        private void labelLock_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                PalletDTO palletDTO = this.fastBarcodes.SelectedObject as PalletDTO;
                if (palletDTO != null)
                    PalletViewModel  palletViewModel  = CommonNinject.Kernel.Get <PalletViewModel>();
                    PalletController palletController = new PalletController(CommonNinject.Kernel.Get <IPalletService>(), palletViewModel);


                    if (CustomMsgBox.Show(this, "Are you sure you want to " + (palletViewModel.Lockable ? "lock" : "un-lock") + " this entry data" + "?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, (palletViewModel.Lockable ? MessageBoxIcon.Information : MessageBoxIcon.Warning)) == DialogResult.Yes)
                        if (palletController.LockConfirmed())
                            ((PalletDTO)this.fastBarcodes.SelectedObject).Locked = !palletViewModel.Locked;
                            throw new Exception("Lỗi khóa hay mở khóa pallet: " + palletViewModel.Code + "\r\n\r\nVui lòng đóng phần mềm và thử lại sau.");
            catch (Exception exception)
                ExceptionHandlers.ShowExceptionMessageBox(this, exception);
        public virtual ActionResult Pallet(string context, bool forceQuery = false)
            if (forceQuery)
                // We force the query to execute
                // TC3: Click initiate update now on Pallet desktop page to force the query to execute
                    this.AddStatusMessage("Refresh has been initiated");
                catch (DbException ex)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "Some problem occurred, Could not update Replenishment requirements.<br/>" + ex.Message);
                // We redirect because refresh of this page should not pass true again
            var pvm = new PalletViewModel
                Context = new ContextModel
                    Serialized = context,

            pvm.GenerateStats += new EventHandler <GenerateStatsEventArgs>(pvm_OnGenerateStats);
            return(View(Views.Pallet, pvm));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets details of appointment for passed building and area.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ivm">
        /// AppointmentNo will be posted
        /// </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual ActionResult Appointment(IndexViewModel ivm)
            //TC1: Appointment number must be passed.
            if (ivm.AppointmentNo == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Appointment Number is required.");
                ivm.Sound = (char)Sound.Error;
                return(View(Views.Index, ivm));
            var appoint = _service.GetAppointmentInfo(ivm.AppointmentNo.Value);

            //TC2: Scanned appointment does not exist.
            if (appoint == null)
                AddStatusMessage(string.Format("Appointment does not exist {0}.", ivm.AppointmentNo));
                return(View(Views.Index, ivm));
            var model = new PalletViewModel
                AppointmentNumber      = ivm.AppointmentNo.Value,
                UnPalletizeBoxCount    = appoint.UnPalletizeBoxCount,
                TotalPalletCount       = appoint.TotalPalletCount,
                LoadedBoxCount         = appoint.LoadedBoxCount,
                TotalBoxCount          = appoint.TotalBoxCount,
                LoadedPalletCount      = appoint.LoadedPalletCount,
                PalletsInSuspenseCount = appoint.PalletsInSuspenseCount,
                DoorId                = appoint.DoorId,
                CarrierId             = appoint.CarrierId,
                AppointmentBuildingId = appoint.BuildingId,
                Sound = ivm.Sound

            // We try to make suggestions.
                //Suggests the pallets to load on truck.
                var palletSuggestionList = _service.GetPalletSuggestion(model.AppointmentNumber);
                model.PalletSuggestionList = from pallet in palletSuggestionList
                                             select new PalletModel
                    PalletId   = pallet.PalletId,
                    IaId       = pallet.IaId,
                    LocationId = pallet.LocationId,
                    BoxesCount = pallet.BoxesCount
                model.SuggestedPallet = palletSuggestionList.Select(p => p.PalletId).FirstOrDefault();
            catch (DbException ex)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.InnerException.Message);
                model.Sound = (char)Sound.Error;
            //TC3: If there is no pallet suggestion for passed appointment.
            if (!model.PalletSuggestionList.Any())
                AddStatusMessage(string.Format("No pallet suggestion found for appointment {0}", model.AppointmentNumber));
            return(View(Views.Pallet, model));
 public IActionResult AddPallet(PalletViewModel model)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         var createdPallet = palletManager.Add(model);
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays the Pallet or the Area view. Building mast be passed. If the building is not passed, then this is an error situation and the Building View is displayed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual ActionResult PalletOrArea(BuildingViewModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                // Building not passed. Ask for building.

