public ActionResult Login(UserDetail userdetails)
            string EncryptedPassword, UserPassword;

            UserPassword      = userdetails.Password;
            EncryptedPassword = PasswordSecurity.EncryptPassword(UserPassword);
            var user = db.UserDetails.Where(x => x.Email == userdetails.Email && x.Password == EncryptedPassword).FirstOrDefault();

            if (user == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid Username and Password");
                Session["username"] = user.FirstName;
                Session["userid"]   = user.UserId;
                Session["mobile"]   = user.Contact;
                Session["address"]  = user.Address;
                Session["email"]    = user.Email;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(Session["username"] + " " + Session["userid"] + " " + Session["mobile"]);
                return(RedirectToAction("ListProduct", "Home"));
        public ActionResult Registration(UserDetail userdetails)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                string password, EncryptedPassword;
                password             = userdetails.Password;
                EncryptedPassword    = PasswordSecurity.EncryptPassword(password);
                userdetails.Password = EncryptedPassword;

                if (db.SaveChanges() > 0)
                    string receiver = userdetails.Email;
                    string subject  = "Registrating";
                    string message  = "You are registered in Vehicle Leasing now you can login";
                    if (MailSending.SendMail(receiver, subject, message))
        public ActionResult ResetUserPassword(String Email, String Password)
            if (Email == "")
                TempData["Msg"] = "Email not Exists!";
                UserDetail user = new UserDetail();
                user.Password = Password;
                var EncryptedPassword = PasswordSecurity.EncryptPassword(user.Password);
                var result            = UpdatePassword(Email, EncryptedPassword);
                if (result != false)

                //HttpResponseMessage Res = await GlobalVariables.client.GetAsync("Users/UpdateUserPassword?Email=" + Email + "&Password="******"Message"] = "Password Successfully Reset.";
        public async Task <ActionResult> Login(Account model, string returnUrl)
            _EmployeesManager = new commonEmployeesEntities();
            learUser          = new gatepassEntities();
            _AccountManager   = new lear_DailiesCertificationRequirementEntities();
            PasswordSecurity ps = new PasswordSecurity();

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ps.EncryptPassword(model.Password) + " : pass");
            var adminPass    = ps.EncryptPassword(model.Password);
            var adminAccount = _AccountManager.Users.Where(us => us.BadgeNo.ToString().Equals(model.BagdeNo) && us.Password.Equals(adminPass)).FirstOrDefault();

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(adminAccount.Password+" : password");

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            Account user = new Account()
                BagdeNo = model.BagdeNo, Roles = "", Password = model.Password

            user = Repository.GetAccountDetails(user); // Calling getAccountDetailsFunction from Repository Class

            // check if User is exist..
            if (user != null)
                // if true..

                // Get Employee Details
                Employees_Details userrr = _EmployeesManager.Employees_Details.Where(em => em.Employee_ID == user.BagdeNo).FirstOrDefault();
                var intBadge             = System.Int32.Parse(model.BagdeNo).ToString();
                // Get User info from user_vw using BadgeNo
                users_vw usertemp = learUser.users_vw.Where(use => use.Employee_ID == user.BagdeNo).FirstOrDefault();

                // Get total Number of Employees
                var countEmployees = _EmployeesManager.Employees_Details.ToList();

                // Get total Number of Active Employees
                var countActiveEmployees = _EmployeesManager.Employees_Details.Where(emp => emp.Job_Status.ToUpper().Contains("CURRENT")).ToList().Count();

                // Get total Number of Newly Employed Employees
                var countNewlyEmployees = _EmployeesManager.newlyEmployees.Where(emp => emp.Payroll_Type.ToString().ToUpper().Equals("DAILY")).OrderBy(nwEmp => nwEmp.Last_Name).ToList();

                // Set Authentication Cookie to User's EMAIL ADDRESS
                FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(usertemp.Email, false);

                // [ BEGIN -- Authentication Configuration
                var    authTicket      = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, usertemp.Email, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(720), false, user.Roles);
                string encryptedTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(authTicket);
                var    authCookie      = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encryptedTicket);
                // -- END Authentication Configuration ]

                // [ BEGIN -- Session Configuration
                Session["User"]                      = usertemp.Email;
                Session["RoleUser"]                  = user.Roles;
                Session["UserId"]                    = user.BagdeNo;
                Session["NumberOfEmployees"]         = countEmployees.Count();
                Session["NumberOfUnderEmployees"]    = _EmployeesManager.Emp_Route.Where(emp => emp.Checker_1_ID == user.BagdeNo).ToList().Count();
                Session["NumberOfNewlyEmployees"]    = countNewlyEmployees.Count();
                Session["NumberOfActiveEmployees"]   = countActiveEmployees;
                Session["NumberOfInactiveEmployees"] = countEmployees.Count() - countActiveEmployees;
                if (userrr != null)
                    Session["UserPosition"] = userrr.Position;
                // -- END Session Configuration ]

                return(RedirectToAction("Home", "Home"));
            else if (/*model.BagdeNo.ToString() == "1234" && model.Password.ToString() =="IT"*/ adminAccount != null)  // Hardcoded User For IT admin
                // Get total Number of Dailies Employees
                var countEmployees = _EmployeesManager.Employees_Details.Where(emp => emp.Payroll_Type.ToUpper().Equals("DAILY")).ToList();

