internal void OnDirectoryDeleted(PathEventArgs e) { if (DirectoryDeleted != null) { DirectoryDeleted(this, e); } }
private void RequestNavigation(String Path) { PathEventArgs ea = null; var path = String.Empty; BreadcrumbBarFSItem item = null; if (Path.Trim().StartsWith("%")) { path = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(Path); item = new BreadcrumbBarFSItem(Path, path); } else { path = Path; item = new BreadcrumbBarFSItem(ShellObject.FromParsingName(Path.StartsWith(":") ? "shell:" + Path : Path)); } ea = new PathEventArgs(ShellObject.FromParsingName(path)); OnNavigateRequested(ea); if (writetohistory == true) { if (hl.Select(s => s.RealPath).Contains(Path) == false) { hl.Add(item); } } }
private IEnumerable <string> VisitDirectory(string root) { foreach (var file in VisitFiles(root)) { yield return(file); } foreach (var subDirectory in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(root)) { var directoryEventArgs = new PathEventArgs { Path = subDirectory }; OnDirectoryFound(directoryEventArgs); if (_filter(subDirectory)) { var filteredDirectoryEventArgs = new PathEventArgs { Path = subDirectory }; OnFilteredDirectoryFound(directoryEventArgs); yield return(subDirectory); } foreach (var item in VisitDirectory(subDirectory)) { yield return(item); } } }
internal void OnFileDeleted(PathEventArgs e) { if (FileDeleted != null) { FileDeleted(this, e); } }
private void HandlePathStart(PathEventArgs args) { if (!ShowPath && !ShowCommandName) { return; } Debug.WriteLine("WhenPathStart"); _screenBounds = Screen.ScreenBoundsFromPoint(args.Location).Value; //Screen.FromPoint(args.Location); _prevPoint = args.Location; //ToUpLeftCoord(args.Location); _pointCount = 1; //_tempMainPen = args.Button == GestureTriggerButton.Right ? _mainPen : _middleBtnPen; if ((args.Button & GestureTriggerButton.Right) != 0) { _tempMainPen = _mainPen; } else if ((args.Button & GestureTriggerButton.X) != 0) { _tempMainPen = _xBtnPen; } else { _tempMainPen = _middleBtnPen; } _isCurrentRecognized = false; _recognizeStateChanged = false; BeginView(); }
private void ListView_SelectedChange(object sender, PathEventArgs e) { Repository selected = fileSystem.FindDirectory(e.Path); if (selected != null) { listView.ClearList(); bool previousExpandCondition = selected.IsExpand; selected.IsExpand = true; fileSystem.Expand(selected); foreach (var item in selected.Entries) { if (item is Repository repository) { if (!repository.HasAccessRight) { listView.AddInaccessibleFolder(repository.Name); } else { listView.AddFolder(repository.Name); } } else { listView.AddFile(item.Name, item.Path, Converter.BytesToString(((File)item).Size)); } } selected.IsExpand = previousExpandCondition; } }
private void OnPath(PathEventArgs e) { if (Path != null) { Path(this, e); } }
//public event EventHandler MouseDoubleClick; // Invoke the Changed event; called whenever list changes: protected virtual void OnNavigateRequested(PathEventArgs e) { if (NavigateRequested != null) { NavigateRequested(this, e); } }
private void player_PlayerStopped(object sender, PathEventArgs e) { //if (lblPlaying.InvokeRequired) // Invoke((Action)(() => lblPlaying.Text = null)); //else lblPlaying.Text = null; }
//public event EventHandler MouseDoubleClick; // Invoke the Changed event; called whenever list changes: protected virtual void OnUpdaterDownloadComplete(PathEventArgs e) { if (UpdaterDownloadComplete != null) { UpdaterDownloadComplete(this, e); } }
//public event EventHandler MouseDoubleClick; // Invoke the Changed event; called whenever list changes: protected virtual void OnContextMenuRequested(PathEventArgs e) { if (ContextMenuRequested != null) { ContextMenuRequested(this, e); } }
