public static decimal GetTotal(int year) { string sql = string.Format("select PBIDTitol from [dbo].[BG_ProBasiPubPay] where Year(PBYear)={0}", year); decimal t = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(DBUnity.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, sql, null)); return(t); }
protected void btnPreadd_DirectClick(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { int curtime = common.IntSafeConvert(txtPreYear.Text.Trim()); if (!BG_PreLogic.IsPreByYear(curtime)) { BG_Pre bg_pre = new BG_Pre(); bg_pre.PreMon = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(txtPreMon.Text.Trim()); bg_pre.Year = Convert.ToInt32(txtPreYear.Text.Trim()); BG_PreManager.AddBG_Pre(bg_pre); X.Msg.Alert("提示", "添加成功!").Show(); } else { BG_Pre bg_pre = new BG_Pre(); DataTable bgsuid = BG_PreLogic.GetBG_PreByyear(curtime); bg_pre.PreID = common.IntSafeConvert(bgsuid.Rows[0]["PreID"].ToString()); bg_pre.PreMon = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(txtPreMon.Text.Trim()); bg_pre.Year = Convert.ToInt32(txtPreYear.Text.Trim()); bool flag = BG_PreManager.ModifyBG_Pre(bg_pre); if (flag) { X.Msg.Alert("提示", "修改成功!").Show(); } else { X.Msg.Alert("提示", "修改失败,请与管理员联系!").Show(); } } }
private void AddBind(string strcon) { string Depname = Getlist(strcon)[0]; string time = Getlist(strcon)[1]; string money = Getlist(strcon)[2]; string Agent = Getlist(strcon)[3]; TextBox1.Text = Depname; char cr; if (time.Contains("/")) { cr = '/'; } else { cr = '-'; } ////////TextBox33.Text = ConvertSum.ConvertToSum(money); TextBox2.Text = time.Split(cr)[0]; TextBox3.Text = time.Split(cr)[1]; TextBox4.Text = time.Split(cr)[2].Substring(0, 2); //TextBox34.Text = Agent; Session["money"] = (ParToDecimal.ParToDel(money) * 10000).ToString(); Session["time"] = time; }
public void Edit2(int id, string name, object BGAMID, string oldValue, string newValue, object customer) { int deptid = DepID; string message = " {0}<br /><b>原收入经费:</b> {1}<br /><b>更改收入经费:</b> {2}"; bool flag = false; BG_Amount ma = new BG_Amount(); ma = BG_AmountLogic.GetBG_AmountByYear(id, common.IntSafeConvert(cmbyear.SelectedItem.Value), deptid); if (ma == null) { ma = new BG_Amount(); ma.BGAMIncome = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(newValue); ma.DepID = deptid; ma.BGAMYear = common.IntSafeConvert(cmbyear.SelectedItem.Value); ma.CBID = id; flag = BG_AmountManager.AddBG_Amount(ma).BGAMID > 0; } else { ma.BGAMIncome = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(newValue); flag = BG_AmountManager.ModifyBG_Amount(ma); } if (flag) { X.Msg.Notify(new NotificationConfig() { Title = "消息提示", Html = string.Format(message, common.IntSafeConvert(cmbyear.SelectedItem.Value) - 1 + "年" + "口径:" + name.Split('、')[1], oldValue, newValue), Width = 250 }).Show(); } }
public static decimal GetARUseMon(int ppid, int DepID, int Year) { string str = string.Format("select sum(ARMon) as ARMon from BG_ApplyReimbur where ppid={0} and DepId={1} and Year(ARTime)={2} and ARListSta='审核通过'", ppid, DepID, Year); decimal t = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(DBUnity.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, str, null)); return(t); }
public void DoYes1(string bgmonid, string mon) { BG_Mon bgMon = BG_MonManager.GetBG_MonByBGID(common.IntSafeConvert(bgmonid)); bgMon.BGMon = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(mon); BG_MonManager.ModifyBG_Mon(bgMon); X.Msg.Alert("提示", "录入金额修改成功!").Show(); }
public static decimal GetEAMon(int depid, int piid, int year) { decimal del = 0; string str = string.Format(" select sum(BEAMon) as BEAMon from dbo.BG_EstimatesAllocation where BEAYear={0} and DepID={1} and PIID={2} ", year, depid, piid); del = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(DBUnity.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, str, null)); return(del); }
