private PagerState CreatePagerState() { var fileSize = GetFileSize(); var startingBaseAddressPtr = Syscall.mmap(IntPtr.Zero, (ulong)fileSize, MmapProts.PROT_READ | MmapProts.PROT_WRITE, MmapFlags.MAP_SHARED, _fd, 0); if (startingBaseAddressPtr.ToInt64() == -1) //system didn't succeed in mapping the address where we wanted { PosixHelper.ThrowLastError(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } var allocationInfo = new PagerState.AllocationInfo { BaseAddress = (byte *)startingBaseAddressPtr.ToPointer(), Size = fileSize, MappedFile = null }; var newPager = new PagerState(this) { Files = null, // unused MapBase = allocationInfo.BaseAddress, AllocationInfos = new[] { allocationInfo } }; newPager.AddRef(); // one for the pager return(newPager); }
private PagerState CreatePagerState() { var fileSize = GetFileSize(); var mmflags = _copyOnWriteMode ? MmapFlags.MAP_PRIVATE : MmapFlags.MAP_SHARED; var startingBaseAddressPtr = Syscall.mmap64(IntPtr.Zero, (UIntPtr)fileSize, MmapProts.PROT_READ | MmapProts.PROT_WRITE, mmflags, _fd, 0L); if (startingBaseAddressPtr.ToInt64() == -1) //system didn't succeed in mapping the address where we wanted { var err = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); Syscall.ThrowLastError(err, "mmap on " + FileName); } NativeMemory.RegisterFileMapping(FileName.FullPath, startingBaseAddressPtr, fileSize, GetAllocatedInBytes); var allocationInfo = new PagerState.AllocationInfo { BaseAddress = (byte *)startingBaseAddressPtr.ToPointer(), Size = fileSize, MappedFile = null }; return(new PagerState(this, Options.PrefetchSegmentSize, Options.PrefetchResetThreshold, allocationInfo)); }
private PagerState CreatePagerState() { var startingBaseAddressPtr = Syscall.mmap(IntPtr.Zero, (UIntPtr)_totalAllocationSize, MmapProts.PROT_READ | MmapProts.PROT_WRITE, MmapFlags.MAP_SHARED, _fd, IntPtr.Zero); if (startingBaseAddressPtr.ToInt64() == -1) //system didn't succeed in mapping the address where we wanted { var err = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); PosixHelper.ThrowLastError(err, "mmap on " + FileName); } NativeMemory.RegisterFileMapping(FileName, startingBaseAddressPtr, _totalAllocationSize); var allocationInfo = new PagerState.AllocationInfo { BaseAddress = (byte *)startingBaseAddressPtr.ToPointer(), Size = _totalAllocationSize, MappedFile = null }; var newPager = new PagerState(this) { Files = null, // unused MapBase = allocationInfo.BaseAddress, AllocationInfos = new[] { allocationInfo } }; return(newPager); }
private PagerState CreatePagerState() { var mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(_fileStream, null, _fileStream.Length, _memoryMappedFileAccess, HandleInheritability.None, true); var fileMappingHandle = mmf.SafeMemoryMappedFileHandle.DangerousGetHandle(); Win32MemoryMapNativeMethods.NativeFileMapAccessType mmFileAccessType; if (_copyOnWriteMode) { mmFileAccessType = Win32MemoryMapNativeMethods.NativeFileMapAccessType.Copy; } else { mmFileAccessType = _access == Win32NativeFileAccess.GenericRead ? Win32MemoryMapNativeMethods.NativeFileMapAccessType.Read : Win32MemoryMapNativeMethods.NativeFileMapAccessType.Read | Win32MemoryMapNativeMethods.NativeFileMapAccessType.Write; } var startingBaseAddressPtr = Win32MemoryMapNativeMethods.MapViewOfFileEx(fileMappingHandle, mmFileAccessType, 0, 0, UIntPtr.Zero, //map all what was "reserved" in CreateFileMapping on previous row null); if (startingBaseAddressPtr == (byte *)0) //system didn't succeed in mapping the address where we wanted { var innerException = new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), "Failed to MapView of file " + FileName); var errorMessage = string.Format( "Unable to allocate more pages - unsuccessfully tried to allocate continuous block of virtual memory with size = {0:##,###;;0} bytes", (_fileStream.Length)); throw new OutOfMemoryException(errorMessage, innerException); } NativeMemory.RegisterFileMapping(_fileInfo.FullName, new IntPtr(startingBaseAddressPtr), _fileStream.Length); // If we are working on memory validation mode, then protect the pages by default. ProtectPageRange(startingBaseAddressPtr, (ulong)_fileStream.Length); var allocationInfo = new PagerState.AllocationInfo { BaseAddress = startingBaseAddressPtr, Size = _fileStream.Length, MappedFile = mmf }; var newPager = new PagerState(this) { Files = new[] { mmf }, MapBase = startingBaseAddressPtr, AllocationInfos = new[] { allocationInfo } }; return(newPager); }