void g_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { HistoryCombo.Text = (string)(sender as MenuItem).Header; PathEventArgs args = new PathEventArgs(ShellObject.FromParsingName(HistoryCombo.Text.Trim().StartsWith("%") ? Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(HistoryCombo.Text) : HistoryCombo.Text)); OnNavigateRequested(args); ExitEditMode(); }
protected virtual void OnRemoveRecentFileClick(PathEventArgs e) { if (e is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(e)); } RemoveRecentFileClick?.Invoke(this, e); RecentFiles.Remove(e.Path); }
protected virtual void OnOpenRecentAsClick(PathEventArgs e) { if (e is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(e)); } OpenRecentAsClick?.Invoke(this, e); OpenFileHelper?.OpenFileAs(e.Path); }
void duh_ContextMenuRequested(object sender, PathEventArgs e) { ShellItem[] dirs = new ShellItem[1]; dirs[0] = e.ShellItem; Point relativePoint = this.TransformToAncestor(Application.Current.MainWindow) .Transform(new Point(0, 0)); Point realCoordinates = Application.Current.MainWindow.PointToScreen(relativePoint); ShellContextMenu cm = new ShellContextMenu(dirs); //cm.ShowContextMenu(new System.Drawing.Point((int)GetCursorPosition().X, (int)realCoordinates.Y + (int)this.Height)); }
private void bBrowse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog(); if (fbd.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { tbPath.Text = fbd.SelectedPath; PathEventArgs args = new PathEventArgs(); args.Path = tbPath.Text; OnPath(args); } }
private void HandlePathTimeout(PathEventArgs args) { if (!ShowPath && !ShowCommandName) { return; } Debug.WriteLine("PathTimeout"); //if (ShowPath) ResetPathDirtyRect(); EndView(); }
private void HandlePathGrow(PathEventArgs args) { if (!ShowPath && !ShowCommandName) { return; } if (_pointCount > _pathMaxPointCount) { return; } _pointCount++; if (_pointCount == _pathMaxPointCount) { ShowLabel(Color.White, "您是有多无聊啊 :)", Color.FromArgb(128, 255, 0, 0)); DrawAndUpdate(); _labelChanged = false; _recognizeStateChanged = false; return; } if (ShowPath) { var curPos = args.Location;//ToUpLeftCoord(args.Location); //需要将点换算为基于窗口的坐标 var pA = new Point(_prevPoint.X - _screenBounds.X, _prevPoint.Y - _screenBounds.Y); var pB = new Point(curPos.X - _screenBounds.X, curPos.Y - _screenBounds.Y); if (pA != pB) { _gPath.AddLine(pA, pB); _gPathDirty.Reset(); _gPathDirty.AddLine(pA, pB); _gPathDirty.Widen(_dirtyMarkerPen); } //_pathDirtyRect = GetDirtyRect(_prevPoint, curPos); //_pathDirtyRegion.Union(_pathDirtyRect); } DrawAndUpdate(); _recognizeStateChanged = false; _prevPoint = args.Location;//ToUpLeftCoord(args.Location); }
private void TreeView_Expand(object sender, PathEventArgs e) { Repository repository = fileSystem.FindDirectory(e.Path); repository.IsExpand = true; fileSystem.Expand(repository); if (!treeView.Loaded(e.Path, fakeFolder)) { treeView.Clear(e.Path); } ExpandTreeView(repository); if (fileSystem.Selected != null) { treeView.Selected = fileSystem.Selected.Path; } }
public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData) { Debug.Log($"Активна тропа № {ThisPathNumber}"); var e = new PathEventArgs { PathNumber = ThisPathNumber }; IsActive(this, e); pathes = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Path"); foreach (var path in pathes) { path.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color = Color.white; } gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color =; }
private void WhenPathStart(PathEventArgs args) { if (!ShowPath && !ShowCommandName) { return; } Debug.WriteLine("WhenPathStart"); var activeScreen = Screen.FromPoint(args.Location); _screenBounds = activeScreen.Bounds; _prevPoint = args.Location;//ToUpLeftCoord(args.Location); _pointCount = 1; _tempMainPen = args.Button == GestureButtons.RightButton ? _mainPen : _middleBtnPen; BeginView(); }