private static void DoAudit(string YearMonth, int depid, int pici, DataTable dt, int prid) { BG_MonPayPlanRemark mppr = BG_MonPayPlanRemarkManager.GetBG_MonPayPlanRemarkByPRID(prid); mppr.MASta = "审核通过"; if (BG_MonPayPlanRemarkManager.ModifyBG_MonPayPlanRemark(mppr)) { DataTable paydt = BG_MonPayPlanGenerateLogic.GetMonPayTimepici(YearMonth, depid, pici); for (int i = 0; i < paydt.Rows.Count; i++) { BG_MonPayPlan_His bgMonPayPlanHis = new BG_MonPayPlan_His(); bgMonPayPlanHis.CPID = common.IntSafeConvert(paydt.Rows[i]["CPID"]); bgMonPayPlanHis.DeptID = depid; bgMonPayPlanHis.MPFunding = ParseUtil.ToDecimal(paydt.Rows[i]["MPFunding"].ToString(), 0); bgMonPayPlanHis.MPPHisTime = DateTime.Now; bgMonPayPlanHis.PIID = common.IntSafeConvert(paydt.Rows[i]["PIID"]); bgMonPayPlanHis.MPRemark = "审核通过"; bgMonPayPlanHis.MPFundingAdd = ParseUtil.ToDecimal(paydt.Rows[i]["MPFundingAdd"].ToString(), 0); bgMonPayPlanHis.MPTime = Convert.ToDateTime(paydt.Rows[i]["MPTime"]); bgMonPayPlanHis.MPFundingAddTimes = common.IntSafeConvert(paydt.Rows[i]["MPFundingAddTimes"]); BG_MonPayPlan_HisManager.AddBG_MonPayPlan_His(bgMonPayPlanHis); } for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { int CashierID = BG_CashierLogic.GetCashierIDAudit_RemarkByPiid(depid, YearMonth, common.IntSafeConvert(dt.Rows[i]["PIID"])); if (CashierID > 0) { BG_Cashier bgCashier = BG_CashierManager.GetBG_CashierByCashierid(CashierID); bgCashier.BQMon += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt.Rows[i]["MPFundingAdd"].ToString()); bgCashier.BgMon += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt.Rows[i]["MPFundingAdd"].ToString()); bgCashier.CashierBalance += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt.Rows[i]["MPFundingAdd"].ToString()); bgCashier.CZMon = 0; bgCashier.QTMon = 0; bgCashier.CTime = mppr.MATime; bgCashier.Piid = common.IntSafeConvert(dt.Rows[i]["PIID"]); bgCashier.DepID = mppr.DeptID; BG_CashierManager.ModifyBG_Cashier(bgCashier); } else { BG_Cashier bgCashier = new BG_Cashier(); bgCashier.BQMon += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt.Rows[i]["MPFundingAdd"].ToString()); bgCashier.BgMon += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt.Rows[i]["MPFundingAdd"].ToString()); bgCashier.CashierBalance += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt.Rows[i]["MPFundingAdd"].ToString()); bgCashier.CZMon = 0; bgCashier.QTMon = 0; bgCashier.CTime = mppr.MATime; bgCashier.Piid = common.IntSafeConvert(dt.Rows[i]["PIID"]); bgCashier.DepID = mppr.DeptID; BG_CashierManager.AddBG_Cashier(bgCashier); } } } }
public static decimal GetMonPayYear(int PPID, int depid, int year) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string sqlStr = "select sum(MPFunding) as mon from dbo.BG_MonPayPlan where deptid={0} and PIID={1} and Year(MPTime)={2}"; sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, depid, PPID, year); decimal t = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(DBUnity.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, sqlStr, null)); return(t); }
public static bool GetAllMonByDepID(int DepID, string year) { string sql = string.Format("select Sum(BAAMon)+Sum(SuppMon) from [dbo].[BG_BudgetAllocation] where DepID={0} and BAAYear='{1}'", DepID, year); decimal t = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(DBUnity.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, sql, null)); if (t > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public static decimal GetMon(int year, int piid, int depid) { decimal tt = 0; string sql = string.Format("SELECT sum(BAAMon)+sum(SuppMon) FROM BG_BudgetAllocation WHERE PIID = {0} and DepID = {1} and BAAYear={2}", piid, depid, year); try { tt = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(DBUnity.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, sql, null)); } catch (Exception ex) { tt = 0; } return(tt); }
public static Decimal GetBGQuotaByPIID(int PIID, int year) { Decimal qt = 0; try { string sql = string.Format("SELECT Money FROM BG_Quota WHERE PIID={0} and Year={1} ", PIID, year); qt = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(DBUnity.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, sql, null)); } catch { qt = 0; } return(qt); }
//public static DataTable GetARMon(int ppid, int DepID, string ARTime) //{ // DataTable dt = null; // try // { // string str = string.Format("select sum(ARMon) as ARMon from BG_ApplyReimbur where ppid={0} and DepId={1} and convert(varchar(7),ARTime,120)='{2}' and ARListSta='审核通过'", ppid, DepID, ARTime); // dt = DBUnity.AdapterToTab(str); // } // catch // { // dt = null; // } // return dt; //} public static decimal GetARMon(int ppid, int DepID, string YearMonth) { decimal tt = 0; try { string str = string.Format("select BQMon from V_Cashier_PayIncome where piid={0} and Depid={1} and Convert(varchar(7),Ctime,120)<'{2}'", ppid, DepID, YearMonth); tt = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(DBUnity.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, str, null)); } catch { tt = 0; } return(tt); }
