        public void TestRoundRobinPartitionAssign(int delay)
            var nodeMock   = new NodeMock();
            var partitions = new[]
                new Partition {
                    Id = 0, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 1, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 2, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 3, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 4, Leader = nodeMock
            var partitionStrategy = new RoundRobinPartitionSelection(delay);
            var partitioner       = new PartitionSelector(partitionStrategy);

            delay = delay <= 0 ? 1 : delay;
            foreach (var partition in partitions)
                for (var j = 0; j < delay; ++j)
                    Assert.AreEqual(partition.Id, partitioner
                                    .GetPartition(ProduceMessage.New(string.Empty, Partitions.Any, new Message(), new DateTime()), partitions)
        protected PartitionSelector GetPartitionSelector()
            if (this.ParameterSetName == "PartitionId")
                return(PartitionSelector.PartitionIdOf(this.ServiceName, this.PartitionId));
                switch (this.ParameterSetName)
                case "ServiceNameRandomPartition":

                case "ServiceNamePartitionSingleton":

                case "ServiceNamePartitionNamed":
                    return(PartitionSelector.PartitionKeyOf(this.ServiceName, this.PartitionKey));

                case "ServiceNamePartitionUniformedInt":
                    long partitionKeyLong;
                    if (!long.TryParse(this.PartitionKey, out partitionKeyLong))
                        throw new ArgumentException(StringResources.Error_InvalidPartitionKey);

                    return(PartitionSelector.PartitionKeyOf(this.ServiceName, partitionKeyLong));

                    throw new ArgumentException(StringResources.Error_CouldNotParsePartitionSelector);
        public void Test_MessageKeyPartitionSelection_Fallbacks_To_RoundRobin_If_MessageKey_Null()
            var nodeMock   = new NodeMock();
            var partitions = new[]
                new Partition {
                    Id = 0, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 1, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 2, Leader = nodeMock
            var partitionStrategy = new MessageKeyPartitionSelection(Serializer, RoundRobinPartitionSelection, Mock.Of <ILogger>());
            var partitioner       = new PartitionSelector(partitionStrategy);
            var message           = ProduceMessage.New(string.Empty, Partitions.Any, new Message {
                Key = null
            }, new DateTime());

            var partition = partitioner.GetPartition(message, partitions);

            Assert.IsTrue(partition.Id != Partition.None.Id);
        public void Test_MessageKeyPartitionSelection_Fallbacks_To_RoundRobin_If_Partition_Blacklisted(int partitionIdBlacklisted)
            var nodeMock   = new NodeMock();
            var partitions = new[]
                new Partition {
                    Id = 0, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 1, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 2, Leader = nodeMock
            var blacklistedPartitions = new Dictionary <int, DateTime> {
                { partitionIdBlacklisted, DateTime.MaxValue }
            var partitionStrategy = new MessageKeyPartitionSelection(Serializer, RoundRobinPartitionSelection, Mock.Of <ILogger>());
            var partitioner       = new PartitionSelector(partitionStrategy);
            var message           = ProduceMessage.New(string.Empty, Partitions.Any, new Message {
                Key = "ThisIsMyKey"
            }, new DateTime());

            for (var i = 0; i < 300; i++)
                var partition = partitioner.GetPartition(message, partitions, blacklistedPartitions);
                Assert.IsTrue(partition.Id != Partition.None.Id);
                Assert.IsTrue(partition.Id != partitionIdBlacklisted);
        public void Test_MessageKeyPartitionSelection_Is_Consistent()
            var nodeMock   = new NodeMock();
            var partitions = new[]
                new Partition {
                    Id = 0, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 1, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 2, Leader = nodeMock
            var partitionStrategy = new MessageKeyPartitionSelection(Serializer, RoundRobinPartitionSelection, Mock.Of <ILogger>());
            var partitioner       = new PartitionSelector(partitionStrategy);
            var message1          = ProduceMessage.New(string.Empty, Partitions.Any, new Message {
                Key = "ThisIsMyKey"
            }, new DateTime());
            var message2 = ProduceMessage.New(string.Empty, Partitions.Any, new Message {
                Key = "ThisIsMyOtherKey"
            }, new DateTime());

            var expectedPartition1 = partitioner.GetPartition(message1, partitions);
            var expectedPartition2 = partitioner.GetPartition(message2, partitions);

