/// <summary>
        /// Initialize a new instance of the PaletteBorderInheritForced class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inherit">Border palette to inherit from.</param>
        public PaletteBorderInheritForced(IPaletteBorder inherit)
            // Remember inheritance border
            _inherit = inherit;

            // Default values
            _maxBorderEdges = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
            _forceGraphicsHint = PaletteGraphicsHint.Inherit;
            _borderIgnoreNormal = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a new instance of the PaletteBorderInheritForced class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inherit">Border palette to inherit from.</param>
        public PaletteBorderInheritForced(IPaletteBorder inherit)
            // Remember inheritance border
            _inherit = inherit;

            // Default values
            _maxBorderEdges     = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
            _forceGraphicsHint  = PaletteGraphicsHint.Inherit;
            _borderIgnoreNormal = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a new instance of the ViewLayoutDocker class.
        /// </summary>
        public ViewLayoutDocker()
            // Create child to dock style lookup
            _childDocking = new ViewDockStyleLookup();

            // Default state
            _fillRectangle           = Rectangle.Empty;
            _orientation             = VisualOrientation.Top;
            _maxBorderEdges          = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
            _preferredSizeAll        = false;
            _removeChildBorders      = false;
            _ignoreRightToLeftLayout = false;
            _padding = Padding.Empty;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the given object to the type of this converter, using the specified context and culture information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">An ITypeDescriptorContext that provides a format context.</param>
        /// <param name="culture">The CultureInfo to use as the current culture.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The Object to convert.</param>
        /// <returns>An Object that represents the converted value.</returns>
        public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context,
                                           System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture,
                                           object value)
            // Convert incoming value to a string
            // We are only interested in adding functionality for converting from strings
            if (value is string conv)
                // Default to returning an empty value
                PaletteDrawBorders ret = PaletteDrawBorders.None;

                // If inherit is in the string, we use only that value
                if (conv.Contains("Inherit"))
                    ret = PaletteDrawBorders.Inherit;
                    // If the word 'none' is found then no value is needed
                    if (!conv.Contains("None"))
                        // Get the borders actually specified
                        if (conv.Contains("Top"))
                            ret |= PaletteDrawBorders.Top;

                        if (conv.Contains("Bottom"))
                            ret |= PaletteDrawBorders.Bottom;

                        if (conv.Contains("Left"))
                            ret |= PaletteDrawBorders.Left;

                        if (conv.Contains("Right"))
                            ret |= PaletteDrawBorders.Right;


            // Let base class perform default conversion
            return(base.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value));
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a new instance of the ViewLayoutDocker class.
        /// </summary>
        public ViewLayoutDocker()
            // Create child to dock style lookup
            _childDocking = new ViewDockStyleLookup();

            // Default state
            _fillRectangle = Rectangle.Empty;
            _orientation = VisualOrientation.Top;
            _maxBorderEdges = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
            _preferredSizeAll = false;
            _removeChildBorders = false;
            _ignoreRightToLeftLayout = false;
            _padding = Padding.Empty;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a value indicating which borders to draw.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="style">Border style.</param>
        /// <param name="state">Palette value should be applicable to this state.</param>
        /// <returns>PaletteDrawBorders value.</returns>
        public override PaletteDrawBorders GetBorderDrawBorders(PaletteBorderStyle style, PaletteState state)
            PaletteDrawBorders paletteBorder = base.GetBorderDrawBorders(style, state);

            // The ribbon caption area should only ever draw a bottom border as the maximum
            if ((paletteBorder & PaletteDrawBorders.Bottom) == PaletteDrawBorders.Bottom)
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize a new instance of the InternalStorage structure.
 /// </summary>
 public InternalStorage()
     // Set to default values
     BorderDraw         = InheritBool.Inherit;
     BorderDrawBorders  = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
     BorderGraphicsHint = PaletteGraphicsHint.Inherit;
     BorderColor1       = Color.Empty;
     BorderColor2       = Color.Empty;
     BorderColorStyle   = PaletteColorStyle.Inherit;
     BorderColorAlign   = PaletteRectangleAlign.Inherit;
     BorderColorAngle   = -1;
     BorderWidth        = -1;
     BorderRounding     = -1;
     BorderImageStyle   = PaletteImageStyle.Inherit;
     BorderImageAlign   = PaletteRectangleAlign.Inherit;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a value indicating which borders to draw.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state">Palette value should be applicable to this state.</param>
        /// <returns>PaletteDrawBorders value.</returns>
        public override PaletteDrawBorders GetBorderDrawBorders(PaletteState state)
            if (Apply)
                PaletteDrawBorders ret = _primary.GetBorderDrawBorders(Override ? OverrideState : state);

                if (ret == PaletteDrawBorders.Inherit)
                    ret = _backup.GetBorderDrawBorders(state);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a value indicating which borders to draw.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state">Palette value should be applicable to this state.</param>
        /// <returns>PaletteDrawBorders value.</returns>
        public override PaletteDrawBorders GetBorderDrawBorders(PaletteState state)
            if (_forceBorders)
                // If no border edges are allowed then provide none
                if ((MaxBorderEdges == PaletteDrawBorders.None) || (BorderIgnoreNormal && (state == PaletteState.Normal)))
                    // Get the requested set of edges
                    PaletteDrawBorders inheritEdges = _inherit.GetBorderDrawBorders(state);

                    // Limit the edges to those allowed
                    return(inheritEdges & MaxBorderEdges);
        /// <summary>
        /// Discover the preferred size of the element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Layout context.</param>
        public override Size GetPreferredSize(ViewLayoutContext context)
            Debug.Assert(context != null);

            // Create new lookup that only contains entries for current child items
            ViewDockStyleLookup newChildDocking = new ViewDockStyleLookup();

            // Remember the original display rectangle provided
            Rectangle originalRect = context.DisplayRectangle;
            Rectangle displayRect  = context.DisplayRectangle;

            // Accumulate the size that must be provided by docking edges and then filler
            Size preferredSize = Size.Empty;

            // Track the minimize size needed to satisfy the docking edges only
            Size minimumSize = Size.Empty;

            PaletteDrawBorders leftEdges   = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
            PaletteDrawBorders rightEdges  = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
            PaletteDrawBorders topEdges    = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
            PaletteDrawBorders bottomEdges = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
            PaletteDrawBorders fillEdges   = PaletteDrawBorders.All;

            // Check for edge docking children
            foreach (ViewBase child in Reverse())
                // Add into the valid child lookup
                ViewDockStyle dockStyle = GetDock(child);
                newChildDocking.Add(child, dockStyle);

                // Only position visible children that are not 'fill'
                if ((child.Visible || PreferredSizeAll) && (GetDock(child) != ViewDockStyle.Fill))
                    // Prevent children from showing adjacent borders that are not needed
                    UpdateChildBorders(child, context, ref leftEdges, ref rightEdges,
                                       ref topEdges, ref bottomEdges, ref fillEdges);

                    // Update with latest calculated display rectangle
                    context.DisplayRectangle = displayRect;

