        private RasterInkStroke CreateDryStrokeFromRasterBrush(DecodedRasterInkBuilder decodedRasterInkBuilder, RasterBrush rasterBrush, Stroke stroke)
            var result = decodedRasterInkBuilder.AddWholePath(stroke.Spline.Data, rasterBrush.Spacing, stroke.Layout);

            List <float> points = new List <float>(result.Addition);

            uint channelMask = (uint)decodedRasterInkBuilder.SplineInterpolator.InterpolatedSplineLayout.ChannelMask;

            ParticleList particleList = new ParticleList();

            particleList.Assign(points, channelMask);

            ParticleBrush particleBrush = new ParticleBrush
                FillTexture  = mGraphics.CreateTexture(Task.Run(async() => await Utils.GetPixelDataAsync(rasterBrush.FillTexture)).Result),
                FillTileSize = new Size(rasterBrush.FillWidth, rasterBrush.FillHeight),
                RotationMode = (ParticleRotationMode)rasterBrush.RotationMode,
                Scattering   = rasterBrush.Scattering,
                ShapeTexture = mGraphics.CreateTexture(Task.Run(async() => await Utils.GetPixelDataAsync(rasterBrush.ShapeTextures[0])).Result)

            RasterInkStroke dryStroke = new RasterInkStroke(stroke, rasterBrush, particleList, particleBrush);

        internal override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            float now = (float)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;

            for (int i = ParticleList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Particle particle  = ParticleList[i];
                float    timeAlive = now - this.BirthTime;

                if (timeAlive > this.MaxAge)
                    float relAge = timeAlive / this.MaxAge;
                    particle.Position = 0.5f * particle.Accelaration * relAge * relAge + particle.Direction * relAge + this.Position; //particle.OrginalPosition;

                    float invAge = 1.0f - relAge;
                    particle.Color = new Color(new Vector4(invAge, invAge, invAge, invAge));

                    Vector2 positionFromCenter = particle.Position - this.Position; //particle.OrginalPosition;
                    float   distance           = positionFromCenter.Length();
                    particle.Scale = ((50.0f + distance) / 200.0f) * this.Size;

                    ParticleList[i] = particle;
    public InstantObject GetParticleEffect(ParticleList type)
        Queue <InstantObject> container = null;
        GameObject            prefab    = null;

        switch (type)
        case ParticleList.Explosion:
            container = _explosionEffect;
            prefab    = GameData.PrefabExplosion;

        case ParticleList.HitEffectA:
            container = _hitEffectA;
            prefab    = GameData.PrefabHitEffectA;

        if (container.Count == 0)
            AddToContainer(prefab, container);
        InstantObject rv = container.Dequeue();

        protected override void StoreCurrentStroke(string pointerDeviceType)
            var allData = mInkBuilder.SplineInterpolator.AllData;

            var points = new List <float>();

            if (allData != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < allData.Count; i++)

                if (points.Count > 0)
                    uint         channelMask = (uint)mInkBuilder.SplineInterpolator.InterpolatedSplineLayout.ChannelMask;
                    ParticleList path        = new ParticleList();
                    path.Assign(points, channelMask);
                    mDryStrokes.Add(new DryStroke(path, mStartRandomSeed, mStrokeConstants.Clone(), mInkBuilder.Brush));

            mRenderingContext.DrawLayer(mCurrentStrokeLayer, null, Ink.Rendering.BlendMode.SourceOver);



            mSerializer.EncodeCurrentStroke(pointerDeviceType, mInkBuilder, mStrokeConstants, mStartRandomSeed);
        public void AddParticleP1(Particle.ParticleInfo info, ParticleList inList)
            Particle useParticle = (ParticleSystemRoss.Instance()).GetNextFreeParticleP1(inList, "hmm");

            if (particle != null)
                switch (info.type)
                case ParticleType.kParticle_WaterSparkle:

                case ParticleType.kParticle_WaterLine:

                case ParticleType.kParticle_PondBlob:

        public void UpdateList(ParticleList listType)
            int listHead;

            listHead = usedListHead[(int)listType];
            int i = listHead;

            while (i != -1)
                bool flagToRemove = false;
                if ((particle[i]).Update())
                    flagToRemove = true;

                int prevI = i;
                i = (particle[i]).next;
                if (flagToRemove)
                    this.RemoveFromListP1(listType, prevI);
        public RasterInkStroke(RasterInkBuilder inkBuilder,
                               PointerDeviceType pointerDeviceType,
                               List <float> points,
                               uint seed,
                               RasterBrush rasterBrush,
                               ParticleBrush particleBrush,
                               StrokeConstants StrokeParams,
                               Identifier sensorDataId)
            Id = Identifier.FromNewGuid();

            PointerDeviceType = pointerDeviceType;

            uint channelMask = (uint)inkBuilder.SplineInterpolator.InterpolatedSplineLayout.ChannelMask;

            Path = new ParticleList();
            Path.Assign(points, channelMask);

            RandomSeed      = seed;
            StrokeConstants = StrokeParams;
            SensorDataId    = sensorDataId;
            RasterBrush     = rasterBrush;
            ParticleBrush   = particleBrush;

            // Cloning is needed, otherwise the spatial data is corrupted
            Spline = inkBuilder.SplineProducer.AllData.Clone();
            Layout = inkBuilder.Layout;
 public DryStroke(ParticleList path, uint seed, StrokeConstants StrokeParams, ParticleBrush particleBrush)
     Path            = path;
     RandomSeed      = seed;
     StrokeConstants = StrokeParams;
     ParticleBrush   = particleBrush;
        internal override void AddParticle(GameTime gameTime)
            Particle particle = new Particle();

            //particle.OrginalPosition = Position;
            particle.Position = Position; // particle.OrginalPosition;
            //particle.Rotation = rotation;
            ////particle.BirthTime = (float)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;
            ////particle.MaxAge = MaxAge;
            particle.Scale = 1f;
            particle.Color = Color.White;

            //float particleDistance = (float)Manager.Random.NextDouble() * this.Spread; //Size;
            //Vector2 displacement = new Vector2(particleDistance, 0);
            //float angle = MathHelper.ToRadians(Manager.Random.Next(360));
            //displacement = Vector2.Transform(displacement, Matrix.CreateRotationZ(angle));
            //particle.Direction = displacement * 2.0f;
            //particle.Accelaration = -particle.Direction;

            Vector2 direction = this.Position - this.aimAt.ToVector2();

            particle.Direction    = direction;
            particle.Accelaration = new Vector2(-3f, -3f);

