        /// <summary>
        /// 验证有效物料仓库和物料拉动信息-进行删除
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <param name="loginUser"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool LogicDeleteInfo(long id, string loginUser)
            int cnt = new MaintainInhouseLogisticStandardDAL().GetCounts("[PART_NO] in (select [PART_NO] from [LES].[TM_BAS_MAINTAIN_PARTS] with(nolock) where [ID] = " + id + " and [VALID_FLAG] = 1)");

            if (cnt > 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000727");///已有有效物料拉动信息,无法删除
            cnt = new PartsStockDAL().GetCounts("[PART_NO] in (select [PART_NO] from [LES].[TM_BAS_MAINTAIN_PARTS] with(nolock) where [ID] = " + id + " and [VALID_FLAG] = 1)");
            if (cnt > 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000728");///已有有效物料拉动信息,无法删除
            return(dal.LogicDelete(id, loginUser) > 0 ? true : false);
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行导入EXCEL数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldNames"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImportDataByExcel(DataTable dataTable, Dictionary <string, string> fieldNames, string loginUser)
            List <MaintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo> maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfos = CommonDAL.DatatableConvertToList <MaintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo>(dataTable).ToList();

            if (maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
            List <MaintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo> maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfos = new MaintainInhouseLogisticStandardDAL().GetListForInterfaceDataSync(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfos.Select(d => d.PartNo).ToList());
            List <MaintainPartsInfo> maintainPartsInfos = new MaintainPartsDAL().GetListForInterfaceDataSync(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfos.Select(d => d.PartNo).ToList());
            List <PartsStockInfo>    partsStockInfos    = new PartsStockDAL().GetListForInterfaceDataSync(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfos.Select(d => d.PartNo).ToList());
            List <PartsBoxInfo>      partsBoxInfos      = new PartsBoxDAL().GetList("", string.Empty);
            string sql = string.Empty;
            List <MaintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo> standardInfos = new List <MaintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo>();

            fieldNames.Add("SWmNo", "S_WM_NO");
            fieldNames.Add("SZoneNo", "S_ZONE_NO");
            fieldNames.Add("TWmNo", "T_WM_NO");
            fieldNames.Add("TZoneNo", "T_ZONE_NO");
            fieldNames.Add("Plant", "PLANT");
            fieldNames.Add("Workshop", "WORKSHOP");
            fieldNames.Add("AssemblyLine", "ASSEMBLY_LINE");
            List <string> fields = new List <string>(fieldNames.Keys);

            foreach (var maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo in maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfos)
                MaintainPartsInfo maintainPartsInfo = maintainPartsInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PartNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartNo);
                if (maintainPartsInfo == null)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000224");///物料基础信息数据错误
                maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.Status = (int)BasicDataStatusConstants.Created;
                maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartCname    = maintainPartsInfo.PartCname;
                maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartEname    = maintainPartsInfo.PartEname;
                maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartNickname = maintainPartsInfo.PartNickname;
                PartsBoxInfo partsBoxInfo = partsBoxInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PullMode.ToString() == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhouseSystemMode &&
                                                                         d.BoxParts == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhousePartClass);
                if (partsBoxInfo == null)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000225");///拉动零件类数据错误
                maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.SWmNo        = partsBoxInfo.SWmNo;
                maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.SZoneNo      = partsBoxInfo.SZoneNo;
                maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.TWmNo        = partsBoxInfo.TWmNo;
                maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.TZoneNo      = partsBoxInfo.TZoneNo;
                maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.Plant        = partsBoxInfo.Plant;
                maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.Workshop     = partsBoxInfo.Workshop;
                maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.AssemblyLine = partsBoxInfo.AssemblyLine;
                PartsStockInfo partsStockInfo = partsStockInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PartNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartNo &&
                                                                               d.WmNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.TWmNo &&
                                                                               d.ZoneNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.TZoneNo);
                if (partsStockInfo != null)
                    maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InboundPackageModel = partsStockInfo.InboundPackageModel;
                    maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InboundPackage      = partsStockInfo.InboundPackage;
                if (int.Parse(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhouseSystemMode) == (int)PullModeConstants.Twd)///TODO:缺少库存当量拉动的判断,等TWD表结构
                    if (maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.Min.GetValueOrDefault() > maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.Max.GetValueOrDefault())
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000404");///MIN值必须小于MAX
                if (maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.IsTriggerPull.GetValueOrDefault() == true)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.WmNo))
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000405");///层级拉动仓库不允许为空
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.ZoneNo))
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000406");///层级拉动存储区不允许为空

                MaintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo = maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfos.FirstOrDefault(d =>
                                                                                                                                              d.PartNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartNo &&
                                                                                                                                              d.InhouseSystemMode == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhouseSystemMode &&
                                                                                                                                              d.InhousePartClass == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhousePartClass);
                if (maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo == null)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartNo) ||
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhouseSystemMode) ||
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000226");///物料号、拉动模式、零件类为必填项
                    int cnt = maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfos.Where(d =>
                                                                         d.PartNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartNo &&
                                                                         d.TWmNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.TWmNo &&
                                                                         d.TZoneNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.TZoneNo &&
                                                                         d.SupplierNum == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.SupplierNum).Count();
                    if (cnt > 0)
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000408");///物料号、拉动方式、拉动零件类、供应商代码组合不唯一
                    cnt = maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfos.Where(d =>
                                                                     d.PartNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartNo &&
                                                                     d.InhouseSystemMode == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhouseSystemMode &&
                                                                     d.InhousePartClass == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhousePartClass &&
                                                                     d.SupplierNum == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.SupplierNum).Count();
                    if (cnt > 0)
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000407");///物料号、拉动方式、拉动零件类、供应商代码组合不唯一
                    string insertFieldString = string.Empty;
                    string insertValueString = string.Empty;
                    for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                        string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <MaintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo>(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                            throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                        insertFieldString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "],";
                        insertValueString += valueStr + ",";

                    sql += "if not exists (select * from LES.TM_BAS_MAINTAIN_INHOUSE_LOGISTIC_STANDARD with(nolock) "
                           + "where [PART_NO] = N'" + maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartNo + "' and [INHOUSE_SYSTEM_MODE] = N'" + maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhouseSystemMode + "' and [INHOUSE_PART_CLASS] = N'" + maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhousePartClass + "' and [VALID_FLAG] = 1) "
                           + "insert into [LES].[TM_BAS_MAINTAIN_INHOUSE_LOGISTIC_STANDARD] ("
                           + "[FID],"
                           + insertFieldString
                           + "[CREATE_USER],"
                           + "[CREATE_DATE],"
                           + "[VALID_FLAG]"
                           + ") values ("
                           + "NEWID(),"              ///FID
                           + insertValueString
                           + "N'" + loginUser + "'," ///CREATE_USER
                           + "GETDATE(),"            ///CREATE_DATE
                           + "1"                     ///VALID_FLAG
                           + ");";
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartNo) ||
                    string.IsNullOrEmpty(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhouseSystemMode) ||
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000226");///物料号、拉动模式、零件类为必填项
                int count = maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfos.Where(d =>
                                                                       d.PartNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartNo &&
                                                                       d.TWmNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.TWmNo &&
                                                                       d.TZoneNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.TZoneNo &&
                                                                       d.SupplierNum == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.SupplierNum &&
                                                                       d.Id != maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo.Id).Count();
                if (count > 0)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000408");///物料号、拉动方式、拉动零件类、供应商代码组合不唯一
                count = maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfos.Where(d =>
                                                                   d.PartNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartNo &&
                                                                   d.InhouseSystemMode == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhouseSystemMode &&
                                                                   d.InhousePartClass == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhousePartClass &&
                                                                   d.SupplierNum == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.SupplierNum &&
                                                                   d.Id != maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo.Id).Count();
                if (count > 0)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000407");///物料号、拉动方式、拉动零件类、供应商代码组合不唯一
                string valueString = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                    string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <MaintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo>(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                        throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                    valueString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "] = " + valueStr + ",";
                sql += "update [LES].[TM_BAS_MAINTAIN_INHOUSE_LOGISTIC_STANDARD] set "
                       + valueString
                       + "[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "',"
                       + "[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE() "
                       + "where [ID] = " + maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo.Id + ";";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))

