public void MoveToSection() { //ExStart:MoveToSection Document doc = new Document(); doc.AppendChild(new Section(doc)); // Move a DocumentBuilder to the second section and add text. DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc); builder.MoveToSection(1); builder.Writeln("Text added to the 2nd section."); // Create document with paragraphs. doc = new Document(MyDir + "Paragraphs.docx"); ParagraphCollection paragraphs = doc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs; Assert.AreEqual(22, paragraphs.Count); // When we create a DocumentBuilder for a document, its cursor is at the very beginning of the document by default, // and any content added by the DocumentBuilder will just be prepended to the document. builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc); Assert.AreEqual(0, paragraphs.IndexOf(builder.CurrentParagraph)); // You can move the cursor to any position in a paragraph. builder.MoveToParagraph(2, 10); Assert.AreEqual(2, paragraphs.IndexOf(builder.CurrentParagraph)); builder.Writeln("This is a new third paragraph. "); Assert.AreEqual(3, paragraphs.IndexOf(builder.CurrentParagraph)); //ExEnd:MoveToSection }
public void LinesToDrop() { //ExStart //ExFor:ParagraphFormat.LinesToDrop //ExSummary:Shows how to set the size of the drop cap text. Document doc = new Document(); DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc); // Setting this attribute will designate the current paragraph as a drop cap, // in this case with a height of 4 lines of text builder.ParagraphFormat.LinesToDrop = 4; builder.Write("H"); // Any subsequent paragraphs will wrap around the drop cap builder.InsertParagraph(); builder.Write("ello world!"); doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "ParagraphFormat.LinesToDrop.odt"); //ExEnd doc = new Document(ArtifactsDir + "ParagraphFormat.LinesToDrop.odt"); ParagraphCollection paragraphs = doc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs; Assert.AreEqual(4, paragraphs[0].ParagraphFormat.LinesToDrop); Assert.AreEqual(0, paragraphs[1].ParagraphFormat.LinesToDrop); }
public void InformationExtraction() { string decMess = ""; Document document = new Document(); document.LoadFromFile(pathSaveReceivedFile); ParagraphCollection paragraph = document.Sections[0].Paragraphs; foreach (Paragraph par in paragraph) { foreach (DocumentObject docObj in par.ChildObjects) { if (docObj is TextRange) { TextRange textRange = docObj as TextRange; if (textRange.CharacterFormat.CharacterSpacing == singleBitValue) { decMess += '1'; } if (textRange.CharacterFormat.CharacterSpacing == zeroBitValue) { decMess += '0'; } if (textRange.CharacterFormat.CharacterSpacing == 0.05f) { decMess += ' '; } } } } labelDecryptText.Text = "Извлеченная информация: " + ConvertToMessage(decMess); }
public void Revisions() { //ExStart //ExFor:Paragraph.IsMoveFromRevision //ExFor:Paragraph.IsMoveToRevision //ExFor:ParagraphCollection //ExFor:ParagraphCollection.Item(Int32) //ExFor:Story.Paragraphs //ExSummary:Shows how to check whether a paragraph is a move revision. Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Revisions.docx"); // This document contains "Move" revisions, which appear when we highlight text with the cursor, // and then drag it to move it to another location // while tracking revisions in Microsoft Word via "Review" -> "Track changes". Assert.AreEqual(6, doc.Revisions.Count(r => r.RevisionType == RevisionType.Moving)); ParagraphCollection paragraphs = doc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs; // Move revisions consist of pairs of "Move from", and "Move to" revisions. // These revisions are potential changes to the document that we can either accept or reject. // Before we accept/reject a move revision, the document // must keep track of both the departure and arrival destinations of the text. // The second and the fourth paragraph define one such revision, and thus both have the same contents. Assert.AreEqual(paragraphs[1].GetText(), paragraphs[3].GetText()); // The "Move from" revision is the paragraph where we dragged the text from. // If we accept the revision, this paragraph will disappear, // and the other will remain and no longer be a revision. Assert.True(paragraphs[1].IsMoveFromRevision); // The "Move to" revision is the paragraph where we dragged the text to. // If we reject the revision, this paragraph instead will disappear, and the other will remain. Assert.True(paragraphs[3].IsMoveToRevision); //ExEnd }
internal void method_28() { if ((this.m_bodyItems != null) && (this.m_bodyItems.Count > 0)) { BodyRegion region = null; for (int i = 0; i < this.m_bodyItems.Count; i++) { region = this.m_bodyItems[i]; region.Close(); region = null; } this.m_bodyItems.Clear(); this.m_bodyItems = null; } if (this.paragraphCollection_0 != null) { this.paragraphCollection_0.Clear(); this.paragraphCollection_0 = null; } if (this.tableCollection_0 != null) { this.tableCollection_0.Clear(); this.tableCollection_0 = null; } if (this.formFieldCollection_0 != null) { this.formFieldCollection_0.InnerList.Clear(); this.formFieldCollection_0 = null; } }