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        int NumToSpawn = rate;

        if (spawnerTime < 0.0f)
            playing = false;
        spawnerTime -= Time.deltaTime;

        while (currParticles < maxParticles && NumToSpawn > 0 && playing)
            GameObject currPart = Instantiate(particle, this.GetComponent <Transform>());

            ParticleList currlist = currPart.GetComponent <ParticleList>();

            currlist.position = new Vector3(Random.Range(minRangePos.x, maxRangePos.x), Random.Range(minRangePos.y, maxRangePos.y), Random.Range(minRangePos.z, maxRangePos.z));

            //custom spawners:
            if (ringSpawner)
                Vector3 offset = new Vector3(Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f), Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f), 0.0f);
                currlist.position += offset * Random.Range(ringRadius, circleRadius);

            currlist.velocity       = new Vector3(Random.Range(minInitialVel.x, maxInitialVel.x), Random.Range(minInitialVel.y, maxInitialVel.y), 0.0f) * Random.Range(rangeVel.x, rangeVel.y);
            currlist.size           = lerpSize.x;
            currlist.alpha          = lerpAlpha.x;
            currlist.age            = 0.0f;
            currlist.lifetime       = Random.Range(rangeLifetime.x, rangeLifetime.y);
            currlist.mass           = mass;
            currlist.gravity        = gravity;
            currlist.lerpAlpha      = lerpAlpha;
            currlist.LerpSize       = lerpSize;
            currlist.noiseStrength  = noiseStrength;
            currlist.noiseFrequency = noiseFrequency;
            currlist.useNoise       = noiseOn;


        if (play)
            play        = false;
            playing     = true;
            spawnerTime = spawnTime;

        if (parse)
            parse = false;
        public override void _Ready()
            var size = GetViewportRect().Size;
            var list = new ParticleList()
                Position = new Vector2(size.x / 2, size.y / 4)

        public Particle GetNextFreeParticleP1(ParticleList inList, string debugName)
            if (freeListHead == -1)

            int oldHead = freeListHead;

            this.AddToListP1(inList, oldHead);
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the Unity Particle System with the generated particle data.
 /// </summary>
 void UpdateShuriken()
     if (Renderers == null)
     foreach (GameObject g in Renderers)
         ParticleSystem system = g.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();
         system?.SetParticles(ParticleList.Select(p => Particle.ConvertToParticleSystem(p, m_prefab.TextureSheetPow)).ToArray(), m_particleList.Length);
        public void UpdateParticles(GameTime gameTime)
            EmittedNewParticle = false;
            if (gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds > 0)
                if (Active)
                    timeSinceLastEmission += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;

                    if (emitterFrequency == 0 || timeSinceLastEmission >= emitterFrequency)
                        emitterFrequency = emitterHelper.RandomizedDouble(RandomEmissionInterval);
                        if (emitterFrequency == 0)
                            throw new Exception("emitter frequency cannot be below 0.1d !!");
                        for (int i = 0; i < Math.Round(timeSinceLastEmission / emitterFrequency); i++)
                        timeSinceLastEmission = 0;
                    emitterFrequency = 0;

                foreach (Particle particle in ParticleList.ToArray())
                    float y = -1 * ((float)Math.Cos(MathHelper.ToRadians(particle.Direction))) * particle.Speed;
                    float x = (float)Math.Sin(MathHelper.ToRadians(particle.Direction)) * particle.Speed;

                    particle.TotalLifetime += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
                    particle.Position      += new Vector2(x, y);
                    particle.Rotation      += particle.RotationSpeed;
                    ParticleScaler.Scale(particle, ParticleLifeTime);
                    particle.Fade  = ParticleFader.Fade(particle, ParticleLifeTime);
                    particle.Color = new Color(particle.Fade, particle.Fade, particle.Fade, particle.Fade);

                    if (particle.TotalLifetime > ParticleLifeTime)
        private void EmitParticle()
            if (i > TextureList.Count - 1)
                i = 0;

            Particle particle = new Particle(TextureList[i],

            EmittedNewParticle  = true;
            LastEmittedParticle = particle;
        public void RemoveFromListP1(ParticleList listType, int whichObject)
            int listHead = usedListHead[(int)listType];

            if (whichObject == listHead)
                usedListHead[(int)listType] = (particle[whichObject]).next;

            int item = listHead;

            while ((particle[item]).next != whichObject)
                item = (particle[item]).next;

        public RasterInkStroke(Stroke stroke, RasterBrush rasterBrush, ParticleList particleList, ParticleBrush particleBrush)
            Id            = stroke.Id;
            Path          = particleList;
            RandomSeed    = stroke.Style.RandomSeed;
            RasterBrush   = rasterBrush;
            ParticleBrush = particleBrush;

            PathPointProperties ppp = stroke.Style.PathPointProperties;

            StrokeConstants = new StrokeConstants
                Color = MediaColor.FromArgb(
                    ppp.Alpha.HasValue ? (byte)(ppp.Alpha * 255.0f) : byte.MinValue,
                    ppp.Red.HasValue ? (byte)(ppp.Red * 255.0f) : byte.MinValue,
                    ppp.Green.HasValue ? (byte)(ppp.Green * 255.0f) : byte.MinValue,
                    ppp.Blue.HasValue ? (byte)(ppp.Blue * 255.0f) : byte.MinValue)
            SensorDataId = stroke.SensorDataId;

            Spline = stroke.Spline;
            Layout = stroke.Layout;
    // Play the type of particle on the container
    // if called with the same type that is being played. do nothing.
    // if currently played particle is different type, stop and play the new type.
    public GameObject Play(ParticleList type, Transform container)
        GameObject particlePrefab = null;
        GameObject particle       = null;
        int        instanceId     = container.GetInstanceID();

        if (playingParticles.ContainsKey(container.GetInstanceID()))
            ParticleWithType playingParticle = playingParticles[instanceId];
            if (playingParticle.type == type)
        particlePrefab = particleDictionary[type];
        particle       = Instantiate(particlePrefab, container, false) as GameObject;
        playingParticles[instanceId] = new ParticleWithType(type, particle);
        private DryStroke CreateDryStrokeFromRasterBrush(DecodedRasterInkBuilder decodedRasterInkBuilder, RasterBrush rasterBrush, Stroke stroke)
            var result = decodedRasterInkBuilder.AddWholePath(stroke.Spline.Data, rasterBrush.Spacing, stroke.Layout);

            List <float> points = new List <float>(result.Addition);

            uint channelMask = (uint)decodedRasterInkBuilder.SplineInterpolator.InterpolatedSplineLayout.ChannelMask;

            ParticleList particleList = new ParticleList();

            particleList.Assign(points, channelMask);

