public void Start() { List <UserInfo> userInfos = PasswordFileHandler.ReadPasswordFile("passwords.txt"); TcpListener tcpListener = new TcpListener(Ip, 9999); tcpListener.Start(); Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); while (Finished == false) { Task.Run(() => { TcpClient cl = tcpListener.AcceptTcpClient(); var resultFromClinet = ClientWork(cl); results.AddRange(resultFromClinet); //Thread.Sleep(10000); }); } stopWatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed since server start: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("{0} passwords found out of {1}", results.Count, userInfos.Count); foreach (var user in results) { Console.WriteLine(user.UserName + " : " + user.Password); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the password cracking algorithm /// </summary> public List <UserInfoClearText> RunCracking() { Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Console.WriteLine("Cracking started"); List <UserInfo> userInfos = PasswordFileHandler.ReadPasswordFile("passwords.txt"); List <UserInfoClearText> result = new List <UserInfoClearText>(); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream("webster-dictionary.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) using (StreamReader dictionary = new StreamReader(fs)) { try { while (!dictionary.EndOfStream) { String dictionaryEntry = dictionary.ReadLine(); IEnumerable <UserInfoClearText> partialResult = CheckWordWithVariations(dictionaryEntry, userInfos); result.AddRange(partialResult); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("skipping first line" + ex); } } stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", result)); Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Runs the password cracking algorithm /// </summary> public void RunCracking() { var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var passwordsToCrack = PasswordFileHandler.GetPasswordsFromServer(_serverPort, _ipAddress); if (passwordsToCrack == null) { return; } Console.WriteLine("passwords from server received"); CrackingResults = new List <UserInfoClearText>(); GetCrackingResults(_serverPort, CrackingResults, passwordsToCrack); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", CrackingResults)); Console.WriteLine("Out of {0} password {1} was found ", passwordsToCrack.Count, CrackingResults.Count); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed); Console.WriteLine("Attempting to get the next set of words from the server..."); GetNextSubset(CrackingResults, passwordsToCrack); }
/// <summary> /// Runs the password cracking algorithm /// </summary> public void RunCracking() { Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); List <UserInfo> userInfos = PasswordFileHandler.ReadPasswordFile("passwords.txt"); Console.WriteLine("passwd opeend"); List <UserInfoClearText> result = new List <UserInfoClearText>(); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream("webster-dictionary.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) using (StreamReader dictionary = new StreamReader(fs)) { while (!dictionary.EndOfStream) { String dictionaryEntry = dictionary.ReadLine(); IEnumerable <UserInfoClearText> partialResult = CheckWordWithVariations(dictionaryEntry, userInfos); result.AddRange(partialResult); } } stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", result)); Console.WriteLine("Out of {0} password {1} was found ", userInfos.Count, result.Count); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed); }
/// <summary> /// Runs the password cracking algorithm /// </summary> public string RunCracking(string [] dictionary) { Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); List <UserInfo> userInfos = PasswordFileHandler.ReadPasswordFile("passwords.txt"); //Console.WriteLine("passwd opeend"); List <UserInfoClearText> results = new List <UserInfoClearText>(); for (int i = 0; i < dictionary.Length; i++) { String dictionaryEntry = dictionary[i]; IEnumerable <UserInfoClearText> partialResult = CheckWordWithVariations(dictionaryEntry, userInfos); results.AddRange(partialResult); } stopwatch.Stop(); //Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", results)); //Console.WriteLine("Out of {0} password {1} was found ", userInfos.Count, results.Count); //Console.WriteLine(); //Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed); string output = ""; for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++) { output += $"{results[i].UserName}:{results[i].Password}|"; } return(output); }
private void EncryptDictionary(BlockingCollection <string> collection, BlockingCollection <Tuple <string, byte[]> > encryptedCollectionInBytes) { while (!collection.IsCompleted) { string str; try { str = collection.Take(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot take from already completed collection!"); Console.WriteLine("----------------"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("----------------"); break; } char[] charArray = str.ToCharArray(); byte[] passwordAsBytes = Array.ConvertAll(charArray, PasswordFileHandler.GetConverter()); byte[] encryptedPassword = _messageDigest.ComputeHash(passwordAsBytes); try { encryptedCollectionInBytes.Add(new Tuple <string, byte[]>(str, encryptedPassword)); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { Console.WriteLine("All items are already Encrypted! Finishing this thread!"); break; } } encryptedCollectionInBytes.CompleteAdding(); }
