        // Gets the root path for this repository
        public static string GetRoot(string path)
            // Clean the path
            path = Paths.Clean(path);

            // Check it's not invalid
            Paths.Type type = Paths.GetType(path);
            if (type == Paths.Type.None)

            // If it's a file, get the directory
            if (type == Paths.Type.File)
                path = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);

            // Run the svn info command on this path
            string commandOption = string.Format("info \"{0}\"", path);

            Process.Output svnOutput = Process.Start(null, "svn", commandOption);

            // If we have errors, we can't use it
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(svnOutput.StdErr) == false)

            // We have some properties, so pull out what we're interested in
            string[] parsedOutput = svnOutput.StdOut.Split('\n');
            foreach (string line in parsedOutput)
                string lineToFind = "Working Copy Root Path:";

                // If we can find it, remove it and return
                if (line.StartsWith(lineToFind) == true)
                    return(line.Remove(0, lineToFind.Length).Trim());

            // Can't find the root
        // Returns if the given path is under SVN control
        public static bool IsPathTracked(string path)
            // Clean the path
            path = Paths.Clean(path);

            // Folder or file?
            Paths.Type pathType = Paths.GetType(path);
            if (pathType == Paths.Type.None)

            // Check for a folder or file
            if (pathType == Paths.Type.Directory)