        /// <summary>
        /// 提交
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rowsKeyValues"></param>
        /// <param name="loginUser"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool SubmitInfos(List <string> rowsKeyValues, string loginUser)
            List <PackageInboundInfo> info = dal.GetList("[ID] IN (" + string.Join(",", rowsKeyValues) + ")", string.Empty);

            if (info.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000084");///数据有误
            string sql = string.Empty;
            List <PackageInboundDetailInfo> inboundDetailInfos = new PackageInboundDetailDAL().GetList(" [ORDER_FID] IN ('" + string.Join("','", info.Select(d => d.Fid).ToArray()) + "')", string.Empty);
            List <PackageApplianceInfo>     PackageAppliance   = new PackageApplianceDAL().GetList("[PACKAGE_NO] IN ('" + string.Join("','", inboundDetailInfos.Select(d => d.PackageModel).ToArray()) + "')", string.Empty);
            List <PartsStockInfo>           partsStocks        = new PartsStockDAL().GetList("[INBOUND_PACKAGE_MODEL] IN ('" + string.Join("','", inboundDetailInfos.Select(d => d.PackageModel).ToArray()) + "')", string.Empty);

            foreach (var item in info)
                if (item == null)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000084");///数据有误
                if (item.Status != (int)PackageInboundStatusConstants.Created)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000128");///状态为10.已创建时可以进行提交,更新状态为20.已提交
                List <PackageInboundDetailInfo> packageInboundDetails = inboundDetailInfos.Where(d => d.OrderFid == item.Fid).ToList();

                sql += "update [LES].[TT_PCM_PACKAGE_INBOUND] set [STATUS] = " + (int)PackageInboundStatusConstants.Published + " where [ID] = " + item.Id + ";";
                foreach (var items in packageInboundDetails)
                    string packageCname        = string.Empty;
                    PackageApplianceInfo infos = PackageAppliance.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PackageNo == items.PackageModel);
                    if (infos == null)
                        packageCname = "NULL";
                        packageCname = infos.PackageCname;

                    PartsStockInfo stockInfo      = partsStocks.FirstOrDefault(d => d.InboundPackageModel == items.PackageModel);
                    string         inboundPackage = string.Empty;
                    if (stockInfo == null)
                        inboundPackage = "NULL";
                        inboundPackage = stockInfo.InboundPackage.ToString();

                           + "VALUES(newid(),"
                           + "N'" + item.Plant + "',"
                           + "N'" + item.OrderNo + "',"
                           + (int)PackageTranTypeConstants.EmptyInbound + ","
                           + "N'" + packageCname + "',"
                           + inboundPackage + ","
                           + "N'" + items.SupplierNum + "',"
                           + "N'" + items.PackageModel + "',"
                           + "N'" + items.SWmNo + "',"
                           + "N'" + items.SZoneNo + "',"
                           + "N'" + items.SDloc + "',"
                           + "N'" + items.TWmNo + "',"
                           + "N'" + items.TZoneNo + "',"
                           + "N'" + items.TDloc + "',"
                           + "N'" + items.PackageQty + "',"
                           + "N'" + items.PackageStatus + "',"
                           + "N'" + items.Comments + "',"
                           + "1,"
                           + "N'" + loginUser + "',"
                           + "GETDATE()"
                           + ");";
            using (TransactionScope trans = new TransactionScope())
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行导入EXCEL数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldNames"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImportDataByExcel(DataTable dataTable, Dictionary <string, string> fieldNames, string loginUser)
            List <PartsStockInfo> partsStockExcelInfos = CommonDAL.DatatableConvertToList <PartsStockInfo>(dataTable).ToList();

            if (partsStockExcelInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
            List <PartsStockInfo>    partsStockInfos    = new PartsStockDAL().GetListForInterfaceDataSync(partsStockExcelInfos.Select(d => d.PartNo).ToList());
            List <MaintainPartsInfo> maintainPartsInfos = new MaintainPartsDAL().GetListForInterfaceDataSync(partsStockExcelInfos.Select(d => d.PartNo).ToList());
            string sql = string.Empty;