            for (var i = 0; i < 300; i++)
                var currentPartition1 = partitioner.GetPartition(message1, partitions);
                var currentPartition2 = partitioner.GetPartition(message2, partitions);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedPartition1.Id, currentPartition1.Id);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedPartition2.Id, currentPartition2.Id);
        public override void ClearInfo()
            PartitionSelector ps  = this.Info.PartitionSelector;
            DataLossMode      dlm = this.Info.DataLossMode;

            this.Info = new InvokeDataLossInfo(ps, dlm);
        public void TestRoundRobinPartitionWithStartSeed(int startSeed, int delay)
            var nodeMock   = new NodeMock();
            var partitions = new[]
                new Partition {
                    Id = 0, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 1, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 2, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 3, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 4, Leader = nodeMock
            var partitionStrategy = new RoundRobinPartitionSelection(delay: delay, startSeed: startSeed);
            var partitioner       = new PartitionSelector(partitionStrategy);

            foreach (var partition in partitions)
                for (var j = 0; j < delay; ++j)
                    Assert.AreEqual((partition.Id + startSeed) % partitions.Length, partitioner.GetPartition(
                                        ProduceMessage.New(string.Empty, Partitions.Any, new Message(), new DateTime()), partitions).Id);
        private FabricTestAction GetMoveSecondaryReplicaAction(MoveSecondaryReplicaStateTransitionAction ragAction)
            Requires.Argument("moveSecondaryReplicaStateTransitionAction", ragAction).NotNull();

            Uri    serviceUri      = ragAction.ServiceUri;
            Guid   guid            = ragAction.PartitionId;
            string currentNodeName = ragAction.NodeFrom;
            string newNodeName     = ragAction.NodeTo;

            string report = StringHelper.Format(
                "Generating Action: {0}\n\t\tService: {1}\n\t\tPartition: {2}\n\t\tFrom: {3} To: {4}",

            Log.WriteInfo(TraceType, report);
            if (this.reportFunction != null)

            var partitionSelector = PartitionSelector.PartitionIdOf(serviceUri, guid);

            return(new MoveSecondaryAction(currentNodeName, newNodeName, partitionSelector, ragAction.ForceMove));
        public void TestRobinPartitionAssignWhenFiltered()
            var nodeMock = new NodeMock();

            var partitions = new[]
                new Partition {
                    Id = 1, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 2, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 3, Leader = nodeMock

            var filter = new Dictionary <int, DateTime>();

            int delay = partitions.Length + 2;

            var partitionStrategy = new RoundRobinPartitionSelection(delay);
            var partitioner       = new PartitionSelector(partitionStrategy);

            var partition = partitioner.GetPartition(ProduceMessage.New(string.Empty, Partitions.Any, new Message(), new DateTime()), partitions, filter);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, partition.Id);

            filter.Add(1, DateTime.UtcNow);

            var batch = GetPartitions(delay, partitioner, partitions, filter);

            Assert.AreEqual(delay, batch.Count);
            Assert.IsTrue(batch.All(p => p.Id == 2), "The round-robin threshold wasn't properly reset after previous partition was blacklisted");
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously starts a restore operation using the state indicated by <paramref name="backupMetadata"/>.
        /// The backup is retrieved from the central store.
        /// This method completes and returns before the backup restore process is completely done.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="service"></param>
        /// <param name="dataLossMode"></param>
        /// <param name="backupMetadata"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task BeginRestoreBackup(this IBackupRestoreServiceOperations service, BackupMetadata backupMetadata, DataLossMode dataLossMode)
            service.LogCallback?.Invoke($"BackupRestoreService - Beginning restore backup {backupMetadata.BackupId} for partition {service.Context.PartitionId}.");

                if (backupMetadata == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(backupMetadata));

                await service.CentralBackupStore.ScheduleBackupRestoreAsync(service.Context.PartitionId, backupMetadata.BackupId);

                var partitionSelector = PartitionSelector.PartitionIdOf(service.Context.ServiceName, service.Context.PartitionId);

                var operationId = Guid.NewGuid();
                await new FabricClient(FabricClientRole.Admin).TestManager.StartPartitionDataLossAsync(operationId, partitionSelector, dataLossMode);
                //Causes OnDataLossAsync to be called later on.
            catch (Exception ex)
                string message = $"Failed to restore backup for partition {service.Context.PartitionId}";
                service.LogCallback?.Invoke($"{nameof(BackupRestoreServiceOperations)} - {nameof(BeginRestoreBackup)} failed for partition: {service.Context.PartitionId}. Message:{message} - Error: {ex.Message}");
                throw new Exception(message, ex);
            service.LogCallback?.Invoke($"{nameof(BackupRestoreServiceOperations)} - {nameof(BeginRestoreBackup)} succeeded {backupMetadata.BackupId} for partition {service.Context.PartitionId}.");
        public void SelectorShouldThrowExceptionWhenPartitionsAreEmpty()
            var selector = new PartitionSelector();
            var topic    = new MetadataResponse.Topic("emptyPartition");

