private void SubCal_read_DTCposition(Dictionary <decimal, List <DTC_Position_Headers> > whr_map, Dividend dvd) { List <Dividend_DTC_Position> pos_list = dvd.Get_DTCposition_list(); ParticipantMaster pc = new ParticipantMaster(); pc.Init_from_dtcPosList(pos_list); foreach (Dividend_DTC_Position pos in pos_list) { bool isRSH_flag = false; Participant pt = pc.GetParticipant(pos.DTC_Number.Value); if (pt != null) { isRSH_flag = pt.DCT_Number.StartsWith("RSH", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } int custodianID = pos.CustodianID.Value; if (!this.dvdCus_dic_custodianType.ContainsKey(custodianID)) { continue; } DividendCustodian pos_dvdCust = this.dvdCus_dic_custodianType[custodianID];//check against selected Depository if (!pos_dvdCust.Depositary.Value.Equals(this.dvdCust.Depositary.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; } foreach (KeyValuePair <decimal, List <DTC_Position_Headers> > pair in whr_map) { decimal WH_rate = pair.Key, ADR_shares = 0; foreach (DTC_Position_Headers dph in pair.Value) { ADR_shares += pos.GetRateValues(dph.Table_Column.Value); } if (isRSH_flag) { this.RSH_dic[WH_rate].ADRQuantity += ADR_shares; } else { this.DTC_participant_dic[WH_rate].ADRQuantity += ADR_shares; } this.custodianEle_dic[custodianID].cust_dic[WH_rate].ADRQuantity += ADR_shares; this.summary.totalEle_dic[WH_rate].ADRQuantity += ADR_shares; } } }
/// <summary> /// Insert DTC Position using SPR file from DTCC /// </summary> /// <param name="sf">SPR file</param> /// <param name="createNew_flag">append or create new</param> public bool Insert_DTC_position(SPR_file sf, bool createNew_flag = true) { if (sf == null || sf.FileBinary == null) { MessageBox.Show("Dividend_func4 error 0: No SPR data"); return(false); } MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(sf.FileBinary); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms); if (createNew_flag) { this.Delete_DTC_position(); } List <Position> posList = new List <Position>(); string str = null; while ((str = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (str.Length <= 37) { continue; } char recordType_char = str[SPR_fileControl.RecordTypeChar_index]; if (recordType_char != '2') { continue; //'2' stands for detail records } if (str.StartsWith("HDR", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; } if (str.StartsWith("TRL", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { break; } Position dtcPos = new Position(); dtcPos.DividendIndex = this.DividendIndex; dtcPos.DTC_Number = str.Substring(19, 8).TrimStart('0'); dtcPos.Company_Name = str.Substring(27, 10).Trim(); string totalPos_str = str.Substring(37).Trim(); decimal tempDecimal = -1; if (decimal.TryParse(totalPos_str, out tempDecimal)) { dtcPos.Total_RecDate_Position = tempDecimal; } posList.Add(dtcPos); } ParticipantMaster pcMaster = new ParticipantMaster(); pcMaster.Init_from_dtcPosList(posList); Bulk_DBcmd buk_ins = new Bulk_DBcmd(); List <DTC_Participants> missing_DCTpart_list = new List <DTC_Participants>(); foreach (Position pos in posList) { Participant pt = pcMaster.GetParticipant(pos.DTC_Number); if (pt == null) { DTC_Participants dtcPart = new DTC_Participants(); int tempInt = -1; if (!int.TryParse(pos.DTC_Number, out tempInt)) { continue; } dtcPart.DTC = tempInt; dtcPart.DTC_Number.Value = pos.DTC_Number; dtcPart.Company_Name.Value = pos.Company_Name; missing_DCTpart_list.Add(dtcPart); } else { pos.Company_Name = pt.Company_Name; //if exist, change the name to what we have in [DTC_Participants] } buk_ins.Add_DBcmd(pos.Get_DBinsert()); } int count0 = buk_ins.SaveToDB(Utility.Get_DRWIN_hDB()); int count1 = DTC_Participants_master.Insert_DTC_Participants(missing_DCTpart_list); return(true); }