            List <string> fields = new List <string>(fieldNames.Keys);

            foreach (var partsStockExcelInfo in partsStockExcelInfos)
                MaintainPartsInfo maintainPartsInfo = maintainPartsInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PartNo == partsStockExcelInfo.PartNo);
                if (maintainPartsInfo == null)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000224");///物料基础信息数据错误
                partsStockExcelInfo.PartCname    = maintainPartsInfo.PartCname;
                partsStockExcelInfo.PartEname    = maintainPartsInfo.PartEname;
                partsStockExcelInfo.PartNickname = maintainPartsInfo.PartNickname;
                PartsStockInfo partsStockInfo = partsStockInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PartNo == partsStockExcelInfo.PartNo &&
                                                                               d.SupplierNum == partsStockExcelInfo.SupplierNum &&
                                                                               d.WmNo == partsStockExcelInfo.WmNo &&
                                                                               d.ZoneNo == partsStockExcelInfo.ZoneNo);
                if (partsStockInfo == null)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(partsStockExcelInfo.PartNo) ||
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(partsStockExcelInfo.WmNo) ||
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000223");///物料号、仓库、存储区为必填项
                    string insertFieldString = string.Empty;
                    string insertValueString = string.Empty;
                    for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                        string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <PartsStockInfo>(partsStockExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                            throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                        insertFieldString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "],";
                        insertValueString += valueStr + ",";

                    sql += "if not exists (select * from LES.TM_BAS_PARTS_STOCK with(nolock) "
                           + "where [PART_NO] = N'" + partsStockExcelInfo.PartNo + "' "
                           + "and [WM_NO] = N'" + partsStockExcelInfo.WmNo + "' "
                           + "and [ZONE_NO] = N'" + partsStockExcelInfo.ZoneNo + "' "
                           + "and [SUPPLIER_NUM] = N'" + partsStockExcelInfo.SupplierNum + "' and [VALID_FLAG] = 1) "
                           + "insert into [LES].[TM_BAS_PARTS_STOCK] ("
                           + "[FID],"
                           + insertFieldString
                           + "[CREATE_USER],"
                           + "[CREATE_DATE],"
                           + "[VALID_FLAG]"
                           + ") values ("
                           + "NEWID(),"              ///FID
                           + insertValueString
                           + "N'" + loginUser + "'," ///CREATE_USER
                           + "GETDATE(),"            ///CREATE_DATE
                           + "1"                     ///VALID_FLAG
                           + ");";
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(partsStockExcelInfo.PartNo) ||
                    string.IsNullOrEmpty(partsStockExcelInfo.WmNo) ||
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000223");///物料号、仓库、存储区为必填项
                string valueString = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                    string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <PartsStockInfo>(partsStockExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                        throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                    valueString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "] = " + valueStr + ",";
                sql += "update [LES].[TM_BAS_PARTS_STOCK] set "
                       + valueString
                       + "[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "',"
                       + "[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE() "
                       + "where [ID] = " + partsStockInfo.Id + ";";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))

        /// <summary>
        /// UpdateInfo
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fields"></param>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool UpdateInfo(string fields, long id)
            string inboundPackageModel = CommonBLL.GetFieldValue(fields, "INBOUND_PACKAGE_MODEL");
            string inboundPackage      = CommonBLL.GetFieldValue(fields, "INBOUND_PACKAGE");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inboundPackageModel) && int.Parse(inboundPackage) <= 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000089");///当入库包装型号不为空时入库包装数量必须大于零
            if (CommonBLL.GetFieldValue(fields, "IS_OUTPUT") == "1")
                if (CommonBLL.GetFieldValue(fields, "SYNCHRONOUS_WM_NO") == "" || CommonBLL.GetFieldValue(fields, "SYNCHRONOUS_ZONE_NO") == "")
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000439");///当同步出库标记为是时,同步出库仓库,存储区为必填项

            string min    = CommonBLL.GetFieldValue(fields, "MIN");
            int    intMin = 0;

            int.TryParse(min, out intMin);
            string safeStock    = CommonBLL.GetFieldValue(fields, "SAFE_STOCK");
            int    intSafeStock = 0;

            int.TryParse(safeStock, out intSafeStock);
            ///最小库存 小于等于 安全库存 小于 最大库存,最小库存必须大于等于零
            if (intMin > intSafeStock)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000090");///最小库存不能大于安全库存
            string max    = CommonBLL.GetFieldValue(fields, "MAX");
            int    intMax = 0;