            Assert.Throws <RoutingException>(() => selector.Select(topic, CreateKeyForPartition(1)));
        public override void ClearInfo()
            PartitionSelector    ps   = this.Info.PartitionSelector;
            RestartPartitionMode mode = this.Info.RestartPartitionMode;

            this.Info = new RestartPartitionInfo(ps, mode);
        public void TestRoundRobinPartitionAssignNoPartitionReturnsNone()
            var partitions  = new Partition[0];
            var partitioner = new PartitionSelector();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, Partition.None.CompareTo(partitioner.GetPartition(Partitions.Any, partitions)));
        public void TestRoundRobinPartitionWithStartSeed(int startSeed, int delay)
            var nodeMock   = new NodeMock();
            var partitions = new[]
                new Partition {
                    Id = 0, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 1, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 2, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 3, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 4, Leader = nodeMock
            var partitioner = new PartitionSelector(delay, startSeed);

            foreach (var partition in partitions)
                for (var j = 0; j < delay; ++j)
                    Assert.AreEqual((partition.Id + startSeed) % partitions.Length, partitioner.GetPartition(Partitions.Any, partitions).Id);
        public void TestRoundRobinPartitionAssign(int delay)
            var nodeMock   = new NodeMock();
            var partitions = new[]
                new Partition {
                    Id = 0, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 1, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 2, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 3, Leader = nodeMock
                new Partition {
                    Id = 4, Leader = nodeMock
            var partitioner = new PartitionSelector(delay);

            delay = delay <= 0 ? 1 : delay;
            foreach (var partition in partitions)
                for (var j = 0; j < delay; ++j)
                    Assert.AreEqual(partition.Id, partitioner.GetPartition(Partitions.Any, partitions).Id);
 public PerformingActions(FabricClient fabricClient, InvokeDataLossState state, TimeSpan requestTimeout, TimeSpan operationTimeout, PartitionSelector partitionSelector, int dataLossCheckWaitDurationInSeconds, int dataLossCheckPollIntervalInSeconds, int replicaDropWaitDurationInSeconds)
     : base(fabricClient, state, requestTimeout, operationTimeout)
     this.partitionSelector = partitionSelector;
     this.dataLossCheckWaitDurationInSeconds = dataLossCheckWaitDurationInSeconds;
     this.dataLossCheckPollIntervalInSeconds = dataLossCheckPollIntervalInSeconds;
     this.replicaDropWaitDurationInSeconds   = replicaDropWaitDurationInSeconds;
 public async Task WhenOneOfTheServicesMoves(string fullyQualifiedServiceTypeName)
     var applicationName = fullyQualifiedServiceTypeName.ParseServiceTypeUri().ApplicationName;
     var serviceTypeName = fullyQualifiedServiceTypeName.ParseServiceTypeUri().ServiceTypeName;
     var service         = (await _fabricClient.QueryManager.GetServiceListAsync(new Uri(applicationName)))
                           .First(x => x.ServiceTypeName == serviceTypeName);
     await _fabricClient.FaultManager.MovePrimaryAsync(PartitionSelector.SingletonOf(service.ServiceName));
        /// <summary>
        /// Restarts a random node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceName">Uri of the service in the format fabric:/[application]/[service name]</param>
        /// <returns>Task instance.</returns>
        public async Task RestartNodeAsync(Uri serviceName)
            PartitionSelector randomPartitionSelector  = PartitionSelector.RandomOf(serviceName);
            ReplicaSelector   primaryofReplicaSelector = ReplicaSelector.PrimaryOf(randomPartitionSelector);

