private static string CreateMessage(ParameterStructure result)
            string message  = "Parameter " + result.Names[0] + " is Exclusive. Therefore you can't use it with other parameters.";
            string location = new PositionException(result.Flags, null).Message;
            string solution = "Remove the exclusive flag in line " + result.Flags.Line + " or don't set others here.";

            return(message + Environment.NewLine + location + Environment.NewLine + solution + Environment.NewLine);
 public NameAlreadyUsedException(string message, ParameterStructure parameter, ParameterStructure parameterStructure) : base(message)
 public ParameterDoesNotExistException(ParameterStructure parameter, string other)
 public ExclusiveParameterException(ParameterStructure result) : base(CreateMessage(result))
 public ParameterNotAllowedException(ParameterStructure otherParameter, ParameterStructure parameter)