        private void Crawl(Dictionary <string, string> dictionary)
            PastWeatherInput pastWeatherInput = new PastWeatherInput();

            pastWeatherInput.query  = CITY;
            pastWeatherInput.format = FORMAT;

            foreach (var item in dictionary)
                pastWeatherInput.date    = item.Key;
                pastWeatherInput.enddate = item.Value;
                WWOWeatherData weatherData = worker.GetPastWeather(pastWeatherInput);
                lock (lockObject)
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;
                    Console.WriteLine("Az alábbi év, hónap időjárási adata le lett töltve: " + item.Key);

                //ImportantWeatherData important = new ImportantWeatherData(weatherData);
                foreach (var i in weatherData.data.weather)
                    SimpleWeather simple = new SimpleWeather(i);

            //ImportantWeatherData important;
            //foreach (var item in weatherDatas)

            //    important = new ImportantWeatherData(item);
            //    importantWeatherDatas.Add(important);
        /// <summary>
        /// This event handler method calls
        /// the ProcessHistoricalData method of the ProcessorClass class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void DisplayHistoricalDataButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                String           location = SearchTextBox.Text.ToString();
                PastWeatherInput input    = new PastWeatherInput();
                input.query   = location;
                input.date    = "2013-03-01";
                input.enddate = "2018-03-03";
                input.format  = "JSON";

                /* Call the GetPastWeather method and pass in input parameters*/
                API_Implementation api         = new API_Implementation();
                PastWeather        pastWeather = api.GetPastWeather(input);

                /*Display Results*/
                DisplayResultsTextBox.Text  = "\r\n Date: " + pastWeather.data.weather[0].date;
                DisplayResultsTextBox.Text += "\r\n Max Temp(C): " + pastWeather.data.weather[0].maxtempC;
                DisplayResultsTextBox.Text += "\r\n Max Temp(F): " + pastWeather.data.weather[0].maxtempF;
                DisplayResultsTextBox.Text += "\r\n Min Temp(C): " + pastWeather.data.weather[0].mintempC;
                DisplayResultsTextBox.Text += "\r\n Min Temp(F): " + pastWeather.data.weather[0].mintempF;
                DisplayResultsTextBox.Text += "\r\n Cloud Cover: " + pastWeather.data.weather[0].hourly[0].cloudcover;
                DisplayResultsTextBox.Text += "\r\n Humidity: " + pastWeather.data.weather[0].hourly[0].humidity;
                DisplayResultsTextBox.Text += "\r\n Pressure: " + pastWeather.data.weather[0].hourly[0].pressure;
                DisplayResultsTextBox.Text += "\r\n Visibility: " + pastWeather.data.weather[0].hourly[0].visibility;
                DisplayResultsTextBox.Text += "\r\n Wind Speed: " + pastWeather.data.weather[0].hourly[0].windspeedMiles;
            catch (Exception ex)
        public PastWeather GetPastWeather(PastWeatherInput input)
            // create URL based on input paramters
            string apiURL = ApiBaseURL + "past-weather.ashx?q=" + input.query + "&format=" + input.format + "&extra=" + input.extra + "&enddate=" + input.enddate + "&date=" + input.date + "&includelocation=" + input.includelocation + "&callback=" + input.callback + "&key=" + PremiumAPIKey;

            // get the web response
            string result = new RequestHandler(apiURL).Process();

            // deserialize the json output into the c#classes created earlier
            PastWeather pWeather = null;

            if (result != null)
                result = result.Replace("No moonset", "11:47 AM");
                pWeather = (PastWeather) new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize(result, typeof(PastWeather));
            catch (FormatException ex)

 public SerialSolution()
     input        = new PastWeatherInput();
     input.query  = CITY;
     input.format = FORMAT;
     WeatherDatas = new List <WWOWeatherData>();
        /// <summary>
        /// This method consumes the WorldWeather Premium API
        /// to show past weather data of any given location
        /// for a given period
        /// </summary>
        public void GetHistoricalData()
                String           location = SearchTextBox.Text.ToString();
                PastWeatherInput input    = new PastWeatherInput();
                input.query   = location;
                input.date    = "2017-01-01";
                input.enddate = "2019-01-01";
                input.format  = "JSON";

                /* Call the GetPastWeather method and pass in input parameters*/
                API_Implementation api         = new API_Implementation();
                PastWeather        pastWeather = api.GetPastWeather(input);