            PathPointProperties ppp = stroke.Style.PathPointProperties;

            StrokeConstants strokeConstants = new StrokeConstants
                Color = MediaColor.FromArgb(
                    ppp.Alpha.HasValue ? (byte)(ppp.Alpha * 255.0f) : byte.MinValue,
                    ppp.Red.HasValue ? (byte)(ppp.Red * 255.0f) : byte.MinValue,
                    ppp.Green.HasValue ? (byte)(ppp.Green * 255.0f) : byte.MinValue,
                    ppp.Blue.HasValue ? (byte)(ppp.Blue * 255.0f) : byte.MinValue)

            ParticleBrush particleBrush = new ParticleBrush
                FillTexture  = mGraphics.CreateTexture(Utils.GetPixelData(rasterBrush.FillTexture)),
                FillTileSize = new Size(rasterBrush.FillWidth, rasterBrush.FillHeight),
                RotationMode = (ParticleRotationMode)rasterBrush.RotationMode,
                Scattering   = rasterBrush.Scattering,
                ShapeTexture = mGraphics.CreateTexture(Utils.GetPixelData(rasterBrush.ShapeTextures[0]))

            DryStroke dryStroke = new DryStroke(particleList, stroke.Style.RandomSeed, strokeConstants, particleBrush);

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override unsafe void PatchVertexBuffer(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, Vector3 invViewX, Vector3 invViewY, ref ParticleList sorter)
            // If you want, you can integrate the base builder here and not call it. It should result in slight speed up
            base.PatchVertexBuffer(ref bufferState, invViewX, invViewY, ref sorter);

            var colorField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Color);

            if (!colorField.IsValid())

            var colAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(VertexAttributes.Color);

            if (colAttribute.Size <= 0)

            foreach (var particle in sorter)
                // Set the vertex color attribute to the particle's color field
                var color = (uint)(*(Color4 *)particle[colorField]).ToRgba();
                bufferState.SetAttributePerSegment(colAttribute, (IntPtr)(&color));


 public override int BuildVertexBuffer(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, Vector3 invViewX, Vector3 invViewY, ref Vector3 spaceTranslation, ref Quaternion spaceRotation, float spaceScale, ref ParticleList sorter)
     return 0;
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override unsafe int BuildVertexBuffer(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, Vector3 invViewX, Vector3 invViewY,
                                                     ref Vector3 spaceTranslation, ref Quaternion spaceRotation, float spaceScale, ref ParticleList sorter, ref Matrix viewProj)
            // Update the curve samplers if required
            base.BuildVertexBuffer(ref bufferState, invViewX, invViewY, ref spaceTranslation, ref spaceRotation, spaceScale, ref sorter, ref viewProj);

            // Get all required particle fields
            var positionField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Position);

            if (!positionField.IsValid())
            var lifeField   = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Life);
            var sizeField   = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Size);
            var rotField    = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Quaternion);
            var hasRotation = rotField.IsValid() || (SamplerRotation != null);

            // Check if the draw space is identity - in this case we don't need to transform the position, scale and rotation vectors
            var trsIdentity = (spaceScale == 1f);

            trsIdentity = trsIdentity && (spaceTranslation.Equals(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
            trsIdentity = trsIdentity && (spaceRotation.Equals(Quaternion.Identity));

            var renderedParticles = 0;

            var posAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(VertexAttributes.Position);
            var texAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(bufferState.DefaultTexCoords);

            foreach (var particle in sorter)
                var centralPos = GetParticlePosition(particle, positionField, lifeField);

                var particleSize = GetParticleSize(particle, sizeField, lifeField);

                var unitX = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
                var unitY = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);

                if (hasRotation)
                    var particleRotation = GetParticleRotation(particle, rotField, lifeField);
                    particleRotation.Rotate(ref unitX);
                    particleRotation.Rotate(ref unitY);

                // The TRS matrix is not an identity, so we need to transform the quad
                if (!trsIdentity)
                    spaceRotation.Rotate(ref centralPos);
                    centralPos    = centralPos * spaceScale + spaceTranslation;
                    particleSize *= spaceScale;

                    spaceRotation.Rotate(ref unitX);
                    spaceRotation.Rotate(ref unitY);

                // Use half size to make a Size = 1 result in a Billboard of 1m x 1m
                unitX *= (particleSize * 0.5f);
                unitY *= (particleSize * 0.5f);

                var particlePos = centralPos - unitX + unitY;
                var uvCoord     = new Vector2(0, 0);
                // 0f 0f
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 1f 0f
                particlePos += unitX * 2;
                uvCoord.X    = 1;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 1f 1f
                particlePos -= unitY * 2;
                uvCoord.Y    = 1;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 0f 1f
                particlePos -= unitX * 2;
                uvCoord.X    = 0;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));


            var vtxPerShape = 4 * QuadsPerParticle;

            return(renderedParticles * vtxPerShape);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override unsafe int BuildVertexBuffer(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, Vector3 invViewX, Vector3 invViewY,
                                                     ref Vector3 spaceTranslation, ref Quaternion spaceRotation, float spaceScale, ref ParticleList sorter, ref Matrix viewProj)
            // Step 1 - get all required fields to build the particle shapes. Some fields may not exist if no initializer or updater operates on them
            //  In that case we just decide on a default value for that field and skip the update

            var positionField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Position);

            if (!positionField.IsValid())
                return(0); // We can't display the particles without position. All other fields are optional
            var sizeField  = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Size);
            var angleField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Angle);
            var hasAngle   = angleField.IsValid();

            var rectField   = sorter.GetField(CustomParticleFields.RectangleXY);
            var isRectangle = rectField.IsValid();

            // In case of Local space particles they are simulated in local emitter space, but drawn in world space
            //  If the draw space is identity (i.e. simulation space = draw space) skip transforming the particle's location later
            var trsIdentity = (spaceScale == 1f);

            trsIdentity = trsIdentity && (spaceTranslation.Equals(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
            trsIdentity = trsIdentity && (spaceRotation.Equals(new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)));

            // Custom feature - fix the Y axis to always point up in world space rather than screen space
            if (FixYAxis)
                invViewY   = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
                invViewX.Y = 0;

            var renderedParticles = 0;

            var posAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(VertexAttributes.Position);
            var texAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(bufferState.DefaultTexCoords);

            foreach (var particle in sorter)
                var centralPos = particle.Get(positionField);

                var particleSize = sizeField.IsValid() ? particle.Get(sizeField) : 1f;

                if (!trsIdentity)
                    spaceRotation.Rotate(ref centralPos);
                    centralPos    = centralPos * spaceScale + spaceTranslation;
                    particleSize *= spaceScale;

                var unitX = invViewX * particleSize;
                var unitY = invViewY * particleSize;
                if (isRectangle)
                    var rectSize = particle.Get(rectField);

                    unitX *= rectSize.X;
                    unitY *= rectSize.Y;