                    // Get the preferred size of the child
                    Size childSize = child.GetPreferredSize(context);

                    // Apply size requests from edge docking children
                    switch (OrientateDock(dockStyle))
                    case ViewDockStyle.Top:
                        preferredSize.Height += childSize.Height;
                        displayRect.Y        += childSize.Height;
                        displayRect.Height   -= childSize.Height;

                        if (minimumSize.Width < childSize.Width)
                            minimumSize.Width = childSize.Width;


                    case ViewDockStyle.Bottom:
                        preferredSize.Height += childSize.Height;
                        displayRect.Height   -= childSize.Height;

                        if (minimumSize.Width < childSize.Width)
                            minimumSize.Width = childSize.Width;


                    case ViewDockStyle.Left:
                        preferredSize.Width += childSize.Width;
                        displayRect.X       += childSize.Width;
                        displayRect.Width   -= childSize.Width;

                        if (minimumSize.Height < childSize.Height)
                            minimumSize.Height = childSize.Height;


                    case ViewDockStyle.Right:
                        preferredSize.Width += childSize.Width;
                        displayRect.Width   -= childSize.Width;

                        if (minimumSize.Height < childSize.Height)
                            minimumSize.Height = childSize.Height;


            // Check for the fill child last
            foreach (ViewBase child in Reverse())
                // Only interested in a visible 'fill' child
                if ((child.Visible || PreferredSizeAll) && (GetDock(child) == ViewDockStyle.Fill))
                    // Prevent children from showing adjacent borders that are not needed
                    UpdateChildBorders(child, context, ref leftEdges, ref rightEdges,
                                       ref topEdges, ref bottomEdges, ref fillEdges);

                    // Update with latest calculated display rectangle
                    context.DisplayRectangle = displayRect;

                    // Get the preferred size of the child
                    Size childSize = child.GetPreferredSize(context);

                    preferredSize.Width  += childSize.Width;
                    preferredSize.Height += childSize.Height;

                    // There can only be one filler!

            // Use updated lookup
            _childDocking = newChildDocking;

            // Put back the original display rect
            context.DisplayRectangle = originalRect;

            // Enforce the minimum values from the other docking edge sizes
            preferredSize.Width  = Math.Max(preferredSize.Width, minimumSize.Width);
            preferredSize.Height = Math.Max(preferredSize.Height, minimumSize.Height);

            // Apply the padding request
            switch (Orientation)
            case VisualOrientation.Top:
            case VisualOrientation.Bottom:
                preferredSize.Width  += Padding.Horizontal;
                preferredSize.Height += Padding.Vertical;

            case VisualOrientation.Left:
            case VisualOrientation.Right:
                preferredSize.Width  += Padding.Vertical;
                preferredSize.Height += Padding.Horizontal;

            // Allow the preferred size to be modified before being used
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform a layout of the elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Layout context.</param>
        public override void Layout(ViewLayoutContext context)
            Debug.Assert(context != null);

            // We take on all the available display area
            ClientRectangle = context.DisplayRectangle;

            // Space available for children begins with our space
            Rectangle fillerRect = ClientRectangle;

            // Apply the padding against the rect
            switch (Orientation)
            case VisualOrientation.Top:
                fillerRect.X      += Padding.Left;
                fillerRect.Y      += Padding.Top;
                fillerRect.Width  -= Padding.Horizontal;
                fillerRect.Height -= Padding.Vertical;

            case VisualOrientation.Bottom:
                fillerRect.X      += Padding.Right;
                fillerRect.Y      += Padding.Bottom;
                fillerRect.Width  -= Padding.Horizontal;
                fillerRect.Height -= Padding.Vertical;

            case VisualOrientation.Left:
                fillerRect.X      += Padding.Top;
                fillerRect.Y      += Padding.Right;
                fillerRect.Width  -= Padding.Vertical;
                fillerRect.Height -= Padding.Horizontal;

            case VisualOrientation.Right:
                fillerRect.X      += Padding.Bottom;
                fillerRect.Y      += Padding.Left;
                fillerRect.Width  -= Padding.Vertical;
                fillerRect.Height -= Padding.Horizontal;

            // By default all the children need to draw all their borders
            PaletteDrawBorders leftEdges   = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
            PaletteDrawBorders rightEdges  = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
            PaletteDrawBorders topEdges    = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
            PaletteDrawBorders bottomEdges = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
            PaletteDrawBorders fillEdges   = PaletteDrawBorders.All;

            // Position all except the filler
            foreach (ViewBase child in Reverse())
                // Only position visible children that are not 'fill'
                if (child.Visible && (GetDock(child) != ViewDockStyle.Fill))
                    // Prevent children from showing adjacent borders that are not needed
                    UpdateChildBorders(child, context, ref leftEdges, ref rightEdges,
                                       ref topEdges, ref bottomEdges, ref fillEdges);

                    // Provide the available space left over
                    context.DisplayRectangle = fillerRect;

                    // Get the preferred size of the child
                    Size childSize = child.GetPreferredSize(context);

                    // Position the child inside the available space
                    switch (CalculateDock(OrientateDock(GetDock(child)), context.Control))
                    case ViewDockStyle.Top:
                        context.DisplayRectangle = new Rectangle(fillerRect.X, fillerRect.Y, fillerRect.Width, childSize.Height);
                        fillerRect.Height       -= childSize.Height;
                        fillerRect.Y            += childSize.Height;

                    case ViewDockStyle.Bottom:
                        context.DisplayRectangle = new Rectangle(fillerRect.X, fillerRect.Bottom - childSize.Height, fillerRect.Width, childSize.Height);
                        fillerRect.Height       -= childSize.Height;

                    case ViewDockStyle.Left:
                        context.DisplayRectangle = new Rectangle(fillerRect.X, fillerRect.Y, childSize.Width, fillerRect.Height);
                        fillerRect.Width        -= childSize.Width;
                        fillerRect.X            += childSize.Width;

                    case ViewDockStyle.Right:
                        context.DisplayRectangle = new Rectangle(fillerRect.Right - childSize.Width, fillerRect.Y, childSize.Width, fillerRect.Height);
                        fillerRect.Width        -= childSize.Width;

                    // Layout child in the provided space

            // Allow the filler rectangle to be modified before being used
            fillerRect = UpdateFillerRect(fillerRect, context.Control);

            // Position any filler last
            foreach (ViewBase child in Reverse())
                // Only position visible children
                if (child.Visible && (GetDock(child) == ViewDockStyle.Fill))
                    // Prevent children from showing adjacent borders that are not needed
                    UpdateChildBorders(child, context, ref leftEdges, ref rightEdges,
                                       ref topEdges, ref bottomEdges, ref fillEdges);

                    // Give the filler the remaining space
                    context.DisplayRectangle = fillerRect;

                    // Layout child in the provided space

            // Put back the original display value now we have finished
            context.DisplayRectangle = ClientRectangle;