private void WhenPathGrow(PathEventArgs args) { if (!ShowPath && !ShowCommandName) { return; } if (_pointCount > _pathMaxPointCount) { return; } _pointCount++; if (_pointCount == _pathMaxPointCount) { ShowLabel(Color.White, "您是有多无聊啊 :)", Color.FromArgb(128, 255, 0, 0)); DrawAndUpdate(); _labelChanged = false; return; } if (ShowPath) { var curPos = args.Location;//ToUpLeftCoord(args.Location); //需要将点换算为基于窗口的坐标 _gPath.AddLine(new Point(_prevPoint.X - _screenBounds.X, _prevPoint.Y - _screenBounds.Y), new Point(curPos.X - _screenBounds.X, curPos.Y - _screenBounds.Y)); //_gPath.PathPoints. _pathDirtyRect = GetDirtyRect(_prevPoint, curPos); _pathDirtyRegion.Union(_pathDirtyRect); } DrawAndUpdate(); _prevPoint = args.Location;//ToUpLeftCoord(args.Location); }
private void HandlePathStart(PathEventArgs args) { if (!ShowPath && !ShowCommandName) { return; } Debug.WriteLine("WhenPathStart"); _screenBounds = Screen.ScreenBoundsFromPoint(args.Location); //Screen.FromPoint(args.Location); _prevPoint = args.Location; //ToUpLeftCoord(args.Location); _pointCount = 1; _tempMainPen = args.Button == GestureButtons.RightButton ? _mainPen : _middleBtnPen; _isCurrentRecognized = false; _recognizeStateChanged = false; BeginView(); }
private IEnumerable <string> VisitFiles(string root) { foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(root)) { var fileEventArgs = new PathEventArgs { Path = file }; OnFileFound(fileEventArgs); if (_filter(file)) { var filteredFileEventArgs = new PathEventArgs { Path = file }; OnFilteredFileFound(filteredFileEventArgs); yield return(file); } } }
private void ArchiverView_Unzipping(object sender, PathEventArgs e) { archiverModel.Unzip(e.Path, archiverView.GetFolderPath()); }
private void ArchiverView_RemoveFolder(object sender, PathEventArgs e) { archiverModel.RemoveFolder(e.Path); }
private void ArchiverView_OpenFile(object sender, PathEventArgs e) { archiverModel.Start(e.Path); }
private void ArchiverView_UnzipHere(object sender, PathEventArgs e) { archiverModel.Unzip(e.FileName, e.Path); }
//public event EventHandler MouseDoubleClick; // Invoke the Changed event; called whenever list changes: protected virtual void OnNavigateRequested(PathEventArgs e) { if (NavigateRequested != null) NavigateRequested(this, e); }
private void _fileBrowser_FileActivate(object sender, PathEventArgs e) { DoOpenFile(e.Path); }
private void player_PlayerStarted(object sender, PathEventArgs e) { lblPlaying.Text = e.Path; }
//public event EventHandler MouseDoubleClick; // Invoke the Changed event; called whenever list changes: protected virtual void OnUpdaterDownloadComplete(PathEventArgs e) { if (UpdaterDownloadComplete != null) UpdaterDownloadComplete(this, e); }
void duh_NavigateRequested(object sender, PathEventArgs e) { OnNavigateRequested(e); LastPath = e.ShellObject.ParsingName; }
private void ArchiverView_LoadConent(object sender, PathEventArgs e) { archiverView.ShowContent(archiverModel.GetContent(e.Path)); }
private void HistoryCombo_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { e.Handled = true; if (e.Key == Key.Enter) { try { PathEventArgs ea = new PathEventArgs(ShellObject.FromParsingName(HistoryCombo.Text)); OnNavigateRequested(ea); if (writetohistory == true) { if (hl.Contains(HistoryCombo.Text) == false) { hl.Add(HistoryCombo.Text); } } } catch (Exception) { // For now just handle the exception. later will be fixed to navigate correct path. } } if (e.Key == Key.Escape) { ExitEditMode(); } }
private void breadcrumbBarControl1_NavigateRequested(object sender, PathEventArgs e) { Explorer.Navigate(e.ShellObject != null ? e.ShellObject : ShellObject.FromParsingName(e.Path)); }
private void CreateNewDirectory(object sender, PathEventArgs args) { _fileSystemManager.CreateNewDirectory(args.Path); View.ValidateAll(); }