/// <summary> /// Runs the password cracking algorithm /// </summary> public void RunCracking() { //Added word count dictionaryWordCount = 0; Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); List <UserInfo> userInfos = PasswordFileHandler.ReadPasswordFile("passwords.txt"); List <UserInfoClearText> result = new List <UserInfoClearText>(); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(NameOfDictionaryFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) using (StreamReader dictionary = new StreamReader(fs)) { while (!dictionary.EndOfStream) { String dictionaryEntry = dictionary.ReadLine(); IEnumerable <UserInfoClearText> partialResult = CheckWordWithVariations(dictionaryEntry, userInfos); result.AddRange(partialResult); //Added counting dictionaryWordCount++; } } stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", result)); Console.WriteLine("Out of {0} password {1} was found ", userInfos.Count, result.Count); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed); //Added speed: Console.WriteLine("Average speed (words/second): {0}", dictionaryWordCount / (ulong)(stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds)); }
private Dictionary <string, UserInfo> PreparePasswords(string path) { var pwList = PasswordFileHandler.ReadPasswordFile(path); if (pwList == null || pwList.Count < 1) { return(null); } return(pwList.ToDictionary(userInfo => userInfo.Username)); }
public void Listener(int port) { //Read the passwords into a list List <UserInfo> userInfos = PasswordFileHandler.ReadPasswordFile("passwords.txt"); ////Read the Desctionary List <List <string> > chunks = new List <List <string> >(); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream("webster-dictionary.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) using (StreamReader dictionary = new StreamReader(fs)) { List <string> tempList = new List <string>(); while (!dictionary.EndOfStream) { //if you want to send chunks to the client then create chunks //You must use a logic where it puts 10000 dictinary words in tempList and then //Adds tempList to chucks tempList.Add(dictionary.ReadLine()); //after the modulus % condition is satisfied i.e. when there is 10000 words in tempList //then if (tempList.Count == 10000) { chunks.Add(tempList); tempList = new List <string>(); } // IEnumerable<UserInfoClearText> partialResult = CheckWordWithVariations(dictionaryEntry, userInfos); // result.AddRange(partialResult); } chunks.Add(tempList); } //now you can send the first chuck to the Slave i.e. the client //TcpListener serverSocket = new TcpListener(port); TcpListener server = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Loopback, port); server.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Server listning on port: " + port); TcpClient connectionSocket = server.AcceptTcpClient(); Console.WriteLine("Server activated"); Stream ns = connectionSocket.GetStream(); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ns); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(ns); sw.AutoFlush = true; // enable automatic flushing string request = sr.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(request); }
/// <summary> /// Checks a single word (or rather a variation of a word): Encrypts and compares to an entry in the password file /// </summary> /// <param name="userInfo">Username, encrypted password from the password file</param> /// <param name="possiblePassword">Username, encrypted password pair from the password file</param> private void CheckSingleWord(UserInfo userInfo, String possiblePassword) { char[] charArray = possiblePassword.ToCharArray(); byte[] passwordAsBytes = Array.ConvertAll(charArray, PasswordFileHandler.GetConverter()); byte[] encryptedPassword = _messageDigest.ComputeHash(passwordAsBytes); if (CompareBytes(userInfo.EntryptedPassword, encryptedPassword)) //compares byte arrays { _result = new UserInfoClearText(userInfo.Username, possiblePassword); //Console.WriteLine(userInfo.Username + " " + possiblePassword); } }
public void EnvokeCracking() { Stream ns = connectionSocket.GetStream(); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ns); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(ns); sw.AutoFlush = true; // enable automatic flushing string message = sr.ReadLine(); while (message != null && message != "") { if (message == "start" || message == "Start" || message == "s" || message == "S") { //Console.WriteLine("Cracking is started"); //Cracking cracker = new Cracking(); //Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { cracker.RunCracking(); }); Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); List <UserInfo> userInfos = PasswordFileHandler.ReadPasswordFile("passwords.txt"); Console.WriteLine("passwd opeend"); List <UserInfoClearText> result = new List <UserInfoClearText>(); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream("webster-dictionary.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) using (StreamReader dictionary = new StreamReader(fs)) { while (!dictionary.EndOfStream) { String dictionaryEntry = dictionary.ReadLine(); IEnumerable <UserInfoClearText> partialResult = CheckWordWithVariations(dictionaryEntry, userInfos); result.AddRange(partialResult); } var sendResult = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); sw.WriteLine(sendResult); } } else { throw new ArgumentException(); } } }