            // Remember the filler size
            FillRectangle = fillerRect;
 public static bool HasRightBorder(PaletteDrawBorders borders)
     return ((borders & PaletteDrawBorders.Right) == PaletteDrawBorders.Right);
 public static bool HasTopBorder(PaletteDrawBorders borders)
     return ((borders & PaletteDrawBorders.Top) == PaletteDrawBorders.Top);
        private void UpdateChildBorders(ViewBase child,
                                        ViewLayoutContext context,
                                        ref PaletteDrawBorders leftEdges,
                                        ref PaletteDrawBorders rightEdges,
                                        ref PaletteDrawBorders topEdges,
                                        ref PaletteDrawBorders bottomEdges,
                                        ref PaletteDrawBorders fillEdges)
            // Do we need to calculate if the child should remove any borders?
            if (RemoveChildBorders)
                // Check if the view is a canvas
                ViewDrawCanvas childCanvas = child as ViewDrawCanvas;

                // Docking edge determines calculation
                switch (CalculateDock(GetDock(child), context.Control))
                    case ViewDockStyle.Top:
                        if (childCanvas != null)
                            childCanvas.MaxBorderEdges = CommonHelper.ReverseOrientateDrawBorders(topEdges, childCanvas.Orientation);

                        // Remove top edges from subsequent children
                        leftEdges &= PaletteDrawBorders.BottomLeftRight;
                        rightEdges &= PaletteDrawBorders.BottomLeftRight;
                        topEdges &= PaletteDrawBorders.BottomLeftRight;
                    case ViewDockStyle.Bottom:
                        if (childCanvas != null)
                            childCanvas.MaxBorderEdges = CommonHelper.ReverseOrientateDrawBorders(bottomEdges, childCanvas.Orientation);

                        // Remove bottom edges from subsequent children
                        leftEdges &= PaletteDrawBorders.TopLeftRight;
                        rightEdges &= PaletteDrawBorders.TopLeftRight;
                        bottomEdges &= PaletteDrawBorders.TopLeftRight;
                    case ViewDockStyle.Left:
                        if (childCanvas != null)
                            childCanvas.MaxBorderEdges = CommonHelper.ReverseOrientateDrawBorders(leftEdges, childCanvas.Orientation);

                        // Remove left edges from subsequent children
                        topEdges &= PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottomRight;
                        bottomEdges &= PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottomRight;
                        leftEdges &= PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottomRight;
                    case ViewDockStyle.Right:
                        if (childCanvas != null)
                            childCanvas.MaxBorderEdges = CommonHelper.ReverseOrientateDrawBorders(rightEdges, childCanvas.Orientation);

                        // Remove right edges from subsequent children
                        topEdges &= PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottomLeft;
                        bottomEdges &= PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottomLeft;
                        rightEdges &= PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottomLeft;
        private static void CreateBorderBackPathOnlyClosed(bool middle,
                                                           PaletteDrawBorders borders,
                                                           GraphicsPath borderPath,
                                                           Rectangle rect,
                                                           int arcLength,
                                                           int variant)
            // Reduce the width and height by 1 pixel for drawing into rectangle

            // We create the path using a floating point rectangle
            RectangleF rectF = new RectangleF(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);

            // If trying to get the outside edge then perform some offsetting so that
            // when converted to a region it draws nicely inside the path outline
            if (!middle)
                rectF.X -= 0.25f;
                rectF.Y -= 0.25f;
                rectF.Width += 0.75f;
                rectF.Height += 0.75f;

            // Add only the border for drawing
            switch (borders)
                case PaletteDrawBorders.None:
                case PaletteDrawBorders.Top:
                case PaletteDrawBorders.Bottom:
                case PaletteDrawBorders.Left:
                case PaletteDrawBorders.Right:
                case PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottom:
                case PaletteDrawBorders.LeftRight:
                    // When using the entire rectangle we do not need to adjust its size
                    rect.Width ++;
                case PaletteDrawBorders.TopLeft:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom + 1, rectF.Left, rectF.Top + arcLength);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Left, rectF.Top, arcLength, arcLength, 180f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left + arcLength, rectF.Top, rectF.Right + 1, rectF.Top);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right, rectF.Top, rectF.Right, rectF.Bottom);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.TopRight:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left - 1, rectF.Top, rectF.Right - arcLength, rectF.Top);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Right - arcLength, rectF.Top, arcLength, arcLength, -90f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right, rectF.Top + arcLength, rectF.Right, rectF.Bottom + 1);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right, rectF.Bottom, rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.BottomRight:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right, rectF.Top - 1, rectF.Right, rectF.Bottom - arcLength);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Right - arcLength, rectF.Bottom - arcLength, arcLength, arcLength, 0f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right - arcLength, rectF.Bottom, rectF.Left - 1, rectF.Bottom);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom, rectF.Left, rectF.Top);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.BottomLeft:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right + 1, rectF.Bottom, rectF.Left + arcLength, rectF.Bottom);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom - arcLength, arcLength, arcLength, 90f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom - arcLength, rectF.Left, rectF.Top - 1);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left, rectF.Top, rectF.Right, rectF.Top);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottomLeft:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right + 1, rectF.Bottom, rectF.Left + arcLength, rectF.Bottom);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom - arcLength, arcLength, arcLength, 90f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Left, rectF.Top, arcLength, arcLength, 180f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left + arcLength, rectF.Top, rectF.Right + 1, rectF.Top);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottomRight:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left - 1, rectF.Top, rectF.Right - arcLength, rectF.Top);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Right - arcLength, rectF.Top, arcLength, arcLength, -90f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Right - arcLength, rectF.Bottom - arcLength, arcLength, arcLength, 0f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right - arcLength, rectF.Bottom, rectF.Left - 1, rectF.Bottom);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.TopLeftRight:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom + 1, rectF.Left, rectF.Top + arcLength);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Left, rectF.Top, arcLength, arcLength, 180f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Right - arcLength, rectF.Top, arcLength, arcLength, -90f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right, rectF.Top + arcLength, rectF.Right, rectF.Bottom + 1);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.BottomLeftRight:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right, rectF.Top - 1, rectF.Right, rectF.Bottom - arcLength);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Right - arcLength, rectF.Bottom - arcLength, arcLength, arcLength, 0f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom - arcLength, arcLength, arcLength, 90f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom - arcLength, rectF.Left, rectF.Top - 1);
        private static GraphicsPath CreateBorderBackPath(bool forBorder,
                                                         bool middle,
                                                         Rectangle rect,
                                                         PaletteDrawBorders borders,
                                                         int borderWidth,
                                                         int borderRounding,
                                                         bool smoothing,
                                                         int variant)
            Rectangle origRect = rect;

            GraphicsPath borderPath = new GraphicsPath();

            // A zero size rectangle cannot be drawn, so return a null path
            if ((rect.Width > 0) && (rect.Height > 0))
                // Only use a rounding that will fit inside the rect
                int rounding = Math.Min(borderRounding, Math.Min(rect.Width / 2, rect.Height / 2) - borderWidth);

                // Shrink the rect by half the width of the pen, because the pen will
                // draw half the distance overlapping each side of the centre anyway.
                // Unless not drawing into the middle in which case give the outside.
                int halfBorderWidthTL = (middle ? borderWidth / 2 : 0);

