = NullDate; } SqlParameter P_SSN = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@Pat_SSN", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50); if (Pat_Per_Details.SSN != null) P_SSN.Value = Pat_Per_Details.SSN; else P_SSN.Value = Convert.DBNull; SqlParameter P_Address1 = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@Pat_Address1", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50); if (Pat_Add.Address1 != null) P_Address1.Value = Pat_Add.Address1; else P_Address1.Value = Convert.DBNull; SqlParameter P_Address2 = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@Pat_Address2", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50); if (Pat_Add.Address2 != null) P_Address2.Value = Pat_Add.Address2; else P_Address2.Value = Convert.DBNull; SqlParameter P_City = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@Pat_City", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50); if (Pat_Add.City != null) P_City.Value = Pat_Add.City; else P_City.Value = Convert.DBNull; SqlParameter P_State = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@Pat_State", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50); if (Pat_Add.State != null) P_State.Value = Pat_Add.State; else P_State.Value = Convert.DBNull; SqlParameter P_ZIP = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@Pat_Zip", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50); if (Pat_Add.Zip != null) P_ZIP.Value = Pat_Add.Zip; else P_ZIP.Value = Convert.DBNull; SqlParameter P_PDoc = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@Pat_PDoc", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50); if (Pat_Per_Details.Pat_Pre_Doc != null) P_PDoc.Value = Pat_Per_Details.Pat_Pre_Doc; else P_PDoc.Value = Convert.DBNull; SqlParameter P_MRN = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@Pat_MRN", SqlDbType.VarChar, 15); if (Pat_Per_Details.MRN != null) P_MRN.Value = Pat_Per_Details.MRN; else P_MRN.Value = Convert.DBNull; SqlParameter Fac_ID = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@Fac_ID", SqlDbType.Int); if (Fac_Info.FacilityNO != null) Fac_ID.Value = Fac_Info.FacilityNO; else Fac_ID.Value = Convert.DBNull; SqlParameter Phrm_ID = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@Phrm_ID", SqlDbType.Int); if (Phrm_Info.PhrmID != null) Phrm_ID.Value = Phrm_Info.PhrmID; else Phrm_ID.Value = Convert.DBNull; //SqlParameter PI_InsName = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@Ins_Name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50); //if (Pat_Ins_Details.InsuranceName != null) // PI_InsName.Value = Pat_Ins_Details.InsuranceName; //else // PI_InsName.Value = Convert.DBNull; int InsID = getInsuranceID(Pat_Ins_Details); Pat_Ins_Details.InsuranceID = InsID; SqlParameter Ins_ID = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@Ins_ID", SqlDbType.Int); if (Pat_Ins_Details.InsuranceID.ToString() != "0") Ins_ID.Value = Pat_Ins_Details.InsuranceID; else Ins_ID.Value = Convert.DBNull; SqlParameter PI_No = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@PI_Number", SqlDbType.Int); if (Pat_Ins_Details.PI_PolicyNo.ToString() != "0") PI_No.Value = Pat_Ins_Details.PI_PolicyNo; else PI_No.Value = Convert.DBNull; SqlParameter PI_PolicyID = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@PI_PolicyID", SqlDbType.Int); if (Pat_Ins_Details.PI_PolicyID.ToString() != "0") PI_PolicyID.Value = Pat_Ins_Details.PI_PolicyID; else PI_PolicyID.Value = Convert.DBNull; SqlParameter PI_GroupNo = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@PI_GroupNo", SqlDbType.Int); if (Pat_Ins_Details.PI_GroupNo.ToString() != "0") PI_GroupNo.Value = Pat_Ins_Details.PI_GroupNo; else PI_GroupNo.Value = Convert.DBNull; SqlParameter PI_BINNo = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@PI_BINNo", SqlDbType.Int); if (Pat_Ins_Details.PI_BINNo.ToString() != "0") PI_BINNo.Value = Pat_Ins_Details.PI_BINNo; else PI_BINNo.Value = Convert.DBNull; SqlParameter PI_InsdName = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@PI_InsdName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50); if (Pat_Ins_Details.InsuredName != null) PI_InsdName.Value = Pat_Ins_Details.InsuredName; else PI_InsdName.Value = Convert.DBNull; SqlParameter PI_InsdDOB = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@PI_InsdDOB", SqlDbType.DateTime); if (Pat_Ins_Details.InsuredDOB != null) PI_InsdDOB.Value = DateTime.Parse( Pat_Ins_Details.InsuredDOB); else { Nullable<DateTime> NullDate = null; PI_InsdDOB.Value = NullDate; } SqlParameter PI_InsdSSN = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@PI_InsdSSN", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50); if (Pat_Ins_Details.InsuredSSN != null) PI_InsdSSN.Value = Pat_Ins_Details.InsuredSSN; else PI_InsdSSN.Value = Convert.DBNull; SqlParameter PI_InsdRel = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@PI_InsdRel", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50); if (Pat_Ins_Details.InsuredRelation != null) PI_InsdRel.Value = Pat_Ins_Details.InsuredRelation; else PI_InsdRel.Value = Convert.DBNull; SqlParameter PA_Desc = sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@PA_Desc", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200); if (Pat_Allergies.AllergyDescription != null) PA_Desc.Value = Pat_Allergies.AllergyDescription; else PA_Desc.Value = Convert.DBNull; try { sqlCon.Open(); sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { return ex.ToString(); } finally { sqlCon.Close(); } return "Updated Patient Information Successfully"; }
public override async Task <IActionResult> PostAsync([FromBody] PatientAddress patientAddress) { return(await base.PostAsync(patientAddress)); }
/// <summary> /// Determines whether [is homeless address] [the specified patient address]. /// </summary> /// <param name="patientAddress">The patient address.</param> /// <returns> /// <c>true</c> if [is homeless address] [the specified patient address]; otherwise, <c>false</c>. /// </returns> public static bool IsHomelessAddress(this PatientAddress patientAddress) { return(patientAddress.PatientAddressType.WellKnownName == PatientAddressType.Homeless); }
public PatientAddViewModel() { errresults = new List <ValidationResult>(); CopyMe = new PatientAddress(); }
public PatientModel PostEditMethod(PatientModel rm) { //string date = rm.DOB.ToString("d"); //string result = objRegisterModel.DOB.Substring(6); int birthyear = Convert.ToDateTime(rm.DOB).Year; int currentyear = DateTime.Now.Year; //int age = currentyear - Convert.ToInt32(result); int Yourage = currentyear - birthyear; using (var parepo = new PatientRepository()) { if (rm.userId == 0) { Patient _patient = new Patient(); _patient.PatientId = rm.userId; _patient.Email = rm.Email; _patient.FullName = rm.FullName; _patient.Surname = rm.Surname; _patient.Title = rm.Title; _patient.Age = Convert.ToString(Yourage); _patient.MaritalStatus = rm.Status; _patient.DOB = rm.DOB; _patient.Sex = rm.Sex; List <string> list = new List <string>(); foreach (PatientAddressModel pa in rm.PatientAddresses.ToList()) { if (pa.DeleteAddress == true) { // Delete address which is marked to remove rm.PatientAddresses.Remove(pa); } } ; foreach (var item in rm.PatientAddresses.ToList()) { PatientAddress padd = new PatientAddress(); padd.Address = item.Address; _patient.PatientAddresses.Add(padd); } _patient.Address1 = rm.Address1; _patient.Address2 = rm.Address2; _patient.Address3 = rm.Address3; _patient.PostalCode = rm.PostalCode; _patient.Telephone = rm.Telephone; _patient.Employer = rm.Employer; _patient.EmployerTelephone = rm.EmployerTelephone; _patient.Occupation = rm.Occupation; _patient.NationalId = rm.NationalId; _patient.Status = "Alive"; _patient.PatientAllergy = rm.PatientAllergy; _patient.MedicalAidName = rm.MedicalAidName; _patient.MedicalAidNo = rm.MedicalAidNo; _patient.registeredDate = DateTime.Now; //Code to save the image to the Db if (rm.File != null && rm.File.ContentLength > 0) { _patient.FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(rm.File.FileName); _patient.FileType = GlenwoodMed.Model.ViewModels.FileType.Avatar; _patient.ContentType = rm.File.ContentType; using (var reader = new System.IO.BinaryReader(rm.File.InputStream)) { _patient.File = reader.ReadBytes(rm.File.ContentLength); } } parepo.Insert(_patient); } else { Patient _patient = parepo.GetById(rm.userId); _patient.PatientId = rm.userId; _patient.Email = rm.Email; _patient.FullName = rm.FullName; _patient.Surname = rm.Surname; _patient.Age = Convert.ToString(Yourage); _patient.Title = rm.Title; _patient.MaritalStatus = rm.MaritalStatus; _patient.DOB = rm.DOB; _patient.Sex = rm.Sex; _patient.Address1 = rm.Address1; _patient.Address2 = rm.Address2; _patient.Address3 = rm.Address3; _patient.PostalCode = rm.PostalCode; _patient.Telephone = rm.Telephone; _patient.Employer = rm.Employer; _patient.EmployerTelephone = rm.EmployerTelephone; _patient.Occupation = rm.Occupation; _patient.NationalId = rm.NationalId; _patient.Status = rm.Status; _patient.PatientAllergy = rm.PatientAllergy; _patient.MedicalAidName = rm.MedicalAidName; _patient.MedicalAidNo = rm.MedicalAidNo; if (rm.File != null && rm.File.ContentLength > 0) { _patient.FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(rm.File.FileName); _patient.FileType = GlenwoodMed.Model.ViewModels.FileType.Avatar; _patient.ContentType = rm.File.ContentType; using (var reader = new System.IO.BinaryReader(rm.File.InputStream)) { _patient.File = reader.ReadBytes(rm.File.ContentLength); } } foreach (var item in rm.PatientAddresses.ToList()) { PatientAddress padd = new PatientAddress(); padd.Address = item.Address; _patient.PatientAddresses.Add(padd); } parepo.Update(_patient); } return(rm); } }
public void CreateMethod(PatientModel rm, string Gender, string Status, string Title, string Patient_No) { Email_serviceViewModel es = new Email_serviceViewModel(); Email_serviceBusiness esb = new Email_serviceBusiness(); using (var parepo = new PatientRepository()) { //if (rm.userId == null) //{ //string result = objRegisterModel.DOB.Substring(6); int birthyear = Convert.ToDateTime(rm.DOB).Year; int currentyear = DateTime.Now.Year; //int age = currentyear - Convert.ToInt32(result); int Yourage = currentyear - birthyear; Patient _patient = new Patient(); _patient.PatientId = rm.userId; _patient.Email = rm.Email; _patient.FullName = rm.FullName; _patient.Surname = rm.Surname; _patient.Title = Title; _patient.Age = Convert.ToString(Yourage); _patient.MaritalStatus = Status; _patient.DOB = rm.DOB; _patient.Sex = Gender; List <string> list = new List <string>(); foreach (PatientAddressModel pa in rm.PatientAddresses.ToList()) { if (pa.DeleteAddress == true) { // Delete address which is marked to remove rm.PatientAddresses.Remove(pa); } } ; foreach (var item in rm.PatientAddresses.ToList()) { PatientAddress padd = new PatientAddress(); padd.Address = item.Address; _patient.PatientAddresses.Add(padd); } _patient.Address1 = rm.Address1; _patient.Address2 = rm.Address2; _patient.Address3 = rm.Address3; _patient.PostalCode = rm.PostalCode; _patient.Telephone = rm.Telephone; _patient.Employer = rm.Employer; _patient.EmployerTelephone = rm.EmployerTelephone; _patient.Occupation = rm.Occupation; _patient.NationalId = rm.NationalId; _patient.Status = "Alive"; _patient.PatientAllergy = rm.PatientAllergy; _patient.MedicalAidName = rm.MedicalAidName; _patient.MedicalAidNo = rm.MedicalAidNo; _patient.registeredDate = DateTime.Now; _patient.PatientNo = Patient_No; //Code to save the image to the Db if (rm.File != null && rm.File.ContentLength > 0) { _patient.FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(rm.File.FileName); _patient.FileType = GlenwoodMed.Model.ViewModels.FileType.Avatar; _patient.ContentType = rm.File.ContentType; using (var reader = new System.IO.BinaryReader(rm.File.InputStream)) { _patient.File = reader.ReadBytes(rm.File.ContentLength); } } es.To = rm.Email; es.Subject = "Registration Details"; es.Body = "Patient Number: " + Patient_No + "<br/>" + "Username: "******"<br/>" + "Password: "******"PatientId"] = _patient.PatientId; //} } }