private void ajaxGetTranAccList() { string text = base.q("d1"); string text2 = base.q("d2"); string text3 = base.q("sel"); string text4 = base.q("u"); string text5 = base.q("money"); int num = base.Int_ThisPage(); int pageSize = base.Str2Int(base.q("pagesize"), 20); int num2 = base.Str2Int(base.q("flag"), 0); string text6 = ""; string text7 = ""; if (text.Trim().Length == 0) { text = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } if (text2.Trim().Length == 0) { text2 = this.EndTime; } if (Convert.ToDateTime(text) > Convert.ToDateTime(text2)) { text = text2; } string text8 = base.q("id"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text8)) { text7 = text7 + " ssid ='" + text8 + "'"; } else { if (text.Trim().Length > 0 && text2.Trim().Length > 0) { string text9 = text7; text7 = string.Concat(new string[] { text9, " STime >='", text, "' and STime <'", text2, "'" }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text4)) { string text9 = text7; text7 = string.Concat(new string[] { text9, " and dbo.f_GetUserName(", text3, ") like '%", text4, "%'" }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text5)) { text7 = text7 + " and Inmoney >=" + text5; } } this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = text7; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("N_UserChargeLog"); text6 = text6 + " SELECT '' as UserName,'' as ToUserName,'0' as [Id],'全部合计' as [ssid],'' as [Type],'' as [UserId],'' as [ToUserId],isnull(sum([MoneyChange]),0) as [MoneyChange],\r\n getdate() as [STime],'' as [Remark] FROM [N_UserChargeLog] where " + text7; text6 += " union all "; text6 += " select * from ( "; text6 += SqlHelp.GetSql0("dbo.f_GetUserName(UserId) as UserName,dbo.f_GetUserName(ToUserId) as ToUserName,*", "N_UserChargeLog", "Id", pageSize, num, "desc", text7); text6 += " ) YouleTable order by Id desc "; this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = text6; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = string.Concat(new string[] { "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"", PageBar.GetPageBar(3, "js", 2, totalCount, pageSize, num, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);"), "\",", dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable), "}" }); dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); }
private void ajaxGetList() { string str1 = this.q("d1"); string str2 = this.q("d2"); string str3 = this.q("state"); string str4 = this.q("lid"); string str5 = this.q("pid"); string str6 = this.q("sel"); string str7 = this.q("u"); string str8 = this.q("IsCheat"); string str9 = this.q("yc"); int num1 = this.Int_ThisPage(); int num2 = this.Str2Int(this.q("pagesize"), 20); this.Str2Int(this.q("flag"), 0); if (str1.Trim().Length == 0) { str1 = this.StartTime; } if (str2.Trim().Length == 0) { str2 = this.EndTime; } if (Convert.ToDateTime(str1) > Convert.ToDateTime(str2)) { str1 = str2; } string str10 = ""; string whereStr = " STime2 >='" + str1 + "' and STime2 <'" + str2 + "'"; string str11 = this.q("id"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str11)) { whereStr = whereStr + " and ssid ='" + str11 + "'"; } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str7)) { string str12 = str7.Trim(); whereStr = !str6.Equals("username") ? (!str6.Equals("IssueNum") ? whereStr + " and ssid = '" + str12 + "'" : whereStr + " and IssueNum = '" + str12 + "'") : whereStr + " and UserName = '******'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str4)) { whereStr = whereStr + " and LotteryId =" + str4; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str5)) { whereStr = whereStr + " and PlayId =" + str5; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str3)) { whereStr = whereStr + " and state =" + str3; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str8)) { whereStr = whereStr + " and IsCheat=" + str8 + " and State=0"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str9)) { whereStr += " and WarnState='异常'"; } } string FldName = this.q("order"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FldName)) { if (FldName.Equals("bet")) { FldName = "Times*Total"; } } else { FldName = "Id"; } this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = whereStr; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("V_UserBet"); string str13 = str10 + SqlHelp.GetSql0("*", "V_UserBet", FldName, num2, num1, "desc", whereStr); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = str13; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"" + PageBar.GetPageBar(3, "js", 2, totalCount, num2, num1, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);") + "\"," + dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable) + "}"; dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); }