                // Particle rotation. Positive value means clockwise rotation.
                if (hasAngle)
                    var rotationAngle = particle.Get(angleField);
                    var cosA          = (float)Math.Cos(rotationAngle);
                    var sinA          = (float)Math.Sin(rotationAngle);
                    var tempX         = unitX * cosA - unitY * sinA;
                    unitY = unitY * cosA + unitX * sinA;
                    unitX = tempX;

                var particlePos = centralPos - unitX + unitY;
                var uvCoord     = new Vector2(0, 0);
                // 0f 0f
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 1f 0f
                particlePos += unitX * 2;
                uvCoord.X    = 1;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 1f 1f
                particlePos -= unitY * 2;
                uvCoord.Y    = 1;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 0f 1f
                particlePos -= unitX * 2;
                uvCoord.X    = 0;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));


            // Return the number of updated vertices
            var vtxPerShape = 4 * QuadsPerParticle;

            return(renderedParticles * vtxPerShape);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override unsafe int BuildVertexBuffer(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, Vector3 invViewX, Vector3 invViewY,
            ref Vector3 spaceTranslation, ref Quaternion spaceRotation, float spaceScale, ref ParticleList sorter)
            // Step 1 - get all required fields to build the particle shapes. Some fields may not exist if no initializer or updater operates on them
            //  In that case we just decide on a default value for that field and skip the update

            var positionField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Position);
            if (!positionField.IsValid())
                return 0; // We can't display the particles without position. All other fields are optional

            var sizeField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Size);
            var angleField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Angle);
            var hasAngle = angleField.IsValid();

            var rectField = sorter.GetField(CustomParticleFields.RectangleXY);
            var isRectangle = rectField.IsValid();

            // In case of Local space particles they are simulated in local emitter space, but drawn in world space
            //  If the draw space is identity (i.e. simulation space = draw space) skip transforming the particle's location later
            var trsIdentity = (spaceScale == 1f);
            trsIdentity = trsIdentity && (spaceTranslation.Equals(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
            trsIdentity = trsIdentity && (spaceRotation.Equals(new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)));

            // Custom feature - fix the Y axis to always point up in world space rather than screen space
            if (FixYAxis)
                invViewY = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
                invViewX.Y = 0;

            var renderedParticles = 0;

            var posAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(VertexAttributes.Position);
            var texAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(bufferState.DefaultTexCoords);

            foreach (var particle in sorter)
                var centralPos = particle.Get(positionField);

                var particleSize = sizeField.IsValid() ? particle.Get(sizeField) : 1f;

                if (!trsIdentity)
                    spaceRotation.Rotate(ref centralPos);
                    centralPos = centralPos * spaceScale + spaceTranslation;
                    particleSize *= spaceScale;

                var unitX = invViewX * particleSize;
                var unitY = invViewY * particleSize;
                if (isRectangle)
                    var rectSize = particle.Get(rectField);

                    unitX *= rectSize.X;
                    unitY *= rectSize.Y;

                // Particle rotation. Positive value means clockwise rotation.
                if (hasAngle)
                    var rotationAngle = particle.Get(angleField);
                    var cosA = (float)Math.Cos(rotationAngle);
                    var sinA = (float)Math.Sin(rotationAngle);
                    var tempX = unitX * cosA - unitY * sinA;
                    unitY = unitY * cosA + unitX * sinA;
                    unitX = tempX;

                var particlePos = centralPos - unitX + unitY;
                var uvCoord = new Vector2(0, 0);
                // 0f 0f
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 1f 0f
                particlePos += unitX * 2;
                uvCoord.X = 1;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 1f 1f
                particlePos -= unitY * 2;
                uvCoord.Y = 1;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 0f 1f
                particlePos -= unitX * 2;
                uvCoord.X = 0;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));


            // Return the number of updated vertices
            var vtxPerShape = 4 * QuadsPerParticle;
            return renderedParticles * vtxPerShape;
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public unsafe override void BuildUVCoordinates(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, ref ParticleList sorter, AttributeDescription texCoordsDescription)
            var lifeField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.RemainingLife);

            if (!lifeField.IsValid())

            var texAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(texCoordsDescription);

            if (texAttribute.Size == 0 && texAttribute.Offset == 0)

            var texDefault = bufferState.GetAccessor(bufferState.DefaultTexCoords);

            if (texDefault.Size == 0 && texDefault.Offset == 0)

            foreach (var particle in sorter)
                var normalizedTimeline = 1f - *(float *)(particle[lifeField]);

                Vector4 uvTransform = Vector4.Lerp(StartFrame, EndFrame, normalizedTimeline);
                uvTransform.Z -= uvTransform.X;
                uvTransform.W -= uvTransform.Y;

                bufferState.TransformAttributePerSegment(texDefault, texAttribute, this, ref uvTransform);


        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override unsafe int BuildVertexBuffer(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, Vector3 invViewX, Vector3 invViewY,
                                                     ref Vector3 spaceTranslation, ref Quaternion spaceRotation, float spaceScale, ref ParticleList sorter, ref Matrix viewProj)
            // Update the curve samplers if required
            base.BuildVertexBuffer(ref bufferState, invViewX, invViewY, ref spaceTranslation, ref spaceRotation, spaceScale, ref sorter, ref viewProj);

            // Get all the required particle fields
            var positionField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Position);

            if (!positionField.IsValid())
            var lifeField  = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Life);
            var sizeField  = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Size);
            var angleField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Angle);
            var hasAngle   = angleField.IsValid() || (SamplerRotation != null);

            // Check if the draw space is identity - in this case we don't need to transform the position, scale and rotation vectors
            var trsIdentity = (spaceScale == 1f);

            trsIdentity = trsIdentity && (spaceTranslation.Equals(Vector3.Zero));
            trsIdentity = trsIdentity && (spaceRotation.Equals(Quaternion.Identity));

            var renderedParticles = 0;

            var posAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(VertexAttributes.Position);
            var texAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(bufferState.DefaultTexCoords);

            foreach (var particle in sorter)
                var centralPos = GetParticlePosition(particle, positionField, lifeField);

                var particleSize = GetParticleSize(particle, sizeField, lifeField);

                if (!trsIdentity)
                    spaceRotation.Rotate(ref centralPos);
                    centralPos    = centralPos * spaceScale + spaceTranslation;
                    particleSize *= spaceScale;

