/// <summary>
        ///   Stops the partition pump.  In case it hasn't been started, nothing happens.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reason">The reason why the partition pump is being closed.</param>
        /// <returns>A task to be resolved on when the operation has completed.</returns>
        private async Task StopAsync(PartitionProcessorCloseReason reason)
            if (RunningTask != null)
                await RunningTaskSemaphore.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (RunningTask != null)
                        RunningTaskTokenSource = null;

                            await RunningTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
                            RunningTask = null;

                        await InnerConsumer.CloseAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                        InnerConsumer = null;

                        await PartitionProcessor.CloseAsync(reason).ConfigureAwait(false);
            /// <summary>
            ///   Closes the partition processor.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="reason">The reason why the partition processor is being closed.</param>
            /// <returns>A task to be resolved on when the operation has completed.</returns>
            public Task CloseAsync(PartitionProcessorCloseReason reason)
                // The code to be run when closing the partition processor.  This is the right place to dispose
                // of objects that will no longer be used.

                Console.WriteLine($"\tPartition '{ PartitionId }': partition processor successfully closed. Reason: { reason }.");

                // This method is asynchronous, which means it's expected to return a Task.

            /// <summary>
            ///   Closes the partition processor.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="partitionContext">Contains information about the partition from which events are sourced and provides a means of creating checkpoints for that partition.</param>
            /// <param name="reason">The reason why the partition processor is being closed.</param>
            /// <returns>A task to be resolved on when the operation has completed.</returns>
            public override Task CloseAsync(PartitionContext partitionContext,
                                            PartitionProcessorCloseReason reason)
                // The code to be run when closing the partition processor.  This is the right place to dispose
                // of objects that will no longer be used.

                Interlocked.Decrement(ref s_activeInstancesCount);

                Console.WriteLine($"\tPartition '{ partitionContext.PartitionId }': partition processor successfully closed. Reason: { reason }.");

                // This method is asynchronous, which means it's expected to return a Task.

        /// <summary>
        ///   The main loop of a partition pump.  It receives events from the Azure Event Hubs service
        ///   and delegates their processing to the inner partition processor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">A <see cref="CancellationToken"/> instance to signal the request to cancel the operation.</param>
        /// <returns>A task to be resolved on when the operation has completed.</returns>
        private async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            IEnumerable <EventData> receivedEvents;
            Exception unrecoverableException = null;

            // We'll break from the loop upon encountering a non-retriable exception.  The event processor periodically
            // checks its pumps' status, so it should be aware of when one of them stops working.

            while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                    receivedEvents = await InnerConsumer.ReceiveAsync(Options.MaximumMessageCount, Options.MaximumReceiveWaitTime, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        await PartitionProcessor.ProcessEventsAsync(Context, receivedEvents, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    catch (Exception partitionProcessorException)
                        unrecoverableException = partitionProcessorException;
                        CloseReason            = PartitionProcessorCloseReason.PartitionProcessorException;

                catch (Exception eventHubException)
                    // Stop running only if it's not a retriable exception.

                    if (RetryPolicy.CalculateRetryDelay(eventHubException, 1) == null)
                        unrecoverableException = eventHubException;
                        CloseReason            = PartitionProcessorCloseReason.EventHubException;


            if (unrecoverableException != null)
                // In case an exception is encountered while partition processor is processing the error, don't
                // catch it and let the calling method (StopAsync) handle it.

                await PartitionProcessor.ProcessErrorAsync(Context, unrecoverableException, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
 /// <summary>
 ///   Closes the partition processor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reason">The reason why the partition processor is being closed.</param>
 /// <returns>A task to be resolved on when the operation has completed.</returns>
 public Task CloseAsync(PartitionProcessorCloseReason reason)
     OnClose?.Invoke(AssociatedPartitionContext, AssociatedCheckpointManager, reason);
 /// <summary>
 ///   Closes the partition processor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="partitionContext">Contains information about the partition from which events are sourced and provides a means of creating checkpoints for that partition.</param>
 /// <param name="reason">The reason why the partition processor is being closed.</param>
 /// <returns>A task to be resolved on when the operation has completed.</returns>
 public override Task CloseAsync(PartitionContext partitionContext,
                                 PartitionProcessorCloseReason reason)
     OnClose?.Invoke(partitionContext, reason);
        /// <summary>
        ///   The main loop of a partition pump.  It receives events from the Azure Event Hubs service
        ///   and delegates their processing to the inner partition processor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">A <see cref="CancellationToken"/> instance to signal the request to cancel the operation.</param>
        /// <returns>A task to be resolved on when the operation has completed.</returns>
        private async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            IEnumerable <EventData> receivedEvents;
            Exception unrecoverableException = null;

            // We'll break from the loop upon encountering a non-retriable exception.  The event processor periodically
            // checks its pumps' status, so it should be aware of when one of them stops working.

            while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                    receivedEvents = await InnerConsumer.ReceiveAsync(Options.MaximumMessageCount, Options.MaximumReceiveWaitTime, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    using DiagnosticScope diagnosticScope = EventDataInstrumentation.ClientDiagnostics.CreateScope(DiagnosticProperty.EventProcessorProcessingActivityName);
                    diagnosticScope.AddAttribute("kind", "server");

                    if (diagnosticScope.IsEnabled)
                        foreach (var eventData in receivedEvents)
                            if (EventDataInstrumentation.TryExtractDiagnosticId(eventData, out string diagnosticId))


                        await PartitionProcessor.ProcessEventsAsync(Context, receivedEvents, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    catch (Exception partitionProcessorException)
                        unrecoverableException = partitionProcessorException;
                        CloseReason            = PartitionProcessorCloseReason.PartitionProcessorException;

                catch (Exception eventHubException)
                    // Stop running only if it's not a retriable exception.

                    if (s_retryPolicy.CalculateRetryDelay(eventHubException, 1) == null)
                        unrecoverableException = eventHubException;
                        CloseReason            = PartitionProcessorCloseReason.EventHubException;


            if (unrecoverableException != null)
                // In case an exception is encountered while partition processor is processing the error, don't
                // catch it and let the calling method (StopAsync) handle it.

                await PartitionProcessor.ProcessErrorAsync(Context, unrecoverableException, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
 /// <summary>
 ///   Closes the partition processor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="partitionContext">Contains information about the partition from which events are sourced and provides a means of creating checkpoints for that partition.</param>
 /// <param name="reason">The reason why the partition processor is being closed.</param>
 /// <returns>A task to be resolved on when the operation has completed.</returns>
 public virtual Task CloseAsync(PartitionContext partitionContext,
                                PartitionProcessorCloseReason reason)