private void ajaxGetZHList() { string str1 = this.q("d1"); string str2 = this.q("d2"); string str3 = this.q("lid"); string str4 = this.q("pid"); string str5 = this.q("sel"); string str6 = this.q("u"); int num1 = this.Int_ThisPage(); int num2 = this.Str2Int(this.q("pagesize"), 20); this.Str2Int(this.q("flag"), 0); if (str1.Trim().Length == 0) { str1 = this.StartTime; } if (str2.Trim().Length == 0) { str2 = this.EndTime; } if (Convert.ToDateTime(str1) > Convert.ToDateTime(str2)) { str1 = str2; } string whereStr = "1=1"; string str7 = this.q("id"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str7)) { whereStr = whereStr + " and ssid ='" + str7 + "'"; } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str6)) { whereStr = !str5.Equals("username") ? whereStr + " and ssid like '%" + str6 + "%'" : whereStr + " and dbo.f_GetUserName(UserId) like '%" + str6 + "%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str3)) { whereStr = whereStr + " and LotteryId =" + str3; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str4)) { whereStr = whereStr + " and PlayId ='" + str4 + "'"; } if (str1.Trim().Length > 0 && str2.Trim().Length > 0) { whereStr = whereStr + " and STime >='" + str1 + "' and STime <'" + str2 + "'"; } } this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = whereStr; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("V_UserBetZh"); string sql0 = SqlHelp.GetSql0("*", "V_UserBetZh", "STime", num2, num1, "desc", whereStr); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = sql0; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"加载完成\",\"pagebar\" :\"" + PageBar.GetPageBar(3, "js", 2, totalCount, num2, num1, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);") + "\"," + dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable) + "}"; dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); }
public void GetListJSON(int _thispage, int _pagesize, string _wherestr1, ref string _jsonstr) { using (DbOperHandler dbOperHandler = new ComData().Doh()) { dbOperHandler.Reset(); dbOperHandler.ConditionExpress = _wherestr1; int totalCount = dbOperHandler.Count("N_UserBank"); string sql0 = SqlHelp.GetSql0("row_number() over (order by Id asc) as rowid,'************'+substring(Payaccount,len(Payaccount)-3,4) as tPayaccount,substring(PayName,1,1)+'**' as tPayName,*", "N_UserBank", "Id", _pagesize, _thispage, "asc", _wherestr1); dbOperHandler.Reset(); dbOperHandler.SqlCmd = sql0; DataTable dataTable = dbOperHandler.GetDataTable(); _jsonstr = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"" + PageBar.GetPageBar(6, "js", 2, totalCount, _pagesize, _thispage, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);") + "\"," + dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable, _pagesize * (_thispage - 1)) + "}"; dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); } }
private void ajaxGetProListId() { string d2 = this.q("d2"); this.q("keys"); string d1 = this.q("d1"); string str1 = this.q("id"); int num1 = this.Int_ThisPage(); int num2 = this.Str2Int(this.q("pagesize"), 20); this.Str2Int(this.q("flag"), 0); string str2 = "IsDel=0"; string whereStr = string.IsNullOrEmpty(str1) ? str2 + " and ParentId =-1" : str2 + " and ParentId =" + str1; if (d1.Trim().Length == 0) { d1 = this.StartTime; } if (d2.Trim().Length == 0) { d2 = this.EndTime; } if (Convert.ToDateTime(d1) > Convert.ToDateTime(d2)) { d1 = d2; } this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = whereStr; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("N_User"); string sql0 = SqlHelp.GetSql0("[Id]", "N_User a", "Id", num2, num1, "asc", whereStr); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = sql0; DataTable dataTable1 = this.doh.GetDataTable(); string str3 = ""; for (int index = 0; index < dataTable1.Rows.Count; ++index) { str3 = str3 + "," + dataTable1.Rows[index]["Id"].ToString(); } DataTable dataTable2 = new DataTable(); if (str3.Length > 1) { string userId1 = str3.Substring(1, str3.Length - 1); DataTable userMoneyStat = this.GetUserMoneyStat(d1, d2, userId1); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = "select Id from N_User with(nolock) where " + whereStr; DataTable dataTable3 = this.doh.GetDataTable(); string str4 = ""; for (int index = 0; index < dataTable3.Rows.Count; ++index) { str4 = str4 + "," + dataTable3.Rows[index]["Id"].ToString(); } DataTable dtsum = new DataTable(); if (str4.Length > 1) { string userId2 = str4.Substring(1, str4.Length - 1); dtsum = this.GetUserMoneyStat(d1, d2, userId2); } this._response = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"加载完成\",\"pagebar\" :\"" + PageBar.GetPageBar(6, "js", 2, totalCount, num2, num1, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);") + "\"," + dtHelp.DT2JSON123(dtsum, userMoneyStat, 0, "recordcount", "table", true) + "}"; dataTable1.Clear(); dataTable1.Dispose(); } else { this._response = "{\"result\" :\"0\",\"returnval\" :\"加载完成\"}"; } }