public static decimal ApplyMon(string ARTime, int DepID) { decimal t = 0; try { string str = string.Format("select sum(ARMon) as ARMon from BG_ApplyReimbur where DepId={0} and convert(varchar(7),ARTime,120)<='{1}'", DepID, ARTime); t = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(DBUnity.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, str, null).ToString()); } catch { t = 0; } return(t); }
protected void btnSure_DirectClick(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { string name = ""; try { name = ComboBox1.SelectedItem.Value; } catch { X.Msg.Alert("系统提示", "请选择科目名称。").Show(); return; } if (tfMon.Text == "") { X.Msg.Alert("系统提示", "请填写经费。").Show(); return; } string bgpi = BG_BudItemsLogic.GetBG_PayIncomeByname(name); int piid = common.IntSafeConvert(bgpi.Split(',')[0]); int year = Convert.ToInt32(HidYear.Value); int depid = Convert.ToInt32(HidDepid.Value); BG_EstimatesAllocation ba = new BG_EstimatesAllocation(); ba.DepID = depid; ba.PIID = piid; ba.BEAYear = year; ba.BEAMon = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(tfMon.Text); if (Convert.ToDecimal(tatal.Value) - ba.BEAMon > 0) { if (BGBudItemsService.Isba(year, piid, depid) > 0) { ba.BEAID = BGBudItemsService.IsBEAba(year, piid, depid); BG_EstimatesAllocationManager.ModifyBG_EstimatesAllocation(ba); } else { BG_EstimatesAllocationManager.AddBG_EstimatesAllocation(ba); } Window1.Hidden = true; AddDataBind(); DtDataBind(); } else { X.Msg.Alert("提示", "预算金额不足,无法分配!").Show(); } }
public static decimal getAllMon(int depid, string YearMonth) { decimal t = 0; try { string sql = string.Format("select sum([MPFunding]) as Mon from [dbo].[BG_MonPayPlan] where Convert(varchar(7),MPTime,120)='{0}' and DeptID={1}", YearMonth, depid); t = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(DBUnity.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, sql, null)); } catch (System.Exception ex) { t = 0; } return(t); }
public static decimal GetbxMon(string yearMonth, int DepID) { decimal tt = 0; try { string sql = "select count(Armon) as Armon ,DepID from dbo.BG_ApplyReimbur where Convert(varchar(7),ARTime,120)<='{0}' and ARListSta='审核通过' Where Depid ={1} group by DepID"; sql = string.Format(sql, yearMonth, DepID); tt = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(DBUnity.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, sql, null)); } catch (Exception) { tt = 0; } return(tt); }
public static decimal GetsqMont(string yearMonth, int Depid) { decimal tt = 0; try { string sql = "select sum(MPFunding) as MPFunding from BG_MonPayPlan where Convert(varchar(7),MPTime,120)<='{0}' and deptid={1} "; sql = string.Format(sql, yearMonth, Depid); tt = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(DBUnity.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, sql, null)); } catch (Exception) { tt = 0; } return(tt); }
private decimal Getmon(string str, string mm) { int monend = 0; decimal montmp = 0; int monindex = str.IndexOf(mm); if (mm == "supp") { monend = str.IndexOf("}", monindex); montmp = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(str.Substring(monindex + 6, monend - monindex - 6)); } else if (mm == "mon") { monend = str.IndexOf(",", monindex); montmp = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(str.Substring(monindex + 5, monend - monindex - 5)); } return(montmp); }
public void Edit(int id, string name, object BGAMID, string oldValue, string newValue, object customer) { int deptid = DepID; if (UserLimStr == "审核员") { deptid = common.IntSafeConvert(cmbdept.SelectedItem.Value); editnum.Disable(true); } string message = " {0}<br /><b>原支出经费:</b> {1}<br /><b>更改支出经费:</b> {2}"; bool flag = false; BG_Amount ma = new BG_Amount(); ma = BG_AmountLogic.GetBG_AmountByYear(id, common.IntSafeConvert(cmbyear.SelectedItem.Value), deptid); if (ma == null) { ma = new BG_Amount(); ma.BGAMMon = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(newValue); ma.DepID = deptid; ma.BGAMYear = common.IntSafeConvert(cmbyear.SelectedItem.Value); ma.CBID = id; flag = BG_AmountManager.AddBG_Amount(ma).BGAMID > 0; } else { ma.BGAMMon = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(newValue); flag = BG_AmountManager.ModifyBG_Amount(ma); } if (flag) { X.Msg.Notify(new NotificationConfig() { Title = "消息提示", Html = string.Format(message, common.IntSafeConvert(cmbyear.SelectedItem.Value) + "年" + "口径:" + name.Split('、')[1], oldValue, newValue), Width = 250 }).Show(); } // Send Message... //this.GridPanel1.GetStore().GetById(id).Commit(); }
