                void Walk(RuntimeAttribute a, RuntimeAttribute b)
                    if (a == b)

                    var group = new PatchGroup();

                    if (a != null && a.IsThunk && b != null && b.IsThunk) // diff thunk
                        // TODO: ....
                        //var patchDiff = Diff(a, b);
                        //if (patchDiff.HasPatch)
                        //    group.Append(new PatchOperateThunk(patchDiff));
                    else if (b == null)
                        group.Append(new PatchOperateRemove(a));
                    else if (a.template.TagName == b.template.TagName && a.template.Key == b.template.Key)
                        //// diff once function
                        //var needToExecute = DiffOnceExpresstion(a.onceExecuteFunc, b.onceExecuteFunc);
                        //if (needToExecute != null)
                        //    group.Append(new PatchOperateOnceFunc(a, needToExecute, b.onceExecuteFunc));

                        // diff properties
                        var propsPatch = DiffProperties(a.attributes, b.attributes);
                        if (propsPatch != null && propsPatch.Count > 0)
                            group.Append(new PatchOperateProperties(a, propsPatch));
                        if (a.textDataBindExpressCurrentValue != b.textDataBindExpressCurrentValue)
                            group.Append(new PatchOperateText(a, b.textDataBindExpressCurrentValue));
                        DiffChildren(a, b, group);
                        group.Append(new PatchOperateChange(a, b));

                        //// change the a & b
                        //// execute once function
                        //group.Append(new PatchOperateOnceFunc(b, b.template.onceExpressList, b.onceExecuteFunc));

                    if (group.HasChange)
                void DiffChildren(RuntimeAttribute a, RuntimeAttribute b, PatchGroup group)
                    var aChildren = a.Children;
                    var bChildren = b.Children;
                    var aLen      = aChildren.Count;
                    var bLen      = bChildren.Count;
                    var len       = aLen > bLen ? aLen : bLen;

                    var leftIter  = aChildren.GetEnumerator();
                    var rightIter = bChildren.GetEnumerator();

                    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                        var leftNode  = leftIter.MoveNext() ? leftIter.Current : null;
                        var rightNode = rightIter.MoveNext() ? rightIter.Current : null;

                        if (leftNode == null)
                            if (rightNode != null)
                                // Excess nodes in b need to be added
                                group.Append(new PatchOperateInsert(a, rightNode));

                                //// execute once function
                                //group.Append(new PatchOperateOnceFunc(rightNode, rightNode.template.onceExpressList, rightNode.onceExecuteFunc));
                            Walk(leftNode, rightNode); // change it or remove it.