private void ajaxGetUserPointList() { int num1 = this.Int_ThisPage(); int num2 = this.Str2Int(this.q("pagesize"), 20); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = "select Point*0.1 as Upoint from N_User with(nolock) where Id=" + this.AdminId; string whereStr = "[Point]=" + this.doh.GetDataTable().Rows[0]["Upoint"]; this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = whereStr; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("N_UserPointQuota"); string sql0 = SqlHelp.GetSql0(string.Format("row_number() over (order by Point desc) as rowid\r\n ,(select count(*) from N_User where ParentID={0} AND UserGroup<2 and Point=a.Point*10) as regNums,*", (object)this.AdminId), "[N_UserPointQuota] a", "Point", num2, num1, "desc", whereStr); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = sql0; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"" + PageBar.GetPageBar(80, "js", 2, totalCount, num2, num1, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);") + "\"," + dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable, num2 * (num1 - 1)) + "}"; dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); }
private void ajaxGetFKListOnLine() { string str1 = this.q("username"); string str2 = this.q("money1"); string str3 = this.q("money2"); string str4 = this.q("online").Replace(",", ""); this.Str2Int(this.q("gId"), 0); int num1 = this.Int_ThisPage(); int num2 = this.Str2Int(this.q("pagesize"), 20); this.Str2Int(this.q("flag"), 0); this.q("Id"); string whereStr = "IsOnline=1 and dbo.f_GetUserCode(Id) like '%" + Strings.PadLeft(this.AdminId) + "%' and Id<>" + this.AdminId; if (str1.Trim().Length > 0) { whereStr = whereStr + " and UserName LIKE '" + str1 + "%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2)) { whereStr = whereStr + " and Money <=" + str2; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str3)) { whereStr = whereStr + " and Money >=" + str3; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str4)) { whereStr = whereStr + " and IsOnline =" + str4; } this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = whereStr; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("Flex_User"); string str5 = ""; this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = SqlHelp.GetSql0("Id,UserCode", "Flex_User", "ID", num2, num1, "asc", whereStr); DataTable dataTable1 = this.doh.GetDataTable(); for (int index = 0; index < dataTable1.Rows.Count; ++index) { str5 += string.Format("select *,'" + this.ajaxGetUserNames(dataTable1.Rows[index]["UserCode"].ToString(), this.AdminId) + "' as usercodes from Flex_User where Id=" + dataTable1.Rows[index]["Id"].ToString()); if (index != dataTable1.Rows.Count - 1) { str5 += " union all "; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str5)) { this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = str5; DataTable dataTable2 = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"" + PageBar.GetPageBar(80, "js", 2, totalCount, num2, num1, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);") + "\"," + dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable2) + "}"; dataTable2.Clear(); dataTable2.Dispose(); } else { this._response = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"recordcount\":0,\"table\": []}"; } }
private void ajaxGetDetailByUserId() { string str = this.q("id"); int num1 = this.Int_ThisPage(); int num2 = this.Str2Int(this.q("pagesize"), 20); this.Str2Int(this.q("flag"), 0); DataTable dataTable1 = new DataTable(); string whereStr; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { whereStr = "UcId=0"; } else { this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = "select top 1 Id from [N_UserContract] where userid=" + str + " and type=1"; DataTable dataTable2 = this.doh.GetDataTable(); whereStr = dataTable2.Rows.Count <= 0 ? "UcId=0" : "UcId=" + dataTable2.Rows[0]["Id"]; } this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = whereStr; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("N_UserContractDetail"); string sql0 = SqlHelp.GetSql0("*", "N_UserContractDetail", "id", num2, num1, "desc", whereStr); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = sql0; DataTable dataTable3 = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"" + PageBar.GetPageBar(3, "js", 2, totalCount, num2, num1, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);") + "\"," + dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable3) + "}"; dataTable3.Clear(); dataTable3.Dispose(); }