                // Use half size to make a Size = 1 result in a Billboard of 1m x 1m
                var unitX = invViewX * (particleSize * 0.5f);
                var unitY = invViewY * (particleSize * 0.5f);

                // Particle rotation. Positive value means clockwise rotation.
                if (hasAngle)
                    var rotationAngle = GetParticleRotation(particle, angleField, lifeField);

                    var cosA  = (float)Math.Cos(rotationAngle);
                    var sinA  = (float)Math.Sin(rotationAngle);
                    var tempX = unitX * cosA - unitY * sinA;
                    unitY = unitY * cosA + unitX * sinA;
                    unitX = tempX;

                var particlePos = centralPos - unitX + unitY;
                var uvCoord     = Vector2.Zero;
                // 0f 0f
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 1f 0f
                particlePos += unitX * 2;
                uvCoord.X    = 1;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 1f 1f
                particlePos -= unitY * 2;
                uvCoord.Y    = 1;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 0f 1f
                particlePos -= unitX * 2;
                uvCoord.X    = 0;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));


            var vtxPerShape = 4 * QuadsPerParticle;

            return(renderedParticles * vtxPerShape);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public unsafe override int BuildVertexBuffer(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, Vector3 invViewX, Vector3 invViewY,
            ref Vector3 spaceTranslation, ref Quaternion spaceRotation, float spaceScale, ref ParticleList sorter)
            // Update the curve samplers if required
            base.BuildVertexBuffer(ref bufferState, invViewX, invViewY, ref spaceTranslation, ref spaceRotation, spaceScale, ref sorter);

            // Get all the required particle fields
            var positionField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Position);
            if (!positionField.IsValid())
                return 0;
            var lifeField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Life);
            var sizeField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Size);
            var directionField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Direction);

            // Check if the draw space is identity - in this case we don't need to transform the position, scale and rotation vectors
            var trsIdentity = (spaceScale == 1f);
            trsIdentity = trsIdentity && (spaceTranslation.Equals(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
            trsIdentity = trsIdentity && (spaceRotation.Equals(Quaternion.Identity));

            var renderedParticles = 0;

            var posAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(VertexAttributes.Position);
            var texAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(bufferState.DefaultTexCoords);

            Vector3 invViewZ;
            Vector3.Cross(ref invViewX, ref invViewY, out invViewZ);

            foreach (var particle in sorter)
                var centralPos = GetParticlePosition(particle, positionField, lifeField);

                var centralOffset = (directionField.IsValid()) ? particle.Get(directionField) : new Vector3(0, 1, 0);

                var particleSize = GetParticleSize(particle, sizeField, lifeField);

                if (!trsIdentity)
                    spaceRotation.Rotate(ref centralPos);
                    centralPos = centralPos * spaceScale + spaceTranslation;

                    spaceRotation.Rotate(ref centralOffset);
                    centralOffset = centralOffset * spaceScale;

                    particleSize *= spaceScale;

                var unitX = invViewX;
                var unitY = invViewY;

                    var centralAxis = centralOffset;

                    float dotZ;
                    Vector3.Dot(ref centralAxis, ref invViewZ, out dotZ);
                    centralAxis -= invViewZ*dotZ;

                    float dotX;
                    Vector3.Dot(ref centralAxis, ref unitX, out dotX);

                    float dotY;
                    Vector3.Dot(ref centralAxis, ref unitY, out dotY);

                    unitX = unitX*dotY - unitY*dotX;

                    unitY = centralOffset;

                // Use half size to make a Size = 1 result in a Billboard of 1m x 1m
                unitX *= (particleSize * 0.5f);
                if (ScaleLength)
                    unitY *= (LengthFactor * particleSize * 0.5f);
                    unitY *= (LengthFactor * 0.5f);

                var particlePos = centralPos - unitX + unitY;
                var uvCoord = new Vector2(0, 0);
                // 0f 0f
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 1f 0f
                particlePos += unitX * 2;
                uvCoord.X = 1;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 1f 1f
                particlePos -= unitY * 2;
                uvCoord.Y = 1;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 0f 1f
                particlePos -= unitX * 2;
                uvCoord.X = 0;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));


            var vtxPerShape = 4 * QuadsPerParticle;
            return renderedParticles * vtxPerShape;
        public override unsafe void PatchVertexBuffer(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, Vector3 invViewX, Vector3 invViewY, ref ParticleList sorter)
            // If you want, you can integrate the base builder here and not call it. It should result in slight speed up
            base.PatchVertexBuffer(ref bufferState, invViewX, invViewY, ref sorter);

            // Update the non-default coordinates first, because they update off the default ones
            if (UVBuilder1 != null)
                UVBuilder1.BuildUVCoordinates(ref bufferState, ref sorter, texCoord1);

            // Update the default coordinates last
            if (UVBuilder0 != null)
                UVBuilder0.BuildUVCoordinates(ref bufferState, ref sorter, texCoord0);

            // If the particles have color field, the base class should have already passed the information
            if (HasColorField)

            // If there is no color stream we don't need to fill anything
            var colAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(VertexAttributes.Color);

            if (colAttribute.Size <= 0)

            // Since the particles don't have their own color field, set the default color to white
            var color = 0xFFFFFFFF;

            foreach (var particle in sorter)
                bufferState.SetAttributePerParticle(colAttribute, (IntPtr)(&color));


        public override unsafe void PatchVertexBuffer(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, Vector3 invViewX, Vector3 invViewY, ref ParticleList sorter)
            // If you want, you can integrate the base builder here and not call it. It should result in slight speed up
            base.PatchVertexBuffer(ref bufferState, invViewX, invViewY, ref sorter);

            // Update the non-default coordinates first, because they update off the default ones
            if (UVBuilder1 != null) UVBuilder1.BuildUVCoordinates(ref bufferState, ref sorter, texCoord1);

            // Update the default coordinates last
            if (UVBuilder0 != null) UVBuilder0.BuildUVCoordinates(ref bufferState, ref sorter, texCoord0);

            // If the particles have color field, the base class should have already passed the information
            if (HasColorField)

            // If there is no color stream we don't need to fill anything
            var colAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(VertexAttributes.Color);
            if (colAttribute.Size <= 0)

            // Since the particles don't have their own color field, set the default color to white
            var color = 0xFFFFFFFF;

            foreach (var particle in sorter)
                bufferState.SetAttributePerParticle(colAttribute, (IntPtr)(&color));


