        private void Draw()
            // render cube into offscreen render targets
            var offScreenPassAction = default(PassAction);

            offScreenPassAction.Color().Action = PassAttachmentAction.Clear;
            offScreenPassAction.Color().Value  = new Rgba32F(0.25f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
            offScreenPassAction.Color(1).Action = PassAttachmentAction.Clear;
            offScreenPassAction.Color(1).Value  = new Rgba32F(0.0f, 0.25f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
            offScreenPassAction.Color(2).Action = PassAttachmentAction.Clear;
            offScreenPassAction.Color(2).Value  = new Rgba32F(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.25f, 1.0f);

            // describe the binding of the off screen cube
            var offScreenBindings = default(ResourceBindings);

            offScreenBindings.VertexBuffer() = _cubeVertexBuffer;
            offScreenBindings.IndexBuffer    = _cubeIndexBuffer;

            _offScreenPass.Begin(ref offScreenPassAction);
            _offScreenPass.ApplyBindings(ref offScreenBindings);
            _offScreenPass.ApplyShaderUniforms(ShaderStageType.VertexStage, ref _modelViewProjectionMatrix);

            // describe the binding of the debug quads
            var debugBindings = default(ResourceBindings);

            debugBindings.VertexBuffer() = _quadVertexBuffer;

            // describe the binding of the full screen quad vertex buffer
            var fullScreenBindings = default(ResourceBindings);

            fullScreenBindings.VertexBuffer()        = _quadVertexBuffer;
            fullScreenBindings.FragmentStageImage()  = _offScreenRenderTargets[0];
            fullScreenBindings.FragmentStageImage(1) = _offScreenRenderTargets[1];
            fullScreenBindings.FragmentStageImage(2) = _offScreenRenderTargets[2];

            // render fullscreen quad with the 'composed image',
            // plus 3 small debug-views with the content of the offscreen render targets
            var pass = BeginDefaultPass();

            pass.ApplyBindings(ref fullScreenBindings);
            pass.ApplyShaderUniforms(ShaderStageType.VertexStage, ref _offset);
            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                pass.ApplyViewport(i * 100, 0, 100, 100);
                debugBindings.FragmentStageImage() = _offScreenRenderTargets[i];
                pass.ApplyBindings(ref debugBindings);

        private void Draw()
            // begin the offscreen render pass
            var offscreenPassAction = PassAction.Clear(Rgba32F.Black);

            _offscreenRenderPass.Begin(ref offscreenPassAction);

            // describe the bindings for rendering a non-textured cube into the render target
            var offscreenResourceBindings = default(ResourceBindings);

            offscreenResourceBindings.VertexBuffer() = _vertexBuffer;
            offscreenResourceBindings.IndexBuffer    = _indexBuffer;

            // apply the render pipeline and bindings for the offscreen render pass
            _offscreenRenderPass.ApplyBindings(ref offscreenResourceBindings);

            // apply the mvp matrix to the offscreen vertex shader
            _offscreenRenderPass.ApplyShaderUniforms(ShaderStageType.VertexStage, ref _modelViewProjectionMatrix);

            // draw the non-textured cube into the target of the offscreen render pass

            // end the offscreen render pass

            // begin a frame buffer render pass
            Rgba32F clearColor      = 0x0040FFFF;
            var     frameBufferPass = BeginDefaultPass(clearColor);

            // describe the bindings for using the offscreen render target as the sampled texture
            var frameBufferResourceBindings = default(ResourceBindings);

            frameBufferResourceBindings.VertexBuffer()       = _vertexBuffer;
            frameBufferResourceBindings.IndexBuffer          = _indexBuffer;
            frameBufferResourceBindings.FragmentStageImage() = _renderTarget;

            // apply the render pipeline and bindings for the frame buffer render pass
            frameBufferPass.ApplyBindings(ref frameBufferResourceBindings);

            // apply the mvp matrix to the frame buffer vertex shader
            frameBufferPass.ApplyShaderUniforms(ShaderStageType.VertexStage, ref _modelViewProjectionMatrix);

            // draw the textured cube into the target of the frame buffer render pass

            // end the frame buffer render pass