private PagerState CreatePagerState() { var mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(_fileStream, null, _fileStream.Length, _memoryMappedFileAccess, HandleInheritability.None, true); var fileMappingHandle = mmf.SafeMemoryMappedFileHandle.DangerousGetHandle(); var mmFileAccessType = _access == Win32NativeFileAccess.GenericRead ? Win32MemoryMapNativeMethods.NativeFileMapAccessType.Read : Win32MemoryMapNativeMethods.NativeFileMapAccessType.Read | Win32MemoryMapNativeMethods.NativeFileMapAccessType.Write; var startingBaseAddressPtr = Win32MemoryMapNativeMethods.MapViewOfFileEx(fileMappingHandle, mmFileAccessType, 0, 0, UIntPtr.Zero, //map all what was "reserved" in CreateFileMapping on previous row null); if (startingBaseAddressPtr == (byte *)0) //system didn't succeed in mapping the address where we wanted { var innerException = new Win32Exception(); var errorMessage = string.Format( "Unable to allocate more pages - unsuccessfully tried to allocate continuous block of virtual memory with size = {0:##,###;;0} bytes", (_fileStream.Length)); throw new OutOfMemoryException(errorMessage, innerException); } var allocationInfo = new PagerState.AllocationInfo { BaseAddress = startingBaseAddressPtr, Size = _fileStream.Length, MappedFile = mmf }; var newPager = new PagerState(this) { Files = new[] { mmf }, MapBase = startingBaseAddressPtr, AllocationInfos = new[] { allocationInfo } }; newPager.AddRef(); // one for the pager return(newPager); }
private PagerState CreatePagerState() { _fileStreamLength = _fileStream.Length; var mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(_fileStream, null, _fileStreamLength, _memoryMappedFileAccess, HandleInheritability.None, true); var allocation = new PagerState.AllocationInfo { MappedFile = mmf, BaseAddress = null, Size = 0 }; var newPager = new PagerState(this, Options.PrefetchSegmentSize, Options.PrefetchResetThreshold, allocation); _hFileMappingObject = mmf.SafeMemoryMappedFileHandle.DangerousGetHandle(); return(newPager); }
private PagerState CreatePagerState() { var mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(_fileStream, null, _fileStream.Length, _memoryMappedFileAccess, null, HandleInheritability.None, true); var fileMappingHandle = mmf.SafeMemoryMappedFileHandle.DangerousGetHandle(); var mmFileAccessType = _access == NativeFileAccess.GenericRead ? MemoryMapNativeMethods.NativeFileMapAccessType.Read : MemoryMapNativeMethods.NativeFileMapAccessType.Read | MemoryMapNativeMethods.NativeFileMapAccessType.Write; var startingBaseAddressPtr = MemoryMapNativeMethods.MapViewOfFileEx(fileMappingHandle, mmFileAccessType, 0, 0, UIntPtr.Zero, //map all what was "reserved" in CreateFileMapping on previous row null); if (startingBaseAddressPtr == (byte *)0) //system didn't succeed in mapping the address where we wanted { throw new Win32Exception(); } var allocationInfo = new PagerState.AllocationInfo { BaseAddress = startingBaseAddressPtr, Size = _fileStream.Length, MappedFile = mmf }; var newPager = new PagerState(this) { Files = new[] { mmf }, Accessor = null, //not available since MapViewOfFileEx is used (instead of MapViewOfFile - which is used in managed wrapper) MapBase = startingBaseAddressPtr, AllocationInfos = new[] { allocationInfo } }; newPager.AddRef(); // one for the pager return(newPager); }
protected internal override PagerState AllocateMorePages(long newLength) { if (DisposeOnceRunner.Disposed) { ThrowAlreadyDisposedException(); } var newLengthAfterAdjustment = NearestSizeToPageSize(newLength); if (newLengthAfterAdjustment <= _totalAllocationSize) { return(null); } var rc = rvn_allocate_more_space(newLengthAfterAdjustment, _handle, out var newAddress, out var errorCode); if (rc != FailCodes.Success) { PalHelper.ThrowLastError(rc, errorCode, $"can't allocate more pages (rc={rc}) for '{FileName.FullPath}'. Requested {newLength} (adjusted to {newLengthAfterAdjustment})"); } // TODO : Get rid of allocation info var allocationInfo = new PagerState.AllocationInfo { BaseAddress = (byte *)newAddress, Size = newLengthAfterAdjustment, MappedFile = null }; var newPagerState = new PagerState(this, Options.PrefetchSegmentSize, Options.PrefetchResetThreshold, allocationInfo); newPagerState.DebugVerify(newLengthAfterAdjustment); newPagerState.CopyPrefetchState(_pagerState); SetPagerState(newPagerState); _totalAllocationSize = newLengthAfterAdjustment; NumberOfAllocatedPages = _totalAllocationSize / Constants.Storage.PageSize; return(newPagerState); }