 /// <summary>
 /// Builds the actual vertex buffer for the current frame using the particle data
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bufferState">Target particle buffer state, used to populate the assigned vertex buffer</param>
 /// <param name="invViewX">Unit vector X (right) in camera space, extracted from the inverse view matrix</param>
 /// <param name="invViewY">Unit vector Y (up) in camera space, extracted from the inverse view matrix</param>
 /// <param name="spaceTranslation">Translation of the target draw space in regard to the particle data (world or local)</param>
 /// <param name="spaceRotation">Rotation of the target draw space in regard to the particle data (world or local)</param>
 /// <param name="spaceScale">Uniform scale of the target draw space in regard to the particle data (world or local)</param>
 /// <param name="sorter">Particle enumerator which can be iterated and returns sported particles</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public abstract int BuildVertexBuffer(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, Vector3 invViewX, Vector3 invViewY, 
     ref Vector3 spaceTranslation, ref Quaternion spaceRotation, float spaceScale, ref ParticleList sorter);
        public void Load(RTSRenderer renderer, ParticleOptions o)
            // Create Bullet System
            plBullets = new ParticleList<BulletParticle, VertexBulletInstance>(renderer, o.BulletMaxCount, ParticleType.Bullet);
            using(var fs = File.OpenRead(o.BulletModel)) {
                LoadBulletModel(renderer, fs, ParsingFlags.ConversionOpenGL);
            LoadBulletTexture(renderer, o.BulletTexture);

            // Create Fire System
            plFires = new ParticleList<FireParticle, VertexFireInstance>(renderer, o.FireMaxCount, ParticleType.Fire);
            BuildFireModel(renderer, o.FireDetail);
            LoadFireShader(renderer, o.FireNoise, o.FireColor, o.FireAlpha);

            // Create Lightning System
            plBolts = new ParticleList<LightningParticle, VertexLightningInstance>(renderer, o.LightningMaxCount, ParticleType.Lightning);
            LoadLightningShader(renderer, o.LightningImage, o.LightningNumTypes);

            // Create Alert System
            plAlerts = new ParticleList<AlertParticle, VertexAlertInstance>(renderer, o.AlertMaxCount, ParticleType.Alert);
            tAlert = renderer.LoadTexture2D(o.AlertImage);

            // Create Blood System
            plBloods = new ParticleList<BloodParticle, VertexAlertInstance>(renderer, o.BloodMaxCount, ParticleType.Blood);
            tBlood = renderer.LoadTexture2D(o.BloodImage);
 /// <summary>
 /// Enhances or animates the texture coordinates using already existing base coordinates of (0, 0, 1, 1) or similar
 /// (base texture coordinates may differ depending on the actual shape)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bufferState">The particle buffer state which is used to build the assigned vertex buffer</param>
 /// <param name="sorter"><see cref="ParticleSorter"/> to use to iterate over all particles drawn this frame</param>
 /// <param name="texCoordsDescription">Attribute description of the texture coordinates in the current vertex layout</param>
 public abstract void BuildUVCoordinates(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, ref ParticleList sorter, AttributeDescription texCoordsDescription);
 /// <summary>
 /// Patch the particle's vertex buffer which was already built by the <see cref="ShapeBuilders.ShapeBuilder"/>
 /// This involes animating hte uv coordinates and filling per-particle fields, such as the color field
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bufferState">The particle buffer state which is used to build the assigned vertex buffer</param>
 /// <param name="invViewX">Unit vector X (right) in camera space, extracted from the inverse view matrix</param>
 /// <param name="invViewY">Unit vector Y (up) in camera space, extracted from the inverse view matrix</param>
 /// <param name="sorter">Particle enumerator which can be iterated and returns sported particles</param>
 public virtual void PatchVertexBuffer(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, Vector3 invViewX, Vector3 invViewY, ref ParticleList sortedList)
 public override int BuildVertexBuffer(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, Vector3 invViewX, Vector3 invViewY,
                                       ref Vector3 spaceTranslation, ref Quaternion spaceRotation, float spaceScale, ref ParticleList sorter, ref Matrix viewProj)
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override unsafe int BuildVertexBuffer(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, Vector3 invViewX, Vector3 invViewY, 
            ref Vector3 spaceTranslation, ref Quaternion spaceRotation, float spaceScale, ref ParticleList sorter)
            // Update the curve samplers if required
            base.BuildVertexBuffer(ref bufferState, invViewX, invViewY, ref spaceTranslation, ref spaceRotation, spaceScale, ref sorter);

            // Get all required particle fields
            var positionField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Position);
            if (!positionField.IsValid())
                return 0;
            var sizeField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Size);
            var lifeField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Life);
            var angleField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Angle);
            var hasAngle = angleField.IsValid() || (SamplerRotation != null);

            // Check if the draw space is identity - in this case we don't need to transform the position, scale and rotation vectors
            var trsIdentity = (spaceScale == 1f);
            trsIdentity = trsIdentity && (spaceTranslation.Equals(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
            trsIdentity = trsIdentity && (spaceRotation.Equals(Quaternion.Identity));

            var renderedParticles = 0;

            var posAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(VertexAttributes.Position);
            var texAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(bufferState.DefaultTexCoords);

            foreach (var particle in sorter)
                var centralPos = GetParticlePosition(particle, positionField, lifeField);

                var particleSize = GetParticleSize(particle, sizeField, lifeField);

                if (!trsIdentity)
                    spaceRotation.Rotate(ref centralPos);
                    centralPos = centralPos * spaceScale + spaceTranslation;
                    particleSize *= spaceScale;

                // Use half size to make a Size = 1 result in a Billboard of 1m x 1m
                var unitX = invViewX * (particleSize * 0.5f); 
                var unitY = invViewY * (particleSize * 0.5f); 

                // Particle rotation. Positive value means clockwise rotation.
                if (hasAngle)
                    var rotationAngle = GetParticleRotation(particle, angleField, lifeField);
                    var cosA = (float)Math.Cos(rotationAngle);
                    var sinA = (float)Math.Sin(rotationAngle);
                    var tempX = unitX * cosA - unitY * sinA;
                    unitY = unitY * cosA + unitX * sinA;
                    unitX = tempX;

                // vertex.Size = particleSize;

                const float Sqrt3Half = 0.86602540378f;
                unitY *= Sqrt3Half;
                var halfX = unitX * 0.5f;

                var particlePos = centralPos - halfX + unitY;
                var uvCoord = new Vector2(0.25f, 0.5f - Sqrt3Half * 0.5f);

                // Upper half

                // 0f 0f
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 1f 0f
                particlePos += unitX;
                uvCoord.X = 0.75f;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 1f 1f
                particlePos += halfX;
                particlePos -= unitY;
                uvCoord.X = 1;
                uvCoord.Y = 0.5f;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 0f 1f
                particlePos -= unitX * 2;
                uvCoord.X = 0;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // Upper half