            int.TryParse(max, out intMax);
            if (intSafeStock >= 0 && intMax > 0 && intSafeStock >= intMax)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000091");///安全库存不能大于等于最大库存
            string partNo      = CommonBLL.GetFieldValue(fields, "PART_NO");
            string supplierNum = CommonBLL.GetFieldValue(fields, "SUPPLIER_NUM");
            string wmNo        = CommonBLL.GetFieldValue(fields, "WM_NO");
            string zoneNo      = CommonBLL.GetFieldValue(fields, "ZONE_NO");
            string dloc        = CommonBLL.GetFieldValue(fields, "DLOC");
            int cnt = dal.GetCounts(" [ID] <> " + id + " and [PART_NO] = N'" + partNo + "' and [SUPPLIER_NUM] = N'" + supplierNum + "' and [WM_NO] = N'" + wmNo + "' and [ZONE_NO] = N'" + zoneNo + "'"
                                    + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dloc) ? string.Empty : " and [DLOC] = N'" + dloc + "'"));

            if (cnt > 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000094");///相同物料号、供应商代码、仓库代码、存储区代码、库位代码的数据不允许重复
            string sameZoneSameFinalZoneValidFlag = new ConfigDAL().GetValueByCode("SAME_ZONE_SAME_FINAL_ZONE_VALID_FLAG");

            if (Convert.ToBoolean(sameZoneSameFinalZoneValidFlag) == true && CommonBLL.GetFieldValue(fields, "IS_OUTPUT") == "1")
                ///判断当前 仓库、存储区、是否同步出库 是否在表中存在,如果没有进行修改,如果有进行判断
                int count = new PartsStockDAL().GetCounts("[ID] <> " + id + " and [WM_NO] = N'" + CommonBLL.GetFieldValue(fields, "WM_NO") + "' and[ZONE_NO] = N'" + CommonBLL.GetFieldValue(fields, "ZONE_NO") + "' and [IS_OUTPUT] = N'" + CommonBLL.GetFieldValue(fields, "IS_OUTPUT") + "'");
                if (count != 0)
                    count = new PartsStockDAL().GetCounts("[ID] <> " + id + " and [WM_NO] = N'" + CommonBLL.GetFieldValue(fields, "WM_NO") + "' and[ZONE_NO] = N'" + CommonBLL.GetFieldValue(fields, "ZONE_NO") + "' and [IS_OUTPUT] = N'" + CommonBLL.GetFieldValue(fields, "IS_OUTPUT") + "' and [SYNCHRONOUS_WM_NO] = N'" + CommonBLL.GetFieldValue(fields, "SYNCHRONOUS_WM_NO") + "' and [SYNCHRONOUS_ZONE_NO] = N'" + CommonBLL.GetFieldValue(fields, "SYNCHRONOUS_ZONE_NO") + "'");
                    if (count == 0)
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000438");///需要校验该仓库存储区下所有物料的同步出库仓库、同步出库存储区必须相同

            return(dal.UpdateInfo(fields, id) > 0 ? true : false);
        /// <summary>
        /// 发货(提交)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rowsKeyValues"></param>
        /// <param name="loginUser"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ReleaseInfos(List <string> rowsKeyValues, string loginUser)
            if (rowsKeyValues.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000084");///数据错误
            List <VmiShippingPartInfo> vmiShippingPartInfos = new List <VmiShippingPartInfo>();

            foreach (var rowsKeyValue in rowsKeyValues)
                string[] keyValues = rowsKeyValue.Split(new char[] { '^' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (keyValues.Length == 0)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000084");///数据错误
                if (keyValues.Length == 1)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000496");///预发货数量不能为空
                VmiShippingPartInfo vmiShippingPartInfo = new VmiShippingPartInfo();
                vmiShippingPartInfo.Id            = Convert.ToInt64(keyValues[0]);
                vmiShippingPartInfo.AsnConfirmQty = Convert.ToDecimal(keyValues[1]);