private void ajaxGetList() { string str1 = this.q("type"); string str2 = this.q("p"); string str3 = this.q("u"); int num1 = this.Int_ThisPage(); int num2 = this.Str2Int(this.q("pagesize"), 20); this.Str2Int(this.q("flag"), 0); string whereStr = "1=1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str1)) { whereStr = whereStr + " and type = " + str1; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2)) { whereStr = whereStr + " and dbo.f_GetUserName(ParentId) = '" + str2 + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str3)) { whereStr = whereStr + " and dbo.f_GetUserName(UserId) = '" + str3 + "'"; } this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = whereStr; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("N_UserContract"); string sql0 = SqlHelp.GetSql0("*,dbo.f_GetUserName(ParentId) as ParentName,dbo.f_GetUserName(UserId) as UserName", "N_UserContract", "id", num2, num1, "desc", whereStr); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = sql0; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"" + PageBar.GetPageBar(3, "js", 2, totalCount, num2, num1, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);") + "\"," + dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable) + "}"; dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); }
private void ajaxGetActiveRecord() { string str1 = this.q("d1"); string str2 = this.q("d2"); string str3 = this.q("type"); string str4 = this.q("u"); int num1 = this.Int_ThisPage(); int num2 = this.Str2Int(this.q("pagesize"), 20); this.Str2Int(this.q("flag"), 0); if (str1.Trim().Length == 0) { str1 = this.StartTime; } if (str2.Trim().Length == 0) { str2 = this.EndTime; } if (Convert.ToDateTime(str1) > Convert.ToDateTime(str2)) { str1 = str2; } string str5 = ""; string whereStr = "1=1"; string str6 = this.q("id"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str6)) { whereStr = whereStr + " and ssid ='" + str6 + "'"; } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str4)) { whereStr = whereStr + " and dbo.f_GetUserName(UserId) LIKE '%" + str4 + "%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str3)) { whereStr = whereStr + " and ActiveType ='" + str3 + "'"; } if (str1.Trim().Length > 0 && str2.Trim().Length > 0) { whereStr = whereStr + " and STime >='" + str1 + "' and STime <'" + str2 + "'"; } } this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = whereStr; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("Act_ActiveRecord"); string str7 = str5 + " select '全部合计' as UserName,'0' as Id,'-' as SsId,'-' as UserId,'-' as ActiveType,'-' as ActiveName\r\n ,0 as Bet,isnull(sum(InMoney),0) as InMoney,getdate() as STime,'-' as CheckIp,'-' as CheckMachine,'0' as FromUserId,'-' as Remark \r\n from Act_ActiveRecord where " + whereStr + " union all " + " select * from ( " + SqlHelp.GetSql0("dbo.f_GetUserName(UserId) as UserName,*", "Act_ActiveRecord", "Id", num2, num1, "desc", whereStr) + " ) YouleTable order by Id desc "; this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = str7; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"" + PageBar.GetPageBar(3, "js", 2, totalCount, num2, num1, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);") + "\"," + dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable) + "}"; dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); }
private void ajaxGetActDetail() { int num1 = this.Int_ThisPage(); int num2 = this.Str2Int(this.q("pagesize"), 20); this.Str2Int(this.q("flag"), 0); string whereStr = ""; string str = this.q("table"); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = whereStr; int totalCount = this.doh.Count(str); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = SqlHelp.GetSql0("*", str, "Id", num2, num1, "asc", whereStr); DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"" + PageBar.GetPageBar(3, "js", 2, totalCount, num2, num1, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);") + "\"," + dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable) + "}"; dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); }