public void HorizontalBorders() { //ExStart //ExFor:BorderCollection.Horizontal //ExSummary:Shows how to apply settings to horizontal borders to a paragraph's format. Document doc = new Document(); DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc); // Create a red horizontal border for the paragraph. Any paragraphs created afterwards will inherit these border settings. BorderCollection borders = doc.FirstSection.Body.FirstParagraph.ParagraphFormat.Borders; borders.Horizontal.Color = Color.Red; borders.Horizontal.LineStyle = LineStyle.DashSmallGap; borders.Horizontal.LineWidth = 3; // Write text to the document without creating a new paragraph afterward. // Since there is no paragraph underneath, the horizontal border will not be visible. builder.Write("Paragraph above horizontal border."); // Once we add a second paragraph, the border of the first paragraph will become visible. builder.InsertParagraph(); builder.Write("Paragraph below horizontal border."); doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Border.HorizontalBorders.docx"); //ExEnd doc = new Document(ArtifactsDir + "Border.HorizontalBorders.docx"); ParagraphCollection paragraphs = doc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs; Assert.AreEqual(LineStyle.DashSmallGap, paragraphs[0].ParagraphFormat.Borders[BorderType.Horizontal].LineStyle); Assert.AreEqual(LineStyle.DashSmallGap, paragraphs[1].ParagraphFormat.Borders[BorderType.Horizontal].LineStyle); }
static void CreateNumberedList(Document document) { #region #CreateNumberedList document.LoadDocument("Documents//List.docx"); document.BeginUpdate(); //Create a new pattern object AbstractNumberingList abstractListNumberingRoman = document.AbstractNumberingLists.Add(); //Specify the list's type abstractListNumberingRoman.NumberingType = NumberingType.Simple; //Define the first level's properties ListLevel level = abstractListNumberingRoman.Levels[0]; level.ParagraphProperties.LeftIndent = 150; level.ParagraphProperties.FirstLineIndentType = ParagraphFirstLineIndent.Hanging; level.ParagraphProperties.FirstLineIndent = 75; level.Start = 1; //Specify the roman format level.NumberingFormat = NumberingFormat.LowerRoman; level.DisplayFormatString = "{0}."; //Create a new list based on the specific pattern NumberingList numberingList = document.NumberingLists.Add(0); document.EndUpdate(); document.BeginUpdate(); ParagraphCollection paragraphs = document.Paragraphs; //Add paragraphs to the list paragraphs.AddParagraphsToList(document.Range, numberingList, 0); document.EndUpdate(); #endregion #CreateNumberedList }
static void CreateBulletedList(Document document) { #region #CreateBulletedList document.LoadDocument("Documents//List.docx"); document.BeginUpdate(); // Create a new list pattern object AbstractNumberingList list = document.AbstractNumberingLists.Add(); //Specify the list's type list.NumberingType = NumberingType.Bullet; ListLevel level = list.Levels[0]; level.ParagraphProperties.LeftIndent = 100; //Specify the bullets' format //Without this step, the list is considered as numbered level.DisplayFormatString = "\u00B7"; level.CharacterProperties.FontName = "Symbol"; //Create a new list based on the specific pattern NumberingList bulletedList = document.NumberingLists.Add(0); // Add paragraphs to the list ParagraphCollection paragraphs = document.Paragraphs; paragraphs.AddParagraphsToList(document.Range, bulletedList, 0); document.EndUpdate(); #endregion #CreateBulletedList }
public void KeepSourceNumbering() { //ExStart:KeepSourceNumbering Document srcDoc = new Document(MyDir + "Document source.docx"); Document dstDoc = new Document(MyDir + "Northwind traders.docx"); // Keep source list formatting when importing numbered paragraphs. ImportFormatOptions importFormatOptions = new ImportFormatOptions { KeepSourceNumbering = true }; NodeImporter importer = new NodeImporter(srcDoc, dstDoc, ImportFormatMode.KeepSourceFormatting, importFormatOptions); ParagraphCollection srcParas = srcDoc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs; foreach (Paragraph srcPara in srcParas) { Node importedNode = importer.ImportNode(srcPara, false); dstDoc.FirstSection.Body.AppendChild(importedNode); } dstDoc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "JoinAndAppendDocuments.KeepSourceNumbering.docx"); //ExEnd:KeepSourceNumbering }
public void IgnoreTextBoxes() { //ExStart:IgnoreTextBoxes Document srcDoc = new Document(MyDir + "Document source.docx"); Document dstDoc = new Document(MyDir + "Northwind traders.docx"); // Keep the source text boxes formatting when importing. ImportFormatOptions importFormatOptions = new ImportFormatOptions { IgnoreTextBoxes = false }; NodeImporter importer = new NodeImporter(srcDoc, dstDoc, ImportFormatMode.KeepSourceFormatting, importFormatOptions); ParagraphCollection srcParas = srcDoc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs; foreach (Paragraph srcPara in srcParas) { Node importedNode = importer.ImportNode(srcPara, true); dstDoc.FirstSection.Body.AppendChild(importedNode); } dstDoc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "JoinAndAppendDocuments.IgnoreTextBoxes.docx"); //ExEnd:IgnoreTextBoxes }
