 /// <summary>
 /// Calculates a path for the actor from multiple possible sources, whilst searching for an acceptable target.
 /// Returned path is *reversed* and given target to source.
 /// The shortest path between a source and a discovered target is returned.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Searches with this method are slower than <see cref="FindUnitPathToTargetCell"/> due to the need to search for
 /// and discover an acceptable target cell. Use this search sparingly.
 /// </remarks>
 public List <CPos> FindUnitPathToTargetCellByPredicate(
     Actor self, IEnumerable <CPos> sources, Func <CPos, bool> targetPredicate, BlockedByActor check,
     Func <CPos, int> customCost = null,
     Actor ignoreActor           = null,
     bool laneBias = true)
     // With no pre-specified target location, we can only use a unidirectional search.
     using (var search = PathSearch.ToTargetCellByPredicate(
                world, GetLocomotor(self), self, sources, targetPredicate, check, customCost, ignoreActor, laneBias))
        Target FindNextResource(Actor actor, HarvesterTraitWrapper harv)
            Func <CPos, bool> isValidResource = cell =>
                                                harv.Harvester.CanHarvestCell(actor, cell) &&
                                                claimLayer.CanClaimCell(actor, cell);

            List <CPos> path;

            using (var search =
                           world, harv.Locomotor, actor, new[] { actor.Location }, isValidResource, BlockedByActor.Stationary,
                           loc => world.FindActorsInCircle(world.Map.CenterOfCell(loc), Info.HarvesterEnemyAvoidanceRadius)
                           .Where(u => !u.IsDead && actor.Owner.RelationshipWith(u.Owner) == PlayerRelationship.Enemy)
                           .Sum(u => Math.Max(WDist.Zero.Length, Info.HarvesterEnemyAvoidanceRadius.Length - (world.Map.CenterOfCell(loc) - u.CenterPosition).Length))))
                path = pathfinder.FindPath(search);

            if (path.Count == 0)

            return(Target.FromCell(world, path[0]));
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the closest harvestable pos between the current position of the harvester
        /// and the last order location
        /// </summary>
        CPos?ClosestHarvestablePos(Actor self)
            // Harvesters should respect an explicit harvest order instead of harvesting the current cell.
            if (orderLocation == null)
                if (harv.CanHarvestCell(self.Location) && claimLayer.CanClaimCell(self, self.Location))
                if (harv.CanHarvestCell(orderLocation.Value) && claimLayer.CanClaimCell(self, orderLocation.Value))

                orderLocation = null;

            // Determine where to search from and how far to search:
            var procLoc       = GetSearchFromProcLocation();
            var searchFromLoc = lastHarvestedCell ?? procLoc ?? self.Location;
            var searchRadius  = lastHarvestedCell.HasValue ? harvInfo.SearchFromHarvesterRadius : harvInfo.SearchFromProcRadius;

            var searchRadiusSquared = searchRadius * searchRadius;

            var map     = self.World.Map;
            var procPos = procLoc.HasValue ? (WPos?)map.CenterOfCell(procLoc.Value) : null;
            var harvPos = self.CenterPosition;

            // Find any harvestable resources:
            List <CPos> path;

            using (var search = PathSearch.ToTargetCellByPredicate(
                       self.World, mobile.Locomotor, self, new[] { searchFromLoc, self.Location },
                       loc =>
                       harv.CanHarvestCell(loc) &&
                       claimLayer.CanClaimCell(self, loc),
                       loc =>
                if ((loc - searchFromLoc).LengthSquared > searchRadiusSquared)

                // Add a cost modifier to harvestable cells to prefer resources that are closer to the refinery.
                // This reduces the tendency for harvesters to move in straight lines
                if (procPos.HasValue && harvInfo.ResourceRefineryDirectionPenalty > 0 && harv.CanHarvestCell(loc))
                    var pos = map.CenterOfCell(loc);

                    // Calculate harv-cell-refinery angle (cosine rule)
                    var b = pos - procPos.Value;

                    if (b != WVec.Zero)
                        var c = pos - harvPos;
                        if (c != WVec.Zero)
                            var a = harvPos - procPos.Value;
                            var cosA = (int)(512 * (b.LengthSquared + c.LengthSquared - a.LengthSquared) / b.Length / c.Length);

                            // Cost modifier varies between 0 and ResourceRefineryDirectionPenalty
                            return(Math.Abs(harvInfo.ResourceRefineryDirectionPenalty / 2) + harvInfo.ResourceRefineryDirectionPenalty * cosA / 2048);

                path = mobile.Pathfinder.FindPath(search);

            if (path.Count > 0)