private void ajaxGetList() { string text = base.q("keys"); string text2 = base.q("bank"); string text3 = base.q("state"); string text4 = base.q("sel"); string text5 = base.q("u"); string text6 = base.q("money"); string text7 = base.q("d1"); string text8 = base.q("d2"); int num = base.Int_ThisPage(); int pageSize = base.Str2Int(base.q("pagesize"), 20); int num2 = base.Str2Int(base.q("flag"), 0); string text9 = ""; string text10 = ""; if (text7.Trim().Length == 0) { text7 = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } if (text8.Trim().Length == 0) { text8 = this.EndTime; } if (Convert.ToDateTime(text7) > Convert.ToDateTime(text8)) { text7 = text8; } string text11 = base.q("id"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text11)) { text10 = text10 + " ssid ='" + text11 + "'"; } else { if (text7.Trim().Length > 0 && text8.Trim().Length > 0) { string text12 = text10; text10 = string.Concat(new string[] { text12, " STime >='", text7, "' and STime <'", text8, "'" }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text2)) { text10 = text10 + " and BankId=" + text2; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text3)) { text10 = text10 + " and state=" + text3; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text5)) { if (text4.Equals("username")) { text10 = text10 + " and dbo.f_GetUserName(UserId) like '" + text5 + "%'"; } if (text4.Equals("ssid")) { text10 = text10 + " and ssid like '" + text5 + "%'"; } if (text4.Equals("checkcode")) { text10 = text10 + " and checkcode like '" + text5 + "%'"; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text6)) { text10 = text10 + " and Inmoney >=" + text6; } } this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = text10; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("V_ChargeRecord"); text9 = text9 + " SELECT '' as UserName,'0' as [Id],'全部合计' as [ssid],'' as [UserId],'0' as [money],'' as [BankId],\r\n '' as [BankName],'' as [CheckCode],isnull(sum([InMoney]),0) as[InMoney],isnull(sum([DzMoney]),0) as[DzMoney],getdate() as [STime],\r\n '-1' as [State],'' as [StateName],'' as [ActState] FROM [V_ChargeRecord] where " + text10; text9 += " union all "; text9 += " select * from ( "; text9 += SqlHelp.GetSql0("dbo.f_GetUserName(UserId) as UserName,*", "V_ChargeRecord", "Id", pageSize, num, "desc", text10); text9 += " ) YouleTable order by Id desc "; this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = text9; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = string.Concat(new string[] { "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"", PageBar.GetPageBar(3, "js", 2, totalCount, pageSize, num, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);"), "\",", dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable), "}" }); dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); }
private void ajaxGetCashCheck() { string text = base.q("keys"); string text2 = base.q("d1"); string text3 = base.q("d2"); string text4 = base.q("u"); string text5 = base.q("sel"); string text6 = base.q("u2"); string text7 = base.q("sel2"); int num = base.Int_ThisPage(); int pageSize = base.Str2Int(base.q("pagesize"), 20); int num2 = base.Str2Int(base.q("flag"), 0); string text8 = "(State=0 or State=99)"; this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = "Id=@Id"; this.doh.AddConditionParameter("@Id", this.AdminId); object[] fields = this.doh.GetFields("Sys_Admin", "GroupId,MinCash,MaxCash"); if (Convert.ToInt32(fields[0]) == 2) { object obj = text8; text8 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, " and (CashMoney>=", fields[1], " and CashMoney<", fields[2], ")" }); } if (text2.Trim().Length == 0) { text2 = this.StartTime; } if (text3.Trim().Length == 0) { text3 = this.EndTime; } if (Convert.ToDateTime(text2) > Convert.ToDateTime(text3)) { text2 = text3; } if (text2.Trim().Length > 0 && text3.Trim().Length > 0) { string text9 = text8; text8 = string.Concat(new string[] { text9, " and STime >='", text2, "' and STime <'", text3, "'" }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text4)) { string text9 = text8; text8 = string.Concat(new string[] { text9, " and ", text5, " like '%", text4, "%'" }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text6)) { string text9 = text8; text8 = string.Concat(new string[] { text9, " and ", text7, " >=", text6 }); } this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = text8; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("V_UserGetCash"); string sql = SqlHelp.GetSql0("*", "V_UserGetCash", "Id", pageSize, num, "desc", text8); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = sql; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = string.Concat(new string[] { "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"", PageBar.GetPageBar(3, "js", 2, totalCount, pageSize, num, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);"), "\",", dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable), "}" }); dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); }