                /*Display Results*/
                DisplayResultsTextBox.Text  = "\r\n Date: " + pastWeather.data.weather[0].date;
                DisplayResultsTextBox.Text += "\r\n Max Temp(C): " + pastWeather.data.weather[0].maxtempC;
                DisplayResultsTextBox.Text += "\r\n Max Temp(F): " + pastWeather.data.weather[0].maxtempF;
                DisplayResultsTextBox.Text += "\r\n Min Temp(C): " + pastWeather.data.weather[0].mintempC;
                DisplayResultsTextBox.Text += "\r\n Min Temp(F): " + pastWeather.data.weather[0].mintempF;
                DisplayResultsTextBox.Text += "\r\n Cloud Cover: " + pastWeather.data.weather[0].hourly[0].cloudcover;
            catch (Exception ex) {
 public SemaphoreSolution(string[] yearDataStart, string[] YearDataEnd, string yearName)
     this.Ev             = yearName;
     this.dataStart      = yearDataStart;
     this.dataEnd        = YearDataEnd;
     inputWeather        = new PastWeatherInput();
     inputWeather.query  = CITY;
     inputWeather.format = FORMAT;
     WeatherDatas        = new List <WWOWeatherData>();
 public SemaphoreSolution(string inputStart, string inputEnd, string ev)
     //this.data = input;
     this.Ev              = ev;
     inputWeather         = new PastWeatherInput();
     inputWeather.query   = CITY;
     inputWeather.format  = FORMAT;
     inputWeather.date    = inputStart;
     inputWeather.enddate = inputEnd;
     WeatherDatas         = new List <WWOWeatherData>();
        public string PremiumAPIKey = ""; //Az api kulcs helye

        public WWOWeatherData GetPastWeather(PastWeatherInput input)
            // create URL based on input paramters
            string apiURL = ApiBaseURL + "past-weather.ashx?q=" + input.query + "&format=" + input.format + "&extra=" + input.extra + "&enddate=" + input.enddate + "&date=" + input.date + "&includelocation=" + input.includelocation + "&callback=" + input.callback + "&key=" + PremiumAPIKey;

            string result = RequestHandler.Process(apiURL);
            //itt a json sorokból tesszük át a normál formátumba
            WWOWeatherData pastweather = (WWOWeatherData) new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize(result, typeof(WWOWeatherData));

        /// <summary>
        /// This method gets the historical
        /// weather data of a given location
        /// for a given period of time
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <returns>weather history</returns>
        public PastWeather GetPastWeather(PastWeatherInput input)
            /* Create URL based on input paramters */
            string apiURL = ApiBaseURL + "past-weather.ashx?q=" + input.query + "&format=" + input.format + "&extra=" + input.extra + "&enddate=" + input.enddate + "&date=" + input.date + "&includelocation=" + input.includelocation + "&callback=" + input.callback + "&key=" + APIKey;

            /* Get the web response */
            string result = RequestHandler.Process(apiURL);

            /* Serialize the json output and parse in the helper class */
            PastWeather pWeather = (PastWeather) new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize(result, typeof(PastWeather));

        private WeatherData GetInfo()
            PastWeather pastWeather = null;
            WeatherData data        = new WeatherData();
            // set input parameters for the API
            LocalWeatherInput input = new LocalWeatherInput();

            input.query       = m_info_future.query;
            input.num_of_days = m_info_future.num_of_days;
            input.date        = m_info_future.date;
            input.format      = "JSON";

            // call the local weather method with input parameters
            WorldWeatherOnlineAPI api          = new WorldWeatherOnlineAPI();
            LocalWeather          localWeather = api.GetLocalWeather(input);

            if (m_info_historical != null)
                //request past data if needed
                PastWeatherInput h_input = new PastWeatherInput();
                h_input.query   = m_info_historical.query;
                h_input.date    = m_info_historical.date;
                h_input.enddate = m_info_historical.enddate;
                h_input.format  = "JSON";
                pastWeather     = api.GetPastWeather(h_input);
            //set data in datastore based on which kind of datastore refresh was requested

            if (m_reftype == RefreshType.AddLeft)
            else if (m_reftype == RefreshType.AddLeft)
                DataStore.Instance().SetWeather(localWeather, pastWeather);

        public void Test_HistoricalDataMethod()
            PastWeatherInput input = new PastWeatherInput();