            if (!_service.ValidateBuilding(model.BuildingId))
                ModelState.AddModelError("", string.Format("Building {0} does not exist", model.BuildingId));

            // Interested in building specific areas only
            var areas = _service.GetCartonAreas(model.BuildingId).Where(p => p.BuildingId == model.BuildingId);

            // Counting only building specific areas
            switch (areas.Count())
            case 0:
                // No building specific area. So ask for area
                return(View(Views.Area, PopulateAreaViewModel(model.BuildingId, null)));

            case 1:
                // Ask for pallet
                var avm = PopulateAreaViewModel(model.BuildingId, areas.First().AreaId);

            case 2:
                //Common case. One area which needs replenishment, and another area which provides replenishment.
                //In this case destination is the area which needs replenishment.
                    var destArea = areas.Single(p => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.ReplenishAreaId));
                    //This code will never be executed.
                    var palletModel = new PalletViewModel(destArea)
                        SuggestedLocations =
                            _service.GetReplenishmentSuggestions(destArea.BuildingId, destArea.AreaId, destArea.ReplenishAreaId, 300, true)
                            .Select(p => new ReplenishmentSuggestionModel(p))
                    return(View(Views.Pallet, palletModel));
                catch (InvalidOperationException)
                    // Perhaps both areas do not need replenishment. Ask for area.
                    return(View(Views.Area, PopulateAreaViewModel(model.BuildingId, null)));

                // Multiple areas. Ask for area.
                return(View(Views.Area, PopulateAreaViewModel(model.BuildingId, null)));
        public ActionResult EditPallet(PalletViewModel pallet)
            var packingDataService = new PackingDataService();
            var result             = packingDataService.UpdatePallet(pallet);

            if (result)
                return(Json(new AjaxResult("Palet başarıyla kaydedildi.")));
            return(Json(new AjaxResult("Palet kaydedilemedi!")));
 public virtual ActionResult AcceptPallet(PalletViewModel pvm)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pvm.PalletId))
         //TC6: Enter pressed back to change the bldg/area
     if (!ModelState.IsValid)
         // TC7: When will the model state be invalid?
         pvm.GenerateStats += new EventHandler <GenerateStatsEventArgs>(pvm_OnGenerateStats);
         return(View(Views.Pallet, pvm));
     return(RedirectToAction(this.Actions.Carton(pvm.Context.Serialized, pvm.PalletId)));
        public IActionResult Edit(EditPalletViewModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var palletViewModel = new PalletViewModel()
                    ID          = model.ID,
                    IP          = model.IP,
                    NAME        = model.NAME,
                    STATUSID    = statusManager.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(x => x.NAME == model.STATUS_NAME).ID,
                    STATUS_NAME = model.STATUS_NAME

                palletViewModel = palletManager.Update(palletViewModel);

        /// <summary>
        /// Displays Pallet view. Must pass and AreaShortName.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If building and/or area is not passed, the building screen is displayed.
        /// </remarks>
        public virtual ActionResult Pallet(AreaViewModel model)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.AreaId) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.AreaShortName))
                // Ask for building again
            Area area = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.AreaId))
                area = _service.GetCartonArea(model.AreaId);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.AreaShortName))
                area = _service.GetCartonArea(model.BuildingId, model.AreaShortName);
            if (area == null)
                //Get area of location, if location was scanned.
                area = _service.GetAreaFromLocationId(model.AreaShortName);
            if (area == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", string.Format("Area/Location {0} is not recognized for building {1}", model.AreaShortName, model.BuildingId));
                return(View(Views.Area, PopulateAreaViewModel(model.BuildingId, null)));
            var palletModel = new PalletViewModel(area)
                SuggestedLocations = _service.GetReplenishmentSuggestions(area.BuildingId, area.AreaId, area.ReplenishAreaId, 300, model.UseSuggestionCache)
                                     .Select(p => new ReplenishmentSuggestionModel(p))

            return(View(Views.Pallet, palletModel));
        public virtual ActionResult Pallet(PalletViewModel model)
            // TC4: Enter pressed, return to previous page to scan new appointment.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ScanText))
            //TC5: 'S' pressed, skip suggested pallet by system.
            if (model.ScanText == "S")
                return(Appointment(new IndexViewModel {
                    AppointmentNo = model.AppointmentNumber
            // TC6: If scanned text is not a pallet.
            if (!__regexPallet.IsMatch(model.ScanText))
                ModelState.AddModelError("", string.Format("Scan text {0} is not recognized.", model.ScanText));
                return(Appointment(new IndexViewModel {
                    AppointmentNo = model.AppointmentNumber
                var boxes = _service.GetBoxesOfPallet(model.ScanText);

