public override void Write(Record record, PageCursor cursor) { PageCountRecord r = ( PageCountRecord )record; int shorts = RecordSize / 2; for (int i = 0; i < shorts; i++) { cursor.PutShort(r.RecordId); } }
internal static void Put(PageCursor cursor, sbyte[] byteArray, long long0, long long2) { // There are two variants of a text value, one is string, the other is char. Both are the same ValueGroup, i.e. TEXT // and should be treated the same, it's just that we need to know if it's a char so that we can materialize a CharValue for chars. // We put a special marker for char values, knowing that a char is exactly 2 bytes in storage. // This can be picked up by reader and set the right flag in state so that a CharValue can be materialized. short length = toNonNegativeShortExact(long0); cursor.PutShort(IsCharValueType(long2) ? ( short )(length | CHAR_TYPE_LENGTH_MARKER) : length); cursor.PutBytes(byteArray, 0, length); }
public override void Write(Record record, PageCursor cursor) { StandardRecord r = ( StandardRecord )record; sbyte[] pathBytes = r.File.Path.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); sbyte fileByte = pathBytes[pathBytes.Length - 1]; cursor.PutByte(r.Type); cursor.PutByte(fileByte); cursor.PutShort(r.Fill1); cursor.PutInt(r.RecordId); cursor.PutLong(r.Fill2); }
public override void Write(DynamicRecord record, PageCursor cursor, int recordSize) { if (record.InUse()) { Debug.Assert(record.Length < (1 << 24) - 1); sbyte headerByte = ( sbyte )((record.InUse() ? IN_USE_BIT : 0) | (record.StartRecord ? START_RECORD_BIT : 0)); cursor.PutByte(headerByte); cursor.PutShort(( short )record.Length); cursor.PutByte(( sbyte )(( int )(( uint )record.Length >> 16))); cursor.PutLong(record.NextBlock); cursor.PutBytes(record.Data); } else { MarkAsUnused(cursor); } }
public override void SetShort(long index, int offset, short value) { long pageId = pageId(index); offset += offset(index); try { using (PageCursor cursor =, PF_SHARED_WRITE_LOCK | PF_NO_GROW)) { cursor.Next(); cursor.PutShort(offset, value); CheckBounds(cursor); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } }
public override void Set3ByteInt(long index, int offset, int value) { long pageId = pageId(index); offset += offset(index); try { using (PageCursor cursor =, PF_SHARED_WRITE_LOCK | PF_NO_GROW)) { cursor.Next(); cursor.PutShort(offset, ( short )value); cursor.PutByte(offset + Short.BYTES, ( sbyte )(( int )(( uint )value >> (sizeof(short) * 8)))); CheckBounds(cursor); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } }
private static void Put3BInt(PageCursor cursor, int value) { cursor.PutShort(( short )value); cursor.PutByte(( sbyte )(( int )(( uint )value >> (sizeof(short) * 8)))); }
internal static void PutArrayHeader(PageCursor cursor, short arrayLength) { cursor.PutShort(arrayLength); }