private PagerState CreateInitialPagerState(long size, byte *requestedBaseAddress) { var allocationSize = NearestSizeToAllocationGranularity(size); var mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateNew(null, allocationSize, MemoryMappedFileAccess.ReadWrite); var fileMappingHandle = mmf.SafeMemoryMappedFileHandle.DangerousGetHandle(); var startingBaseAddressPtr = MemoryMapNativeMethods.MapViewOfFileEx(fileMappingHandle, MemoryMapNativeMethods.NativeFileMapAccessType.Read | MemoryMapNativeMethods.NativeFileMapAccessType.Write, 0, 0, UIntPtr.Zero, //map all what was "reserved" in CreateFileMapping on previous row requestedBaseAddress); if (startingBaseAddressPtr == (byte *)0) //system didn't succeed in mapping the address where we wanted { throw new Win32Exception(); } var allocationInfo = new PagerState.AllocationInfo { BaseAddress = startingBaseAddressPtr, Size = allocationSize, MappedFile = mmf }; var newPager = new PagerState(this) { Files = new[] { mmf }, Accessor = null, //not available since MapViewOfFileEx is used (instead of MapViewOfFile - which is used in managed wrapper) MapBase = startingBaseAddressPtr, AllocationInfos = new[] { allocationInfo } }; newPager.AddRef(); return(newPager); }
private PagerState CreateInitialPagerState(long size, byte* requestedBaseAddress) { var allocationSize = NearestSizeToAllocationGranularity(size); var mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateNew(null, allocationSize, MemoryMappedFileAccess.ReadWrite); var fileMappingHandle = mmf.SafeMemoryMappedFileHandle.DangerousGetHandle(); var startingBaseAddressPtr = MemoryMapNativeMethods.MapViewOfFileEx(fileMappingHandle, MemoryMapNativeMethods.NativeFileMapAccessType.Read | MemoryMapNativeMethods.NativeFileMapAccessType.Write, 0, 0, UIntPtr.Zero, //map all what was "reserved" in CreateFileMapping on previous row requestedBaseAddress); if (startingBaseAddressPtr == (byte*)0) //system didn't succeed in mapping the address where we wanted throw new Win32Exception(); var allocationInfo = new PagerState.AllocationInfo { BaseAddress = startingBaseAddressPtr, Size = allocationSize, MappedFile = mmf }; var newPager = new PagerState(this) { Files = new[] { mmf }, Accessor = null, //not available since MapViewOfFileEx is used (instead of MapViewOfFile - which is used in managed wrapper) MapBase = startingBaseAddressPtr, AllocationInfos = new[] { allocationInfo } }; newPager.AddRef(); return newPager; }
private PagerState CreatePagerState() { var mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(_fileStream, null, _fileStream.Length, _memoryMappedFileAccess, null, HandleInheritability.None, true); var fileMappingHandle = mmf.SafeMemoryMappedFileHandle.DangerousGetHandle(); var mmFileAccessType = _access == NativeFileAccess.GenericRead ? MemoryMapNativeMethods.NativeFileMapAccessType.Read : MemoryMapNativeMethods.NativeFileMapAccessType.Read | MemoryMapNativeMethods.NativeFileMapAccessType.Write; var startingBaseAddressPtr = MemoryMapNativeMethods.MapViewOfFileEx(fileMappingHandle, mmFileAccessType, 0, 0, UIntPtr.Zero, //map all what was "reserved" in CreateFileMapping on previous row null); if (startingBaseAddressPtr == (byte*)0) //system didn't succeed in mapping the address where we wanted throw new Win32Exception(); var allocationInfo = new PagerState.AllocationInfo { BaseAddress = startingBaseAddressPtr, Size = _fileStream.Length, MappedFile = mmf }; var newPager = new PagerState(this) { Files = new[] { mmf }, Accessor = null, //not available since MapViewOfFileEx is used (instead of MapViewOfFile - which is used in managed wrapper) MapBase = startingBaseAddressPtr, AllocationInfos = new[] { allocationInfo } }; newPager.AddRef(); // one for the pager return newPager; }