public List <UserInfoClearText> RunCracker() { List <UserInfo> userInfos = PasswordFileHandler.ReadPasswordFile("passwords.txt"); Console.WriteLine("Cracker thread started"); List <UserInfoClearText> result = new List <UserInfoClearText>(); foreach (var entry in dictionary) { IEnumerable <UserInfoClearText> partialResult = CheckWordWithVariations(entry, userInfos); result.AddRange(partialResult); } return(result); }
//public BlockingCollection<string> Spliting() //{ // var numberOfClients = Program.connectedClients.Count; // var numberOfWords = collectionOfWords.Count; // var divisionNumber = numberOfWords / numberOfClients; // if (numberOfWords % numberOfClients == 0) // { // for (int i = 0; i < divisionNumber; i++) // { // List<string> dividedWordsList = new List<string>(); // } // } //} /// <summary> /// Runs the password cracking algorithm /// </summary> public void RunCracking() { Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); List <UserInfo> userInfos = PasswordFileHandler.ReadPasswordFile("passwords.txt"); Console.WriteLine("passwd opeend"); List <UserInfoClearText> result = new List <UserInfoClearText>(); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream("webster-dictionary.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) // deals with byte[] data using (StreamReader dictionary = new StreamReader(fs)) // encodes text to byte[] { while (!dictionary.EndOfStream) { String dictionaryEntry = dictionary.ReadLine(); collectionOfWords.Add(dictionaryEntry); Console.WriteLine(dictionaryEntry); foreach (var word in collectionOfWords) { Console.WriteLine(word); } // for int loop until, for instance, 1/3 of the collection, if there are 3 clients connected // Get number of clients and divide collectionOfWords by the number of clients // Send divided parts to the seperate clients Console.ReadKey(); // partial result should be send as a request to be proccessed by the slave client //IEnumerable<UserInfoClearText> partialResult = CheckWordWithVariations(dictionaryEntry, userInfos); //result.AddRange(partialResult); } } stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", result)); Console.WriteLine("Out of {0} password {1} was found ", userInfos.Count, result.Count); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed); }
/// <summary> /// Checks a single word (or rather a variation of a word): Encrypts and compares to all entries in the password file /// </summary> /// <param name="userInfos"></param> /// <param name="possiblePassword">List of (username, encrypted password) pairs from the password file</param> /// <returns>A list of (username, readable password) pairs. The list might be empty</returns> private IEnumerable <UserInfoClearText> CheckSingleWord(IEnumerable <UserInfo> userInfos, String possiblePassword) { char[] charArray = possiblePassword.ToCharArray(); byte[] passwordAsBytes = Array.ConvertAll(charArray, PasswordFileHandler.GetConverter()); byte[] encryptedPassword = _messageDigest.ComputeHash(passwordAsBytes); //string encryptedPasswordBase64 = System.Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedPassword); List <UserInfoClearText> results = new List <UserInfoClearText>(); foreach (UserInfo userInfo in userInfos) { if (CompareBytes(userInfo.EntryptedPassword, encryptedPassword)) { results.Add(new UserInfoClearText(userInfo.Username, possiblePassword)); Console.WriteLine(userInfo.Username + " " + possiblePassword); } } return(results); }
public static List <List <UserInfo> > SplitToChunks() { int ctr = 0; List <UserInfo> userInfos = PasswordFileHandler.ReadPasswordFile("passwords.txt"); List <UserInfo> temp = new List <UserInfo>(); foreach (var user in userInfos) { temp.Add(user); ctr++; if (ctr == 5) { chunks.Add(temp); ctr = 0; } } return(chunks); }
/// <summary> /// Checks a single word (or rather a variation of a word): Encrypts and compares to all entries in the password file /// </summary> /// <param name="userInfos"></param> /// <param name="possiblePassword">List of (username, encrypted password) pairs from the password file</param> /// <param name="hashes">Passed by ref to change the value</param> /// <returns>A list of (username, readable password) pairs. The list might be empty</returns> private IList <FullUser> CheckSingleWord(IList <UserInfo> userInfos, string possiblePassword, ref int hashes) { char[] charArray = possiblePassword.ToCharArray(); byte[] passwordAsBytes = Array.ConvertAll(charArray, PasswordFileHandler.GetConverter()); byte[] encryptedPassword = HashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(passwordAsBytes); hashes++; //string encryptedPasswordBase64 = System.Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedPassword); List <FullUser> results = new List <FullUser>(); foreach (UserInfo userInfo in userInfos) { if (CompareBytes(userInfo.EntryptedPassword, encryptedPassword)) { results.Add(new FullUser(userInfo, possiblePassword)); Console.WriteLine(userInfo.Username + " " + possiblePassword); } } FilterWhatsDone(userInfos, results); return(results); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Write("Reading passwords file... "); List <UserInfo> userInfos = PasswordFileHandler.ReadPasswordFile("passwords.txt"); string users = ""; foreach (UserInfo u in userInfos) { users += u + "|"; } if (users != "") { Console.Write("OK\n"); } else { Console.Write("FAILED\n"); } Console.Write("Reading dictionary file... "); var dictionary = File.ReadAllText("dictionary.txt"); dictionary = dictionary.Replace('\n', '|'); if (dictionary != "") { Console.Write("OK\n"); } else { Console.Write("FAILED\n"); } Console.Write("Splitting dictionary... "); var splitDictionary = SplitDictionary(dictionary); if (splitDictionary.Length != 0) { Console.Write("OK\n"); } else { Console.Write("FAILED\n"); } List <string> allChunks = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < splitDictionary.GetLength(0); i++) { StringBuilder chunk = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = 0; j < splitDictionary.GetLength(1); j++) { chunk.Append(splitDictionary[i, j]); chunk.Append('|'); } allChunks.Add(chunk.ToString()); } Console.Write("Starting server... "); TcpListener serverSocket = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, 7777); serverSocket.Start(); Console.Write("OK\n"); List <Task <string> > tasks = new List <Task <string> >(); for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfClients; i++) { var chunk = allChunks[i]; tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => RunClientAsync(serverSocket, users, chunk))); } Console.Write("Waiting for clients' response... "); string[] result = Task.WhenAll(tasks).Result; Console.Write("OK\n\n"); string output = ""; foreach (string s in result) { output += s; } output = output.Replace(':', ' ').Replace('|', '\n'); Console.Write(output); serverSocket.Stop(); Console.Write("\nPress any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
/// <summary> /// Based on a specific ip and port will the method create a socket connection using TcpClient. /// </summary> /// <param name="ip"></param> the specific ip eg. /// <param name="port"></param> the specific ip eg. 6789 public async void StartConnection(String ip, int port) { //We reads all the password and username Pairs and saves them to a list<UserInfo> List <UserInfo> list = PasswordFileHandler.ReadPasswordFile("passwords.txt"); int chucnkSize = 10000; //adjust after need Console.WriteLine("starting connectiong"); //Creating a TcpClient TcpClient clientSocket = new TcpClient(ip, port); Console.WriteLine("Connection to slave"); //able the class to read & write over over the socket connecting, using a stream. Stream ns = clientSocket.GetStream(); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ns); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(ns); sw.AutoFlush = true; //Protocol logic for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { //Sends a hole list var SendList = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list); //Converts the list to JSON, so it can be send. sw.WriteLine(SendList); Console.WriteLine("Brugerlist er sendt"); //Confirm message from slaves string message = sr.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(message); ////sends chunck size to slaves. sw.WriteLine(chucnkSize); string confirmChunckSize = sr.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(confirmChunckSize); Console.WriteLine("communication established"); //Calls the method belows await StartCracking(); } //method to envoke the slave to start cracking. async Task StartCracking() { //Start Cracking Console.WriteLine("-----------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Type 'Start' to crack"); string commandStartCrack = Console.ReadLine();; sw.WriteLine(commandStartCrack); Console.WriteLine("--- Cracking is running, please wait ---"); string result = sr.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(result); IList <UserInfo> resivedResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <UserInfo> >(result); foreach (var item in resivedResult) { item.ToString(); } Console.WriteLine("Done"); Console.WriteLine("No more from server. Press Enter"); Console.ReadLine(); ns.Close(); } }
private List <UserInfo> PrepareWorkload(string path) { return(PasswordFileHandler.ReadPasswordFile(path)); }