private DataTable GetNewdt(DataTable dt) { dt.Columns.Add("BalanceMon"); decimal t1 = 0, t2 = 0, t3 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { dt.Rows[i]["BalanceMon"] = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt.Rows[i]["InComeMon"].ToString()) - ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt.Rows[i]["PayMon"].ToString()); t1 += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt.Rows[i]["InComeMon"].ToString()); t2 += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt.Rows[i]["PayMon"].ToString()); t3 += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt.Rows[i]["BalanceMon"].ToString()); } DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["DepName"] = "总计"; dr["InComeMon"] = t1; dr["PayMon"] = t2; dr["BalanceMon"] = t3; dt.Rows.Add(dr); return(dt); }
protected void btnadd_DirectClick(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { int curtime = common.IntSafeConvert(txtSuppyear.Text.Trim()); DataTable dtpre = BG_PreLogic.GetBG_PreByyear(curtime - 1); decimal premon = 0; if (dtpre.Rows.Count <= 0) { premon = 0; } else { premon = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dtpre.Rows[0]["PreMon"].ToString()); } if (!BG_SupplementaryLogic.IsSuppByYear(curtime)) { BG_Supplementary bg_sup = new BG_Supplementary(); bg_sup.SuppMon = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(txtSupp.Text.Trim()) - premon; bg_sup.Year = Convert.ToInt32(txtSuppyear.Text.Trim()); BG_SupplementaryManager.AddBG_Supplementary(bg_sup); X.Msg.Alert("提示", "添加成功!").Show(); } else { BG_Supplementary bg_sup = new BG_Supplementary(); DataTable bgsuid = BG_SupplementaryLogic.GetBG_SupplementaryByyear(curtime); bg_sup.SuppID = common.IntSafeConvert(bgsuid.Rows[0]["SuppID"].ToString()); bg_sup.SuppMon = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(txtSupp.Text.Trim()) - premon; bg_sup.Year = Convert.ToInt32(txtSuppyear.Text.Trim()); bool flag = BG_SupplementaryManager.ModifyBG_Supplementary(bg_sup); if (flag) { X.Msg.Alert("提示", "修改成功!").Show(); } else { X.Msg.Alert("提示", "修改失败,请与管理员联系!").Show(); } } }
public static decimal GetMonauditPay(string YearMonth) { decimal t = 0; string sqlStr = "select sum(Armon) as armon from dbo.BG_ApplyReimbur where Convert(varchar(7),ARTime,120)='{0}' and ARListSta='审核通过'"; sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, YearMonth); try { t = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(DBUnity.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, sqlStr, null)); if (t <= 0) { t = 0; } } catch (System.Exception ex) { t = 0; } return(t); }
protected void txtSuppyear_DirectChange(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { int curtime = common.IntSafeConvert(txtSuppyear.Text.Trim()); DataTable bgsuid = BG_SupplementaryLogic.GetBG_SupplementaryByyear(curtime); if (bgsuid.Rows.Count > 0) { if (ParToDecimal.ParToDel(bgsuid.Rows[0]["SuppMon"].ToString()) == 0) { lbsupp.Text = "0"; } else { lbsupp.Text = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(bgsuid.Rows[0]["SuppMon"].ToString()).ToString(); } } else { lbsupp.Text = "0"; } lbsupp.Text += "万元"; }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BG_ReimAppendix ra = new BG_ReimAppendix(); ra.ARID = common.IntSafeConvert(arid); ra.ARContent = getCbCatalog(); ra.ARType = "资料印制"; ra.ARTime = Convert.ToDateTime(Session["time"]); string[] str = ra.ARContent.Split('☆'); decimal total = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(Session["money"].ToString()); if (BGReimAppendixManager.AddAccessories(ra)) { lblMResult.Text = "* 添加成功"; } else { lblMResult.Text = "* 操作失败、请检查数据后重试"; } //if (total > Convert.ToDecimal(str[32])) //{ // lblMResult.Text = "* 所填金额不能大于分配金额"; // return; //} //else //{ // if (BGReimAppendixManager.AddAccessories(ra)) // { // lblMResult.Text = "* 添加成功"; // } // else // { // lblMResult.Text = "* 操作失败、请检查数据后重试"; // } //} }