                // 0f 0f
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 1f 0f
                particlePos += unitX * 2;
                uvCoord.X = 1;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 1f 1f
                particlePos -= halfX;
                particlePos -= unitY;
                uvCoord.X = 0.75f;
                uvCoord.Y = 1;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 0f 1f
                particlePos -= unitX;
                uvCoord.X = 0.25f;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));


            var vtxPerShape = 4 * QuadsPerParticle;
            return renderedParticles * vtxPerShape;
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override unsafe int BuildVertexBuffer(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, Vector3 invViewX, Vector3 invViewY,
                                                     ref Vector3 spaceTranslation, ref Quaternion spaceRotation, float spaceScale, ref ParticleList sorter, ref Matrix viewProj)
            // Update the curve samplers if required
            base.BuildVertexBuffer(ref bufferState, invViewX, invViewY, ref spaceTranslation, ref spaceRotation, spaceScale, ref sorter, ref viewProj);

            // Get all the required particle fields
            var positionField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Position);

            if (!positionField.IsValid())
            var lifeField      = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Life);
            var sizeField      = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Size);
            var directionField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Direction);

            // Check if the draw space is identity - in this case we don't need to transform the position, scale and rotation vectors
            var trsIdentity = (spaceScale == 1f);

            trsIdentity = trsIdentity && (spaceTranslation.Equals(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
            trsIdentity = trsIdentity && (spaceRotation.Equals(Quaternion.Identity));

            var renderedParticles = 0;

            var posAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(VertexAttributes.Position);
            var texAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(bufferState.DefaultTexCoords);

            // TODO Use viewProj
            Vector3 invViewZ;

            Vector3.Cross(ref invViewX, ref invViewY, out invViewZ);

            foreach (var particle in sorter)
                var centralPos = GetParticlePosition(particle, positionField, lifeField);

                var centralOffset = (directionField.IsValid()) ? particle.Get(directionField) : new Vector3(0, 1, 0);

                var particleSize = GetParticleSize(particle, sizeField, lifeField);

                if (!trsIdentity)
                    spaceRotation.Rotate(ref centralPos);
                    centralPos = centralPos * spaceScale + spaceTranslation;

                    spaceRotation.Rotate(ref centralOffset);
                    centralOffset = centralOffset * spaceScale;

                    particleSize *= spaceScale;

                var unitX = invViewX;
                var unitY = invViewY;

                    var centralAxis = centralOffset;

                    float dotZ;
                    Vector3.Dot(ref centralAxis, ref invViewZ, out dotZ);
                    centralAxis -= invViewZ * dotZ;

                    float dotX;
                    Vector3.Dot(ref centralAxis, ref unitX, out dotX);

                    float dotY;
                    Vector3.Dot(ref centralAxis, ref unitY, out dotY);

                    unitX = unitX * dotY - unitY * dotX;

                    unitY = centralOffset;

                // Use half size to make a Size = 1 result in a Billboard of 1m x 1m
                unitX *= (particleSize * 0.5f);
                if (ScaleLength)
                    unitY *= (LengthFactor * particleSize * 0.5f);
                    unitY *= (LengthFactor * 0.5f);

                var particlePos = centralPos - unitX + unitY;
                var uvCoord     = new Vector2(0, 0);
                // 0f 0f
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 1f 0f
                particlePos += unitX * 2;
                uvCoord.X    = 1;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 1f 1f
                particlePos -= unitY * 2;
                uvCoord.Y    = 1;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 0f 1f
                particlePos -= unitX * 2;
                uvCoord.X    = 0;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));


            var vtxPerShape = 4 * QuadsPerParticle;

            return(renderedParticles * vtxPerShape);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public unsafe override void PatchVertexBuffer(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, Vector3 invViewX, Vector3 invViewY, ref ParticleList sorter)
            // If you want, you can implement the base builder here and not call it. It should result in slight speed up
            base.PatchVertexBuffer(ref bufferState, invViewX, invViewY, ref sorter);

            //  The UV Builder, if present, animates the basic (0, 0, 1, 1) uv coordinates of each billboard
            UVBuilder?.BuildUVCoordinates(ref bufferState, ref sorter, bufferState.DefaultTexCoords);

            // If the particles have color field, the base class should have already passed the information
            if (HasColorField)

            // If the particles don't have color field but there is no color stream either we don't need to fill anything
            var colAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(VertexAttributes.Color);
            if (colAttribute.Size <= 0)

            // Since the particles don't have their own color field, set the default color to white
            var color = 0xFFFFFFFF;

            // TODO: for loop. Remove IEnumerable from sorter
            foreach (var particle in sorter)
                bufferState.SetAttributePerParticle(colAttribute, (IntPtr)(&color));


        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override unsafe int BuildVertexBuffer(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, Vector3 invViewX, Vector3 invViewY,
            ref Vector3 spaceTranslation, ref Quaternion spaceRotation, float spaceScale, ref ParticleList sorter)
            // Get all the required particle fields
            var positionField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Position);
            if (!positionField.IsValid())
                return 0;
            var sizeField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Size);

            var orderField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Order);

            // Check if the draw space is identity - in this case we don't need to transform the position, scale and rotation vectors
            // ReSharper disable once CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator
            var trsIdentity = (spaceScale == 1f);
            trsIdentity = trsIdentity && (spaceTranslation.Equals(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
            trsIdentity = trsIdentity && (spaceRotation.Equals(Quaternion.Identity));

            var ribbonizer = new Ribbonizer(this, currentTotalParticles, currentQuadsPerParticle);

            var renderedParticles = 0;

            uint oldOrderValue = 0;

            foreach (var particle in sorter)
                if (orderField.IsValid())
                    var orderValue = (*((uint*)particle[orderField]));

                    if ((orderValue >> SpawnOrderConst.GroupBitOffset) != (oldOrderValue >> SpawnOrderConst.GroupBitOffset)) 
                        ribbonizer.Ribbonize(ref bufferState, invViewX, invViewY, QuadsPerParticle);

                    oldOrderValue = orderValue;

                var centralPos = particle.Get(positionField);

                var particleSize = sizeField.IsValid() ? particle.Get(sizeField) : 1f;

                if (!trsIdentity)
                    spaceRotation.Rotate(ref centralPos);
                    centralPos = centralPos * spaceScale + spaceTranslation;
                    particleSize *= spaceScale;
                ribbonizer.AddParticle(ref centralPos, particleSize);

            ribbonizer.Ribbonize(ref bufferState, invViewX, invViewY, QuadsPerParticle);


            var vtxPerShape = 4 * QuadsPerParticle;
            return renderedParticles * vtxPerShape;
 private void InkBuilder_LayoutUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e)
     mAddedInterpolatedSpline     = new ParticleList();
     mPredictedInterpolatedSpline = new ParticleList();
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public unsafe override void PatchVertexBuffer(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, Vector3 invViewX, Vector3 invViewY, ref ParticleList sorter)
            // If you want, you can implement the base builder here and not call it. It should result in slight speed up
            base.PatchVertexBuffer(ref bufferState, invViewX, invViewY, ref sorter);