            // Create FabricClient with connection and security information here
            await _client.FaultManager.RestartNodeAsync(primaryofReplicaSelector, CompletionMode.Verify).ConfigureAwait(false);
        public override void ClearInfo()
            PartitionSelector ps       = this.Info.PartitionSelector;
            QuorumLossMode    mode     = this.Info.QuorumLossMode;
            TimeSpan          duration = this.Info.QuorumLossDuration;

            this.Info = new InvokeQuorumLossInfo(ps, mode, duration);
        public void TestRoundRobinPartitionAssignNoPartitionReturnsNone()
            var partitions        = new Partition[0];
            var partitionStrategy = new RoundRobinPartitionSelection();
            var partitioner       = new PartitionSelector(partitionStrategy);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, Partition.None.CompareTo(partitioner.GetPartition(
                                                            ProduceMessage.New(string.Empty, Partitions.Any, new Message(), new DateTime()), partitions)));
        public async Task <bool> RestartGetSnowConditionsService()
            var replicaSelector = ReplicaSelector.PrimaryOf(PartitionSelector.RandomOf(GlobalContext.ServiceName));

            //PartitionSelector namedPartitionSelector = PartitionSelector.PartitionKeyOf(new Uri(GlobalContext.appName), "Partition1");

            //await fabricClient.ClusterManager.(new ServicePar); ; //statefull
        public async Task RestoreServiceAsync(string nameOfBackupSet)
            var partitionSelector = PartitionSelector.PartitionIdOf(this.Context.ServiceName, this.Context.PartitionId);

            var operationId = Guid.NewGuid();

            await new FabricClient(FabricClientRole.Admin).TestManager.StartPartitionDataLossAsync(operationId, partitionSelector, DataLossMode.FullDataLoss);
        public RestartPartitionInfo(PartitionSelector partitionSelector, RestartPartitionMode restartPartitionMode)
            this.PartitionSelector    = partitionSelector;
            this.RestartPartitionMode = restartPartitionMode;

            // This is a default value and will be overwritten when the command executes.  The default value is not used during the command.
            this.NodeName = "UNKNOWNNODE";
            this.UnreliableTransportInfo = new List <Tuple <string, string> >();
 internal static async Task InitiatePartitionDataLoss(Guid dataLossGuid, string serviceNameUri, string partitionId, TimeSpan timeout)
     await InvokeWithRetryAsync(() =>
                                                                     PartitionSelector.PartitionIdOf(new Uri(UtilityHelper.GetUriFromCustomUri(serviceNameUri)), Guid.Parse(partitionId)), DataLossMode.PartialDataLoss));
 public RestartPartitionDescription(
     Guid operationId,
     PartitionSelector partitionSelector,
     RestartPartitionMode restartPartitionMode)
     Requires.Argument <Guid>("operationId", operationId).NotNull();
     this.OperationId          = operationId;
     this.PartitionSelector    = partitionSelector;
     this.RestartPartitionMode = restartPartitionMode;
        public void RoundRobinShouldHandleMultiThreadedRollOver()
            var selector = new PartitionSelector();
            var bag      = new ConcurrentBag <MetadataResponse.Partition>();

            Parallel.For(0, 100, x => bag.Add(selector.Select(_topicA, null)));

            Assert.That(bag.Count(x => x.PartitionId == 0), Is.EqualTo(50));
            Assert.That(bag.Count(x => x.PartitionId == 1), Is.EqualTo(50));
        public void KeyHashShouldSelectEachPartitionType()
            var selector = new PartitionSelector();

            var first  = selector.Select(_topicA, CreateKeyForPartition(0));
            var second = selector.Select(_topicA, CreateKeyForPartition(1));

            Assert.That(first.partition_id, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(second.partition_id, Is.EqualTo(1));
 public InvokeDataLossDescription(
     Guid operationId,
     PartitionSelector partitionSelector,
     DataLossMode dataLossMode)
     Requires.Argument <Guid>("operationId", operationId).NotNull();
     this.OperationId       = operationId;
     this.PartitionSelector = partitionSelector;
     this.DataLossMode      = dataLossMode;
        public void PartitionSelectionOnEmptyKeyHashShouldNotFail()
            var selector = new PartitionSelector();
            var topic    = new MetadataResponse.Topic("badPartition", partitions: new [] {
                new MetadataResponse.Partition(0, 0),
                new MetadataResponse.Partition(999, 1)

            Assert.That(selector.Select(topic, new ArraySegment <byte>()), Is.Not.Null);
        public void KeyHashShouldThrowExceptionWhenChoosesAPartitionIdThatDoesNotExist()
            var selector = new PartitionSelector();
            var topic    = new MetadataResponse.Topic("badPartition", partitions: new [] {
                new MetadataResponse.Partition(0, 0),
                new MetadataResponse.Partition(999, 1)

            Assert.Throws <RoutingException>(() => selector.Select(topic, CreateKeyForPartition(1)));