protected void btnAlter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BG_ReimAppendix ra = BGReimAppendixManager.GetAcc(arid); string[] str = ra.ARContent.Split('☆'); decimal total = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(Session["money"].ToString()); ra.ARContent = getCbCatalog(); ra.ARTime = Convert.ToDateTime(Session["time"]); if (BGReimAppendixManager.UpdAccessories(ra)) { lblMResult.Text = "* 修改成功"; Response.Redirect("ApplyAlter.aspx?arid=" + arid, true); } else { lblMResult.Text = "* 操作失败、请检查数据后重试"; } //if (total > Convert.ToDecimal(str[8])) //{ // lblMResult.Text = "* 所填金额不能大于分配金额"; // return; //} //else //{ // ra.ARContent = getCbCatalog(); // if (BGReimAppendixManager.UpdAccessories(ra)) // { // lblMResult.Text = "* 修改成功"; // Response.Redirect("ApplyAlter.aspx?arid=" + arid, true); // } // else // { // lblMResult.Text = "* 操作失败、请检查数据后重试"; // } //} }
//private void repBudConDataBind(string depname) //{ // DataTable dt = VApplyPayDepartManager.GetVApplyPayDepartByDepName(depname); // repBudCon.DataSource = dt; // repBudCon.DataBind(); //} protected void btnInq_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lanotice.Text = ""; string ARTime = ddlyear.Text.Trim() + "-" + DropDownList1.Text.Trim(); string BAAYear = ddlyear.Text.Trim(); DataTable dt2 = IncomeContrastpayLogic.GetARMonByBAAYear(BAAYear); if (dt2.Rows.Count < 1) { lanotice.Text = "查询结果为空!"; repBudCon.DataBind(); } else { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("DepName"); dt.Columns.Add("ARMon"); dt.Columns.Add("ChangeMon"); dt.Columns.Add("UserMon"); dt.Columns.Add("Pecent"); //dt.Columns.Add(""); for (int i = 0; i < dt2.Rows.Count; i++) { dt.Rows.Add(""); dt.Rows[i]["DepName"] = IncomeContrastpayLogic.GetDepBydepid(dt2.Rows[i]["DepID"].ToString()); dt.Rows[i]["ARMon"] = Convert.ToDecimal(dt2.Rows[i]["BAAMon"]).ToString("f2").TrimEnd('0').TrimEnd('.'); int depid = common.IntSafeConvert(dt2.Rows[i]["DepID"]); DataTable dtsupp = IncomeContrastpayLogic.GetBG_SupplementaryDivide(depid, common.IntSafeConvert(ddlyear.Text.Trim())); dt.Rows[i]["ChangeMon"] = Convert.ToDecimal(dtsupp.Rows[0]["SuppMon"]).ToString("f2").TrimEnd('0').TrimEnd('.'); //DataTable dt1 = BG_ApplyReimburLogic.GetARMonByARTime(ARTime, int.Parse(dt2.Rows[i]["DepID"].ToString())); DataTable dt1 = IncomeContrastpayLogic.GetZXMonByZXTime(ARTime, int.Parse(dt2.Rows[i]["DepID"].ToString())); if (dt1 != null && dt1.Rows.Count > 0 && dt1.Rows[0][0].ToString() != "") { //dt.Rows[i]["Balance"] = (Convert.ToInt32(dt2.Rows[0]["BAAMon"]) - Convert.ToInt32(dt1.Rows[0]["ARMon"])).ToString(); dt.Rows[i]["UserMon"] = ParToDecimal.ParToDel((dt1.Rows[0][0]).ToString()).ToString("f2").TrimEnd('0').TrimEnd('.'); } else { //dt.Rows[i]["Balance"] = dt2.Rows[i]["BAAMon"].ToString(); dt.Rows[i]["UserMon"] = "0"; } if (ParseUtil.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["ARMon"].ToString(), 0) != 0) { decimal usermon = ParseUtil.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["UserMon"].ToString(), 0); decimal armon = ParseUtil.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["ARMon"].ToString(), 0) + ParseUtil.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["ChangeMon"].ToString(), 0); dt.Rows[i]["Pecent"] = ((usermon / armon) * 100).ToString("f2").TrimEnd('0') + "%"; } else { dt.Rows[i]["Pecent"] = "0%"; } } decimal k1 = IncomeContrastpayLogic.GetARmon(ARTime, "科室业务费"); decimal k2 = IncomeContrastpayLogic.GetUserMon(ARTime, "科室业务费"); decimal zj1 = IncomeContrastpayLogic.GetARmonZJ(ARTime, "科室业务费"); decimal j1 = IncomeContrastpayLogic.GetARmon(ARTime, "局长基金"); decimal j2 = IncomeContrastpayLogic.GetUserMon(ARTime, "局长基金"); decimal zj2 = IncomeContrastpayLogic.GetARmonZJ(ARTime, "局长基金"); DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["DepName"] = "科室业务费"; dr["ARMon"] = k1.ToString("f2"); dr["ChangeMon"] = zj1.ToString("f2"); dr["UserMon"] = k2.ToString("f2"); if (k2 == 0) { dr["Pecent"] = "0.00%"; } else { dr["Pecent"] = k1 + zj1 / k2 * 100 + "%"; } DataRow dr1 = dt.NewRow(); dr1["DepName"] = "局长基金"; dr1["ARMon"] = j1.ToString("f2"); dr1["ChangeMon"] = zj2.ToString("f2"); dr1["UserMon"] = j2.ToString("f2"); if (j2 == 0) { dr1["Pecent"] = "0.00%"; } else { dr1["Pecent"] = j1 + zj2 / j2 * 100 + "%"; } dt.Rows.Add(dr); dt.Rows.Add(dr1); repBudCon.DataSource = dt; repBudCon.DataBind(); } }