            List <VmiShippingPartInfo> vmiShippingParts = dal.GetList("[ID] in (" + string.Join(",", vmiShippingPartInfos.Select(d => d.Id).ToArray()) + ")", string.Empty);

            if (vmiShippingParts.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000084");///数据错误
            List <VmiPullOrderInfo> vmiPullOrderInfos = new VmiPullOrderDAL().GetList("" +
                                                                                      "[FID] in ('" + string.Join("','", vmiShippingParts.Select(d => d.OrderFid.GetValueOrDefault().ToString()).ToArray()) + "') and " +
                                                                                      "[ORDER_STATUS] <> " + (int)PullOrderStatusConstants.Released + "", string.Empty);

            if (vmiPullOrderInfos.Count > 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000378");///状态为已发布时才能进行发货操作

            StringBuilder @string = new StringBuilder();
            var vmiShippingPartBoxs = vmiShippingParts.
                                      GroupBy(d => new { d.PartBoxCode, d.PullMode, d.RouteCode, d.Plant, d.SWmNo, d.SZoneNo, d.TWmNo, d.TZoneNo, d.TDock }).
                                      Select(d => new { d.Key }).ToList();

            List <PartsStockInfo> partsStockInfos = new PartsStockDAL().GetList("[PART_NO] in ('" + string.Join("','", vmiShippingParts.Select(d => d.PartNo).ToArray()) + "')", string.Empty);
            string release_vmi_output_actual_qty_equals_required = new ConfigDAL().GetValueByCode("RELEASE_VMI_OUTPUT_ACTUAL_QTY_EQUALS_REQUIRED");

