        public PagedResult <IQueryable <CatalogPreviewDTO> > CatalogPreview(
            string catalogName,
            string catalogDesc,
            // 0. Load data / data source
            EfContext context = new EfContext();

            // 1. Project
            var qry = (from c in context.Catalogs select c);

            // 2. Filter
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(catalogName))
                qry = qry.Where(e => e.CatalogName.Contains(catalogName) || e.InternalName.Contains(catalogName));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(catalogDesc))
                qry = qry.Where(e => e.CatalogDesc.Contains(catalogDesc));

            if (productId != null)
                qry = qry.Where(e => e.CatalogProducts.Any(f => f.Product.ProductId == productId));

            if (storeId != null)
                qry = qry.Where(e => e.Store.StoreId == storeId);

            if (active != null)
                qry = qry.Where(e => e.Active == active);

            // 3. Select to DTO
            var items = qry.Select(q => new CatalogPreviewDTO
                CatalogId    = q.CatalogId,
                CatalogName  = q.CatalogName,
                InternalName = q.InternalName,
                StoreId      = q.Store.StoreId,
                StoreName    = q.Store.StoreName,
                Active       = q.Active,
                ProductCount = q.CatalogProducts.Select(e => e.Product).Distinct().Count()

            // 4. Sort
            items = items.OrderBy(o => o.CatalogName);

            // 5. Page
            return(PagedResult <PreviewDetailDTO> .AutoPage(items, currentPage, pageSize));
		public PagedResult<IQueryable<ProductPreviewDto>> ProductPreview(
			int? currentPage,
			int? pageSize,
			string productName,
			string productDesc,
			int? catalogId,
			bool? active)
			// 0. Load data / data source
			EfContext context = new EfContext();

			// 1. Project
			var qry = (from p in context.Products
				from catprod in context.CatalogProducts.Where(e => e.Product == p).DefaultIfEmpty()
				group catprod.Catalog by p
				into grp
				select new
					Product = grp.Key,
					Catalogs = grp

			// 2. Filter
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(productName))
				qry = qry.Where(e => e.Product.ProductName.Contains(productName));

			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(productDesc))
				qry = qry.Where(e =>
					e.Product.ProductDesc.Contains(productDesc) || e.Product.ProductRichDesc.Contains(productDesc));

			if (catalogId != null)
				qry = qry.Where(e => e.Catalogs.Where(w => w != null).Any(f => f.CatalogId == catalogId));

			if (active != null)
				qry = qry.Where(e => e.Product.Active == active);

			// 3. Select to DTO
			var items = qry.Select(q => new ProductPreviewDto
				ProductId = q.Product.ProductId,
				ProductName = q.Product.ProductName,
				Active = q.Product.Active,
				Catalogs = q.Catalogs
					.Where(w => w != null)
					.Select(c => c.CatalogName)

			// 4. Sort
			items = items.OrderBy(o => o.ProductName);

			// 5. Page
			return PagedResult<PreviewDetailDTO>.AutoPage(items, currentPage, pageSize);
        public PagedResult <IQueryable <StorePreviewDTO> > StorePreview(
            string storeName,
            string owner,
            // 0. Load data / data source
            EfContext context = new EfContext();

            // 1. Project
            var qry = (from s in context.Stores
                       from storecat in context.Catalogs.Where(e => e.Store == s).DefaultIfEmpty()
                       group storecat by s into grp
                       select new
                Store = grp.Key,
                Catalogs = grp

            // 2. Filter
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(storeName))
                qry = qry.Where(e => e.Store.StoreName.Contains(storeName));

            if (storeStatusId != null)
                qry = qry.Where(e => e.Store.Status.StoreStatusId == storeStatusId);

            if (importantConfigId != null)
                qry = qry.Where(e => e.Store.ImportantConfigId == importantConfigId);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(owner))
                qry = qry.Where(e => e.Store.Owner.Contains(owner));

            if (catalogId != null)
                qry = qry.Where(e => e.Catalogs.Where(w => w != null).Any(f => f.CatalogId == catalogId));

            if (active != null)
                qry = qry.Where(e => e.Store.Active == active);

            // 3. Select to DTO
            var items = qry.Select(q => new StorePreviewDTO
                StoreId           = q.Store.StoreId,
                StoreName         = q.Store.StoreName,
                StoreStatusName   = q.Store.Status.StoreStatusName,
                ImportantConfigId = q.Store.ImportantConfigId,
                Owner             = q.Store.Owner,
                CatalogCount      = q.Catalogs.Count(w => w != null),
                Active            = q.Store.Active

            // 4. Sort
            items = items.OrderBy(o => o.StoreName);

            // 5. Page
            return(PagedResult <PreviewDetailDTO> .AutoPage(items, currentPage, pageSize));
        public PagedResult <IQueryable <PreviewDetailDTO> > PreviewDetailPreview(
            string name,
            // 0. Load data / data source
            List <PreviewDetailEntity> previewDetail = _loader.LoadFromFile <List <PreviewDetailEntity> >("preview-detail");
            List <CategoryEntity>      categories    = _loader.LoadFromFile <List <CategoryEntity> >("category");

            // 1. Project
            var qry = (from pd in previewDetail
                       from cat in categories.Where(e => pd.CategoryIds != null && pd.CategoryIds.Contains(e.CategoryId)).DefaultIfEmpty()
                       group cat by pd
                       into grp
                       select new { previewDetail = grp.Key, categories = grp })
                      .AsQueryable();           //Not needed if using entity framework - want to ensure pattern works with IQueryable

            // 2. Filter
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                qry = qry.Where(e => e.previewDetail.Name != null && e.previewDetail.Name.IndexOf(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0);

            if (categoryId != null)
                qry = qry.Where(e => e.categories.Where(w => w != null).Any(f => f.CategoryId == categoryId));

            if (active != null)
                qry = qry.Where(e => e.previewDetail.Active == active);

            if (startDate != null)
                qry = qry.Where(e => e.previewDetail.Date >= startDate);

            if (endDate != null)
                qry = qry.Where(e => e.previewDetail.Date <= endDate);

            // 3. Select to DTO
            IQueryable <PreviewDetailDTO> items = qry.Select(q => new PreviewDetailDTO
                PreviewDetailId = q.previewDetail.PreviewDetailId,
                Name            = q.previewDetail.Name,
                Active          = q.previewDetail.Active,
                Date            = q.previewDetail.Date,
                Categories      = q.categories
                                  .Where(w => w != null)       //TODO: Figure out why grouping results in 1 null category instead of 0 categories
                                  .Select(c => c.CategoryName)
                Codes = new List <string> {
                    "TODO 1", "todo 2"

            // 4. Sort
            items = items.OrderBy(o => o.Name);

            // 5. Page
            return(PagedResult <PreviewDetailDTO> .AutoPage(items, currentPage, pageSize));