public void RevisionHistory() { //ExStart //ExFor:Paragraph.IsMoveFromRevision //ExFor:Paragraph.IsMoveToRevision //ExFor:ParagraphCollection //ExFor:ParagraphCollection.Item(Int32) //ExFor:Story.Paragraphs //ExSummary:Shows how to get paragraph that was moved (deleted/inserted) in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled. Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Revisions.docx"); // There are two sets of move revisions in this document // One moves a small part of a paragraph, while the other moves a whole paragraph // Paragraph.IsMoveFromRevision/IsMoveToRevision will only be true if a whole paragraph is moved, as in the latter case ParagraphCollection paragraphs = doc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs; for (int i = 0; i < paragraphs.Count; i++) { if (paragraphs[i].IsMoveFromRevision) { Console.WriteLine("The paragraph {0} has been moved (deleted).", i); } if (paragraphs[i].IsMoveToRevision) { Console.WriteLine("The paragraph {0} has been moved (inserted).", i); } } //ExEnd Assert.AreEqual(11, doc.Revisions.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(6, doc.Revisions.Count(r => r.RevisionType == RevisionType.Moving)); Assert.AreEqual(1, paragraphs.Count(p => ((Paragraph)p).IsMoveFromRevision)); Assert.AreEqual(1, paragraphs.Count(p => ((Paragraph)p).IsMoveToRevision)); }
public void IParagraphCollectionBuilderTest() { //some text e.g read from a TextBox string someText = "Max Mustermann\nMustermann Str. 300\n22222 Hamburg\n\n\n\n" + "Heinz Willi\nDorfstr. 1\n22225 Hamburg\n\n\n\n" + "Offer for 200 Intel Pentium 4 CPU's\n\n\n\n" + "Dear Mr. Willi,\n\n\n\n" + "thank you for your request. \tWe can offer you the 200 Intel Pentium IV 3 Ghz CPU's for a price of 79,80 € per unit." + "This special offer is valid to 31.10.2005. If you accept, we can deliver within 24 hours.\n\n\n\n" + "Best regards \nMax Mustermann"; //Create new TextDocument TextDocument document = new TextDocument(); document.New(); //Use the ParagraphBuilder to split the string into ParagraphCollection ParagraphCollection pCollection = ParagraphBuilder.CreateParagraphCollection( document, someText, true, ParagraphBuilder.ParagraphSeperator); //Add the paragraph collection foreach (Paragraph paragraph in pCollection) { document.Content.Add(paragraph); } //save document.SaveTo(AARunMeFirstAndOnce.outPutFolder + "Letter.odt"); }
public void LinesToDrop() { //ExStart //ExFor:ParagraphFormat.LinesToDrop //ExSummary:Shows how to set the size of a drop cap. Document doc = new Document(); DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc); // Modify the "LinesToDrop" property to designate a paragraph as a drop cap, // which will turn it into a large capital letter that will decorate the next paragraph. // Give this property a value of 4 to give the drop cap the height of four text lines. builder.ParagraphFormat.LinesToDrop = 4; builder.Writeln("H"); // Reset the "LinesToDrop" property to 0 to turn the next paragraph into an ordinary paragraph. // The text in this paragraph will wrap around the drop cap. builder.ParagraphFormat.LinesToDrop = 0; builder.Writeln("ello world!"); doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "ParagraphFormat.LinesToDrop.odt"); //ExEnd doc = new Document(ArtifactsDir + "ParagraphFormat.LinesToDrop.odt"); ParagraphCollection paragraphs = doc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs; Assert.AreEqual(4, paragraphs[0].ParagraphFormat.LinesToDrop); Assert.AreEqual(0, paragraphs[1].ParagraphFormat.LinesToDrop); }
public void GetFrameProperties() { //ExStart //ExFor:Paragraph.FrameFormat //ExFor:FrameFormat //ExFor:FrameFormat.IsFrame //ExFor:FrameFormat.Width //ExFor:FrameFormat.Height //ExFor:FrameFormat.HeightRule //ExFor:FrameFormat.HorizontalAlignment //ExFor:FrameFormat.VerticalAlignment //ExFor:FrameFormat.HorizontalPosition //ExFor:FrameFormat.RelativeHorizontalPosition //ExFor:FrameFormat.HorizontalDistanceFromText //ExFor:FrameFormat.VerticalPosition //ExFor:FrameFormat.RelativeVerticalPosition //ExFor:FrameFormat.VerticalDistanceFromText //ExSummary:Shows how to get information about formatting properties of paragraph as frame. Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Paragraph.Frame.docx"); ParagraphCollection paragraphs = doc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs; foreach (Paragraph paragraph in paragraphs.OfType <Paragraph>()) { if (paragraph.FrameFormat.IsFrame) { Console.WriteLine("Width: " + paragraph.FrameFormat.Width); Console.WriteLine("Height: " + paragraph.FrameFormat.Height); Console.WriteLine("HeightRule: " + paragraph.FrameFormat.HeightRule); Console.WriteLine("HorizontalAlignment: " + paragraph.FrameFormat.HorizontalAlignment); Console.WriteLine("VerticalAlignment: " + paragraph.FrameFormat.VerticalAlignment); Console.WriteLine("HorizontalPosition: " + paragraph.FrameFormat.HorizontalPosition); Console.WriteLine("RelativeHorizontalPosition: " + paragraph.FrameFormat.RelativeHorizontalPosition); Console.WriteLine("HorizontalDistanceFromText: " + paragraph.FrameFormat.HorizontalDistanceFromText); Console.WriteLine("VerticalPosition: " + paragraph.FrameFormat.VerticalPosition); Console.WriteLine("RelativeVerticalPosition: " + paragraph.FrameFormat.RelativeVerticalPosition); Console.WriteLine("VerticalDistanceFromText: " + paragraph.FrameFormat.VerticalDistanceFromText); } } //ExEnd if (paragraphs[0].FrameFormat.IsFrame) { Assert.AreEqual(233.3, paragraphs[0].FrameFormat.Width); Assert.AreEqual(138.8, paragraphs[0].FrameFormat.Height); Assert.AreEqual(21.05, paragraphs[0].FrameFormat.HorizontalPosition); Assert.AreEqual(RelativeHorizontalPosition.Page, paragraphs[0].FrameFormat.RelativeHorizontalPosition); Assert.AreEqual(9, paragraphs[0].FrameFormat.HorizontalDistanceFromText); Assert.AreEqual(-17.65, paragraphs[0].FrameFormat.VerticalPosition); Assert.AreEqual(RelativeVerticalPosition.Paragraph, paragraphs[0].FrameFormat.RelativeVerticalPosition); Assert.AreEqual(0, paragraphs[0].FrameFormat.VerticalDistanceFromText); } else { Assert.Fail("There are no frames in the document."); } }