            foreach (var vmiShippingPartBox in vmiShippingPartBoxs)
                List <VmiShippingPartInfo> partInfos = vmiShippingParts.Where(d =>
                                                                              d.PartBoxCode == vmiShippingPartBox.Key.PartBoxCode &&
                                                                              d.PullMode == vmiShippingPartBox.Key.PullMode &&
                                                                              d.RouteCode == vmiShippingPartBox.Key.RouteCode &&
                                                                              d.Plant == vmiShippingPartBox.Key.Plant &&
                                                                              d.SWmNo == vmiShippingPartBox.Key.SWmNo &&
                                                                              d.SZoneNo == vmiShippingPartBox.Key.SZoneNo &&
                                                                              d.TWmNo == vmiShippingPartBox.Key.TWmNo &&
                                                                              d.TZoneNo == vmiShippingPartBox.Key.TZoneNo &&
                                                                              d.TDock == vmiShippingPartBox.Key.TDock).ToList();
                if (partInfos.Count == 0)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000084");///数据错误
                VmiOutputInfo vmiOutputInfo = VmiOutputBLL.CreateVmiOutputInfo(loginUser);
                vmiOutputInfo.OutputNo = new SeqDefineDAL().GetCurrentCode("VMI_OUTPUT_NO");
                vmiOutputInfo.AsnNo = vmiOutputInfo.OutputNo;
                vmiOutputInfo.WmNo = vmiShippingPartBox.Key.SWmNo;
                vmiOutputInfo.ZoneNo = vmiShippingPartBox.Key.SZoneNo;
                vmiOutputInfo.TWmNo = vmiShippingPartBox.Key.TWmNo;
                vmiOutputInfo.TZoneNo = vmiShippingPartBox.Key.TZoneNo;
                vmiOutputInfo.TDock = vmiShippingPartBox.Key.TDock;
                vmiOutputInfo.PartBoxCode = vmiShippingPartBox.Key.PartBoxCode;
                vmiOutputInfo.Route = vmiShippingPartBox.Key.RouteCode;
                vmiOutputInfo.PullMode = vmiShippingPartBox.Key.PullMode;
                vmiOutputInfo.OutputType = (int)VmiOutputTypeConstants.PullingOutbound;
                vmiOutputInfo.SendTime = DateTime.Now;
                vmiOutputInfo.Status = (int)WmmOrderStatusConstants.Published;
                int rowNo = 0;
                foreach (var partInfo in partInfos)
                    VmiShippingPartInfo shippingPartInfo = vmiShippingPartInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == partInfo.Id);
                    if (shippingPartInfo == null)
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000084");///数据错误
                    if (partInfo.AsnDraftQty.GetValueOrDefault() < shippingPartInfo.AsnConfirmQty.GetValueOrDefault())
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000501");///发货数量不能超过预发货数量
                    PartsStockInfo partsStockInfo = partsStockInfos.FirstOrDefault(d =>
                                                                                   d.WmNo == partInfo.TWmNo &&
                                                                                   d.ZoneNo == partInfo.TZoneNo &&
                                                                                   d.PartNo == partInfo.PartNo &&
                                                                                   d.SupplierNum == partInfo.SupplierNum);
                    if (partsStockInfo == null)
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000451");///物料仓储信息错误
                    partInfo.RequiredPartQty = shippingPartInfo.AsnConfirmQty;
                    VmiOutputDetailInfo vmiOutputDetailInfo = VmiOutputDetailBLL.CreateVmiOutputDetailInfo(loginUser);
                    vmiOutputDetailInfo.RowNo = ++rowNo;
                    VmiOutputDetailBLL.GetVmiOutputDetailInfo(partInfo, ref vmiOutputDetailInfo);
                    VmiOutputDetailBLL.GetVmiOutputDetailInfo(vmiOutputInfo, ref vmiOutputDetailInfo);
                    VmiOutputDetailBLL.GetVmiOutputDetailInfo(partsStockInfo, ref vmiOutputDetailInfo);
                    VmiOutputDetailBLL.GetVmiOutputDetailInfo(ref vmiOutputDetailInfo);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(release_vmi_output_actual_qty_equals_required) && release_vmi_output_actual_qty_equals_required.ToLower() == "true")
                        vmiOutputDetailInfo.ActualBoxNum = vmiOutputDetailInfo.RequiredBoxNum;
                        vmiOutputDetailInfo.ActualQty = vmiOutputDetailInfo.RequiredQty;
                    string validFlagSql = string.Empty;
                    if (partInfo.AsnDraftQty.GetValueOrDefault() == shippingPartInfo.AsnConfirmQty.GetValueOrDefault())
                        validFlagSql = ",[VALID_FLAG] = 0";
                    @string.AppendLine("update [LES].[TE_MPM_VMI_SHIPPING_PART] " +
                                       "set [ASN_DRAFT_QTY] = isnull([ASN_DRAFT_QTY],0) - " + shippingPartInfo.AsnConfirmQty.GetValueOrDefault() + "" + validFlagSql + ",[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE(),[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "' " +
                                       "where [ID] = " + shippingPartInfo.Id + ";");
                    @string.AppendLine("update [LES].[TT_MPM_VMI_PULL_ORDER_DETAIL] " +
                                       "set [ASN_DRAFT_QTY] = isnull([ASN_DRAFT_QTY],0) - " + shippingPartInfo.AsnConfirmQty.GetValueOrDefault() + "," +
                                       "[ASN_CONFIRM_QTY] = isnull([ASN_CONFIRM_QTY],0) + " + shippingPartInfo.AsnConfirmQty.GetValueOrDefault() + "," +
                                       "[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE(),[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "' " +
                                       "where [FID] = N'" + partInfo.Fid.GetValueOrDefault() + "';");
            using (var trans = new TransactionScope())
                if (!CommonDAL.ExecuteNonQueryBySql(@string.ToString()))
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000173");///操作失败

        /// <summary>
        /// 发布
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aId"></param>
        /// <param name="loginUser"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool StartInfos(List <string> rowsKeyValues, string loginUser)
            if (dal.GetList("[ID] IN (" + string.Join(",", rowsKeyValues) + ") and [STATUS] = " + (int)InventoryOrderStatusConstants.CREATED + "", string.Empty).Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000369");///状态为已创建的盘点单才允许进行发布
            List <InventoryNoticeOrderInfo> info = dal.GetList("[ID] IN (" + string.Join(",", rowsKeyValues) + ")", string.Empty);

            if (info.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000084");///数据错误
            List <PartsStockInfo> partsStocks = new PartsStockDAL().GetList("[WM_NO] in ('" + string.Join("','", info.Select(d => d.WmNo).ToArray()) + "') and [ZONE_NO] in ('" + string.Join("','", info.Select(d => d.ZoneNo).ToArray()) + "') and [KEEPER] in ('" + string.Join("','", info.Select(d => d.Keeper).ToArray()) + "')", string.Empty);