                // TC7: Scanned pallet belongs to other appointment.
                if (boxes.Any() && model.AppointmentNumber != boxes.First().AppointmentNumber)
                    // Ensuring pallet belongs to same appointment.
                    throw new ScanToTruckServiceException(ScanToTruckServiceErrorCode.AppointmentMisMatch);

                var isPalletLoaded = boxes.Any(p => p.TruckLoadDate != null);

                // TC8: If pallet was not loaded, then load the pallet on truck.
                if (!isPalletLoaded)
                    AddStatusMessage(string.Format("Pallet {0} having {1} boxes loaded.", model.ScanText, boxes.Count()));

                // TC9: If user wants to unload pallet.
                    //TC10: Ask confirmation for pallet to unload it.
                    AddStatusMessage(string.Format("Please rescan Pallet {0} to confirm unload it.", model.ScanText));
                    var upvm = new UnloadPalletViewModel
                        AppointmentNumber = model.AppointmentNumber,
                        //Context = model.Context,
                        ConfirmScanText = model.ScanText,
                        Sound           = (char)Sound.Warning
                    return(View(Views.UnloadPallet, upvm));
            catch (DbException ex)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.InnerException);
                model.Sound = (char)Sound.Error;
            catch (ScanToTruckServiceException ex)
                switch (ex.ErrorCode)
                case ScanToTruckServiceErrorCode.UnVerifiedBoxes:
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", string.Format("{0} boxes of pallet {1} are unverified .", ex.Data["Data"], model.ScanText));

                case ScanToTruckServiceErrorCode.StopProcess:
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", string.Format("{0} boxes of pallet {1} are cancelled.", ex.Data["Data"], model.ScanText));

                case ScanToTruckServiceErrorCode.AppointmentMisMatch:
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", string.Format("Pallet {0} does not belongs to {1} appointment.", model.ScanText, model.AppointmentNumber));

                case ScanToTruckServiceErrorCode.InvalidPallet:
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", string.Format("No boxes exist in Pallet {0}.", model.ScanText));

                case ScanToTruckServiceErrorCode.LoadedOnTruck:
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", string.Format("{0} boxes of {1} pallet already loaded on truck.", ex.Data["Data"], model.ScanText));
                model.Sound = (char)Sound.Error;
            return(Appointment(new IndexViewModel {
                AppointmentNo = model.AppointmentNumber
        public virtual ActionResult AcceptPallet(PalletViewModel mm)
            //TC5 : Scan null or empty in textbox on Pallet page.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mm.ScannedPalletId))
            mm.ScannedPalletId = mm.ScannedPalletId.ToUpper();
            //TC6 : Scan a invalid pallet i.e. a pallet that do not starts with P
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View(Views.Pallet, mm));

            Pallet pallet = null;
            var    fieldScannedPalletId = mm.NameFor(m => m.ScannedPalletId);

                pallet = _repos.Value.RetrievePalletInfo(mm.ScannedPalletId);
                //TC7 : Scan a new pallet to create ADR pallet.
                if (pallet == null)
                //TC8 : Scan a pallet for which TotalBoxes are equal to PickedBoxes
                else if (pallet.IsFull)
                    this.AddStatusMessage(string.Format("Pallet {0} has been already picked.", mm.ScannedPalletId));
                //TC9 : Scan a pallet that doesnot belongs to current scanned building
                else if (pallet.BuildingId != mm.CurrentBuildingId)
                    ModelState.AddModelError(fieldScannedPalletId, string.Format("Pallet {0} is for building {1} and not for current building {2}, Please scan new pallet",
                                                                                 mm.ScannedPalletId, pallet.BuildingId, mm.CurrentBuildingId));
                //TC10 : If we don't enter any area then scanned pallet area will be treated as current source area.
                else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mm.CurrentSourceArea))
                    // We have chosen the area on user's behalf
                    mm.CurrentSourceArea          = pallet.CartonSourceArea;
                    mm.CurrentSourceAreaShortName = pallet.SourceAreaShortName;
                //TC11 : If scanned palletArea is not same as currten pallet area
                else if (pallet.CartonSourceArea != mm.CurrentSourceArea)
                    // Pallet must be of the correct destination area
                    ModelState.AddModelError(fieldScannedPalletId, string.Format("Pallet {0} is for area {1} and not for current area {2}, Please scan new pallet",
                                                                                 mm.ScannedPalletId, pallet.SourceAreaShortName, mm.CurrentSourceAreaShortName));
                //Showing cartons destination area in where the carton to picked
                mm.CurrentDestinationArea   = pallet.DestinationArea;
                mm.CurrentDestAreaShortName = pallet.DestAreaShortName;
            catch (DbException ex)
                ModelState.AddModelError(fieldScannedPalletId, ex.Message);