                // Only adjust the edges that are being drawn
                if (CommonHelper.HasTopBorder(borders))
                    rect.Y += halfBorderWidthTL;
                    rect.Height -= halfBorderWidthTL;

                if (CommonHelper.HasLeftBorder(borders))
                    rect.X += halfBorderWidthTL;
                    rect.Width -= halfBorderWidthTL;

                if (CommonHelper.HasBottomBorder(borders))
                    rect.Height -= halfBorderWidthTL;

                if (CommonHelper.HasRightBorder(borders))
                    rect.Width -= halfBorderWidthTL;

                // Find the width/height of the arc box
                int arcLength = rounding * 2;
                int arcLength1 = arcLength + 1;

                // If drawing all the four borders use a single routine
                if (CommonHelper.HasAllBorders(borders))
                    CreateAllBorderBackPath(middle, borderPath, rect, borderWidth, rounding, forBorder, arcLength, arcLength1);
                    // Are we calculating just the borders to be drawn?
                    if (forBorder)
                        // Are we calculating for the outside of the border edge? This is used for a KryptonForm
                        // which needs to create a region that is the outside edge of the borders.
                        if (!middle)
                            // If rounding is used we need to use a path so that corner rounding is honored but
                            // because this is going to be used as a region we need to close the path as well.
                            if (rounding > 0)
                                CreateBorderBackPathOnlyClosed(middle, borders, borderPath, rect, arcLength, variant);
                                // Without rounding we just provide the entire area
                            // We are calculating the middle of the border as the brush will then draw the entire
                            // border from the middle outwards.

                            if (rounding > 0)
                                CreateBorderBackPathOnly(middle, borders, borderPath, rect, arcLength, variant);
                                CreateBorderBackPathOnly(borders, borderPath, rect, variant);
                        // Calculating a complete path for the entire area and not just the specified borders
                        // If there is rounding we need to calculate a path that honors the rounding at corners
                        if (rounding > 0)
                            CreateBorderBackPathComplete(middle, borders, borderPath, rect, arcLength);
                            // Without rounding the complete path is always just the entire area

            return borderPath;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize a new instance of the InternalStorage structure.
 /// </summary>
 public InternalStorage()
     // Set to default values
     BorderDraw = InheritBool.Inherit;
     BorderDrawBorders = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
     BorderGraphicsHint = PaletteGraphicsHint.Inherit;
     BorderColor1 = Color.Empty;
     BorderColor2 = Color.Empty;
     BorderColorStyle = PaletteColorStyle.Inherit;
     BorderColorAlign = PaletteRectangleAlign.Inherit;
     BorderColorAngle = -1;
     BorderWidth = -1;
     BorderRounding = -1;
     BorderImageStyle = PaletteImageStyle.Inherit;
     BorderImageAlign = PaletteRectangleAlign.Inherit;
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply a reversed orientation so that when orientated again it comes out with the original value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="borders">Border edges to be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="orientation">How to adjsut the border edges.</param>
        /// <returns>Border edges adjusted for orientation.</returns>
        public static PaletteDrawBorders ReverseOrientateDrawBorders(PaletteDrawBorders borders,
                                                                     VisualOrientation orientation)
            // No need to perform an change for top orientation
            if (orientation == VisualOrientation.Top)
                return borders;

            // No need to change the All or None values
            if ((borders == PaletteDrawBorders.All) || (borders == PaletteDrawBorders.None))
                return borders;

            PaletteDrawBorders ret = PaletteDrawBorders.None;

            // Apply orientation change to each side in turn
            switch (orientation)
                case VisualOrientation.Bottom:
                    // Invert sides
                    if (CommonHelper.HasTopBorder(borders)) ret |= PaletteDrawBorders.Bottom;
                    if (CommonHelper.HasBottomBorder(borders)) ret |= PaletteDrawBorders.Top;
                    if (CommonHelper.HasLeftBorder(borders)) ret |= PaletteDrawBorders.Right;
                    if (CommonHelper.HasRightBorder(borders)) ret |= PaletteDrawBorders.Left;
                case VisualOrientation.Right:
                    // Rotate one anti-clockwise
                    if (CommonHelper.HasTopBorder(borders)) ret |= PaletteDrawBorders.Left;
                    if (CommonHelper.HasBottomBorder(borders)) ret |= PaletteDrawBorders.Right;
                    if (CommonHelper.HasLeftBorder(borders)) ret |= PaletteDrawBorders.Bottom;
                    if (CommonHelper.HasRightBorder(borders)) ret |= PaletteDrawBorders.Top;
                case VisualOrientation.Left:
                    // Rotate sides one clockwise
                    if (CommonHelper.HasTopBorder(borders)) ret |= PaletteDrawBorders.Right;
                    if (CommonHelper.HasBottomBorder(borders)) ret |= PaletteDrawBorders.Left;
                    if (CommonHelper.HasLeftBorder(borders)) ret |= PaletteDrawBorders.Top;
                    if (CommonHelper.HasRightBorder(borders)) ret |= PaletteDrawBorders.Bottom;
                    // Should never happen!

            return ret;
 /// <summary>
 /// Force the border edges to a particular value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="forceBorderEdges">Borders to force.</param>
 public void ForceBorderEdges(PaletteDrawBorders forceBorderEdges)
     _forceBorderEdges = forceBorderEdges;
     _forceBorders     = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform a layout of the elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Layout context.</param>
        public override void Layout(ViewLayoutContext context)
            Debug.Assert(context != null);

            // We take on all the available display area
            ClientRectangle = context.DisplayRectangle;

            if (!IgnoreAllBorderAndPadding)
                // Do we have a metric source for additional padding?
                if ((_paletteMetric != null) && (_metricPadding != PaletteMetricPadding.None))
                    // Get the padding to be applied before the canvas drawing
                    Padding outerPadding = _paletteMetric.GetMetricPadding(State, _metricPadding);
                    ClientRectangle = CommonHelper.ApplyPadding(Orientation, ClientRectangle, outerPadding);

            // Space available for children begins with our space
            Rectangle fillerRect = ClientRectangle;

            context.DisplayRectangle = fillerRect;

            // By default all the children need to draw all their borders
            PaletteDrawBorders leftEdges   = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
            PaletteDrawBorders rightEdges  = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
            PaletteDrawBorders topEdges    = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
            PaletteDrawBorders bottomEdges = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
            PaletteDrawBorders fillEdges   = PaletteDrawBorders.All;

            // Position all except the filler
            foreach (ViewBase child in Reverse())
                // Only position visible children
                if (child.Visible && (GetDock(child) != ViewDockStyle.Fill))
                    // Prevent children from showing adjacent borders that are not needed
                    UpdateChildBorders(child, context, ref leftEdges, ref rightEdges,
                                       ref topEdges, ref bottomEdges, ref fillEdges);

                    // Get the preferred size of the child
                    Size childSize = child.GetPreferredSize(context);