public Text(Content container, string key, float rotation) : base(key, container.Parent) { Paragraphs = new ParagraphCollection(); VerticalAlignment =; _rotation = rotation; Key = key; Container = container; }
public void LineSpacing() { //ExStart //ExFor:ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing //ExFor:ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule //ExSummary:Shows how to work with line spacing. Document doc = new Document(); DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc); // Below are three line spacing rules that we can define using the // paragraph's "LineSpacingRule" property to configure spacing between paragraphs. // 1 - Set a minimum amount of spacing. // This will give vertical padding to lines of text of any size // that is too small to maintain the minimum line-height. builder.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule = LineSpacingRule.AtLeast; builder.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing = 20; builder.Writeln("Minimum line spacing of 20."); builder.Writeln("Minimum line spacing of 20."); // 2 - Set exact spacing. // Using font sizes that are too large for the spacing will truncate the text. builder.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule = LineSpacingRule.Exactly; builder.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing = 5; builder.Writeln("Line spacing of exactly 5."); builder.Writeln("Line spacing of exactly 5."); // 3 - Set spacing as a multiple of default line spacing, which is 12 points by default. // This kind of spacing will scale to different font sizes. builder.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule = LineSpacingRule.Multiple; builder.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing = 18; builder.Writeln("Line spacing of 1.5 default lines."); builder.Writeln("Line spacing of 1.5 default lines."); doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing.docx"); //ExEnd doc = new Document(ArtifactsDir + "ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing.docx"); ParagraphCollection paragraphs = doc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs; Assert.AreEqual(LineSpacingRule.AtLeast, paragraphs[0].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule); Assert.AreEqual(20.0d, paragraphs[0].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing); Assert.AreEqual(LineSpacingRule.AtLeast, paragraphs[1].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule); Assert.AreEqual(20.0d, paragraphs[1].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing); Assert.AreEqual(LineSpacingRule.Exactly, paragraphs[2].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule); Assert.AreEqual(5.0d, paragraphs[2].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing); Assert.AreEqual(LineSpacingRule.Exactly, paragraphs[3].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule); Assert.AreEqual(5.0d, paragraphs[3].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing); Assert.AreEqual(LineSpacingRule.Multiple, paragraphs[4].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule); Assert.AreEqual(18.0d, paragraphs[4].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing); Assert.AreEqual(LineSpacingRule.Multiple, paragraphs[5].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule); Assert.AreEqual(18.0d, paragraphs[5].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing); }
static void CreateMultilevelList(Document document) { #region #CreateMultilevelList document.LoadDocument("Documents//List.docx", DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.DocumentFormat.OpenXml); document.BeginUpdate(); //Create a new pattern object AbstractNumberingList list = document.AbstractNumberingLists.Add(); //Specify the list's type list.NumberingType = NumberingType.MultiLevel; //Specify parameters for each list level ListLevel level = list.Levels[0]; level.ParagraphProperties.LeftIndent = 105; level.ParagraphProperties.FirstLineIndentType = ParagraphFirstLineIndent.Hanging; level.ParagraphProperties.FirstLineIndent = 55; level.Start = 1; level.NumberingFormat = NumberingFormat.UpperRoman; level.DisplayFormatString = "{0}"; level = list.Levels[1]; level.ParagraphProperties.LeftIndent = 125; level.ParagraphProperties.FirstLineIndentType = ParagraphFirstLineIndent.Hanging; level.ParagraphProperties.FirstLineIndent = 65; level.Start = 1; level.NumberingFormat = NumberingFormat.LowerRoman; level.DisplayFormatString = "{1})"; level = list.Levels[2]; level.ParagraphProperties.LeftIndent = 145; level.ParagraphProperties.FirstLineIndentType = ParagraphFirstLineIndent.Hanging; level.ParagraphProperties.FirstLineIndent = 75; level.Start = 1; level.NumberingFormat = NumberingFormat.LowerLetter; level.DisplayFormatString = "{2}."; //Create a new list object based on the specified pattern document.NumberingLists.Add(0); document.EndUpdate(); //Convert all paragraphs to list items document.BeginUpdate(); ParagraphCollection paragraphs = document.Paragraphs; foreach (Paragraph pgf in paragraphs) { pgf.ListIndex = 0; pgf.ListLevel = pgf.Index; } document.EndUpdate(); #endregion #CreateMultilevelList }