            if (partsStocks.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000370");///没有相关的物料仓储信息
            List <StocksInfo> stocks = new StocksDAL().GetList("[WM_NO] in ('" + string.Join("','", partsStocks.Select(d => d.WmNo).ToArray()) + "') and [ZONE_NO] in ('" + string.Join("','", partsStocks.Select(d => d.ZoneNo).ToArray()) + "') and [PACKAGE_MODEL] in ('" + string.Join("','", partsStocks.Select(d => d.InboundPackageModel).ToArray()) + "') and [PART_NO] in ('" + string.Join("','", partsStocks.Select(d => d.PartNo).ToArray()) + "') and [SUPPLIER_NUM] in ('" + string.Join("','", partsStocks.Select(d => d.SupplierNum).ToArray()) + "')", string.Empty);
            string            check  = new ConfigBLL().GetValueByCode("NO_STOCK_MATERIAL_NOT_RELEASE_TO_INVENTORY_ORDER");
            string            stock  = new ConfigBLL().GetValueByCode("MATERIALS_USED_IN_AVAILABLE_STOCK");
            string            sql    = string.Empty;

            foreach (var item in info)
                List <PartsStockInfo> partsStockInfos = partsStocks.Where(d => d.Keeper == item.Keeper && d.WmNo == item.WmNo && d.ZoneNo == item.ZoneNo).ToList();
                if (partsStockInfos.Count == 0)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000370");///没有相关的物料仓储信息
                foreach (var items in partsStockInfos)
                    List <StocksInfo> stocksInfos = stocks.Where(d => d.Keeper == items.Keeper && d.WmNo == items.WmNo && d.ZoneNo == item.ZoneNo && d.PartNo == items.PartNo).ToList();
                    string            Package     = items.Package == null ? "null" : items.Package.ToString();
                    if (check == "true")
                        int sum = 0;
                        if (stock == "true")
                            sum = (int)stocksInfos.Select(d => d.AvailbleStocks).Sum();
                            sum = (int)stocksInfos.Select(d => d.StocksNum).Sum();

                        if (sum > 0)
                            sql += "insert into [LES].[TT_WMM_INVENTORY_ORDER_PART] "
                                   + "values("
                                   + "newid(),"
                                   + "N'" + item.OrderCode + "',"
                                   + "N'" + item.Fid + "',"
                                   + "N'" + items.WmNo + "',"
                                   + "N'" + items.ZoneNo + "',"
                                   + "N'" + items.Dloc + "',"
                                   + "N'" + items.PartNo + "',"
                                   + "N'" + items.SupplierNum + "',"
                                   + "N'" + items.InboundPackageModel + "',"
                                   + Package + ","
                                   + "N'" + items.PartCname + "',"
                                   + "N'" + stocksInfos.Select(d => d.Stocks).Sum() + "',"
                                   + "N'" + sum + "',"
                                   + "1,"
                                   + "GETDATE(),"
                                   + "N'" + loginUser + "'"
                                   + ")\n";
                        int sum = 0;
                        if (stock == "true")
                            sum = (int)stocksInfos.Select(d => d.AvailbleStocks).Sum();
                            sum = (int)stocksInfos.Select(d => d.StocksNum).Sum();
                        sql += "insert into [LES].[TT_WMM_INVENTORY_ORDER_PART] "
                               + "values("
                               + "newid(),"
                               + "N'" + item.OrderCode + "',"
                               + "N'" + item.Fid + "',"
                               + "N'" + items.WmNo + "',"
                               + "N'" + items.ZoneNo + "',"
                               + "N'" + items.Dloc + "',"
                               + "N'" + items.PartNo + "',"
                               + "N'" + items.SupplierNum + "',"
                               + "N'" + items.PackageModel + "',"
                               + Package + ","
                               + "N'" + items.PartCname + "',"
                               + "N'" + stocksInfos.Select(d => d.Stocks).Sum() + "',"
                               + "N'" + sum + "',"
                               + "1,"
                               + "GETDATE(),"
                               + "N'" + loginUser + "'"
                               + ")\n";

            using (TransactionScope trans = new TransactionScope())
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000440");///没有相关物料明细
                sql += "update [LES].[TT_WMM_INVENTORY_NOTICE_ORDER] set [STATUS] = " + (int)InventoryOrderStatusConstants.PUBLISHED + ",[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE(),[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "' where [VALID_FLAG] = 1 and [ID] IN (" + string.Join(",", rowsKeyValues) + ") ";