                    // Position the child inside the available space
                    switch (CalculateDock(OrientateDock(GetDock(child)), context.Control))
                    case ViewDockStyle.Top:
                        context.DisplayRectangle = new Rectangle(fillerRect.X, fillerRect.Y, fillerRect.Width, childSize.Height);
                        fillerRect.Height       -= childSize.Height;
                        fillerRect.Y            += childSize.Height;

                    case ViewDockStyle.Bottom:
                        context.DisplayRectangle = new Rectangle(fillerRect.X, fillerRect.Bottom - childSize.Height, fillerRect.Width, childSize.Height);
                        fillerRect.Height       -= childSize.Height;

                    case ViewDockStyle.Left:
                        context.DisplayRectangle = new Rectangle(fillerRect.X, fillerRect.Y, childSize.Width, fillerRect.Height);
                        fillerRect.Width        -= childSize.Width;
                        fillerRect.X            += childSize.Width;

                    case ViewDockStyle.Right:
                        context.DisplayRectangle = new Rectangle(fillerRect.Right - childSize.Width, fillerRect.Y, childSize.Width, fillerRect.Height);
                        fillerRect.Width        -= childSize.Width;

                    // Layout child in the provided space

            Rectangle borderRect = ClientRectangle;
            Padding   padding    = Padding.Empty;

            if (!IgnoreAllBorderAndPadding)
                // Find the actual width of the border as we need to compare this to the calculating border
                // padding to work out how far from corners we can ignore the calculated border padding and
                // instead use the actual width only.
                int borderWidth = _paletteBorder.GetBorderWidth(State);

                // Update padding to reflect the orientation we are using
                padding = context.Renderer.RenderStandardBorder.GetBorderDisplayPadding(_paletteBorder, State, Orientation);
                padding = CommonHelper.OrientatePadding(Orientation, padding);

                // If docking content extends beyond the border rounding effects then we can adjust
                // the padding back so that it lines against the edge and not the rounding edge
                padding = AdjustPaddingForDockers(padding, fillerRect, borderWidth);

            // Apply the padding to the border rectangle
            borderRect = new Rectangle(borderRect.X + padding.Left, borderRect.Y + padding.Top,
                                       borderRect.Width - padding.Horizontal, borderRect.Height - padding.Vertical);

            // We need to ensure the filler is within the border rectangle
            if (fillerRect.X < borderRect.X)
                fillerRect.Width -= borderRect.X - fillerRect.X;
                fillerRect.X      = borderRect.X;

            if (fillerRect.Y < borderRect.Y)
                fillerRect.Height -= borderRect.Y - fillerRect.Y;
                fillerRect.Y       = borderRect.Y;

            if (fillerRect.Right > borderRect.Right)
                fillerRect.Width -= fillerRect.Right - borderRect.Right;

            if (fillerRect.Bottom > borderRect.Bottom)
                fillerRect.Height -= fillerRect.Bottom - borderRect.Bottom;

            // Position any filler last
            foreach (ViewBase child in Reverse())
                // Only position visible children
                if (child.Visible && (GetDock(child) == ViewDockStyle.Fill))
                    // Prevent children from showing adjacent borders that are not needed
                    UpdateChildBorders(child, context, ref leftEdges, ref rightEdges,
                                       ref topEdges, ref bottomEdges, ref fillEdges);

                    // Give the filler the remaining space
                    context.DisplayRectangle = fillerRect;

                    // Layout child in the provided space

            // Put back the original display value now we have finished
            context.DisplayRectangle = ClientRectangle;

            // The fill rectangle is the space left over after all children are positioned
            FillRectangle = fillerRect;
        /// <summary>
        /// Discover the preferred size of the element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Layout context.</param>
        public override Size GetPreferredSize(ViewLayoutContext context)
            Debug.Assert(context != null);

            // Remember the original display rectangle provided
            Rectangle originalRect = context.DisplayRectangle;
            Rectangle displayRect  = context.DisplayRectangle;

            // Border size that is not applied to preferred size
            Size borderSize = Size.Empty;

            // Accumulate the size that must be provided by docking edges and then filler
            Size preferredSize = Size.Empty;

            // Track the minimize size needed to satisfy the docking edges only
            Size minimumSize = Size.Empty;

            if (!IgnoreAllBorderAndPadding)
                // Apply space the border takes up
                if (IgnoreBorderSpace)
                    borderSize = CommonHelper.ApplyPadding(Orientation, borderSize, context.Renderer.RenderStandardBorder.GetBorderDisplayPadding(_paletteBorder, State, Orientation));
                    Padding padding = context.Renderer.RenderStandardBorder.GetBorderDisplayPadding(_paletteBorder, State, Orientation);
                    preferredSize = CommonHelper.ApplyPadding(Orientation, preferredSize, padding);
                    displayRect   = CommonHelper.ApplyPadding(Orientation, displayRect, padding);

                // Do we have a metric source for additional padding?
                if ((_paletteMetric != null) && (_metricPadding != PaletteMetricPadding.None))
                    // Apply padding needed outside the border of the canvas
                    Padding padding = _paletteMetric.GetMetricPadding(State, _metricPadding);
                    preferredSize = CommonHelper.ApplyPadding(Orientation, preferredSize, padding);
                    displayRect   = CommonHelper.ApplyPadding(Orientation, displayRect, padding);

            PaletteDrawBorders leftEdges   = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
            PaletteDrawBorders rightEdges  = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
            PaletteDrawBorders topEdges    = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
            PaletteDrawBorders bottomEdges = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
            PaletteDrawBorders fillEdges   = PaletteDrawBorders.All;

            // Check for edge docking children
            foreach (ViewBase child in Reverse())
                // Only position visible children that are not 'fill'
                if ((child.Visible || PreferredSizeAll) && (GetDock(child) != ViewDockStyle.Fill))
                    // Prevent children from showing adjacent borders that are not needed
                    UpdateChildBorders(child, context, ref leftEdges, ref rightEdges,
                                       ref topEdges, ref bottomEdges, ref fillEdges);

                    // Update with latest calculated display rectangle
                    context.DisplayRectangle = displayRect;

                    // Get the preferred size of the child
                    Size childSize = child.GetPreferredSize(context);

                    // Apply size requests from edge docking children
                    switch (OrientateDock(GetDock(child)))
                    case ViewDockStyle.Top:
                        preferredSize.Height += childSize.Height;
                        displayRect.Y        += childSize.Height;
                        displayRect.Height   -= childSize.Height;

                        if (minimumSize.Width < childSize.Width)
                            minimumSize.Width = childSize.Width;


                    case ViewDockStyle.Bottom:
                        preferredSize.Height += childSize.Height;
                        displayRect.Height   -= childSize.Height;

                        if (minimumSize.Width < childSize.Width)
                            minimumSize.Width = childSize.Width;


                    case ViewDockStyle.Left:
                        preferredSize.Width += childSize.Width;
                        displayRect.X       += childSize.Width;
                        displayRect.Width   -= childSize.Width;

                        if (minimumSize.Height < childSize.Height)
                            minimumSize.Height = childSize.Height;


                    case ViewDockStyle.Right:
                        preferredSize.Width += childSize.Width;
                        displayRect.Width   -= childSize.Width;