public void LineSpacing() { //ExStart //ExFor:ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing //ExFor:ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule //ExSummary:Shows how to work with line spacing. Document doc = new Document(); DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc); // Set the paragraph's line spacing to have a minimum value // This will give vertical padding to lines of text of any size that's too small to maintain the line height builder.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule = LineSpacingRule.AtLeast; builder.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing = 20.0; builder.Writeln("Minimum line spacing of 20."); builder.Writeln("Minimum line spacing of 20."); // Set the line spacing to always be exactly 5 points // If the font size is larger than the spacing, the top of the text will be truncated builder.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule = LineSpacingRule.Exactly; builder.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing = 5.0; builder.Writeln("Line spacing of exactly 5."); builder.Writeln("Line spacing of exactly 5."); // Set the line spacing to a multiple of the default line spacing, which is 12 points by default // 18 points will set the spacing to always be 1.5 lines, which will scale with different font sizes builder.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule = LineSpacingRule.Multiple; builder.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing = 18.0; builder.Writeln("Line spacing of 1.5 default lines."); builder.Writeln("Line spacing of 1.5 default lines."); doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing.docx"); //ExEnd doc = new Document(ArtifactsDir + "ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing.docx"); ParagraphCollection paragraphs = doc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs; Assert.AreEqual(LineSpacingRule.AtLeast, paragraphs[0].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule); Assert.AreEqual(20.0d, paragraphs[0].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing); Assert.AreEqual(LineSpacingRule.AtLeast, paragraphs[1].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule); Assert.AreEqual(20.0d, paragraphs[1].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing); Assert.AreEqual(LineSpacingRule.Exactly, paragraphs[2].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule); Assert.AreEqual(5.0d, paragraphs[2].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing); Assert.AreEqual(LineSpacingRule.Exactly, paragraphs[3].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule); Assert.AreEqual(5.0d, paragraphs[3].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing); Assert.AreEqual(LineSpacingRule.Multiple, paragraphs[4].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule); Assert.AreEqual(18.0d, paragraphs[4].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing); Assert.AreEqual(LineSpacingRule.Multiple, paragraphs[5].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule); Assert.AreEqual(18.0d, paragraphs[5].ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing); }
static void CreateNumberedList(RichEditDocumentServer server) { #region #CreateNumberedList Document document = server.Document; document.BeginUpdate(); // Define an abstract list that is the pattern for lists used in the document. AbstractNumberingList list = document.AbstractNumberingLists.Add(); list.NumberingType = NumberingType.MultiLevel; // Specify parameters for each list level. ListLevel level = list.Levels[0]; level.ParagraphProperties.LeftIndent = 150; level.ParagraphProperties.FirstLineIndentType = ParagraphFirstLineIndent.Hanging; level.ParagraphProperties.FirstLineIndent = 75; level.Start = 1; level.NumberingFormat = NumberingFormat.Decimal; level.DisplayFormatString = "{0}"; level = list.Levels[1]; level.ParagraphProperties.LeftIndent = 300; level.ParagraphProperties.FirstLineIndentType = ParagraphFirstLineIndent.Hanging; level.ParagraphProperties.FirstLineIndent = 150; level.Start = 1; level.NumberingFormat = NumberingFormat.DecimalEnclosedParenthses; level.DisplayFormatString = "{0}→{1}"; level = list.Levels[2]; level.ParagraphProperties.LeftIndent = 450; level.ParagraphProperties.FirstLineIndentType = ParagraphFirstLineIndent.Hanging; level.ParagraphProperties.FirstLineIndent = 220; level.Start = 1; level.NumberingFormat = NumberingFormat.LowerRoman; level.DisplayFormatString = "{0}→{1}→{2}"; // Create a list for use in the document. It is based on a previously defined abstract list with ID = 0. document.NumberingLists.Add(0); document.EndUpdate(); document.AppendText("Line one\nLine two\nLine three\nLine four"); // Convert all paragraphs to list items of level 0. document.BeginUpdate(); ParagraphCollection paragraphs = document.Paragraphs; foreach (Paragraph pgf in paragraphs) { pgf.ListIndex = 0; pgf.ListLevel = 0; } // Specify a different level for a certain paragraph. document.Paragraphs[1].ListLevel = 1; document.EndUpdate(); #endregion #CreateNumberedList }
public void TabStops() { //ExStart //ExFor:TabStop.#ctor //ExFor:TabStop.#ctor(Double) //ExFor:TabStop.#ctor(Double,TabAlignment,TabLeader) //ExFor:TabStop.Equals(TabStop) //ExFor:TabStop.IsClear //ExFor:TabStopCollection //ExFor:TabStopCollection.After(Double) //ExFor:TabStopCollection.Before(Double) //ExFor:TabStopCollection.Count //ExFor:TabStopCollection.Equals(TabStopCollection) //ExFor:TabStopCollection.Equals(Object) //ExFor:TabStopCollection.GetHashCode //ExFor:TabStopCollection.Item(Double) //ExFor:TabStopCollection.Item(Int32) //ExSummary:Shows how to add tab stops to a document. Document doc = new Document(); DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc); // Access the collection of tab stops and add some tab stops to it TabStopCollection tabStops = builder.ParagraphFormat.TabStops; // 72 points is one "inch" on the Microsoft Word tab stop ruler tabStops.Add(new TabStop(72.0)); tabStops.Add(new TabStop(432.0, TabAlignment.Right, TabLeader.Dashes)); Assert.AreEqual(2, tabStops.Count); Assert.IsFalse(tabStops[0].IsClear); Assert.IsFalse(tabStops[0].Equals(tabStops[1])); builder.Writeln("Start\tTab 1\tTab 2"); // Get the collection of paragraphs that we've created ParagraphCollection paragraphs = doc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs; Assert.AreEqual(2, paragraphs.Count); // Each paragraph gets its own TabStopCollection which gets values from the DocumentBuilder's collection Assert.AreEqual(paragraphs[0].ParagraphFormat.TabStops, paragraphs[1].ParagraphFormat.TabStops); Assert.AreNotSame(paragraphs[0].ParagraphFormat.TabStops, paragraphs[1].ParagraphFormat.TabStops); Assert.AreNotEqual(paragraphs[0].ParagraphFormat.TabStops.GetHashCode(), paragraphs[1].ParagraphFormat.TabStops.GetHashCode()); // A TabStopCollection can point us to TabStops before and after certain positions Assert.AreEqual(72.0, tabStops.Before(100.0).Position); Assert.AreEqual(432.0, tabStops.After(100.0).Position); doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "TabStopCollection.TabStops.docx"); //ExEnd }
/// <summary> /// Reads the text to document. /// </summary> /// <param name="text">The text.</param> private void ReadTextToDocument(string text) { ParagraphCollection parCol = ParagraphBuilder.CreateParagraphCollection( this._document, text, false, ParagraphBuilder.ParagraphSeperator); if (parCol != null) { foreach (Paragraph paragraph in parCol) { this._document.Content.Add(paragraph); } } }
public void RemoveDuplicateStyles() { //ExStart //ExFor:CleanupOptions.DuplicateStyle //ExSummary:Shows how to remove duplicated styles from the document. Document doc = new Document(); // Add two styles to the document with identical properties, // but different names. The second style is considered a duplicate of the first. Style myStyle = doc.Styles.Add(StyleType.Paragraph, "MyStyle1"); myStyle.Font.Size = 14; myStyle.Font.Name = "Courier New"; myStyle.Font.Color = Color.Blue; Style duplicateStyle = doc.Styles.Add(StyleType.Paragraph, "MyStyle2"); duplicateStyle.Font.Size = 14; duplicateStyle.Font.Name = "Courier New"; duplicateStyle.Font.Color = Color.Blue; Assert.AreEqual(6, doc.Styles.Count); // Apply both styles to different paragraphs within the document. DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc); builder.ParagraphFormat.StyleName = myStyle.Name; builder.Writeln("Hello world!"); builder.ParagraphFormat.StyleName = duplicateStyle.Name; builder.Writeln("Hello again!"); ParagraphCollection paragraphs = doc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs; Assert.AreEqual(myStyle, paragraphs[0].ParagraphFormat.Style); Assert.AreEqual(duplicateStyle, paragraphs[1].ParagraphFormat.Style); // Configure a CleanOptions object, then call the Cleanup method to substitute all duplicate styles // with the original and remove the duplicates from the document. CleanupOptions cleanupOptions = new CleanupOptions(); cleanupOptions.DuplicateStyle = true; doc.Cleanup(cleanupOptions); Assert.AreEqual(5, doc.Styles.Count); Assert.AreEqual(myStyle, paragraphs[0].ParagraphFormat.Style); Assert.AreEqual(myStyle, paragraphs[1].ParagraphFormat.Style); //ExEnd }
void QuoteMessage(RichEditDocumentServer server) { Document document = server.Document; ParagraphCollection paragraphs = document.Paragraphs; foreach (Paragraph paragraph in paragraphs) { DocumentRange range = paragraph.Range; if (document.GetTableCell(range.Start) == null && !paragraph.IsInList) { document.InsertText(range.Start, ">> "); } } }
public void IgnoreFootnote(bool isIgnoreFootnotes) { //ExStart //ExFor:FindReplaceOptions.IgnoreFootnotes //ExSummary:Shows how to ignore footnotes during a find-and-replace operation. Document doc = new Document(); DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc); builder.Write("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."); builder.InsertFootnote(FootnoteType.Footnote, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."); builder.InsertParagraph(); builder.Write("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."); builder.InsertFootnote(FootnoteType.Endnote, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."); // Set the "IgnoreFootnotes" flag to "true" to get the find-and-replace // operation to ignore text inside footnotes. // Set the "IgnoreFootnotes" flag to "false" to get the find-and-replace // operation to also search for text inside footnotes. FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions { IgnoreFootnotes = isIgnoreFootnotes }; doc.Range.Replace("Lorem ipsum", "Replaced Lorem ipsum", options); //ExEnd ParagraphCollection paragraphs = doc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs; foreach (Paragraph para in paragraphs) { Assert.AreEqual("Replaced Lorem ipsum", para.Runs[0].Text); } List <Footnote> footnotes = doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Footnote, true).Cast <Footnote>().ToList(); Assert.AreEqual( isIgnoreFootnotes ? "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." : "Replaced Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.", footnotes[0].ToString(SaveFormat.Text).Trim()); Assert.AreEqual( isIgnoreFootnotes ? "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." : "Replaced Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.", footnotes[1].ToString(SaveFormat.Text).Trim()); }
public void IsRevision() { //ExStart //ExFor:Paragraph.IsDeleteRevision //ExFor:Paragraph.IsInsertRevision //ExSummary:Shows how to work with revision paragraphs. Document doc = new Document(); Body body = doc.FirstSection.Body; Paragraph para = body.FirstParagraph; para.AppendChild(new Run(doc, "Paragraph 1. ")); body.AppendParagraph("Paragraph 2. "); body.AppendParagraph("Paragraph 3. "); // The above paragraphs are not revisions. // Paragraphs that we add after starting revision tracking will register as "Insert" revisions. doc.StartTrackRevisions("John Doe", DateTime.Now); para = body.AppendParagraph("Paragraph 4. "); Assert.True(para.IsInsertRevision); // Paragraphs that we remove after starting revision tracking will register as "Delete" revisions. ParagraphCollection paragraphs = body.Paragraphs; Assert.AreEqual(4, paragraphs.Count); para = paragraphs[2]; para.Remove(); // Such paragraphs will remain until we either accept or reject the delete revision. // Accepting the revision will remove the paragraph for good, // and rejecting the revision will leave it in the document as if we never deleted it. Assert.AreEqual(4, paragraphs.Count); Assert.True(para.IsDeleteRevision); // Accept the revision, and then verify that the paragraph is gone. doc.AcceptAllRevisions(); Assert.AreEqual(3, paragraphs.Count); Assert.That(para, Is.Empty); Assert.AreEqual( "Paragraph 1. \r" + "Paragraph 2. \r" + "Paragraph 4.", doc.GetText().Trim()); //ExEnd }
public void DealWord(KeyValuePair <string, string> item) { string newContent = string.Empty, text = string.Empty; Document doc = new Document(item.Value); ParagraphCollection pCollection = null; if (doc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs.Count > 0) { pCollection = doc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs;//word中的所有段落 } foreach (Paragraph pc in pCollection) { text = tool.GetUtf8String(tool.StringConvert(pc.GetText())).Replace("\r", "").Replace("\f", ""); newContent += Translate(text) + "\r\n"; } tool.WriteWord(item.Key, newContent); }
public void AcceptRevisions() { //ExStart:AcceptAllRevisions Document doc = new Document(); Body body = doc.FirstSection.Body; Paragraph para = body.FirstParagraph; // Add text to the first paragraph, then add two more paragraphs. para.AppendChild(new Run(doc, "Paragraph 1. ")); body.AppendParagraph("Paragraph 2. "); body.AppendParagraph("Paragraph 3. "); // We have three paragraphs, none of which registered as any type of revision // If we add/remove any content in the document while tracking revisions, // they will be displayed as such in the document and can be accepted/rejected. doc.StartTrackRevisions("John Doe", DateTime.Now); // This paragraph is a revision and will have the according "IsInsertRevision" flag set. para = body.AppendParagraph("Paragraph 4. "); Assert.True(para.IsInsertRevision); // Get the document's paragraph collection and remove a paragraph. ParagraphCollection paragraphs = body.Paragraphs; Assert.AreEqual(4, paragraphs.Count); para = paragraphs[2]; para.Remove(); // Since we are tracking revisions, the paragraph still exists in the document, will have the "IsDeleteRevision" set // and will be displayed as a revision in Microsoft Word, until we accept or reject all revisions. Assert.AreEqual(4, paragraphs.Count); Assert.True(para.IsDeleteRevision); // The delete revision paragraph is removed once we accept changes. doc.AcceptAllRevisions(); Assert.AreEqual(3, paragraphs.Count); Assert.That(para, Is.Empty); // Stopping the tracking of revisions makes this text appear as normal text. // Revisions are not counted when the document is changed. doc.StopTrackRevisions(); // Save the document. doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "WorkingWithRevisions.AcceptRevisions.docx"); //ExEnd:AcceptAllRevisions }
public void DealWord(KeyValuePair <string, string> item) { Document doc = new Document(item.Value); ParagraphCollection pCollection = null; if (doc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs.Count > 0) { pCollection = doc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs;//word中的所有段落 } string text = string.Empty; foreach (Paragraph pc in pCollection) { text += pc.GetText() + "\r\n"; } string newText = Translate(text); tool.WriteWord(item.Key, newText); }
public void IsRevision() { //ExStart //ExFor:Paragraph.IsDeleteRevision //ExFor:Paragraph.IsInsertRevision //ExSummary:Shows how to work with revision paragraphs. // Create a blank document, populate the first paragraph with text and add two more Document doc = new Document(); Body body = doc.FirstSection.Body; Paragraph para = body.FirstParagraph; para.AppendChild(new Run(doc, "Paragraph 1. ")); body.AppendParagraph("Paragraph 2. "); body.AppendParagraph("Paragraph 3. "); // We have three paragraphs, none of which registered as any type of revision // If we add/remove any content in the document while tracking revisions, // they will be displayed as such in the document and can be accepted/rejected doc.StartTrackRevisions("John Doe", DateTime.Now); // This paragraph is a revision and will have the according "IsInsertRevision" flag set para = body.AppendParagraph("Paragraph 4. "); Assert.True(para.IsInsertRevision); // Get the document's paragraph collection and remove a paragraph ParagraphCollection paragraphs = body.Paragraphs; Assert.AreEqual(4, paragraphs.Count); para = paragraphs[2]; para.Remove(); // Since we are tracking revisions, the paragraph still exists in the document, will have the "IsDeleteRevision" set // and will be displayed as a revision in Microsoft Word, until we accept or reject all revisions Assert.AreEqual(4, paragraphs.Count); Assert.True(para.IsDeleteRevision); // The delete revision paragraph is removed once we accept changes doc.AcceptAllRevisions(); Assert.AreEqual(3, paragraphs.Count); Assert.That(para, Is.Empty); //ExEnd }
static void CreateBulletedList(RichEditDocumentServer server) { #region #CreateBulletedList Document document = server.Document; document.BeginUpdate(); // Define an abstract list that is the pattern for lists used in the document. AbstractNumberingList list = document.AbstractNumberingLists.Add(); list.NumberingType = NumberingType.Bullet; // Specify parameters for each list level. ListLevel level = list.Levels[0]; level.ParagraphProperties.LeftIndent = 100; level.CharacterProperties.FontName = "Symbol"; level.DisplayFormatString = new string('\u00B7', 1); level = list.Levels[1]; level.ParagraphProperties.LeftIndent = 250; level.CharacterProperties.FontName = "Symbol"; level.DisplayFormatString = new string('\u006F', 1); level = list.Levels[2]; level.ParagraphProperties.LeftIndent = 450; level.CharacterProperties.FontName = "Symbol"; level.DisplayFormatString = new string('\u00B7', 1); // Create a list for use in the document. It is based on a previously defined abstract list with ID = 0. document.NumberingLists.Add(0); document.EndUpdate(); document.AppendText("Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3"); // Convert all paragraphs to list items. document.BeginUpdate(); ParagraphCollection paragraphs = document.Paragraphs; foreach (Paragraph pgf in paragraphs) { pgf.ListIndex = 0; pgf.ListLevel = 1; } document.EndUpdate(); #endregion #CreateBulletedList }
/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// <summary> /// Writes this response to the the specified annotation /// </summary> /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public void WriteToCache(IScrScriptureNote ann, FwStyleSheet styleSheet) { ParagraphCollection parasResponse = new ParagraphCollection(Paragraphs, styleSheet); ParagraphCollection.ParaMatchType type; int matchIndex = FindMatchingResponse(parasResponse, ann.ResponsesOS, out type); switch (type) { case ParagraphCollection.ParaMatchType.Exact: case ParagraphCollection.ParaMatchType.Contains: break; // we can ignore the new response -- it's a subset of the old. case ParagraphCollection.ParaMatchType.IsContained: IStJournalText oldText = ann.ResponsesOS[matchIndex]; oldText.ParagraphsOS.Clear(); parasResponse.WriteToCache(oldText); break; case ParagraphCollection.ParaMatchType.None: IStJournalText newText = ann.Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IStJournalTextFactory>().Create(); ann.ResponsesOS.Add(newText); parasResponse.WriteToCache(newText); break; } }
/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// <summary> /// Prepares the paragraphs for the annotation text fields (e.g. Quote, Recommendation, /// etc.) and creates the annotation (or finds an existing one having all the same /// information). /// </summary> /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private IScrScriptureNote FindOrCreateAnnotation(FwStyleSheet styleSheet) { FdoCache cache = styleSheet.Cache; ParagraphCollection parasQuote = new ParagraphCollection(Quote, styleSheet, cache.DefaultVernWs); ParagraphCollection parasDiscussion = new ParagraphCollection(Discussion, styleSheet); ParagraphCollection parasRecommendation = new ParagraphCollection(Suggestion, styleSheet); ParagraphCollection parasResolution = new ParagraphCollection(Resolution, styleSheet); if (m_guidType == Guid.Empty) m_guidType = CmAnnotationDefnTags.kguidAnnConsultantNote; ScrAnnotationInfo info = new ScrAnnotationInfo(m_guidType, parasDiscussion, parasQuote, parasRecommendation, parasResolution, BeginOffset, BeginScrBCVRef, EndScrBCVRef, m_createdDate); IScrScriptureNote scrNote = ScrNoteImportManager.FindOrCreateAnnotation(info, m_guidBegObj); parasQuote.WriteToCache(scrNote.QuoteOA); parasDiscussion.WriteToCache(scrNote.DiscussionOA); parasRecommendation.WriteToCache(scrNote.RecommendationOA); parasResolution.WriteToCache(scrNote.ResolutionOA); return scrNote; }
/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// <summary> /// Find a text that matches the paragraph strings in rgtss, if any. /// </summary> /// <param name="paragraphs">The paragraphs for the response.</param> /// <param name="texts">The sequence of journal texts to search.</param> /// <param name="type">The type of match found (or not).</param> /// <returns>The index of the existing text found to be a match; or -1 if no match is /// found</returns> /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private static int FindMatchingResponse(ParagraphCollection paragraphs, FdoOwningSequence<IStJournalText> texts, out ParagraphCollection.ParaMatchType type) { for (int i = 0; i < texts.Count; ++i) { if (paragraphs.Equals(texts[i])) { type = ParagraphCollection.ParaMatchType.Exact; return i; } } type = ParagraphCollection.ParaMatchType.None; return -1; }