private void SetupRightSettingsContainer(Panel container) { stnCheckUpdateMsg.Text = "Check for Brick-Force updates"; stnCheckUpdateMsg.Name = "stnCheckUpdateMsg"; stnCheckUpdateMsg.Font = labelMsg.Font; stnCheckUpdateMsg.BackColor = Color.Transparent; stnCheckUpdateMsg.ForeColor = Color.White; stnCheckUpdateMsg.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; stnCheckUpdateMsg.Size = new Size(244, labelMsg.Font.Height); container.Add(stnCheckUpdateMsg); stnAutoUpdateMsg.Text = "Automatically update Brick-Force"; stnAutoUpdateMsg.Name = "stnAutoUpdateMsg"; stnAutoUpdateMsg.Font = labelMsg.Font; stnAutoUpdateMsg.BackColor = Color.Transparent; stnAutoUpdateMsg.ForeColor = Color.White; stnAutoUpdateMsg.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; stnAutoUpdateMsg.Size = new Size(244, labelMsg.Font.Height); container.Add(stnAutoUpdateMsg); stnExperimentalMsg.Text = "Use experimental branch"; stnExperimentalMsg.Name = "stnExperimentalMsg"; stnExperimentalMsg.Font = labelMsg.Font; stnExperimentalMsg.BackColor = Color.Transparent; stnExperimentalMsg.ForeColor = Color.White; stnExperimentalMsg.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; stnExperimentalMsg.Size = new Size(244, labelMsg.Font.Height); container.Add(stnExperimentalMsg); container.BackColor = Color.Transparent; container.Location = new Point(270, 80); container.Size = new Size(244, 360); }
private Panel CreateExistingWorldInterface(String[] worldNames) { var panel = new Panel(ControlManager.Manager) { Width = 856, Height = 467, AutoScroll = true, Left = 300, Top = 50 }; panel.Init(); ControlManager.Add(panel); if (!worldNames.Any()) { var label = new Label(ControlManager.Manager) { Height = 50, Left = 20, Width = 400, Text = "There are no existing worlds to edit!\nSelect the Create New World tab to create one." }; panel.Add(label); return(panel); } var existingWorldLabel = new Label(ControlManager.Manager) { Text = "Existing World :: ", Width = 200, Left = 16, Top = 16, Parent = panel }; var worldNamesSelection = new ComboBox(ControlManager.Manager) { Width = 200, Parent = panel, Top = 16, Left = existingWorldLabel.Left + existingWorldLabel.Width + 20 }; worldNamesSelection.Items.AddRange(worldNames); worldNamesSelection.Init(); worldNamesSelection.ItemIndex = 0; worldNamesSelection.Left = existingWorldLabel.Left + existingWorldLabel.Width + 16; panel.Add(worldNamesSelection); var beginWorldEditor = new Button(ControlManager.Manager) { Text = "Load world", Top = 200, Left = 100, Width = 200 }; beginWorldEditor.Init(); beginWorldEditor.Click += (sender, args) => LoadExistingWorld(worldNamesSelection.Text); panel.Add(beginWorldEditor); return(panel); }
private void LoadSubmenu() { MainPanel = new Panel(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/menu/MenuBG"), new Vector2(0, 0)); // ptDiff, ptCol, ptCon, peCursor; ptSettings = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/void"), true); ptSettings.AddText(GameConstants.lucidaConsole, "SETTINGS", Color.White, 1f); ptDiff = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/void"), true); ptDiff.AddText(GameConstants.lucidaConsole, "Difficulty", Color.White, 2.2f); ptSound = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/void"), true); ptSound.AddText(GameConstants.lucidaConsole, "Sound", Color.White, 2.2f); ptCon = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/void"), true); ptCon.AddText(GameConstants.lucidaConsole, "Controls", Color.White, 2.2f); ptMBack = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/void"), true); ptMBack.AddText(GameConstants.lucidaConsole, "Back", Color.White); ptDiff2 = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/void"), false); ptDiff2.AddText(GameConstants.lucidaConsole, "Difficulty", Color.Red, 2.2f); ptSound2 = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/void"), false); ptSound2.AddText(GameConstants.lucidaConsole, "Sound", Color.Red, 2.2f); ptCon2 = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/void"), false); ptCon2.AddText(GameConstants.lucidaConsole, "Controls", Color.Red, 2.2f); peCursor = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/menu/cursor"), true); MainPanel.Add(ptSettings, new Vector2(0.05f, 0.05f)); MainPanel.Add(ptDiff, new Vector2(0.1f, 0.3f)); MainPanel.Add(ptSound, new Vector2(0.1f, 0.45f)); MainPanel.Add(ptCon, new Vector2(0.1f, 0.6f)); MainPanel.Add(ptDiff2, new Vector2(0.1f, 0.3f)); MainPanel.Add(ptSound2, new Vector2(0.1f, 0.45f)); MainPanel.Add(ptCon2, new Vector2(0.1f, 0.6f)); MainPanel.Add(ptMBack, new Vector2(0.1f, 0.75f)); // Can be 0.31 ; 0,46; 0,61; 0,76 MainPanel.Add(peCursor, new Vector2(0.05f, 0.31f)); }
private void LoadPanel() { MainPanel = new Panel(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/panel"), new Vector2(0.1f * GameConstants.WINDOWSIZE.X, 0.1f * GameConstants.WINDOWSIZE.Y)); peRdy = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/Rdy"), true); pePressJump = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/pressA"), true); pePressJump2 = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/pressB"), false); ptJump = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/void"), true); ptJump.AddText(GameConstants.lucidaConsole, "press space \n to Jump", Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.White); peJumpA = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/JumpA"), true); peJumpB = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/JumpB"), false); ptRun = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/void"), true); ptRun.AddText(GameConstants.lucidaConsole, "switch lane \n with arrow buttons", Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.White); peRunA = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/RunA"), false); peRunB = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/RunB"), true); //TODO: FIX THAT ptRUN and ptJump werent shown MainPanel.Add(peRdy, new Vector2(0.3f, 0.44f)); MainPanel.Add(pePressJump, new Vector2(0.3f, 0.62f)); MainPanel.Add(pePressJump2, new Vector2(0.3f, 0.62f)); MainPanel.Add(peRunA, new Vector2(0.6f, 0.2f)); MainPanel.Add(peRunB, new Vector2(0.6f, 0.2f)); MainPanel.Add(ptRun, new Vector2(0.6f, 0.1f)); MainPanel.Add(peJumpA, new Vector2(0.15f, 0.2f)); MainPanel.Add(peJumpB, new Vector2(0.15f, 0.2f)); MainPanel.Add(ptJump, new Vector2(0.15f, 0.1f)); }
private void AddNews(string author, string date, string title, string message, int num) { GroupPanel newsPnl = ScreenManager.MainWindow.ClientArea.Controls["InsaneRO News"] as GroupPanel; Panel pnl = new Panel(WindowManager); pnl.Init(); pnl.Text = "News_" + num; pnl.Tag = num; pnl.Width = newsPnl.ClientWidth - 20; pnl.Height = 210; pnl.Left = 10; pnl.Top = (num * 10) + (num * 210) + 10; pnl.BevelBorder = EBevelBorder.All; pnl.BevelMargin = 1; pnl.BevelStyle = EBevelStyle.Flat; pnl.Color = Color.Transparent; pnl.Passive = true; Label lblTitle = new Label(WindowManager); lblTitle.Init(); lblTitle.Skin.Layers[0].Text.Font.Resource = WindowManager.Skin.Fonts[WindowManager.Skin.Controls["Dialog"].Layers["TopPanel"].Attributes["CaptFont"].Value].Resource; lblTitle.Text = "'" + title + "' - Von " + author + " (" + date + ")"; lblTitle.TextColor = new Color(81, 172, 232); lblTitle.Top = 5; lblTitle.Left = 5; lblTitle.Width = pnl.ClientWidth - 15; lblTitle.Height = 24; lblTitle.Alignment = EAlignment.TopLeft; pnl.Add(lblTitle); Label lblMessage = new Label(WindowManager); lblMessage.Init(); lblMessage.Text = ""; lblMessage.TextLines.AddRange(message.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None)); lblMessage.Top = 5 + 5 + 24; lblMessage.Left = 10; lblMessage.Width = pnl.ClientWidth - 20; lblMessage.Height = pnl.ClientHeight - 15 - 24; lblMessage.Ellipsis = false; lblMessage.Alignment = EAlignment.TopLeft; lblMessage.Autosize = true; lblMessage.Draw += new DrawEventHandler(lblMessage_Draw); pnl.Add(lblMessage); newsPnl.Add(pnl); }
public void AddHudModButton(HUD hud) { _hud = hud; Panel buttonPanel = (Panel)HudPanelField.GetValue(hud); Button helpButton; if (!buttonPanel.FindControlRecursive(out helpButton, b => b.Text == "Help")) { return; } Button modsButton = new Button(buttonPanel.Manager); modsButton.Init(); SkinLayer skinLayer = modsButton.Skin.Layers["Control"]; modsButton.Text = "Mods"; modsButton.Width = (int)skinLayer.Text.Font.Resource.MeasureString(modsButton.Text).X + skinLayer.ContentMargins.Horizontal + 1; modsButton.ToolTip.Text = "Show information about and settings for mods"; modsButton.Margins = new Margins(4, 4, 4, 4); modsButton.Click += ModsButtonOnClick; modsButton.Left = helpButton.Left; buttonPanel.Add(modsButton); helpButton.Left = modsButton.Left + modsButton.Width + modsButton.Margins.Right + helpButton.Margins.Left; buttonPanel.Width = helpButton.Left + helpButton.Width; buttonPanel.Left = (hud.Width - buttonPanel.Width) / 2; }
public static Gui CreateMainMenuInterface(ref AnoleEngine.Engine_Base.Engine objEngineInstance, GalaxyViewState state) { float fltGameWindowWidth = objEngineInstance.GameWindow.Size.X; float fltGameWindowHeight = objEngineInstance.GameWindow.Size.Y; Gui UI = new Gui(objEngineInstance.GameWindow); Panel objGalaxyMenuLayout = new Panel(); objGalaxyMenuLayout.SetRenderer(UI_Renderers.UIGalaxyMenuLayoutRenderer.Data); objGalaxyMenuLayout.Size = new Vector2f(fltGameWindowWidth, fltGameWindowHeight / 7); objGalaxyMenuLayout.ShowWithEffect(ShowAnimationType.SlideFromBottom, Time.FromMilliseconds(800)); objGalaxyMenuLayout.Position = new Vector2f((fltGameWindowWidth / 2) - (objGalaxyMenuLayout.Size.X / 2), fltGameWindowHeight - objGalaxyMenuLayout.Size.Y); Button closeButton = new Button("CLOSE"); closeButton.Size = new Vector2f(50f, 45); closeButton.Position = new Vector2f(objGalaxyMenuLayout.Size.X - 60, 5); closeButton.SetRenderer(UI_Renderers.UIGalaxyViewButtonRenderer.Data); closeButton.Clicked += new EventHandler <SignalArgsVector2f>(state.KillStateEvent); objGalaxyMenuLayout.Add(closeButton, "closeButton"); UI.Add(objGalaxyMenuLayout, "GalaxyLayout"); return(UI); }
public static T Add <T>(this Panel panel, Action <T> action) where T : UIElement, new() { var element = panel.Add <T>(); action(element); return(element); }
public void LoadContent() { MainPanel = new Panel(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/menu/MenuBG"), new Vector2(0, 0)); peHeader = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/menu/creditscomplete"), true); //TODO: mit den einzelnen Elementen umsetzen, hier aus Faulheit ein großes .png für die Controls MainPanel.Add(peHeader, new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f)); }
private Component deviceSelectMenu() { Panel p = new Panel(); p.Layout = new LayoutVerticalCenter(); p.AddHoverCondition(Default.ConditionHoverMouse); p.AddAction(Default.IsScrolled, Default.ScrollVertically); p.Add(Default.CreateButton( "Resume", c => { Core.ShowMenu = !Core.ShowMenu; return(true); }, _grabFocus)); p.Add(createDynamicText(() => $"Current device: {Core.Midi.Device.Details.Name}")); p.Add(createTitle("Choose a midi device:")); foreach (var device in Midi.Devices) { p.Add(Default.CreateButton( device.Name, c => { Core.Midi.Dispose(); Core.Midi = new Midi(device.Id); return(true); }, _grabFocus)); } p.Add(Default.CreateButton( "Quit", c => { Core.Game.Exit(); return(true); }, _grabFocus)); return(p); }
private void LoadControlsPanel() { ControlsPanel = new Panel(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/menu/panelMenu"), new Vector2(0.35f * GameConstants.WINDOWSIZE.X, 0.1f * GameConstants.WINDOWSIZE.Y)); ptHeader3 = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/menu/controlscomplete"), true); //TODO: mit den einzelnen Elementen umsetzen, hier aus Faulheit ein großes .png für die Controls ControlsPanel.Add(ptHeader3, new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f)); }
public static List <Panel> ToSAM_Panels(this RevitInstance3D revitInstance3D) { if (revitInstance3D == null) { return(null); } RevitType3D revitType3D = revitInstance3D.Type as RevitType3D; Construction construction = revitType3D.ToSAM_Construction(); List <Face3D> face3Ds = new List <Face3D>(); List <ISAMGeometry3D> sAMGeometry3Ds = revitInstance3D.Geometries; foreach (ISAMGeometry3D sAMGeometry3D in sAMGeometry3Ds) { if (sAMGeometry3D is Shell) { List <Face3D> face3Ds_Temp = ((Shell)sAMGeometry3D).Face3Ds; if (face3Ds_Temp != null && face3Ds_Temp.Count != 0) { face3Ds.AddRange(face3Ds_Temp); } } else if (sAMGeometry3D is Face3D) { face3Ds.Add((Face3D)sAMGeometry3D); } } List <Panel> result = new List <Panel>(); foreach (Face3D face3D in face3Ds) { Panel panel = Analytical.Create.Panel(construction, PanelType.Shade, face3D); if (panel == null) { continue; } List <Core.ParameterSet> parameterSets = revitType3D.GetParamaterSets(); if (parameterSets != null) { foreach (Core.ParameterSet parameterSet in parameterSets) { panel.Add(parameterSet); } } result.Add(panel); } return(result); }
public MapMarkSelect() { InitializeComponent(); IMGEntry Marks = MapEditor.file.Directory.GetIMG("MapHelper.img").GetChild("mark"); foreach (IMGEntry mark in Marks.childs.Values) { ImageViewer imageViewer = Panel.Add(mark.GetCanvas().GetBitmap(), mark.Name, false); imageViewer.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(ImageViewer_MouseClick); imageViewer.MouseDoubleClick += new MouseEventHandler(ImageViewer_MouseDoubleClick); } }
public void Run() { Application application = new Application(); application.ShowDebug = true; Panel panel = new Panel(application) { Left = 0, Top = 0, Width = 480, Height = 272 }; Label label = new Label(application) { Left = 10, Top = 30, Width = 200, Height = 32, Text = "Hello World" }; panel.Add(label); Button button = new Button(application) { Left = 10, Top = 100, Width = 200, Height = 100, Text = "Touch" }; button.TouchStart += (s, e) => { label.Text = "Touched"; }; panel.Add(button); ListView listview = new ListView(application) { Left = 239, Top = 0, Width = 240, Height = 272, RowHeight = 30 }; for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { listview.Items.Add("ListView Item " + i.ToString()); } panel.Add(listview); application.Run(panel); }
private void SetupLeftSettingsContainer(Panel container) { stnCheckUpdate.ApplyStyle(); stnCheckUpdate.Name = "stnCheckUpdate"; stnCheckUpdate.Enabled = true; stnCheckUpdate.CheckImage = EmuResources.check; stnCheckUpdate.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(1, 10, 18); stnCheckUpdate.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(7, 69, 127); stnCheckUpdate.Checked = Storage.GetBoolOr("check-update", true); stnCheckUpdate.OnChecked += (state) => Storage.Update("check-update", state); container.Add(stnCheckUpdate); stnAutoUpdate.ApplyStyle(); stnAutoUpdate.Name = "stnAutoUpdate"; stnAutoUpdate.Enabled = true; stnAutoUpdate.CheckImage = EmuResources.check; stnAutoUpdate.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(1, 10, 18); stnAutoUpdate.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(7, 69, 127); stnAutoUpdate.Checked = Storage.GetBoolOr("auto-update", true); stnAutoUpdate.OnChecked += (state) => Storage.Update("auto-update", state); container.Add(stnAutoUpdate); stnExperimental.ApplyStyle(); stnExperimental.Name = "stnExperimental"; stnExperimental.Enabled = true; stnExperimental.CheckImage = EmuResources.check; stnExperimental.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(1, 10, 18); stnExperimental.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(7, 69, 127); stnExperimental.Checked = Storage.GetBoolOr("experimental", false); stnExperimental.OnChecked += (state) => Storage.Update("experimental", state); container.Add(stnExperimental); container.BackColor = Color.Transparent; container.Location = new Point(26, 80); container.Size = new Size(244, 360); }
public static Panel ToSAM(this TAS3D.Element element) { if (element == null) { return(null); } ParameterSet parameterSet = Create.ParameterSet(ActiveSetting.Setting, element); PlanarBoundary3D planarBoundary3D = null; Panel panel = Analytical.Create.Panel(new Construction(, Query.PanelType(element.BEType), planarBoundary3D); panel.Add(parameterSet); return(panel); }
public static Panel ToSAM(this TAS3D.shade shade) { if (shade == null) { return(null); } ParameterSet parameterSet = Create.ParameterSet(ActiveSetting.Setting, shade); PlanarBoundary3D planarBoundary3D = null; Panel panel = Analytical.Create.Panel(new Construction(, PanelType.Shade, planarBoundary3D); panel.Add(parameterSet); return(panel); }
private void LoadQuestionPanel() { Panel = new Panel(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/panel"), new Vector2(0.1f * GameConstants.WINDOWSIZE.X, 0.1f * GameConstants.WINDOWSIZE.Y)); yes = new PanelElement("yes", GameConstants.lucidaConsole, Color.Red, true); no = new PanelElement("no", GameConstants.lucidaConsole, Color.Red, false); Panel.Add(new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/newGame")), new Vector2(0.08f, 0.18f)); Panel.Add(new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/button")), new Vector2(0.2f, 0.75f)); Panel.Add(new PanelElement("yes", GameConstants.lucidaConsole, Color.White), new Vector2(0.25f, 0.75f)); Panel.Add(yes, new Vector2(0.25f, 0.75f)); Panel.Add(new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/button")), new Vector2(0.60f, 0.75f)); Panel.Add(new PanelElement("no", GameConstants.lucidaConsole, Color.White), new Vector2(0.67f, 0.75f)); Panel.Add(no, new Vector2(0.67f, 0.75f)); }
public void AddPlayerToPanel(Player player) { Vector3 viewportPos = Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(player.transform.position); int index = (int)(Mathf.Clamp(m_panels.Length * viewportPos.x, 0, m_panels.Length - 1f)); Panel panel = m_panels[index]; if (!panel.ContainsPlayer(player)) { panel.Add(player); for (int i = 0, count = m_panels.Length; i < count; ++i) { if (i != index) { m_panels[i].Remove(player); } } } AddPlayerToPanel(index, player); }
public void AddMainMenuModButton(MainMenuWindow mainMenu, Manager manager) { Panel buttonPanel = (Panel)MainMenuWindowPanelField.GetValue(mainMenu); Button exitButton; if (!buttonPanel.FindControlRecursive(out exitButton, b => b.Text == "Exit")) { return; } Button modsButton = new Button(manager); modsButton.Init(); modsButton.Width = 200; modsButton.Top = exitButton.Top; modsButton.Left = (buttonPanel.Width - modsButton.Width) / 2; modsButton.Margins = new Margins(0, 2, 0, 2); modsButton.Text = "Mods"; buttonPanel.Height += modsButton.Height + 4; modsButton.Click += MainMenuModsButtonClick; buttonPanel.Add(modsButton); exitButton.Top = modsButton.Top + modsButton.Height + modsButton.Margins.Bottom + exitButton.Margins.Top; if (!mainMenu.FindControlRecursive(out _gnomoriaVersionLabel, l => l.Text.StartsWith("v"))) { return; } _gnomoriaVersionLabel.Text = "Gnomoria " + _gnomoriaVersionLabel.Text; _gnomodiaVersionLabel = new Label(manager); _gnomodiaVersionLabel.Init(); _gnomodiaVersionLabel.Alignment = Alignment.MiddleRight; _gnomodiaVersionLabel.Text = "Gnomodia v" + typeof(ModDialog).Assembly.GetInformationalVersion(); mainMenu.Add(_gnomodiaVersionLabel); Reset(mainMenu, null, null); }
protected override void OnInitialize(InitializeDirectXEventArgs e) { IDirect2DProvider direct2D = e.DirectX.Direct2D; BitmapProperties1 bitmapProperties = new BitmapProperties1() { DpiX = e.Settings.Dpi, DpiY = e.Settings.Dpi, PixelFormat = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.PixelFormat(SharpDX.DXGI.Format.B8G8R8A8_UNorm, SharpDX.Direct2D1.AlphaMode.Premultiplied), BitmapOptions = BitmapOptions.Target, }; uiSurface = ToDispose(new Bitmap1(direct2D.Context, new Size2(e.Settings.ScreenWidth, e.Settings.ScreenHeight), bitmapProperties)); Overlay = ToDispose(Overlay.FromDescription( new OverlayDescription(width: e.Settings.ScreenWidth, height: e.Settings.ScreenHeight))); Overlay.BeginDesign(); Panel panel = new Panel() { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(512, 192), Width = 320, Height = 92 }; Label label = new Label() { Position = new SharpDX.Vector2(8, 8), Text = "stereo" }; panel.Add(label); Overlay.Add(panel); Overlay.EndDesign(e.DirectX); effectGraph = CreateEffectGraph(direct2D); direct2D.Context.TextAntialiasMode = SharpDX.Direct2D1.TextAntialiasMode.Grayscale; }
public void LoadContent() { MainPanel = new Panel(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/menu/MenuBG"), new Vector2(0, 0)); switch (iLevel) { case 0: peHeader = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Story/story0"), true); break; case 2: peHeader = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Story/story1"), true); break; case 4: peHeader = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Story/story2"), true); break; default: peHeader = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Story/storyTest"), true); break; } MainPanel.Add(peHeader, new Vector2(0f, 0f)); }
public static Panel ToSAM(this SurfaceData surfaceData, IEnumerable <PanelDataType> panelDataTypes = null) { if (surfaceData == null) { return(null); } ParameterSet parameterSet = Create.ParameterSet(ActiveSetting.Setting, surfaceData); if (panelDataTypes != null) { foreach (PanelDataType panelDataType in panelDataTypes) { List <double> values = surfaceData.AnnualSurfaceResult <double>(panelDataType); if (values == null) { continue; } JArray jArray = new JArray(); values.ForEach(x => jArray.Add(x)); parameterSet.Add(panelDataType.Text(), jArray); } } PanelType panelType = Query.PanelType(surfaceData.BEType); PlanarBoundary3D planarBoundary3D = null; Panel panel = Analytical.Create.Panel(new Construction(surfaceData.BEName), panelType, planarBoundary3D); panel.Add(parameterSet); return(panel); }
public override void RenderView(System.Web.Mvc.ViewContext viewContext, System.IO.TextWriter writer) { writer.Write("<!DOCTYPE html>"); writer.Write("<head>"); writer.Write("<title>后台管理中心 - " + AppConfig.WebTitle + "</title>"); writer.Write("</head><body></body>"); var x = Html.X(); writer.Write(x.ResourceManager().ToHtmlString()); #region 总体布局 var viewPort = new Viewport(); viewPort.Layout = "border"; var _copyright = new Panel(); _copyright.Title = AppConfig.WebName + " 版权所有"; _copyright.TitleAlign = TitleAlign.Center; _copyright.Collapsible = false; _copyright.Region = Region.South; _copyright.Split = true; var _menu = new Panel(); _menu.Title = "导航菜单"; _menu.Collapsible = true; _menu.Region = Region.West; _menu.Split = true; _menu.Width = 200; var _workArea = new Ext.Net.TabPanel(); _workArea.Title = "欢迎使用"; _workArea.Region = Region.Center; _workArea.ID = "tabWork"; var _title = new Panel(); _title.Title = AppConfig.WebTitle; _title.Collapsible = false; _title.Region = Region.North; _title.Split = true; viewPort.Items.Add(_title); viewPort.Items.Add(_workArea); viewPort.Items.Add(_copyright); viewPort.Items.Add(_menu); #endregion #region 个人区 var _personPanel = new Ext.Net.Panel(); _personPanel.Collapsed = true; _personPanel.Collapsible = true; _personPanel.Title = "欢迎使用"; _personPanel.Height = 110; _personPanel.BodyPadding = 10; _personPanel.Layout = "table"; _personPanel.LayoutConfig.Add(new TableLayoutConfig() { Columns = 2 }); Image avatarImg = new Image(); avatarImg.RowSpan = 2; avatarImg.Width = avatarImg.Height = 70; //avatarImg.ImageUrl = BaseResource.avatar; _personPanel.Add(avatarImg); _personPanel.Add(new Label(UserInfo.Username)); ButtonGroup buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup(); buttonGroup.Width = 80; buttonGroup.Layout = "vbox"; buttonGroup.Add(new Button() { Icon = Ext.Net.Icon.Key, Text = "修改密码", ID = "btnChangePassword", OnClientClick = ";App.winChangePassword.getLoader().load();" }); var btnExit = new Button() { Text = "安全退出", ID = "btnExit", Icon = Icon.KeyDelete }; buttonGroup.Add(btnExit); _personPanel.Add(buttonGroup); _menu.Add(_personPanel); var winChangePassword = new Window() { Icon = Icon.Key, BodyPadding = 10, Width = 300, Height = 210, Modal = true, Hidden = true, AutoShow = false, ID = "winChangePassword", Title = "修改密码", Loader = new ComponentLoader() { Url = Url.Action("changePassword", "account"), Mode = LoadMode.Frame } }; #endregion var _menuPanel = new TreePanel() { Title = "功能菜单", Height = 500, RootVisible = false, ID = "mainMenu" }; var _menuStore = new TreeStore() { NodeParam = "parentId" }; _menuStore.Proxy.Add(x.AjaxProxy().Url(Url.Action("GetMenus")).ActionMethods(y => y.Read = HttpMethod.POST)); //_menuStore.ReadData += _menuStore_ReadData; _menuPanel.Store.Add(_menuStore); _menuPanel.Root.Add(new Node() { NodeID = "0", Text = "Root", Expanded = true }); _menu.Add(_menuPanel); var itemClick = _menuPanel.DirectEvents.ItemClick; itemClick.Before = "var tree=arguments[0],eventType=arguments[1],eventName=arguments[2],extraParams=arguments[3];var tab = App.tabWork.getComponent('menu' + extraParams.menuid);if (tab) {App.tabWork.setActiveTab(tab);return false;}return tree.getStore().getNodeById(extraParams.menuid).isLeaf();"; itemClick.Url = Url.Action("OpenPage"); itemClick.ExtraParams.Add(new Parameter("menuid", "", ParameterMode.Raw)); writer.Write(viewPort.ToBuilder().ToHtmlString()); }
public static void Execute(Atom parent) { var code = new Div (); new Div (d=>{ d.ClassName="bs-docs-example"; UI.CreateContainer( d, ct=>{ UI.CreateRowFluid(ct, r=>{ new Div(r, sp=>{ sp.ClassName="span5"; var p1 =CreatePanel("Apps"); new Div(pi=>{ pi.ClassName="c-icons"; pi.Append("<style>img {height: 40px;} .c-icon {height: 95px;}</style>"); foreach( var app in GetApps()){ new ImgPicture(pi, img=>{ img.Img.Src=app.Icon; img.Text=app.Title; img.Clicked+= (e) =>{e.PreventDefault(); app.Title.LogInfo();}; }); } p1.Add(pi); }); var p2 =CreatePanel("Demo"); var color = new TextField(); var bb = new Button("Change background"); bb.Clicked+= (e) => p2.Body.Style.BackgroundColor= color.Value; var bc = new Button("collapse"); bc.Clicked+= (e) => p2.Collapse(); p2.Add(color); p2.Add(bb); p2.Add(bc); sp.JQuery.Append(p1).Append(p2); }); new Div(r, sp=>{ sp.ClassName="span5"; var p1 =CreatePanel("El Coyote"); new Div( cy=>{ cy.ClassName="span2"; new Image(cy,i=>{ i.Src="img/coyote.jpg"; i.Style.Height="100px"; }); p1.Add(cy); }); new Div( cy=>{ cy.ClassName="span10"; cy.Append(@"<i><b>El <a href='' title='Coyote' target='_blank'>Coyote</a> y el <a href='' title='Geococcyx californianus' target='_blank'>Correcaminos</a></b></i> (<i><b>Wile E. Coyote</b> and the <b>Road Runner</b></i>) son los personajes de una serie <a href='' title='Estados Unidos' target='_blank'>estadounidense</a> de <a href='' title='Dibujos animados' target='_blank'>dibujos animados</a> creada en el año de <a href='' title='1949' target='_blank'>1949</a> por el animador <a href='' title='Chuck Jones' target='_blank'>Chuck Jones</a> para <a href='' title='Warner Brothers' target='_blank'>Warner Brothers</a>. Chuck Jones se inspiró para crear a estos personajes en un libro de <a href='' title='Mark Twain' target='_blank'>Mark Twain</a>, titulado <i>Roughin It</i>, en el que Twain denotaba que los coyotes hambrientos podrían cazar un correcaminos. <a href='' title='Coyote' target='_blank'>El Coyote (wikipedia)</a> "); p1.Add(cy); }); var p2 =CreatePanel("Table"); var tb = new Table<App>("title"); tb.Load(GetApps()); p2.Add(tb); sp.JQuery.Append(p1).Append(p2); }); }); }); var wn=1; new Button(d, bt=>{ bt.Text="Window I"; bt.Clicked+=evt=>{ new Panel( new PanelOptions{Overlay=true}){ Caption="Window " +(wn++).ToString(), Left=(wn*5).ToString()+"px", Top=(wn*15).ToString()+"px", Width="300px", Height="100px", }.Show(); }; }); new Button(d, bt=>{ bt.Text="Window II"; bt.Clicked+=evt=>{ var panel= new Panel( new PanelOptions{ Overlay=true, Caption="Custom Close Icon and Handler", Left="200px", Top="300px", Width="auto", CloseIconClass="icon-th-large", CloseIconHandler=p=>{ p.Caption="Close icon changed !!!"; p.CloseIcon.ClassName= "icon-remove-circle"; p.CloseIconHandler= pn=> {pn.Close(); "Panel was closed".LogError(5000); }; p.Height="400px"; } }); panel.Add( new Button(b=>{ b.Text="click me !"; b.Style.Width="100%"; b.Style.Height="100%"; b.Clicked+= (e) => "button clicked".LogSuccess(); })); panel.Show(); }; }); new Button(d, bt=>{ bt.Text="Window III"; bt.Clicked+=evt=>{ var panel= new Panel( new PanelOptions{ Overlay=true, Caption="no closable, no collapsible", Left="200px", Top="300px", Width="auto", Collapsible=false, Closable=false, }); panel.Add( new Button(b=>{ b.Text="click me !"; b.Style.Width="100%"; b.Style.Height="100%"; b.Clicked+= (e) => { panel.Caption ="now closable and collapsible"; panel.Closable=true; panel.Collapsible=true; b.Disabled=true; }; })); panel.Show(); }; }); d.JQuery.Append("C# code".Header(4)).Append(code); parent.Append(d); }); var rq =jQuery.GetData<string> ("code/demopanels.html"); rq.Done (s=> code.InnerHTML=s); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var mainPanel = new Panel(); mainPanel.Name = "mainPanle"; mainPanel.Width = Application.STANDARD_ROOT_BOUNDARY.Width - 12; mainPanel.Height = Application.STANDARD_ROOT_BOUNDARY.Height - 6; mainPanel.Top = 3; mainPanel.Left = 6; #region Left Side var leftBox = new Groupbox(); leftBox.Name = "leftBox"; leftBox.Header = "Left Box"; leftBox.Top = leftBox.Left = 0; leftBox.Width = mainPanel.Width / 2; leftBox.Height = mainPanel.Height; var lblLeftStatus = new Label("Status:"); lblLeftStatus.Name = "lblLeftStatus"; lblLeftStatusText = new Label(); lblLeftStatusText.Name = "lblLeftStatusText"; lblLeftStatusText.Left = lblLeftStatus.Text.Length; lblLeftStatusText.Width = leftBox.Width - lblLeftStatus.Width; lblLeftStatusText.Align = ContentAlign.Right; var btnLeftIncrement = new Button("Increment"); btnLeftIncrement.Top = 1; btnLeftIncrement.Name = "btnLeftIncrement"; btnLeftIncrement.Pressed += BtnLeftIncrementOnPressed; var btnLeftClear = new Button("Clear"); btnLeftClear.Top = 2; btnLeftClear.Name = "btnLeftClear"; btnLeftClear.Pressed += (sender, eventArgs) => lblLeftStatusText.Text = ""; var txtLeftText = new Textbox(); txtLeftText.Text = "asd123"; txtLeftText.Top = 3; txtLeftText.Left = 21; txtLeftText.Width = 10; txtLeftText.BackColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; txtLeftText.ForeColor = ConsoleColor.Black; txtLeftText.Name = "txtLeftText"; txtLeftText.EnterPressed += (sender, eventArgs) => lblLeftStatusText.Text = txtLeftText.Text; var btnLeftSetText = new Button("Set this text =>"); btnLeftSetText.Top = 3; btnLeftSetText.Name = "btnLeftSetText"; btnLeftSetText.Pressed += (sender, eventArgs) => lblLeftStatusText.Text = txtLeftText.Text; var chkLeftMoveDir = new Checkbox("Move button up"); chkLeftMoveDir.Top = 5; chkLeftMoveDir.Left = 12; chkLeftMoveDir.Name = "chkLeftMoveDir"; chkLeftMoveDir.Checked = CheckState.Unchecked; var prgLeftMoveButton = new Progressbar(); prgLeftMoveButton.Top = 6; prgLeftMoveButton.Left = 12; prgLeftMoveButton.Name = "prgLeftMoveButton"; prgLeftMoveButton.Width = chkLeftMoveDir.Text.Length + 4; prgLeftMoveButton.Value = 10; var lblLeftPrgDesc = new Label(@"^ Progressbar ^"); lblLeftPrgDesc.Top = 7; lblLeftPrgDesc.Left = 14; lblLeftPrgDesc.Name = "lblLeftPrgDesc"; var myPlayground = new Playground(7, 14); myPlayground.Name = "playground"; myPlayground.Top = 9; myPlayground.Left = 14; myPlayground.BackColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; myPlayground.ForeColor = ConsoleColor.Red; myPlayground[0, 0] = 'x'; myPlayground[2, 2] = 'x'; myPlayground[4, 4] = 'x'; myPlayground[6, 6] = 'o'; myPlayground[4, 8] = 'x'; myPlayground[2, 10] = 'x'; myPlayground[0, 12] = 'x'; var btnLeftMove = new Button("Move"); btnLeftMove.Top = 4; btnLeftMove.Name = "btnLeftMove"; btnLeftMove.Pressed += (sender, eventArgs) => { var mv = chkLeftMoveDir.Checked == CheckState.Checked ? -1 : 1; if(btnLeftMove.Top + mv < btnLeftMove.Container.Height - 3 && btnLeftMove.Top + mv > 3) btnLeftMove.Top += mv; prgLeftMoveButton.Value = (int)(((btnLeftMove.Top - 2) / (float)(btnLeftMove.Container.Height - 6)) * 100); }; leftBox.Add(lblLeftStatus); leftBox.Add(lblLeftStatusText); leftBox.Add(btnLeftIncrement); leftBox.Add(btnLeftClear); leftBox.Add(btnLeftSetText); leftBox.Add(txtLeftText); leftBox.Add(btnLeftMove); leftBox.Add(chkLeftMoveDir); leftBox.Add(prgLeftMoveButton); leftBox.Add(lblLeftPrgDesc); leftBox.Add(myPlayground); #endregion #region Right Side var rightBox = new Groupbox(); rightBox.Name = "rightBox"; rightBox.Header = "Right Box"; rightBox.Top = 0; rightBox.Left = mainPanel.Width / 2; rightBox.Width = mainPanel.Width / 2; rightBox.Height = mainPanel.Height; var rightRightBox = new Groupbox(); rightRightBox.Name = "rightRightBox"; rightRightBox.Header = "Checkbox!"; rightRightBox.Top = 1; rightRightBox.Width = rightBox.Width / 2 - 2; rightRightBox.Height = 8; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) rightRightBox.Add(new Checkbox("Foo" + i) { Name = "foo" + i, Top = i }); var rightLeftBox = new Groupbox(); rightLeftBox.Name = "rightLeftBox"; rightLeftBox.Header = "Radiobutton!"; rightLeftBox.Top = 1; rightLeftBox.Left = rightBox.Width / 2 - 2; rightLeftBox.Width = rightBox.Width / 2 + 2; rightLeftBox.Height = 8; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) rightLeftBox.Add(new RadioButton("Bar" + i) { Name = "bar" + i, Top = i }); var lblRightRadioDesc = new Label("Radiobuttons can have groups:"); lblRightRadioDesc.Top = rightLeftBox.Height + 2; lblRightRadioDesc.Name = "lblDesc"; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) rightBox.Add(new RadioButton("asd" + i) { Text = "Group" + (i / 3), Name = "chk" + i.ToString(), Top = (i % 3) + rightRightBox.Height + 3, Left = (i / 3) * 15 + 2, ComboboxGroup = "grp" + (i / 3) }); rightBox.Add(rightRightBox); rightBox.Add(rightLeftBox); rightBox.Add(lblRightRadioDesc); #endregion mainPanel.Add(leftBox); mainPanel.Add(rightBox); var app = new Application(mainPanel); app.FocusManager = new FocusManager(mainPanel, btnLeftIncrement); app.Name = "FoggyConsole"; app.Run(); }
public void LoadContent() { background = GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/BGScore"); MainPanel = new Panel(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/panel"), new Vector2(0.1f * GameConstants.WINDOWSIZE.X, 0.1f * GameConstants.WINDOWSIZE.Y)); string score = " Score: " + (ilevelscore - iTimeBonus); //TODO: Replaxe Spaces with \# code string tbon = "Time Bonus: " + iTimeBonus; string retry = " Retry "; string sumscore = " Result: " + ilevelscore; peCoin = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/coin"), true); // Icon of Coin ptCoin = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/void"), true); // Text: number of Coins ptCoin.AddText(GameConstants.lucidaConsole, " " + ilevelCoins, Color.White); ptScore = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/void"), true); // Text: actual Score ptScore.AddText(GameConstants.lucidaConsole, score, Color.White); ptTimebonus = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/void"), true); //Text: actual TimeBonus ptTimebonus.AddText(GameConstants.lucidaConsole, tbon, Color.White); ptScoreSum = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/void"), true); // Text: Result: ptScoreSum.AddText(GameConstants.lucidaConsole, sumscore, Color.White); pbtRetry = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/button"), true); // Button: retry ptRetry = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/void"), true); ptRetry.AddText(GameConstants.lucidaConsole, retry, Color.White); ptRetryS = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/void"), true); // Button: retry selected ptRetryS.AddText(GameConstants.lucidaConsole, retry, Color.OrangeRed); //LOADNG THE ELEMENTS if (!mustRetry) { string pay = "Pay $" + (ilevelCoins * 1 / 2); ptText = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/ConfirmText"), true); // Text: Main-Info Text pePictuer = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/door_0-0_short"), true); // Sprite of Warden or Door pbtConfirm = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/button"), true); // Button: pay fee and go on ptConfirm = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/void"), true); ptConfirm.AddText(GameConstants.lucidaConsole, pay, Color.White); ptConfirmS = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/void"), true); // Button Confirm Selected ptConfirmS.AddText(GameConstants.lucidaConsole, pay, Color.OrangeRed); } else { ptText = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/RetryText"), true); // Text: Main-Info Text pePictuer = new PanelElement(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/door_riegel_short"), true); // Sprite of Warden or Door pePictuer.AddTexture(GameConstants.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Panels/door_0-0_short")); } // FILLING THE PANEL MainPanel.Add(peCoin, new Vector2(0.07f, 0.1f)); MainPanel.Add(ptCoin, new Vector2(0.15f, 0.1f)); MainPanel.Add(ptScore, new Vector2(0.6f, 0.1f)); MainPanel.Add(ptTimebonus, new Vector2(0.6f, 0.18f)); MainPanel.Add(ptScoreSum, new Vector2(0.6f, 0.26f)); MainPanel.Add(ptText, new Vector2(0.45f, 0.3f)); MainPanel.Add(pePictuer, new Vector2(0.07f, 0.3f)); MainPanel.Add(pbtRetry, new Vector2(0.6f, 0.75f)); MainPanel.Add(ptRetry, new Vector2(0.65f, 0.76f)); MainPanel.Add(ptRetryS, new Vector2(0.65f, 0.76f)); if (!mustRetry) { MainPanel.Add(pbtConfirm, new Vector2(0.2f, 0.75f)); MainPanel.Add(ptConfirm, new Vector2(0.25f, 0.76f)); MainPanel.Add(ptConfirmS, new Vector2(0.25f, 0.76f)); } }
public void InsTitles() { wintitles = new Panel(manager); wintitles.Init(); wintitles.Text = "Titles Editor"; wintitles.Visible = false; wintitles.Resizable = false; wintitles.Movable = true; wintitles.Top = 3; wintitles.Left = 2; wintitles.Width = 350; wintitles.Height = 387; wintitles.Alpha = 200; manager.Add(wintitles); ListTextureMap = new ListBox(manager); ListTextureMap.Init(); ListTextureMap.Top = 240; ListTextureMap.Left = 171; ListTextureMap.Width = 173; ListTextureMap.Height = 108; ListTextureMap.ItemIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ListTextureMap_ItemIndexChanged); ListTextureHave = new ListBox(manager); ListTextureHave.Init(); ListTextureHave.Top = 32; ListTextureHave.Left = 5; ListTextureHave.Width = 160; ListTextureHave.Height = 316; ListTextureHave.ItemIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ListTextureHave_ItemIndexChanged); ListTextureHave.MousePress += new MouseEventHandler(ListTextureHave_MousePress); ImgDisplayTexture = new ImageBox(manager); ImgDisplayTexture.Init(); ImgDisplayTexture.Top = 32; ImgDisplayTexture.Width = 173; ImgDisplayTexture.Height = 173; ImgDisplayTexture.Left = 171; ImgDisplayTexture.SizeMode = SizeMode.Stretched; btnSave = new Button(manager); btnSave.Init(); btnSave.Text = "Save"; btnSave.Top = 357; btnSave.Left = 269; btnSave.Width = 75; btnSave.Height = 23; btnSave.Click += new EventHandler(btnSave_Click); cbListType = new ComboBox(manager); cbListType.Init(); cbListType.Top = 8; cbListType.Left = 5; cbListType.Width = 60; cbListType.Height = 21; cbListType.ItemIndexChanged += new EventHandler(cbListType_ItemIndexChanged); cbListMap = new ComboBox(manager); cbListMap.Init(); cbListMap.Top = 8; cbListMap.Left = 171; cbListMap.Width = 173; cbListMap.Height = 21; cbListObj = new ComboBox(manager); cbListObj.Init(); cbListObj.Top = 8; cbListObj.Left = 71; cbListObj.Width = 94; cbListObj.Height = 21; cbListObj.ItemIndexChanged += new EventHandler(cbListObj_ItemIndexChanged); cbLayer = new ComboBox(manager); cbLayer.Init(); cbLayer.Top = 211; cbLayer.Left = 171; cbLayer.Width = 173; cbLayer.Height = 21; cbLayer.ItemIndexChanged += new EventHandler(cbLayer_ItemIndexChanged); wintitles.Add(ListTextureMap); wintitles.Add(ListTextureHave); wintitles.Add(ImgDisplayTexture); wintitles.Add(btnSave); wintitles.Add(cbListType); wintitles.Add(cbListMap); wintitles.Add(cbListObj); wintitles.Add(cbLayer); GetData(); }
public TaskCrafting(Manager manager) : base(manager) { //Set up the window TopPanel.Visible = true; BottomPanel.Visible = false; Resizable = false; Height = 512; Width = 696; imageCaption = new ImageBox(manager); imageCaption.Init(); imageCaption.Left = 8; imageCaption.Width = 48; imageCaption.Height = 48; imageCaption.Top = -4; Add(imageCaption); Caption.Left = Description.Left = imageCaption.Left + imageCaption.Width + 8; TopPanel.Height = imageCaption.Height + 8; grpPnlRecipie = new GroupPanel(manager); grpPnlRecipie.Init(); grpPnlRecipie.Left = 4; grpPnlRecipie.Top = TopPanel.Height + 2; grpPnlRecipie.Width = (ClientWidth / 2) - 4 - 2; grpPnlRecipie.Height = ClientHeight - grpPnlRecipie.Top - 6; grpPnlRecipie.Text = "Recipies"; grpPnlRecipie.Color = Color.White; Add(grpPnlRecipie); grpPnlItem = new GroupPanel(manager); grpPnlItem.Init(); grpPnlItem.Left = (ClientWidth / 2) + 2; grpPnlItem.Top = TopPanel.Height + 2; grpPnlItem.Width = (ClientWidth / 2) - 6; grpPnlItem.Height = ClientHeight - grpPnlRecipie.Top - 6; grpPnlItem.Text = "Item"; grpPnlItem.Color = Color.White; Add(grpPnlItem); pnlItem = new Panel(manager); pnlItem.Anchor = Anchors.Left | Anchors.Top | Anchors.Right; pnlItem.Init(); pnlItem.Width = grpPnlItem.ClientWidth; pnlItem.Height = 64; pnlItem.BevelBorder = BevelBorder.Bottom; grpPnlItem.Add(pnlItem); grpPnlReq = new GroupPanel(manager); grpPnlReq.Init(); grpPnlReq.Left = -1; grpPnlReq.Top = 62; grpPnlReq.Width = (ClientWidth / 2) - 6; grpPnlReq.Height = 84; grpPnlReq.Text = "Requirements"; grpPnlReq.Color = Color.White; grpPnlItem.Add(grpPnlReq); imgItem = new ImageBox(manager); imgItem.Init(); imgItem.Left = 8; imgItem.Width = 0; imgItem.Height = 0; imgItem.Top = 8; pnlItem.Add(imgItem); lblName = new Label(manager); lblName.Init(); lblName.Left = imgItem.Width + imgItem.Left + 6; lblName.Top = imgItem.Top; lblName.Width = pnlItem.Width - lblName.Left; lblName.Font = FontSize.Default12; pnlItem.Add(lblName); lblDesc = new Label(manager); lblDesc.Init(); lblDesc.Left = imgItem.Width + imgItem.Left + 10; lblDesc.Top = lblName.Top + lblName.Height; lblDesc.Width = pnlItem.Width - lblName.Left; lblDesc.TextColor = Color.Gray; pnlItem.Add(lblDesc); lblIngredients = new Label(manager); lblIngredients.Init(); lblIngredients.Left = 8; lblIngredients.Top = 4; lblIngredients.Height = Tile.Height; lblIngredients.Text = "Ingredients:"; lblIngredients.Width = (int)manager.Skin.Fonts[0].Resource.MeasureRichString(lblIngredients.Text, manager).X; grpPnlReq.Add(lblIngredients); lblStation = new Label(manager); lblStation.Init(); lblStation.Left = 8; lblStation.Top = lblIngredients.Top + lblIngredients.Height + 8; lblStation.Text = "Station:"; lblStation.Width = (int)manager.Skin.Fonts[0].Resource.MeasureRichString(lblStation.Text, manager).X; grpPnlReq.Add(lblStation); cmbTopCat = new ComboBox(manager); cmbTopCat.Init(); cmbTopCat.Left = 8; cmbTopCat.Top = 8; cmbTopCat.Width = grpPnlRecipie.Width / 2 - 11; cmbTopCat.Items.AddRange(ItemCategory.ItemCategories.Where(x => x.TopLevel).Select(element => element.Name).ToList()); grpPnlRecipie.Add(cmbTopCat); cmbSubCat = new ComboBox(manager); cmbSubCat.Init(); cmbSubCat.Left = cmbTopCat.Left + cmbTopCat.Width + 2; cmbSubCat.Top = cmbTopCat.Top; cmbSubCat.Width = grpPnlRecipie.Width / 2 - 8; cmbSubCat.MaxItems = 128; grpPnlRecipie.Add(cmbSubCat); cmbSubCat.Items.Add(ItemCategory.All.Name); chkHasMaterials = new CheckBox(manager); chkHasMaterials.Init(); chkHasMaterials.Top = cmbTopCat.Top + cmbTopCat.Height + 8; chkHasMaterials.Left = cmbTopCat.Left; chkHasMaterials.Text = "Have Materials"; chkHasMaterials.Width = 106; chkHasMaterials.ToolTip.Text = "Only display items that you have materials for."; chkHasMaterials.CheckedChanged += chkHasMaterials_CheckedChanged; grpPnlRecipie.Add(chkHasMaterials); chkAtStation = new CheckBox(manager); chkAtStation.Init(); chkAtStation.Top = cmbTopCat.Top + cmbTopCat.Height + 8; chkAtStation.Left = cmbTopCat.Left + chkHasMaterials.Width; chkAtStation.Text = "At Station"; chkAtStation.Width = 80; chkAtStation.ToolTip.Text = "Only display items who's crafting station is near."; chkAtStation.CheckedChanged += chkAtStation_CheckedChanged; grpPnlRecipie.Add(chkAtStation); txtSearch = new TextBox(manager); txtSearch.Init(); txtSearch.Top = cmbTopCat.Top + cmbTopCat.Height + 4; txtSearch.Left = chkAtStation.Left + chkAtStation.Width; txtSearch.Text = "Search..."; txtSearch.Width = 131; txtSearch.ToolTip.Text = "Only display items that contain or match the search text."; txtSearch.FocusGained += txtSearch_FocusGained; txtSearch.FocusLost += txtSearch_FocusLost; txtSearch.TextChanged += txtSearch_TextChanged; grpPnlRecipie.Add(txtSearch); itemSelector = new ControlList <ItemListControl>(manager); itemSelector.Init(); itemSelector.Width = grpPnlRecipie.ClientWidth - 16; itemSelector.Height = grpPnlRecipie.ClientHeight - 16 - chkHasMaterials.Top - chkHasMaterials.Height; itemSelector.Left = 8; itemSelector.Top = chkHasMaterials.Top + chkHasMaterials.Height + 8; grpPnlRecipie.Add(itemSelector); pnlCraft = new Panel(manager); pnlCraft.Anchor = Anchors.Left | Anchors.Bottom | Anchors.Right; pnlCraft.Init(); pnlCraft.Width = grpPnlItem.ClientWidth; pnlCraft.Height = 56 + 8 + 8; pnlCraft.Top = grpPnlItem.ClientHeight - pnlCraft.Height; pnlCraft.BevelBorder = BevelBorder.Top; grpPnlItem.Add(pnlCraft); grpPnlStats = new GroupPanel(manager); grpPnlStats.Init(); grpPnlStats.Left = -1; grpPnlStats.Top = grpPnlReq.Top + grpPnlReq.Height; grpPnlStats.Width = grpPnlReq.Width; grpPnlStats.Height = (int)Math.Abs(pnlCraft.Top - (grpPnlReq.Top + grpPnlReq.Height)) + 2; grpPnlStats.Text = "Stats"; grpPnlStats.Color = Color.White; grpPnlItem.Add(grpPnlStats); btnCraft = new Button(manager); btnCraft.Init(); btnCraft.Enabled = false; btnCraft.Text = "Craft"; btnCraft.Left = (grpPnlItem.Width / 2) - btnCraft.Width - 4; btnCraft.Top = grpPnlItem.ClientHeight - btnCraft.Height - 8; btnCraft.Click += btnCraft_Click; grpPnlItem.Add(btnCraft); itemSlotOutput[0] = new Slot(Item.Blank, 0); sltOutput = new SlotContainer(manager, 1, 1); sltOutput.ItemSlots = itemSlotOutput; sltOutput.Init(); sltOutput.Left = (grpPnlItem.ClientWidth / 2) + 4; sltOutput.Top = grpPnlItem.ClientHeight - sltOutput.Height; sltOutput.MoveItems += sltOutput_MoveItems; sltOutput.CanAdd = false; spnCraft = new SpinBox(manager, SpinBoxMode.Range); spnCraft.Init(); spnCraft.Width = btnCraft.Width; spnCraft.Left = (grpPnlItem.Width / 2) - spnCraft.Width - 4; spnCraft.Minimum = 0; spnCraft.Maximum = (int)StackSize.Max; spnCraft.ReadOnly = false; spnCraft.Rounding = 0; spnCraft.Top = sltOutput.Top; spnCraft.TextChanged += spnCraft_TextChanged; grpPnlItem.Add(spnCraft); grpPnlItem.Add(sltOutput); itemSlotInput[0] = new Slot(Item.Blank, 0); sltInput = new SlotContainer(manager, 1, 1); sltInput.ItemSlots = itemSlotInput; sltInput.Init(); sltInput.Left = btnCraft.Left - sltInput.ClientWidth; sltInput.Top = grpPnlItem.ClientHeight - sltOutput.Height + 4; sltInput.CheckItems += sltInput_CheckItems; sltInput.MoveItems += sltInput_MoveItems; sltInput.CanAdd = true; grpPnlItem.Add(sltOutput); grpPnlItem.Add(sltInput); prgFuel = new ProgressBar(manager); prgFuel.Init(); prgFuel.Color = Color.Orange; prgFuel.Text = "Fuel"; prgFuel.ToolTip.Text = "Fuel"; prgFuel.Top = pnlCraft.Top + 4; prgFuel.Left = sltInput.Left; prgFuel.Width = sltInput.ClientWidth - 8; prgFuel.Height = 15; grpPnlItem.Add(prgFuel); prgOutput = new ProgressBar(manager); prgOutput.Init(); prgOutput.Color = Color.ForestGreen; prgOutput.Text = "Output"; prgOutput.ToolTip.Text = "Output"; prgOutput.Top = pnlCraft.Top + 4; prgOutput.Left = sltOutput.Left; prgOutput.Width = sltOutput.ClientWidth - 8; prgOutput.Height = 15; grpPnlItem.Add(prgOutput); imgStationNeeded = new ImageBox(Manager); imgStationNeeded.Init(); grpPnlReq.Add(imgStationNeeded); lblStationNeeded = new Label(Manager); lblStationNeeded.Init(); grpPnlReq.Add(lblStationNeeded); ItemStatLabels = new Label[15]; for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++) { ItemStatLabels[j] = new Label(Manager); ItemStatLabels[j].Init(); ingredientsNeeded.Add(Tuple.Create(new ImageBox(Manager), new Label(Manager))); ingredientsNeeded[j].Item1.Init(); } HideAll(); SetupCraftingControls(manager); Center(); }
protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e) { base.OnPreInit(e); #region 总体布局 _viewPort = new Viewport(); _viewPort.Layout = "border"; _copyright = new Panel(); _copyright.Title = "版权"; _copyright.TitleAlign = TitleAlign.Center; _copyright.Collapsible = false; _copyright.Region = Region.South; _copyright.Split = true; _menu = new Panel(); _menu.Title = "导航菜单"; _menu.Collapsible = true; _menu.Region = Region.West; _menu.Split = true; _menu.Width = 200; _workArea = new Ext.Net.TabPanel(); _workArea.Title = "欢迎使用"; _workArea.Region = Region.Center; _workArea.ID = "tabWork"; _title = new Panel(); _title.Title = WebName; _title.Collapsible = false; _title.Region = Region.North; _title.Split = true; _viewPort.Items.Add(_title); _viewPort.Items.Add(_workArea); _viewPort.Items.Add(_copyright); _viewPort.Items.Add(_menu); #endregion #region 个人区 _personPanel = new Ext.Net.Panel(); _personPanel.Collapsed = true; _personPanel.Collapsible = true; _personPanel.Title = "欢迎使用"; _personPanel.Height = 110; _personPanel.BodyPadding = 10; _personPanel.Layout = "table"; _personPanel.LayoutConfig.Add(new TableLayoutConfig() { Columns = 2 }); Image avatarImg = new Image(); avatarImg.RowSpan = 2; avatarImg.Width = avatarImg.Height = 70; avatarImg.ImageUrl = BaseResource.avatar; _personPanel.Add(avatarImg); _personPanel.Add(new Label(userInfo.Username)); ButtonGroup buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup(); buttonGroup.Width = 80; buttonGroup.Layout = "vbox"; buttonGroup.Add(new KeyButton() { Text = "修改密码", ID = "btnChangePassword", OnClientClick = ";App.winChangePassword.getLoader().load();" }); btnExit = new Button() { Text = "安全退出", ID = "btnExit", Icon = Icon.KeyDelete }; var clickEvent = btnExit.DirectEvents.Click; clickEvent.Event += clickEvent_Event; clickEvent.EventMask.Set("正在退出"); clickEvent.Confirmation.ConfirmRequest = true; clickEvent.Confirmation.Title = "提示"; clickEvent.Confirmation.Message = "确定退出?"; buttonGroup.Add(btnExit); _personPanel.Add(buttonGroup); _menu.Add(_personPanel); winChangePassword = new Window() { Icon = Icon.Key, BodyPadding = 10, Width = 300, Height = 210, Modal = true, Hidden = true, AutoShow = false, ID = "winChangePassword", Title = "修改密码", Loader = new ComponentLoader() { Url = ResolveClientUrl("~/user/changepassword.aspx"), Mode = LoadMode.Frame } }; winChangePassword.Loader.LoadMask.Set("正在加载"); Controls.Add(winChangePassword); #endregion _menuPanel = new TreePanel() { Title = "功能菜单", Height = 500, RootVisible = false, ID = "mainMenu" }; _menuStore = new TreeStore() { NodeParam = "parentId" }; _menuStore.ReadData += _menuStore_ReadData; _menuPanel.Store.Add(_menuStore); _menuPanel.Root.Add(new Node() { NodeID = "0", Text = "Root", Expanded = true }); _menu.Add(_menuPanel); var itemClick = _menuPanel.DirectEvents.ItemClick; itemClick.Before = "var tree=arguments[0],eventType=arguments[1],eventName=arguments[2],extraParams=arguments[3];var tab = App.tabWork.getComponent('menu' +;if (tab) {App.tabWork.setActiveTab(tab);return false;}return tree.getStore().getNodeById(;"; itemClick.EventMask.Set("正在加载"); itemClick.Event += itemClick_Event; itemClick.ExtraParams.Add(new Parameter("id", "", ParameterMode.Raw)); #region 隐藏顶级窗口 _winParentWindow = new Window(); _winParentWindow.Hidden = true; _winParentWindow.Loader = new ComponentLoader(); _winParentWindow.Loader.Mode = LoadMode.Frame; _winParentWindow.Width = 800; _winParentWindow.Modal = true; _winParentWindow.Height = 600; _winParentWindow.ID = "_topWin"; Controls.Add(_winParentWindow); #endregion Controls.Add(_viewPort); }
public AboutModsPanel(Panel containingPanel, IModManager modManager, int desiredHeight = 500, int desiredWidth = 750) { _modManager = modManager; ModListBox = new ListBox(containingPanel.Manager); ModListBox.Init(); ModListBox.Top = ModListBox.Margins.Top; ModListBox.Left = ModListBox.Margins.Left; ModListBox.Width = 250; ModListBox.Height = desiredHeight - containingPanel.ClientMargins.Vertical - ModListBox.Top - ModListBox.Margins.Bottom; ModListBox.HideSelection = false; ModListBox.c81fb310624c15a101535d14adc9ec383.Add("Gnomodia"); ModListBox.ItemIndexChanged += ModListBoxOnItemIndexChanged; foreach (var modMetadata in modManager.ModMetadata) { ModListBox.c81fb310624c15a101535d14adc9ec383.Add(modMetadata.Name); } containingPanel.Add(ModListBox); ModInfoPanel = new LoweredPanel(containingPanel.Manager); ModInfoPanel.Init(); ModInfoPanel.Left = ModListBox.Left + ModListBox.Width + ModListBox.Margins.Right + ModInfoPanel.Margins.Left; ModInfoPanel.Top = ModInfoPanel.Margins.Top; ModInfoPanel.Width = desiredWidth - ModInfoPanel.Left - ModInfoPanel.Margins.Right; ModInfoPanel.Height = desiredHeight - containingPanel.ClientMargins.Vertical - ModInfoPanel.Top - ModInfoPanel.Margins.Bottom; ModInfoPanel.AutoScroll = true; ModInfoPanel.HorizontalScrollBarEnabled = false; ModInfoPanel.VerticalScrollBarShow = true; containingPanel.Add(this.ModInfoPanel); _titleLabel = new Label(containingPanel.Manager); _titleLabel.Init(); _titleLabel.Top = _titleLabel.Margins.Top; _titleLabel.Left = _titleLabel.Margins.Left; _titleLabel.Height = 14; _titleLabel.Width = ModInfoPanel.ClientWidth - _titleLabel.Margins.Horizontal; _titleLabel.Text = ""; ModInfoPanel.Add(_titleLabel); _versionLabel = new Label(containingPanel.Manager); _versionLabel.Init(); _versionLabel.Left = _versionLabel.Margins.Left; _versionLabel.Height = 14; _versionLabel.Width = ModInfoPanel.Width - _versionLabel.Margins.Horizontal; _versionLabel.Top = _titleLabel.Top + _titleLabel.Height + _titleLabel.Margins.Bottom + _versionLabel.Margins.Top; _versionLabel.Text = ""; ModInfoPanel.Add(_versionLabel); _authorLabel = new Label(containingPanel.Manager); _authorLabel.Init(); _authorLabel.Left = _authorLabel.Margins.Left; _authorLabel.Height = 14; _authorLabel.Width = ModInfoPanel.Width - _authorLabel.Margins.Horizontal; _authorLabel.Top = _versionLabel.Top + _versionLabel.Height + _versionLabel.Margins.Bottom + _authorLabel.Margins.Top; _authorLabel.Text = ""; ModInfoPanel.Add(_authorLabel); _infoLabel = new MultilineLabel(containingPanel.Manager); _infoLabel.Left = _infoLabel.Margins.Left; _infoLabel.Height = 0; _infoLabel.Top = _authorLabel.Top + _authorLabel.Height + _authorLabel.Margins.Bottom + _infoLabel.Margins.Top; _infoLabel.Width = ModInfoPanel.ClientWidth - _infoLabel.Margins.Horizontal; _infoLabel.Anchor = Anchors.Top | Anchors.Left | Anchors.Right; _infoLabel.Alignment = Alignment.TopLeft; ModInfoPanel.Add(_infoLabel); ModListBox.ItemIndex = 0; }