                        if (minimumSize.Height < childSize.Height)
                            minimumSize.Height = childSize.Height;


            // Check for the fill child last
            foreach (ViewBase child in Reverse())
                // Only interested in a visible 'fill' child
                if ((child.Visible || PreferredSizeAll) && (GetDock(child) == ViewDockStyle.Fill))
                    // Prevent children from showing adjacent borders that are not needed
                    UpdateChildBorders(child, context, ref leftEdges, ref rightEdges,
                                       ref topEdges, ref bottomEdges, ref fillEdges);

                    // Update with latest calculated display rectangle
                    context.DisplayRectangle = displayRect;

                    // Get the preferred size of the child
                    Size childSize = child.GetPreferredSize(context);

                    // Add on the preferred size of the filler
                    preferredSize.Width  += childSize.Width;
                    preferredSize.Height += childSize.Height;

            // Put back the original display rect
            context.DisplayRectangle = originalRect;

            // Enforce the minimum values from the other docking edge sizes
            preferredSize.Width  = Math.Max(preferredSize.Width, minimumSize.Width);
            preferredSize.Height = Math.Max(preferredSize.Height, minimumSize.Height);

            // Enforce the border sizing as the minimum
            preferredSize.Width  = Math.Max(preferredSize.Width, borderSize.Width);
            preferredSize.Height = Math.Max(preferredSize.Height, borderSize.Height);

        private static void CreateBorderBackPathComplete(bool middle,
                                                         PaletteDrawBorders borders,
                                                         GraphicsPath borderPath,
                                                         Rectangle rect,
                                                         int arcLength)
            // We create the path using a floating point rectangle
            RectangleF rectF = new RectangleF(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);

            // If trying to get the outside edge then perform some offsetting so that
            // when converted to a region it draws nicely inside the path outline
            if (!middle)
                rectF.X -= 0.25f;
                rectF.Y -= 0.25f;
                rectF.Width += 0.75f;
                rectF.Height += 0.75f;
            // Define area that covers the border and the inside
            switch (borders)
                case PaletteDrawBorders.None:
                case PaletteDrawBorders.Top:
                case PaletteDrawBorders.Bottom:
                case PaletteDrawBorders.Left:
                case PaletteDrawBorders.Right:
                case PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottom:
                case PaletteDrawBorders.LeftRight:
                    // Just add a simple rectangle as a quick way of adding four lines
                case PaletteDrawBorders.TopLeft:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom, rectF.Left, rectF.Top + arcLength);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Left, rectF.Top, arcLength, arcLength, 180f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left + arcLength, rectF.Top, rectF.Right, rectF.Top);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right, rectF.Top, rectF.Right, rectF.Bottom);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right, rectF.Bottom, rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.TopRight:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left, rectF.Top, rectF.Right - arcLength, rectF.Top);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Right - arcLength, rectF.Top, arcLength, arcLength, -90f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right, rectF.Top + arcLength, rectF.Right, rectF.Bottom);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right, rectF.Bottom, rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom, rectF.Left, rectF.Top);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.BottomRight:
                    // Reduce the width and height by 1 pixel for drawing into rectFangle
                    rectF.Width -= 1;
                    rectF.Height -= 1;

                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right, rectF.Top, rectF.Right, rectF.Bottom - arcLength);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Right - arcLength, rectF.Bottom - arcLength, arcLength, arcLength, 0f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right - arcLength, rectF.Bottom, rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom, rectF.Left, rectF.Top);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left, rectF.Top, rectF.Right, rectF.Top);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.BottomLeft:
                    // Reduce the width and height by 1 pixel for drawing into rectangle
                    rectF.Width -= 1;
                    rectF.Height -= 1;

                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right, rectF.Bottom, rectF.Left + arcLength, rectF.Bottom);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom - arcLength, arcLength, arcLength, 90f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom - arcLength, rectF.Left, rectF.Top);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left, rectF.Top, rectF.Right, rectF.Top);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right, rectF.Top, rectF.Right, rectF.Bottom);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottomLeft:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right, rectF.Bottom, rectF.Left + arcLength, rectF.Bottom);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom - arcLength, arcLength, arcLength, 90f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Left, rectF.Top, arcLength, arcLength, 180f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left + arcLength, rectF.Top, rectF.Right, rectF.Top);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right, rectF.Top, rectF.Right, rectF.Bottom);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottomRight:
                    // Reduce the width and height by 1 pixel for drawing into rectangle
                    rectF.Width -= 1;
                    rectF.Height -= 1;

                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left, rectF.Top, rectF.Right - arcLength, rectF.Top);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Right - arcLength, rectF.Top, arcLength, arcLength, -90f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Right - arcLength, rectF.Bottom - arcLength, arcLength, arcLength, 0f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right - arcLength, rectF.Bottom, rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom, rectF.Left, rectF.Top);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.TopLeftRight:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom, rectF.Left, rectF.Top + arcLength);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Left, rectF.Top, arcLength, arcLength, 180f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Right - arcLength, rectF.Top, arcLength, arcLength, -90f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right, rectF.Top + arcLength, rectF.Right, rectF.Bottom);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right, rectF.Bottom, rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.BottomLeftRight:
                    // Reduce the width and height by 1 pixel for drawing into rectangle
                    rectF.Width -= 1;
                    rectF.Height -= 1;

                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Right, rectF.Top, rectF.Right, rectF.Bottom - arcLength);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Right - arcLength, rectF.Bottom - arcLength, arcLength, arcLength, 0f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddArc(rectF.Left, rectF.Bottom - arcLength, arcLength, arcLength, 90f, 90f);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rectF.Left, rectF.Top, rectF.Right, rectF.Top);
        private void UpdateChildBorders(ViewBase child,
                                        ViewLayoutContext context,
                                        ref PaletteDrawBorders leftEdges,
                                        ref PaletteDrawBorders rightEdges,
                                        ref PaletteDrawBorders topEdges,
                                        ref PaletteDrawBorders bottomEdges,
                                        ref PaletteDrawBorders fillEdges)
            // Do we need to calculate if the child should remove any borders?
            if (RemoveChildBorders)
                // Check if the view is a canvas
                ViewDrawCanvas childCanvas = child as ViewDrawCanvas;

                // Docking edge determines calculation
                switch (CalculateDock(GetDock(child), context.Control))
                case ViewDockStyle.Fill:
                    if (childCanvas != null)
                        childCanvas.MaxBorderEdges = CommonHelper.ReverseOrientateDrawBorders(fillEdges, childCanvas.Orientation);
                        if (child is ViewLayoutDocker layoutDocker)
                            foreach (ViewBase layoutChild in layoutDocker)
                                childCanvas = layoutChild as ViewDrawCanvas;
                                if (childCanvas != null)
                                    childCanvas.MaxBorderEdges = CommonHelper.ReverseOrientateDrawBorders(fillEdges, childCanvas.Orientation);

                case ViewDockStyle.Top:
                    if (childCanvas != null)
                        childCanvas.MaxBorderEdges = CommonHelper.ReverseOrientateDrawBorders(topEdges, childCanvas.Orientation);