private DataTable Getewdt(DataTable dt) { decimal mon = 0; decimal p1 = 0, p2 = 0, p3 = 0, p4 = 0, p5 = 0, p6 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { dt.Rows[i]["MPFunding"] = ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt.Rows[i]["MPFunding"].ToString()) * 10000; if (dt.Rows[i]["MASta"].ToString() == "未提交") { p1 += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt.Rows[i]["MPFunding"].ToString()); dt.Rows[i]["MASta"] = "财务室待审核"; } if (dt.Rows[i]["MASta"].ToString() == "提交") { p2 += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt.Rows[i]["MPFunding"].ToString()); dt.Rows[i]["MASta"] = "局领导待审核"; } if (dt.Rows[i]["MASta"].ToString() == "审核通过") { p3 += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt.Rows[i]["MPFunding"].ToString()); } if (dt.Rows[i]["MASta"].ToString() == "退回") { p4 += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt.Rows[i]["MPFunding"].ToString()); } if (dt.Rows[i]["MASta"].ToString() == "审核不通过") { p5 += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt.Rows[i]["MPFunding"].ToString()); } if (dt.Rows[i]["MASta"].ToString() == "") { p6 += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt.Rows[i]["MPFunding"].ToString()); dt.Rows[i]["MASta"] = "未提交"; } mon += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt.Rows[i]["MPFunding"].ToString()); } if (p1 > 0) { DataRow dr1 = dt.NewRow(); dr1["DepName"] = "财务室待审核总金额"; dr1["MPFunding"] = p1; dt.Rows.Add(dr1); } if (p2 > 0) { DataRow dr1 = dt.NewRow(); dr1["DepName"] = "局领导待审核总金额"; dr1["MPFunding"] = p2; dt.Rows.Add(dr1); } if (p3 > 0) { DataRow dr1 = dt.NewRow(); dr1["DepName"] = "审核通过总金额"; dr1["MPFunding"] = p3; dt.Rows.Add(dr1); } if (p4 > 0) { DataRow dr1 = dt.NewRow(); dr1["DepName"] = "退回总金额"; dr1["MPFunding"] = p4; dt.Rows.Add(dr1); } if (p5 > 0) { DataRow dr1 = dt.NewRow(); dr1["DepName"] = "审核不通过总金额"; dr1["MPFunding"] = p5; dt.Rows.Add(dr1); } if (p6 > 0) { DataRow dr1 = dt.NewRow(); dr1["DepName"] = "未提交总金额"; dr1["MPFunding"] = p6; dt.Rows.Add(dr1); } if (mon > 0) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["DepName"] = "总计"; dr["MPFunding"] = mon; dt.Rows.Add(dr); } return(dt); }
/// <summary> /// 绑定数据 /// </summary> private void DtDataBind() { decimal txt = 0; int year = Convert.ToInt32(HidYear.Value); //DataTable dt1 = BG_BudItemsLogic.GetPayOne(year); //if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // txt += Convert.ToDecimal(dt1.Rows[0]["POTitol"]); //} //DataTable dt2 = BG_BudItemsLogic.GetPayTwo(year); //if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // txt += Convert.ToDecimal(dt2.Rows[0]["PTTitol"]); //} //DataTable dt3 = BG_BudItemsLogic.GetPubPay(year); //if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // txt += Convert.ToDecimal(dt3.Rows[0]["PBIDTitol"]); //} //DataTable dt4 = BG_BudItemsLogic.GetProPay(year); //txt += Convert.ToDecimal(dt4.Rows[0]["ProPA0M"]); //if (dt4.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // for (int i = 0; i < dt4.Rows.Count; i++) // { // txt += Convert.ToDecimal(dt4.Rows[i]["ProPA0M"]); // } //} //DataTable dt5 = BG_BudItemsLogic.GetBudgetAllocation(year); //if (dt5.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // for (int i = 0; i < dt5.Rows.Count; i++) // { // txt -= Convert.ToDecimal(dt5.Rows[i]["BAAMon"]); // } //} DataTable dt1 = BG_PreviewDataLogic.GetPersonPart(); DataTable dt2 = BG_PreviewDataLogic.GetPublicPart(); DataTable dt3 = BG_PreviewDataLogic.GetCapitalPart(); if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt1.Rows.Count; i++) { txt += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt1.Rows[i]["PDBaseData"].ToString()) + ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt1.Rows[i]["PDProjectData"].ToString()); } } if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt2.Rows.Count; i++) { txt += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt2.Rows[i]["PDBaseData"].ToString()) + ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt2.Rows[i]["PDProjectData"].ToString()); } } if (dt3.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt3.Rows.Count; i++) { txt += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(dt3.Rows[i]["PDBaseData"].ToString()); } } tatal.Value = txt; Label4.Text = txt.ToString(); DataTable dt = BG_DepartmentLogic.GetAllBG_EstimateDepartmentMon(year, depID); dt.Columns.Add("DepNum"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { dt.Rows[i]["DepNum"] = (i + 1).ToString(); } this.Store1.DataSource = dt; this.Store1.DataBind(); } else { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "提示", Message = "本年度还没有添加预算,请先添加预算。", Width = 300, Buttons = Ext.Net.MessageBox.Button.OK, //Multiline = true, //AnimEl = this.Button3.ClientID, //Fn = new JFunction { Fn = "showResultText" } }); } }
private Ext.Net.NodeCollection BuildTree(Ext.Net.NodeCollection nodes) { if (nodes == null) { nodes = new Ext.Net.NodeCollection(); } Ext.Net.Node root = new Ext.Net.Node(); root.Text = "Root"; nodes.Add(root); int depid = 0, tem = 0; if (common.IntSafeConvert(cmbdept.SelectedItem.Value) > 0) { depid = common.IntSafeConvert(cmbdept.SelectedItem.Value); } string year = cmbyear.SelectedItem.Value ?? DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); string month = cmbmonth.SelectedItem.Value ?? DateTime.Now.Month.ToString(); month = month.Length == 1 ? "0" + month : month; string yearMonth = year + "-" + month; string precmb = (common.IntSafeConvert(month) - 1).ToString(); precmb = precmb.Length == 1 ? "0" + precmb : precmb; string preYearMonth = year + "-" + precmb; //yearMonth = "2015-02"; //preYearMonth = "2015-01"; //DataTable dtpiidTable = ExecuteNewLogic.GetDtPiidList(depid, yearMonth, tem); //DataTable predtpiidTable = ExecuteNewLogic.GetDtPiidList(depid, preYearMonth, tem); // DataTable dt = BG_PayIncomeLogic.GetDtPayIncomeByPIID(tem); DataTable dt = ExecuteNewLogic.GetDtAllPiidList(depid, yearMonth, preYearMonth); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { X.Msg.Alert("系统提示", "本月没有执行相关数据").Show(); root.EmptyChildren = true; return(nodes); } DataTable dtroot = dt.DefaultView.ToTable("dtroot", true, new string[] { "PIID", "ParentPIEcoSubName" }); string piidList = ""; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { int piid = common.IntSafeConvert(dt.Rows[i]["ChildID"]); piidList += piid + ","; } } piidList = piidList.TrimEnd(','); DataTable dtcashier = ExecuteNewLogic.GetCashierData(depid, yearMonth, piidList); DataTable pMoney = ExecuteNewLogic.GetReceiptsData(depid, preYearMonth, piidList, 0); DataTable pMoney1 = ExecuteNewLogic.GetReceiptsData(depid, preYearMonth, piidList, 1); DataTable pMoney2 = ExecuteNewLogic.GetReceiptsData(depid, preYearMonth, piidList, 2); DataTable rpMoney = ExecuteNewLogic.GetReceiptsData(depid, yearMonth, piidList, 0); DataTable rpMoney1 = ExecuteNewLogic.GetReceiptsData(depid, yearMonth, piidList, 1); DataTable rpMoney2 = ExecuteNewLogic.GetReceiptsData(depid, yearMonth, piidList, 2); DataTable totalMon = ExecuteNewLogic.GetBudgetAllocationData(depid, year, piidList); DataTable newTable = new DataTable(); newTable.Columns.Add("PIID"); newTable.Columns.Add("ChildID"); newTable.Columns.Add("PIEcoSubName"); newTable.Columns.Add("totalMon"); newTable.Columns.Add("BQMon"); newTable.Columns.Add("CashierBalance"); newTable.Columns.Add("PMoney"); newTable.Columns.Add("PMoney1"); newTable.Columns.Add("PMoney2"); newTable.Columns.Add("RpMoney"); newTable.Columns.Add("RpMoney1"); newTable.Columns.Add("RpMoney2"); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow drRow = newTable.NewRow(); int piid = common.IntSafeConvert(dt.Rows[i]["ChildID"]); if (dtcashier.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow[] dtca = dtcashier.Select("piid=" + piid); if (dtca.Length > 0) { drRow["BQMon"] = dtca[0]["BQMon"]; drRow["CashierBalance"] = dtca[0]["CashierBalance"]; } } if (rpMoney.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow[] dtrp = rpMoney.Select("piid=" + piid); if (dtrp.Length > 0) { drRow["RpMoney"] = dtrp[0]["RpMoney"]; } } if (rpMoney1.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow[] dtrp1 = rpMoney1.Select("piid=" + piid); if (dtrp1.Length > 0) { drRow["RpMoney1"] = dtrp1[0]["RpMoney"]; } } if (rpMoney2.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow[] dtrp2 = rpMoney2.Select("piid=" + piid); if (dtrp2.Length > 0) { drRow["RpMoney2"] = dtrp2[0]["RpMoney"]; } } if (pMoney.Rows.Count > 0) { { DataRow[] dtp = pMoney.Select("piid=" + piid); if (dtp.Length > 0) { drRow["PMoney"] = dtp[0]["RpMoney"]; } } } if (pMoney1.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow[] dtp1 = pMoney1.Select("piid=" + piid); if (dtp1.Length > 0) { drRow["PMoney1"] = dtp1[0]["RpMoney"]; } } if (pMoney2.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow[] dtp2 = pMoney2.Select("piid=" + piid); if (dtp2.Length > 0) { drRow["PMoney2"] = dtp2[0]["RpMoney"]; } } if (totalMon.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow[] dttotalMon = totalMon.Select("piid=" + piid); if (dttotalMon.Length > 0) { drRow["totalMon"] = dttotalMon[0]["total"]; } } drRow["PIEcoSubName"] = dt.Rows[i]["PIEcoSubName"].ToString(); drRow["ChildID"] = dt.Rows[i]["ChildID"].ToString(); drRow["PIID"] = dt.Rows[i]["PIID"].ToString(); newTable.Rows.Add(drRow); } for (int i = 0; i < dtroot.Rows.Count; i++) { Node newNode = new Node(); string piid = dtroot.Rows[i]["piid"].ToString(); newNode.NodeID = piid; newNode.Text = dtroot.Rows[i]["ParentPIEcoSubName"].ToString(); newNode.Icon = Icon.Folder; decimal BQMon = 0, CashierBalance = 0, PMoney = 0, PMoney1 = 0, PMoney2 = 0, RpMoney = 0, RpMoney1 = 0, RpMoney2 = 0, total = 0; DataRow[] drrowsleaf = newTable.Select("PIID=" + piid); if (drrowsleaf.Length > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < drrowsleaf.Length; j++) { Node nodenew = new Node(); nodenew.NodeID = drrowsleaf[j]["ChildID"].ToString(); nodenew.Text = drrowsleaf[j]["PIEcoSubName"].ToString(); //nodenew.CustomAttributes.Add(new ConfigItem("PIID",drRows[j]["PIEcoSubName"].ToString(), ParameterMode.Value)); //nodenew.CustomAttributes.Add(new ConfigItem("PIEcoSubName",drRows[j]["PIEcoSubName"].ToString(), ParameterMode.Value)); nodenew.CustomAttributes.Add(new ConfigItem("BQMon", drrowsleaf[j]["BQMon"].ToString(), ParameterMode.Value)); nodenew.CustomAttributes.Add(new ConfigItem("CashierBalance", drrowsleaf[j]["CashierBalance"].ToString(), ParameterMode.Value)); nodenew.CustomAttributes.Add(new ConfigItem("PMoney", drrowsleaf[j]["PMoney"].ToString(), ParameterMode.Value)); nodenew.CustomAttributes.Add(new ConfigItem("PMoney1 ", drrowsleaf[j]["PMoney1"].ToString(), ParameterMode.Value)); nodenew.CustomAttributes.Add(new ConfigItem("PMoney2 ", drrowsleaf[j]["PMoney2"].ToString(), ParameterMode.Value)); nodenew.CustomAttributes.Add(new ConfigItem("RpMoney ", drrowsleaf[j]["RpMoney"].ToString(), ParameterMode.Value)); nodenew.CustomAttributes.Add(new ConfigItem("RpMoney1 ", drrowsleaf[j]["RpMoney1"].ToString(), ParameterMode.Value)); nodenew.CustomAttributes.Add(new ConfigItem("RpMoney2 ", drrowsleaf[j]["RpMoney2"].ToString(), ParameterMode.Value)); nodenew.CustomAttributes.Add(new ConfigItem("totalMon ", drrowsleaf[j]["totalMon"].ToString(), ParameterMode.Value)); nodenew.Leaf = true; nodenew.Icon = Icon.Anchor; newNode.Children.Add(nodenew); BQMon += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(drrowsleaf[j]["BQMon"].ToString()); CashierBalance += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(drrowsleaf[j]["CashierBalance"].ToString()); PMoney += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(drrowsleaf[j]["PMoney"].ToString()); PMoney1 += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(drrowsleaf[j]["PMoney1"].ToString()); PMoney2 += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(drrowsleaf[j]["PMoney2"].ToString()); RpMoney += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(drrowsleaf[j]["RpMoney"].ToString()); RpMoney1 += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(drrowsleaf[j]["RpMoney1"].ToString()); RpMoney2 += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(drrowsleaf[j]["RpMoney2"].ToString()); total += ParToDecimal.ParToDel(drrowsleaf[j]["totalMon"].ToString()); } } else { newNode.EmptyChildren = true; } newNode.CustomAttributes.Add(new ConfigItem("BQMon", BQMon.ToString(), ParameterMode.Value)); newNode.CustomAttributes.Add(new ConfigItem("CashierBalance", CashierBalance.ToString(), ParameterMode.Value)); newNode.CustomAttributes.Add(new ConfigItem("PMoney", PMoney.ToString(), ParameterMode.Value)); newNode.CustomAttributes.Add(new ConfigItem("PMoney1 ", PMoney1.ToString(), ParameterMode.Value)); newNode.CustomAttributes.Add(new ConfigItem("PMoney2 ", PMoney2.ToString(), ParameterMode.Value)); newNode.CustomAttributes.Add(new ConfigItem("RpMoney ", RpMoney.ToString(), ParameterMode.Value)); newNode.CustomAttributes.Add(new ConfigItem("RpMoney1 ", RpMoney1.ToString(), ParameterMode.Value)); newNode.CustomAttributes.Add(new ConfigItem("RpMoney2 ", RpMoney2.ToString(), ParameterMode.Value)); newNode.CustomAttributes.Add(new ConfigItem("totalMon ", total.ToString(), ParameterMode.Value)); root.Children.Add(newNode); } return(nodes); }