public WndInfos(BaseObject obj, Vector2f pos) : base(obj, 440, pos) { var header = new Label(); if (obj is PhysicalObject) { header.Text += $@"{L["Area"]} : {L["Mass"]} : {L["Moment of inertia"]} : {L["Position"]} : {L["Velocity"]} : {L["Momentum"]} : "; } header.Text += $@"{L["Energy"]} : - {L["Kinetic"]} : - {L["Linear"]} : - {L["Angular"]} - {L["Potential"]} : - {L["Gravity"]} : - {L["Attraction"]} : - {L["Spring"]} :"; header.SizeLayout = new Layout2d(130, header.Size.Y); var val = new Label { SizeLayout = new Layout2d(280, header.Size.Y), PositionLayout = new Layout2d(130, 0) }; void UpdateInfos() { var text = ""; var epes = 0f; var eela = 0f; var ecinl = 0f; var ecina = 0f; var eatt = 0f; switch (obj) { case PhysicalObject objPhy: ecinl += objPhy.LinearKineticEnergy; ecina += objPhy.AngularKineticEnergy; epes += objPhy.GravityEnergy; eatt += objPhy.AttractionEnergy; text += $@"{objPhy.Shape.Area(),7:F3} m² {objPhy.Mass,8:F3} kg {objPhy.MomentOfInertia,7:F3} kg.m² {objPhy.Position.DisplayPoint()} m {objPhy.Velocity.Display()} m/s {objPhy.Momentum.DisplayPoint()} N.s "; break; case Spring ress: eela += ress.ElasticEnergy; break; } var epot = epes + eela; var ecin = ecinl + ecina; var etot = epot + ecin; text += $@"{etot,10:F3} J {ecin,10:F3} J {ecinl,10:F3} J {ecina,10:F3} J {epot,10:F3} J {epes,10:F3} J {eatt,10:F3} J {eela,10:F3} J"; val.Text = text; } Ui.Drawn += UpdateInfos; Closed += delegate { Ui.Drawn -= UpdateInfos; }; UpdateInfos(); var pnl = new Panel { SizeLayout = new Layout2d(Size.X, header.Size.Y) }; pnl.Add(header); pnl.Add(val); Add(pnl); Show(); }
public new void Main() { if (Settings.UseDebugVideoMode) { Settings.DisplayVRam = (uint *)Heap.alloc((uint)(Settings.DisplayWidth * Settings.DisplayHeight) * 4); } else { Settings.EnterVideoMode(); } Bitmap display = new Bitmap(Settings.DisplayWidth, Settings.DisplayHeight, Settings.DisplayBuffer); bool Dragging = false; int xOffset = 0; int yOffset = 0; byte lastSecond = 0; int fps = 0; int lFPS = 0; MenuBar = new Panel(); MenuBar.SetSize(display.Width, 30); MenuBar.SetPosition(0, display.Height - MenuBar.Bounds.Height); MenuBar.PrimaryColour = Theme.DesktopBar; MenuBar.SecondaryColour = Theme.DesktopBar; Button btnMenu = new Button(); btnMenu.SetPosition(25, 0); btnMenu.SetSize(100, MenuBar.Bounds.Height); btnMenu.Content = "App Menu"; btnMenu.OnClick = ToggleMenuButton; MenuBar.Add(btnMenu); MenuArea = new Panel(); MenuArea.Visable = false; MenuArea.SetSize(300, (int)(display.Height / 1.25f)); MenuArea.SetPosition(0, MenuBar.Bounds.Y - MenuArea.Bounds.Height); MenuBar.Add(MenuArea); Form aWindow = new Login(); bool toggle = false; while (true) { #region Calculate FPS fps++; if (lastSecond != RTC.Second) { lastSecond = RTC.Second; Console.Write("FPS is "); Console.WriteLine(fps); lFPS = fps; fps = 0; Console.Write("Allocations "); Console.WriteLine(Heap.totalAllocations); } #endregion Input.Update(); #region Draw Background if (toggle) { int r = 0; int g = 255; int b = 50; int steps = 1; bool skip = false; for (int i = 1; i <= 768 / steps; i++) { uint colour = (uint)((r << 16) | (g << 8) | b); display.DrawRectangle(0, display.Height - (i * steps), display.Width, steps, colour); if (!skip) { g--; } skip = !skip; if (g < 10) { g = 10; } } } else { display.Clear(Theme.DesktopBackground); } #endregion #region Draw Forms CurrentForm = null; CurrentControl = null; for (int i = Forms.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Forms[i].Draw(display); } #endregion #region Drag Forms if (!Dragging) { if (CurrentForm != null) { ActiveForm = CurrentForm; } if (CurrentControl != null) { ActiveControl = CurrentControl; } } if (ActiveForm != null) { if (!Dragging) { if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && ActiveForm.Banner.Contains(Input.MousePosition)) { Dragging = true; xOffset = Input.MousePosition.X - ActiveForm.Bounds.X; yOffset = Input.MousePosition.Y - ActiveForm.Bounds.Y; } } else { if (!Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { Dragging = false; } else { ActiveForm.Bounds.X = Input.MousePosition.X - xOffset; ActiveForm.Bounds.Y = Input.MousePosition.Y - yOffset; } } if (ActiveForm.Bounds.X < 0) { ActiveForm.Bounds.X = 0; } if (ActiveForm.Bounds.Y <= ActiveForm.Banner.Height) { ActiveForm.Bounds.Y = ActiveForm.Banner.Height; } if (ActiveForm.Bounds.X > Settings.DisplayWidth - ActiveForm.Bounds.Width) { ActiveForm.Bounds.X = Settings.DisplayWidth - ActiveForm.Bounds.Width; } if (ActiveForm.Bounds.Y > Settings.DisplayHeight - ActiveForm.Bounds.Height) { ActiveForm.Bounds.Y = Settings.DisplayHeight - ActiveForm.Bounds.Height; } } #endregion #region Draw Taskbar bool draw = true; if (ActiveForm != null) { if (ActiveForm.WindowState == Form.FormWindowState.FullScreen) { draw = false; } } if (draw) { MenuBar.Draw(display); int pos = 150; for (int i = 0; i < Forms.Count; i++) { int btnSize = (Forms[i].Content.Length * GL.fontSize) + 6; display.DrawRectangle(pos, MenuBar.Bounds.Y, btnSize, MenuBar.Bounds.Height, Theme.DesktopBar + 0x202020); display.DrawString(pos + 3, MenuBar.Bounds.Y + (MenuBar.Bounds.Height / 2) - (GL.fontSize / 2), Forms[i].Content, 0); pos += btnSize; } } #endregion #region Handle Clicks if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { if (ActiveControl != null) { if (ActiveControl is Button) { ((Button)ActiveControl).OnClick?.Invoke(); } } } #endregion #region Draw Time if (draw) { byte time = RTC.Hour; if (time < 10) { display.DrawNumber(display.Width - 90, display.Height - 25, 0, 0); display.DrawNumber(display.Width - 80, display.Height - 25, time, 0); } else { display.DrawNumber(display.Width - 90, display.Height - 25, time, 0); } display.DrawCharacter(display.Width - 70, display.Height - 25, ':', 0); time = RTC.Minute; if (time < 10) { display.DrawNumber(display.Width - 60, display.Height - 25, 0, 0); display.DrawNumber(display.Width - 50, display.Height - 25, time, 0); } else { display.DrawNumber(display.Width - 60, display.Height - 25, time, 0); } display.DrawCharacter(display.Width - 40, display.Height - 25, ':', 0); time = RTC.Second; if (time < 10) { display.DrawNumber(display.Width - 30, display.Height - 25, 0, 0); display.DrawNumber(display.Width - 20, display.Height - 25, time, 0); } else { display.DrawNumber(display.Width - 30, display.Height - 25, time, 0); } } #endregion // draw fps display.DrawNumber(0, 0, lFPS, 0xFF0000); #region Draw Cursor display.DrawLine(Input.MousePosition.X, Input.MousePosition.Y, Input.MousePosition.X, Input.MousePosition.Y + 10, 0); display.DrawLine(Input.MousePosition.X, Input.MousePosition.Y, Input.MousePosition.X + 4, Input.MousePosition.Y + 8, 0); display.DrawLine(Input.MousePosition.X, Input.MousePosition.Y + 10, Input.MousePosition.X + 4, Input.MousePosition.Y + 8, 0); #endregion #region Reorganise Window Layer if (ActiveForm != null) { if (Forms[0] != ActiveForm) { for (int i = 0; i < Forms.Count; i++) { if (Forms[i] == ActiveForm) { var f = Forms[i]; Forms.RemoveAt(i); Forms.Insert(0, f); break; } } } } #endregion GL.Update(); #region Remove Old Forms for (int i = 0; i < Forms.Count; i++) { if (Forms[i].WindowState == Form.FormWindowState.Closed) { //if (ActiveControl != null) //{ // if (ActiveForm != null) // { // IControl root = ActiveControl.Parent; // while (root.Parent != null) // { // root = root.Parent; // } // if (root == Forms[i]) // { // ActiveControl = null; // } // } //} //Forms[i].Dispose(); //Forms.RemoveAt(i); ActiveForm = null; ActiveControl = null; CurrentForm = null; CurrentControl = null; break; } } #endregion Thread.Sleep(1000 / 30); } }