private void UpdatePasword(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { db = new FCS_DBModel(); string password = Password.Password.ToString(); string verifiedPW = VerifyPassword.Password.ToString(); string hashedPassword = PasswordHashing.GetHashString(password); if (password.Length < 5) { MessageBox.Show("Please pick a longer password (Minimum length of 5)"); } else if (password != verifiedPW) { MessageBox.Show("Passwords do not match!"); } else { try { var staff = (from p in db.Staff where p.StaffID == StaffID select p).First(); staff.StaffPassword = hashedPassword; db.SaveChanges(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong. Please try again."); } this.Close(); } }
private void CreateAccount(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); string Role = UserRole.SelectedValue.ToString(); string password = Password.Password.ToString(); string verifiedPW = VerifyPassword.Password.ToString(); string hashedPassword = PasswordHashing.GetHashString(password); int usernameVerify = (from uv in db.Staff where uv.StaffUserName == UserName select uv).Count(); if (Role == "No Access") { if (FirstName == null || FirstName == "" || LastName == null || LastName == "" || StaffTitle == null || StaffTitle == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please check the data entered."); } else { Models.Staff account = new Models.Staff(); account.StaffFirstName = FirstName; account.StaffLastName = LastName; account.StaffTitle = StaffTitle; account.StaffUserName = UserName; account.StaffPassword = hashedPassword; account.StaffDBRole = Role; db.Staff.Add(account); db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } } else { if (password.Length < 5) { MessageBox.Show("Please pick a longer password (Minimum length of 5)"); } else if (password != verifiedPW) { MessageBox.Show("Passwords do not match!"); } else if (UserName == null || UserName == "" || FirstName == null || FirstName == "" || LastName == null || LastName == "" || StaffTitle == null || StaffTitle == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please check the data entered. A required field is missing."); } else if (UserName.Contains(" ")) { MessageBox.Show("User name cannot contain spaces"); } else if (usernameVerify != 0) { MessageBox.Show("That username selected is already taken"); } else { Models.Staff account = new Models.Staff(); account.StaffFirstName = FirstName; account.StaffLastName = LastName; account.StaffTitle = StaffTitle; account.StaffUserName = UserName; account.StaffPassword = hashedPassword; account.StaffDBRole = Role; db.Staff.Add(account); db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } } }