        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the lambda expression from the statements attached to this entry and the parameter definitions in the provided program context.
        /// </summary>
        public LambdaExpression CreateLambda(VisualProgram context)
            if (!context.Environment.EntryDefinitions.TryGetValue(VisualEntryId, out var def))
                throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Could not find an entry with ID '{VisualEntryId}' in the VisualProgram's entry definitions.");

            // Create a parameter for each expected/defined parameter
            var parameters = def.Parameters.Map(Expression.Parameter);

                           // Before doing the main body of the entry function, make expressions to copy the incoming parameters to variables
                           .Where(mapping => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mapping.Value)) // Exclude any that don't actually map to anything
                           .Select(p => VariableAccessorFactory.CreateSetterExpression(
                                       VariableReference.Create(def.Parameters[p.Key], p.Value),
                               // Then do the actual main body
                               NodeUtils.FlattenExpressions(context, FirstStatement)

                       // All lambdas will get a context parameter
                       // We also pass the defined parameters to the lambda so it knows what types to expect and what signature to have.
                       // This needs to happen regardless or not of whether the parameters are actually used by the entry function as this determines the delegate's signature.
                       new[] { context.Variables.compiledInstanceParameter }.Concat(parameters)