            var model = new MasterModelWithPallet(this.HttpContext.Session);

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                TryValidateModel(model, fieldScannedPalletId);

            if (!ModelState.IsValid || pallet.IsFull)
                return(View(Views.Pallet, mm));

            return(View(Views.Carton, new CartonViewModel(this.HttpContext.Session)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the Location View. PalletId and Area id must be passed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>BuildingId is not required due to such Areas which are in multiple buildings</remarks>
        public virtual ActionResult Location(PalletViewModel model)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.AreaId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PalletOrCartonId))
                // If pallet not passed, then we must ask for area. this means user pressed a blank enter and he wishes to
                // specify a new area.
                return(View(Views.Area, PopulateAreaViewModel(model.BuildingId, null)));

            var pallet = model.PalletOrCartonId.StartsWith("P") ? _service.GetPallet(model.PalletOrCartonId) :
            //invalid pallet passed, returns pallet view to ask again a valid pallet.
            var destArea = _service.GetCartonArea(model.AreaId);

            ////////////////////////////// Orphan carton case /////////////////////////////////////
            if (pallet == null)
                // Orphan carton case. We will offer the user to put this carton on a pallet.
                var carton = _service.GetCarton(model.PalletOrCartonId);
                if (carton != null)
                    //Ask for new carton or pallet
                    var palletModel = new PalletViewModel(destArea)
                        SuggestedLocations =
                            _service.GetReplenishmentSuggestions(destArea.BuildingId, destArea.AreaId, destArea.ReplenishAreaId, 300, true)
                            .Select(p => new ReplenishmentSuggestionModel(p)),
                        //Store the carton in hidden field for C2P
                        LastScan = carton.CartonId
                    AddStatusMessage(string.Format("Scan Pallet to palletize carton {0}", carton.CartonId));
                    return(View(Views.Pallet, palletModel));

                //If scan was invalid then populate this view again.
                ModelState.AddModelError("", string.Format("Scan {0} is not recognized as Pallet or Carton.", model.PalletOrCartonId));
                return(Pallet(PopulateAreaViewModel(model.BuildingId, model.AreaId)));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.LastScan))
                //User scanned a pallet therefore try to the palletize carton.
                    pallet = _service.PalletizeCarton(model.LastScan, pallet);
                    AddStatusMessage(string.Format("Carton {0} successfully moved to Pallet {1}", model.LastScan, pallet.PalletId));
                catch (ProviderException ex)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message);

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(Pallet(PopulateAreaViewModel(model.BuildingId, model.AreaId)));

            ///////////////////////////////////////////////// End orphan carton case ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////

            // Multi SKU case, Error message to clean the pallet first before locate this.
            if (pallet.SkuCount > 1)
                AddStatusMessage(string.Format("Pallet {0} contains {1} cartons of {2} different SKUs.Continue only if you are sure?", model.PalletOrCartonId, pallet.CartonCount, pallet.SkuCount));
                model.Sound = 'E';

            if (destArea.IsNumbered)
                var lvm = PopulateLocationViewModel(model.AreaId, model.BuildingId, pallet);
                lvm.Sound = model.Sound;
                return(View(Views.Location, lvm));
            //Locate and merge pallet
            _service.LocateandMergePallet(null, pallet.PalletId, destArea.AreaId, null);
            AddStatusMessage(string.Format("Pallet {0} successfully moved to {1}", pallet.PalletId, destArea.ShortName));

            //If successfully updated, returns new PalletViewModel to Pallet View with previous state values like destination Area and Building
                                    new AreaViewModel {
                AreaId = destArea.AreaId, BuildingId = model.BuildingId, Sound = 'S'