private bool TryHandleFailureToLockMemory(PagerState newState, PagerState.AllocationInfo info) { var currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); var sum = Bits.NextPowerOf2(newState.AllocationInfos.Sum(x => x.Size) * 2); if (PlatformDetails.RunningOnPosix == false) { // From: // "The maximum number of pages that a process can lock is equal to the number of pages in its minimum working set minus a small overhead" // let's increase the max size of memory we can lock by increasing the MinWorkingSet. On Windows, that is available for all users var nextSize = Bits.NextPowerOf2(currentProcess.MinWorkingSet.ToInt64() + sum); if (nextSize > int.MaxValue && IntPtr.Size == sizeof(int)) { nextSize = int.MaxValue; } // Minimum working set size must be less than or equal to the maximum working set size. // Let's increase the max as well. if (nextSize > (long)currentProcess.MaxWorkingSet) { try { currentProcess.MaxWorkingSet = new IntPtr(nextSize); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InsufficientMemoryException($"Need to increase the min working set size from {(long)currentProcess.MinWorkingSet:#,#;;0} to {nextSize:#,#;;0} but the max working set size was too small: {(long)currentProcess.MaxWorkingSet:#,#;;0}. " + $"Failed to increase the max working set size so we can lock {info.Size:#,#;;0} for {FileName}. With encrypted " + "databases we lock some memory in order to avoid leaking secrets to disk. Treating this as a catastrophic error " + "and aborting the current operation.", e); } } try { currentProcess.MinWorkingSet = new IntPtr(nextSize); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InsufficientMemoryException($"Failed to increase the min working set size so we can lock {info.Size:#,#;;0} for {FileName}. With encrypted " + "databases we lock some memory in order to avoid leaking secrets to disk. Treating this as a catastrophic error " + "and aborting the current operation.", e); } // now we can try again, after we raised the limit, we only do so once, though if (Sodium.sodium_mlock(info.BaseAddress, (UIntPtr)info.Size) == 0) { return(false); } } var msg = $"Unable to lock memory for {FileName} with size {info.Size:#,#;;0}), with encrypted databases we lock some memory in order to avoid leaking secrets to disk. Treating this as a catastrophic error and aborting the current operation.{Environment.NewLine}"; if (PlatformDetails.RunningOnPosix) { msg += $"The admin may configure higher limits using: 'sudo prlimit --pid {currentProcess.Id} --memlock={sum}' to increase the limit. (It's recommended to do that as part of the startup script){Environment.NewLine}"; } else { msg += $"Already tried to raise the the process min working set to {currentProcess.MinWorkingSet.ToInt64():#,#;;0} but still got a failure.{Environment.NewLine}"; } msg += "This behavior is controlled by the 'Security.DoNotConsiderMemoryLockFailureAsCatastrophicError' setting (expert only, modifications of this setting is not recommended)."; throw new InsufficientMemoryException(msg); }
public RvnMemoryMapPager(StorageEnvironmentOptions options, VoronPathSetting file, long?initialFileSize = null, bool canPrefetchAhead = true, bool usePageProtection = false, bool deleteOnClose = false) : base(options, canPrefetchAhead, usePageProtection) { DeleteOnClose = deleteOnClose; FileName = file; var copyOnWriteMode = options.CopyOnWriteMode && FileName.FullPath.EndsWith(Constants.DatabaseFilename); _logger = LoggingSource.Instance.GetLogger <StorageEnvironment>($"Pager-{file}"); if (initialFileSize.HasValue == false || initialFileSize.Value == 0) { initialFileSize = Math.Max(SysInfo.PageSize * 16, 64 * 1024); } if (initialFileSize % SysInfo.PageSize != 0) { initialFileSize += SysInfo.PageSize - initialFileSize % SysInfo.PageSize; } Debug.Assert(file != null); var mmapOptions = copyOnWriteMode ? MmapOptions.CopyOnWrite : MmapOptions.None; if (DeleteOnClose) { mmapOptions |= MmapOptions.DeleteOnClose; } var rc = rvn_create_and_mmap64_file( file.FullPath, initialFileSize.Value, mmapOptions, out _handle, out var baseAddress, out _totalAllocationSize, out var errorCode); if (rc != FailCodes.Success) { try { PalHelper.ThrowLastError(rc, errorCode, $"rvn_create_and_mmap64_file failed on {rc} for '{file.FullPath}'"); } catch (DiskFullException dfEx) { var diskSpaceResult = DiskSpaceChecker.GetDiskSpaceInfo(file.FullPath); throw new DiskFullException(file.FullPath, initialFileSize.Value, diskSpaceResult?.TotalFreeSpace.GetValue(SizeUnit.Bytes), dfEx.Message); } } NumberOfAllocatedPages = _totalAllocationSize / Constants.Storage.PageSize; NativeMemory.RegisterFileMapping(FileName.FullPath, new IntPtr(baseAddress), _totalAllocationSize, GetAllocatedInBytes); var allocationInfo = new PagerState.AllocationInfo { BaseAddress = (byte *)baseAddress, Size = _totalAllocationSize, MappedFile = null }; var pager = new PagerState(this, Options.PrefetchSegmentSize, Options.PrefetchResetThreshold, allocationInfo); SetPagerState(pager); }