            //  The UV Builder, if present, animates the basic (0, 0, 1, 1) uv coordinates of each billboard
            UVBuilder?.BuildUVCoordinates(ref bufferState, ref sorter, bufferState.DefaultTexCoords);

            // If the particles have color field, the base class should have already passed the information
            if (HasColorField)

            // If the particles don't have color field but there is no color stream either we don't need to fill anything
            var colAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(VertexAttributes.Color);

            if (colAttribute.Size <= 0)

            // Since the particles don't have their own color field, set the default color to white
            var color = 0xFFFFFFFF;

            // TODO: for loop. Remove IEnumerable from sorter
            foreach (var particle in sorter)
                bufferState.SetAttributePerParticle(colAttribute, (IntPtr)(&color));


        /// <inheritdoc />
        public unsafe override int BuildVertexBuffer(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, Vector3 invViewX, Vector3 invViewY, 
            ref Vector3 spaceTranslation, ref Quaternion spaceRotation, float spaceScale, ref ParticleList sorter)
            // Update the curve samplers if required
            base.BuildVertexBuffer(ref bufferState, invViewX, invViewY, ref spaceTranslation, ref spaceRotation, spaceScale, ref sorter);

            // Get all required particle fields
            var positionField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Position);
            if (!positionField.IsValid())
                return 0;
            var lifeField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Life);
            var sizeField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Size);
            var rotField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Quaternion);
            var hasRotation = rotField.IsValid() || (SamplerRotation != null);

            // Check if the draw space is identity - in this case we don't need to transform the position, scale and rotation vectors
            var trsIdentity = (spaceScale == 1f);
            trsIdentity = trsIdentity && (spaceTranslation.Equals(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
            trsIdentity = trsIdentity && (spaceRotation.Equals(Quaternion.Identity));

            var renderedParticles = 0;

            var posAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(VertexAttributes.Position);
            var texAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(bufferState.DefaultTexCoords);

            foreach (var particle in sorter)
                var centralPos = GetParticlePosition(particle, positionField, lifeField);

                var particleSize = GetParticleSize(particle, sizeField, lifeField);

                var unitX = new Vector3(1, 0, 0); 
                var unitY = new Vector3(0, 0, 1); 

                if (hasRotation)
                    var particleRotation = GetParticleRotation(particle, rotField, lifeField);
                    particleRotation.Rotate(ref unitX);
                    particleRotation.Rotate(ref unitY);

                // The TRS matrix is not an identity, so we need to transform the quad
                if (!trsIdentity)
                    spaceRotation.Rotate(ref centralPos);
                    centralPos = centralPos * spaceScale + spaceTranslation;
                    particleSize *= spaceScale;

                    spaceRotation.Rotate(ref unitX);
                    spaceRotation.Rotate(ref unitY);

                // Use half size to make a Size = 1 result in a Billboard of 1m x 1m
                unitX *= (particleSize * 0.5f);
                unitY *= (particleSize * 0.5f);

                var particlePos = centralPos - unitX + unitY;
                var uvCoord = new Vector2(0, 0);
                // 0f 0f
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 1f 0f
                particlePos += unitX * 2;
                uvCoord.X = 1;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 1f 1f
                particlePos -= unitY * 2;
                uvCoord.Y = 1;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));

                // 0f 1f
                particlePos -= unitX * 2;
                uvCoord.X = 0;
                bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));


            var vtxPerShape = 4 * QuadsPerParticle;
            return renderedParticles * vtxPerShape;
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override unsafe int BuildVertexBuffer(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, Vector3 invViewX, Vector3 invViewY,
                                                     ref Vector3 spaceTranslation, ref Quaternion spaceRotation, float spaceScale, ref ParticleList sorter)
            // Get all the required particle fields
            var positionField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Position);

            if (!positionField.IsValid())
            var sizeField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Size);

            var orderField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Order);

            // Check if the draw space is identity - in this case we don't need to transform the position, scale and rotation vectors
            // ReSharper disable once CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator
            var trsIdentity = (spaceScale == 1f);

            trsIdentity = trsIdentity && (spaceTranslation.Equals(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
            trsIdentity = trsIdentity && (spaceRotation.Equals(Quaternion.Identity));

            var ribbonizer = new Ribbonizer(this, currentTotalParticles, currentQuadsPerParticle);

            var renderedParticles = 0;


            uint oldOrderValue = 0;

            foreach (var particle in sorter)
                if (orderField.IsValid())
                    var orderValue = (*((uint *)particle[orderField]));

                    if ((orderValue >> SpawnOrderConst.GroupBitOffset) != (oldOrderValue >> SpawnOrderConst.GroupBitOffset))
                        ribbonizer.Ribbonize(ref bufferState, invViewX, invViewY, QuadsPerParticle);

                    oldOrderValue = orderValue;

                var centralPos = particle.Get(positionField);

                var particleSize = sizeField.IsValid() ? particle.Get(sizeField) : 1f;

                if (!trsIdentity)
                    spaceRotation.Rotate(ref centralPos);
                    centralPos    = centralPos * spaceScale + spaceTranslation;
                    particleSize *= spaceScale;

                ribbonizer.AddParticle(ref centralPos, particleSize);

            ribbonizer.Ribbonize(ref bufferState, invViewX, invViewY, QuadsPerParticle);


            var vtxPerShape = 4 * QuadsPerParticle;

            return(renderedParticles * vtxPerShape);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override unsafe void PatchVertexBuffer(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, Vector3 invViewX, Vector3 invViewY, ref ParticleList sorter)
            // If you want, you can integrate the base builder here and not call it. It should result in slight speed up
            base.PatchVertexBuffer(ref bufferState, invViewX, invViewY, ref sorter);

            var colorField = sorter.GetField(ParticleFields.Color);
            if (!colorField.IsValid())

            var colAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(VertexAttributes.Color);
            if (colAttribute.Size <= 0)

            foreach (var particle in sorter)
                // Set the vertex color attribute to the particle's color field
                var color = (uint)(*(Color4*)particle[colorField]).ToRgba();
                bufferState.SetAttributePerSegment(colAttribute, (IntPtr)(&color));