                // Get total Number of Active Employees
                var countActiveEmployees = _EmployeesManager.Employees_Details.Where(emp => emp.Job_Status.ToUpper().Contains("CURRENT") && emp.Payroll_Type.ToUpper().Equals("DAILY")).ToList().Count();

                // Get total Number of Newly Employed Employees
                var countNewlyEmployees = _EmployeesManager.newlyEmployees.Where(emp => emp.Payroll_Type.ToString().ToUpper().Equals("DAILY")).OrderBy(nwEmp => nwEmp.Last_Name).ToList();

                // Get total Number of Probationary Employees
                var countProbationaryEmployees = _AccountManager.EmployeeDCR_Vw.Where(emp => emp.EmploymentStatus.ToUpper().Equals("PROBATIONARY") && emp.Job_Status.ToUpper().Contains("CURRENT") && emp.PayrollType.ToUpper().Equals("DAILY")).ToList().Count();

                // Set Authentication Cookie to User's EMAIL ADDRESS -- ( Hardcoded )
                FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie("*****@*****.**", false);

                // [ BEGIN -- Authentication Configuration
                var    authTicket      = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, "*****@*****.**", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(720), true, "IT");
                string encryptedTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(authTicket);
                var    authCookie      = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encryptedTicket);
                // -- END Authentication Configuration ]

                // [ BEGIN -- Session Configuration
                Session["User"]                          = "******";
                Session["RoleUser"]                      = "******";
                Session["UserId"]                        = "IT";
                Session["UserPosition"]                  = "ITAdmin";
                Session["NumberOfEmployees"]             = countEmployees.Count();
                Session["NumberOfNewlyEmployees"]        = countNewlyEmployees.Count();
                Session["NumberOfActiveEmployees"]       = countActiveEmployees;
                Session["NumberOfInactiveEmployees"]     = countEmployees.Count() - countActiveEmployees;
                Session["NumberOfRecertificationPlans"]  = _AccountManager.ReCertificationPlans.ToList().Count();
                Session["NumberOfCertificates"]          = _AccountManager.Certifications.ToList().Count();
                Session["NumberOfProbationaryEmployees"] = countProbationaryEmployees;
                // [ BEGIN -- Session Configuration

                return(RedirectToAction("Home", "Home"));

            else // else return View with error mesage.
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid login attempt.");
        public static Account GetAccountDetails(Account account)
            var intBagde = System.Int32.Parse(account.BagdeNo);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(intBagde); //Console Display For Debug Purposes

            // get User from user_vw with Default Password (Lear)
            //var accc = leardbUser.user_vw.Where(u => u.badge_no.ToLower() == intBagde.ToString().ToLower() && u.password == account.Password).FirstOrDefault();
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(accc); //Console Display For Debug Purposes

            // get User from users_vw // Comment next Line For Deploying // Uncomment for Testing--
            var accc = leardbUser.users_vw.Where(u => u.Employee_ID.ToLower() == account.BagdeNo.ToString().ToLower() && "Lear" == account.Password).FirstOrDefault();

            // encrypt Password
            var passEn = passSecure.EncryptPassword(account.Password);

            // get User from user_vw with their Own Password:
            //var accc1 = leardbUser.user_vw.Where(u => u.badge_no.ToLower() == intBagde.ToString().ToLower() && u.Employee_Password == passEn).FirstOrDefault();

            // get User from users_vw
            var accc1 = leardbUser.users_vw.Where(u => u.Employee_ID.ToLower() == account.BagdeNo.ToString().ToLower() && u.Employee_Password == passEn).FirstOrDefault();

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(accc1);//Console Display For Debug Purposes

            // Check if User with Default Password is exist
            if (accc != null)
                // if exist---

                // Get all approvers from Database
                var users = learEmployees.Database.SqlQuery <Approver>("Select * from approvers").ToList <Approver>();

                // Set variable Roles as 'Default'
                var Roles = "Default";

                // Check if Default User is an Approver VIA foreach loop
                foreach (Approver app in users)
                    if (accc.Employee_ID.Equals(app.approver.ToString().ToLower()))
                        // if User is consider as Approver set variable Roles to 'Approver'
                        Roles = "Approver";

                // Initialize account and set its attributes by the Defaut User
                Account acc = new Account()
                    BagdeNo = account.BagdeNo, Roles = Roles, Password = accc.Employee_Password
            else if (accc1 != null) // else if Default User not exist check User with its prefer password
                // if exist---

                // Get all approvers from Database
                var users = learEmployees.Database.SqlQuery <Approver>("Select * from approvers").ToList <Approver>();

                // Set variable Roles as 'Default'
                var Roles = "Default";

                // Check if Default User is an Approver VIA foreach loop
                foreach (Approver app in users)
                    if (accc1.Employee_ID.Equals(app.approver.ToString().ToLower()))
                        // if User is consider as Approver set variable Roles to 'Approver'
                        Roles = "Approver";
                // Initialize account and set its attributes by the Defaut User
                Account acc = new Account()
                    BagdeNo = account.BagdeNo, Roles = Roles, Password = accc1.Employee_Password
            else // else just return null