                    // Remove top edges from subsequent children
                    leftEdges  &= PaletteDrawBorders.BottomLeftRight;
                    rightEdges &= PaletteDrawBorders.BottomLeftRight;
                    topEdges   &= PaletteDrawBorders.BottomLeftRight;
                    fillEdges  &= PaletteDrawBorders.BottomLeftRight;

                case ViewDockStyle.Bottom:
                    if (childCanvas != null)
                        childCanvas.MaxBorderEdges = CommonHelper.ReverseOrientateDrawBorders(bottomEdges, childCanvas.Orientation);

                    // Remove bottom edges from subsequent children
                    leftEdges   &= PaletteDrawBorders.TopLeftRight;
                    rightEdges  &= PaletteDrawBorders.TopLeftRight;
                    bottomEdges &= PaletteDrawBorders.TopLeftRight;
                    fillEdges   &= PaletteDrawBorders.TopLeftRight;

                case ViewDockStyle.Left:
                    if (childCanvas != null)
                        childCanvas.MaxBorderEdges = CommonHelper.ReverseOrientateDrawBorders(leftEdges, childCanvas.Orientation);

                    // Remove left edges from subsequent children
                    topEdges    &= PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottomRight;
                    bottomEdges &= PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottomRight;
                    leftEdges   &= PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottomRight;
                    fillEdges   &= PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottomRight;

                case ViewDockStyle.Right:
                    if (childCanvas != null)
                        childCanvas.MaxBorderEdges = CommonHelper.ReverseOrientateDrawBorders(rightEdges, childCanvas.Orientation);

                    // Remove right edges from subsequent children
                    topEdges    &= PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottomLeft;
                    bottomEdges &= PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottomLeft;
                    rightEdges  &= PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottomLeft;
                    fillEdges   &= PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottomLeft;
        public static PaletteDrawBorders ReverseOrientateDrawBorders(PaletteDrawBorders borders, VisualOrientation orientation)
            if (orientation == VisualOrientation.Top)
                return borders;
            if ((borders == PaletteDrawBorders.All) || (borders == PaletteDrawBorders.None))
                return borders;
            PaletteDrawBorders none = PaletteDrawBorders.None;
            switch (orientation)
                case VisualOrientation.Bottom:
                    if (HasTopBorder(borders))
                        none |= PaletteDrawBorders.Bottom;
                    if (HasBottomBorder(borders))
                        none |= PaletteDrawBorders.Top;
                    if (HasLeftBorder(borders))
                        none |= PaletteDrawBorders.Right;
                    if (HasRightBorder(borders))
                        none |= PaletteDrawBorders.Left;
                    return none;

                case VisualOrientation.Left:
                    if (HasTopBorder(borders))
                        none |= PaletteDrawBorders.Right;
                    if (HasBottomBorder(borders))
                        none |= PaletteDrawBorders.Left;
                    if (HasLeftBorder(borders))
                        none |= PaletteDrawBorders.Top;
                    if (HasRightBorder(borders))
                        none |= PaletteDrawBorders.Bottom;
                    return none;

                case VisualOrientation.Right:
                    if (HasTopBorder(borders))
                        none |= PaletteDrawBorders.Left;
                    if (HasBottomBorder(borders))
                        none |= PaletteDrawBorders.Right;
                    if (HasLeftBorder(borders))
                        none |= PaletteDrawBorders.Bottom;
                    if (HasRightBorder(borders))
                        none |= PaletteDrawBorders.Top;
                    return none;
            return none;
        private void SyncChildrenToRibbonGroupItems()
            // Grab the shape of the ribbon
            _lastShape = _ribbon.RibbonShape;

            bool itemEdgeVisible          = (_lastShape != PaletteRibbonShape.Office2010);
            bool itemEdgeIgnoreNormal     = (_lastShape == PaletteRibbonShape.Office2010);
            bool itemConstantBorder       = (_lastShape != PaletteRibbonShape.Office2010);
            bool itemDrawNonTrackingAreas = (_lastShape != PaletteRibbonShape.Office2010);

            // Remove all child elements

            // Always add the start separator as the first view element

            // Create new lookups which are up to date
            ItemToView regenView = new ItemToView();
            ViewToEdge regenEdge = new ViewToEdge();

            // Cache the first and last visible children
            ViewBase viewFirst = null;
            ViewBase viewLast  = null;

            // Add a view element for each group item
            foreach (IRibbonGroupItem item in _ribbonCluster.Items)
                ViewBase itemView;
                ViewDrawRibbonGroupClusterEdge itemEdge;

                // Do we already have a view for this item definition
                if (_itemToView.ContainsKey(item))
                    itemView = _itemToView[item];
                    itemEdge = _viewToEdge[itemView];

                    // Remove from lookups
                    // Ask the item definition to return an appropriate view
                    itemView = item.CreateView(_ribbon, _needPaint);

                    // Create a border edge to go with the item view
                    itemEdge = new ViewDrawRibbonGroupClusterEdge(_ribbon, _paletteBorderEdge);

                // Update the visible state
                itemView.Visible = _ribbon.InDesignHelperMode || item.Visible;
                itemEdge.Visible = itemEdgeVisible && (_ribbon.InDesignHelperMode || item.Visible);

                // We need to remember associations
                regenView.Add(item, itemView);
                regenEdge.Add(itemView, itemEdge);


                // Update the cached first/last items
                if (itemView.Visible && (viewFirst == null))
                    viewFirst = itemView;

                if (itemView.Visible)
                    viewLast = itemView;

            // Update the display borders for the visible items
            foreach (ViewBase item in regenView.Values)
                // Only interested in visible items
                if (item.Visible)
                    if ((item is ViewDrawRibbonGroupClusterButton) ||
                        (item is ViewDrawRibbonGroupClusterColorButton))
                        // By default each button shows only the top and bottom
                        PaletteDrawBorders maxBorders = PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottom;

                        switch (_lastShape)
                        case PaletteRibbonShape.Office2007:
                            maxBorders = PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottom;

                            // First and last items have extra borders
                            if (item == viewFirst)
                                // If first and last, it needs all borders
                                if (item == viewLast)
                                    maxBorders = PaletteDrawBorders.All;
                                    maxBorders = PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottomLeft;
                            else if (item == viewLast)
                                maxBorders = PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottomRight;

                        case PaletteRibbonShape.Office2010:
                            maxBorders = PaletteDrawBorders.All;

                        // Remove the border edge after the last button
                        if (item == viewLast)

                        // Cast to correct type
                        ViewDrawRibbonGroupClusterButton      clusterButton      = item as ViewDrawRibbonGroupClusterButton;
                        ViewDrawRibbonGroupClusterColorButton clusterColorButton = item as ViewDrawRibbonGroupClusterColorButton;

                        if (clusterButton != null)
                            clusterButton.MaxBorderEdges       = maxBorders;
                            clusterButton.BorderIgnoreNormal   = itemEdgeIgnoreNormal;
                            clusterButton.ConstantBorder       = itemConstantBorder;
                            clusterButton.DrawNonTrackingAreas = itemDrawNonTrackingAreas;

                        if (clusterColorButton != null)
                            clusterColorButton.MaxBorderEdges       = maxBorders;
                            clusterColorButton.BorderIgnoreNormal   = itemEdgeIgnoreNormal;
                            clusterColorButton.ConstantBorder       = itemConstantBorder;
                            clusterColorButton.DrawNonTrackingAreas = itemDrawNonTrackingAreas;

            // Dispose of all the items no longer needed
            foreach (ViewBase view in _itemToView.Values)

            foreach (ViewBase view in _viewToEdge.Values)

            // Always add the end separator as the last view element (excluding any desing time additions)

            // Define visible state of the separators
            _startSep.Visible = (_lastShape == PaletteRibbonShape.Office2010);
            _endSep.Visible   = (_lastShape == PaletteRibbonShape.Office2010);

            // When in design time help mode
            if (_ribbon.InDesignHelperMode)
                // Create the design time 'Item' first time it is needed
                if (_viewAddItem == null)
                    _viewAddItem = new ViewDrawRibbonDesignCluster(_ribbon,

                // Always add at end of the list of items

            // Use the latest tables
            _itemToView = regenView;
            _viewToEdge = regenEdge;
 public static bool HasNoBorders(PaletteDrawBorders borders)
     return ((borders & PaletteDrawBorders.All) == PaletteDrawBorders.None);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the specified context and culture information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">An ITypeDescriptorContext that provides a format context.</param>
        /// <param name="culture">A CultureInfo object. If a null reference the current culture is assumed.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The Object to convert.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationType">The Type to convert the value parameter to.</param>
        /// <returns>An Object that represents the converted value.</returns>
        public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context,
                                         System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture,
                                         object value,
                                         Type destinationType)
            // We are only interested in adding functionality for converting to strings
            if (destinationType == typeof(string))
                // Convert object to expected style
                PaletteDrawBorders borders = (PaletteDrawBorders)value;

                // If the inherit flag is set that that is the only flag of interest
                if ((borders & PaletteDrawBorders.Inherit) == PaletteDrawBorders.Inherit)
                    // Append the names of each border we want
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                    if ((borders & PaletteDrawBorders.Top) == PaletteDrawBorders.Top)

                    if ((borders & PaletteDrawBorders.Bottom) == PaletteDrawBorders.Bottom)
                        if (sb.Length > 0)


                    if ((borders & PaletteDrawBorders.Left) == PaletteDrawBorders.Left)
                        if (sb.Length > 0)


                    if ((borders & PaletteDrawBorders.Right) == PaletteDrawBorders.Right)
                        if (sb.Length > 0)


                    // If no border is wanted then return a fixed string
                    if (sb.Length == 0)


            // Let base class perform default conversion
            return(base.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType));
        public static bool HasOneBorder(PaletteDrawBorders borders)
            PaletteDrawBorders justBorders = (borders & PaletteDrawBorders.All);

            // If borders value equals just one of the edges
            return (justBorders == PaletteDrawBorders.Top) ||
                   (justBorders == PaletteDrawBorders.Bottom) ||
                   (justBorders == PaletteDrawBorders.Left) ||
                   (justBorders == PaletteDrawBorders.Right);
 public static bool HasABorder(PaletteDrawBorders borders)
     return ((borders & PaletteDrawBorders.All) != PaletteDrawBorders.None);
        private static void CreateBorderBackPathOnly(PaletteDrawBorders borders,
                                                     GraphicsPath borderPath,
                                                     Rectangle rect,
                                                     int variant)
            // Reduce the width and height by 1 pixel for drawing into rectangle
            rect.Width -= 1;
            rect.Height -= 1;

            // Add only the border for drawing
            switch (borders)
                case PaletteDrawBorders.None:
                case PaletteDrawBorders.Top:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Left - 1, rect.Top, rect.Right + 1, rect.Top);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.Bottom:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Left - 1, rect.Bottom, rect.Right + 1, rect.Bottom);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.Left:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Left, rect.Top - 1, rect.Left, rect.Bottom + 1);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.Right:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Right, rect.Top - 1, rect.Right, rect.Bottom + 1);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottom:
                    if (variant == 0)
                        borderPath.AddLine(rect.Left - 1, rect.Top, rect.Right + 1, rect.Top);
                        borderPath.AddLine(rect.Left - 1, rect.Bottom, rect.Right + 1, rect.Bottom);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.LeftRight:
                    if (variant == 0)
                        borderPath.AddLine(rect.Left, rect.Top - 1, rect.Left, rect.Bottom + 1);
                        borderPath.AddLine(rect.Right, rect.Top - 1, rect.Right, rect.Bottom + 1);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.TopLeft:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Left, rect.Bottom + 1, rect.Left, rect.Top);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right + 1, rect.Top);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.TopRight:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Top);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Right, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Bottom + 1);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.BottomRight:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Right, rect.Top - 1, rect.Right, rect.Bottom);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Right, rect.Bottom, rect.Left - 1, rect.Bottom);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.BottomLeft:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Right + 1, rect.Bottom, rect.Left, rect.Bottom);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Left, rect.Bottom, rect.Left, rect.Top - 1);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottomLeft:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Right + 1, rect.Bottom, rect.Left, rect.Bottom);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Left, rect.Bottom, rect.Left, rect.Top);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right + 1, rect.Top);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.TopBottomRight:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Left - 1, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Top);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Right, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Bottom);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Right, rect.Bottom, rect.Left - 1, rect.Bottom);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.TopLeftRight:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Left, rect.Bottom + 1, rect.Left, rect.Top);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Top);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Right, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Bottom + 1);
                case PaletteDrawBorders.BottomLeftRight:
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Right, rect.Top - 1, rect.Right, rect.Bottom);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Right, rect.Bottom, rect.Left, rect.Bottom);
                    borderPath.AddLine(rect.Left, rect.Bottom, rect.Left, rect.Top - 1);
 public static bool HasBottomBorder(PaletteDrawBorders borders)
     return ((borders & PaletteDrawBorders.Bottom) == PaletteDrawBorders.Bottom);
 public static bool HasLeftBorder(PaletteDrawBorders borders)
     return ((borders & PaletteDrawBorders.Left) == PaletteDrawBorders.Left);
 /// <summary>
 /// Force the border edges to a particular value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="forceBorderEdges">Borders to force.</param>
 public void ForceBorderEdges(PaletteDrawBorders forceBorderEdges)
     _forceBorderEdges = forceBorderEdges;
     _forceBorders = true;
 public static bool HasOneBorder(PaletteDrawBorders borders)
     PaletteDrawBorders borders2 = borders & PaletteDrawBorders.All;
     if (((borders2 != PaletteDrawBorders.Top) && (borders2 != PaletteDrawBorders.Bottom)) && (borders2 != PaletteDrawBorders.Left))
         return (borders2 == PaletteDrawBorders.Right);
     return true;