public void RunCrackingModified(int encryptorCount) { dictionaryWordCount = 0; Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); List <UserInfo> userInfos = PasswordFileHandler.ReadPasswordFile("passwords.txt"); List <UserInfoClearText> result = new List <UserInfoClearText>(); BlockingCollection <string> wordDictionary = new BlockingCollection <string>(); BlockingCollection <string> transformedWordsDictionary = new BlockingCollection <string>(10000); //Tuple is used for joining passwords with their encrypted version, so that we will not need to search for them in other threads, //e.g.: password (string): "pswd", encrypted password (byte[]): "????????" BlockingCollection <Tuple <string, byte[]> > encryptedWordsDictionary = new BlockingCollection <Tuple <string, byte[]> >(); //Only one cracker is veeeeeeeeeeeeery slow // Parallel.Invoke(() => ReadDictionary(dictionary), // () => TransformDictionary(dictionary, transformedDictionary), // () => EncryptDictionary(transformedDictionary, encryptedDictionary), // () => ComparePasswords(userInfos, encryptedDictionary), // () => PrintCounts(dictionary, transformedDictionary, encryptedDictionary) // ); //This is a much faster solution - to make much more hash calculators //Making many crackers, so that we could start them in separate threads. We can't use one Cracker object, //because one method can only be used by one thread at the same time. //You can change the number of "crackers" by changing the value of howManyCrackers. It should be at least 1. Cracking[] crackingObjects; int howManyCrackers = encryptorCount; crackingObjects = new Cracking[howManyCrackers]; for (int i = 0; i < howManyCrackers; i++) { crackingObjects[i] = new Cracking(); } //Starting all the tasks except EncryptDictionary Task.Run(() => ReadDictionary(wordDictionary)); Task.Run(() => TransformDictionary(wordDictionary, transformedWordsDictionary)); //ComparePasswords is going to return a list of found passwords, so we are making it as a Task with return: Task <List <UserInfoClearText> > taskOfComparing = Task <List <UserInfoClearText> > .Factory.StartNew( () => ComparePasswords(userInfos, encryptedWordsDictionary) ); //Run a thread for seeing how many things there are in BlockingCollections every second, while debugging: //Task.Run(() => PrintCounts(wordDictionary, transformedWordsDictionary, encryptedWordsDictionary)); //The bottleneck is here (most of the calculations are made in method EncryptDictionary), so //we are making few processes who encrypt passwords separately. //So now we are running all the EncryptDictionary threads in parallel! Parallel.For(0, howManyCrackers, (i) => crackingObjects[i].EncryptDictionary(transformedWordsDictionary, encryptedWordsDictionary)); //Can also use Tasks instead of parallel, and if you want more Encryptors and/or Comparators: // for (int i = 0; i < howManyCrackers/2; i++) // { // int j = i; // Task.Run(() => (new Cracking()).ComparePasswords(userInfos, encryptedDictionary)); // } // // for (int i = 0; i < howManyCrackers / 2; i++) // { // int j = i; // Task.Run(() => crackingMachinesHaha[j].EncryptDictionary(transformedDictionary, encryptedDictionary)); // } //Saving results (this will wait here until the ComparePasswords task in object taskOfComparing will finish it's work): result = taskOfComparing.Result; //Printing results and stopping stopwatch stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", result)); Console.WriteLine("Out of {0} password {1} was found ", userInfos.Count, result.Count); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed); Console.WriteLine("Average speed (words/second): {0}", dictionaryWordCount / (ulong)(stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds)); }
public void Start() { stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); _lock = new object(); userInfos = PasswordFileHandler.ReadPasswordFile("passwords.txt"); //Console.WriteLine("passwd opeend"); result = new List <UserInfoClearText>(); Chunks = CreateChunks("webster-dictionary.txt", 10000); //IP configuration //IPAddress ipa = IPAddress.Parse(""); IPAddress ipa = IPAddress.Parse(""); TcpListener tcp = new TcpListener(ipa, 7000); //Starting Server and sending the accepted client to a "DoClient" tcp.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Server Started"); while (true) { if (tcp.Pending()) { Task.Run(() => { TcpClient tempSocket = tcp.AcceptTcpClient(); _clientsConnected++; EndPoint clientIP = tempSocket.Client.RemoteEndPoint; Console.WriteLine(clientIP + ": CONNECTED, total clients: " + _clientsConnected); DoClient(tempSocket); _clientsConnected--; Console.WriteLine(clientIP + ": DISCONNECTED, total clients: " + _clientsConnected); tempSocket.Close(); }); } if (_inCompletedChunks.Count == 0) { stopwatch.Stop(); break; } //Console.WriteLine("test"); } #region old while loop //while (true) //{ // Task.Run(() => // { // //Thread thread = Thread.CurrentThread; // TcpClient tempSocket = tcp.AcceptTcpClient(); // EndPoint clientIP = tempSocket.Client.RemoteEndPoint; // Console.WriteLine(clientIP + ": CONNECTED"); // _clientsConnected++; // DoClient(tempSocket); // if (!tempSocket.Connected) // { // Console.WriteLine(clientIP + ": DISCONNECTED"); // _clientsConnected--; // } // tempSocket.Close(); // //if (thread != null) thread.Abort(); // //thread.Abort(); // }); // if (_inCompletedChunks.Count <= 0) // { // stopwatch.Stop(); // break; // } // //Console.WriteLine(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Threads.Count); // //Thread.Sleep(100); // //Console.WriteLine("test"); //} #endregion //Console.WriteLine("\n\n-----PASSWORDS FOUND-----"); //foreach (UserInfoClearText r in result) //{ // Console.WriteLine(r); //} Console.WriteLine("\n-------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Done"); Console.WriteLine($"Took: {stopwatch.Elapsed}"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------\n"); tcp.Stop(); }