private void ajaxGetCashList() { string text = base.q("keys"); string text2 = base.q("issoft"); string text3 = base.q("u"); string text4 = base.q("sel"); string text5 = base.q("u2"); string text6 = base.q("sel2"); string text7 = base.q("d1"); string text8 = base.q("d2"); int num = base.Int_ThisPage(); int pageSize = base.Str2Int(base.q("pagesize"), 20); int num2 = base.Str2Int(base.q("flag"), 0); string text9 = ""; string text10 = ""; if (text7.Trim().Length == 0) { text7 = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } if (text8.Trim().Length == 0) { text8 = this.EndTime; } if (Convert.ToDateTime(text7) > Convert.ToDateTime(text8)) { text7 = text8; } string text11 = base.q("id"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text11)) { text10 = text10 + " ssid ='" + text11 + "'"; } else { if (text7.Trim().Length > 0 && text8.Trim().Length > 0) { string text12 = text10; text10 = string.Concat(new string[] { text12, " STime >='", text7, "' and STime <'", text8, "'" }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text2)) { text10 = text10 + " and State=" + text2; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text3)) { string text12 = text10; text10 = string.Concat(new string[] { text12, " and ", text4, " like '%", text3, "%'" }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text5)) { string text12 = text10; text10 = string.Concat(new string[] { text12, " and ", text6, " >=", text5 }); } } this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = text10; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("V_UserGetCash"); text9 = text9 + " SELECT '0' as [Id],'全部合计' as [ssid],'' as [UserId],'' as [UserName],'' as [BankId],'' as [PayMethod],\r\n '' as [PayBank],'' as [PayName],'' as [tPayName],'' as [PayAccount],'' as [tPayAccount],isnull(sum([CashMoney]),0) as [CashMoney],\r\n '0' as [Money],getdate() as [STime],'-1' as [State],'' as [StateName],getdate() as [STime2],'' as [Msg],'0' as [bet] \r\n FROM [V_UserGetCash] where " + text10; text9 += " union all "; text9 += " select * from ( "; text9 += SqlHelp.GetSql0("*", "V_UserGetCash", "Id", pageSize, num, "desc", text10); text9 += " ) YouleTable order by Id desc "; this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = text9; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = string.Concat(new string[] { "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"", PageBar.GetPageBar(3, "js", 2, totalCount, pageSize, num, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);"), "\",", dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable), "}" }); dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); }
public string getPageBar(int mode, string stype, int stepNum, int totalCount, int PSize, int currentPage, string Http1, string HttpM, string HttpN, int limitPage) { return(PageBar.GetPageBar(mode, stype, stepNum, totalCount, PSize, currentPage, Http1, HttpM, HttpN, limitPage)); }
private void ajaxGetList() { this.q("p"); string str = this.q("u"); int num1 = this.Int_ThisPage(); int num2 = this.Str2Int(this.q("pagesize"), 20); this.Str2Int(this.q("flag"), 0); string whereStr = "type=2 and ParentId=" + this.AdminId; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { whereStr = whereStr + " and UserName = '******'"; } this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = whereStr; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("V_UserContract"); string sql0 = SqlHelp.GetSql0("row_number() over (order by Id desc) as rowid,'2' as Type,*", "V_UserContract", "Id", num2, num1, "desc", whereStr); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = sql0; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"" + PageBar.GetPageBar(80, "js", 2, totalCount, num2, num1, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);") + "\"," + dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable) + "}"; dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); }
private void ajaxGetUserGroupList() { int num1 = this.Int_ThisPage(); int num2 = this.Str2Int(this.q("pagesize"), 20); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = "select UserGroup from N_User with(nolock) where Id=" + this.AdminId; string whereStr = "[Group]=" + this.doh.GetDataTable().Rows[0]["UserGroup"]; this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = whereStr; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("N_UserGroupQuota"); string sql0 = SqlHelp.GetSql0(string.Format("row_number() over (order by ToGroup desc) as rowid\r\n ,case [Group] when 0 then '会员' when 1 then '代理' when 2 then '直属' when 3 then '特权直属' when 4 then '招商' when 5 then '主管' when 6 then '管理' end as GroupName\r\n ,case [ToGroup] when 0 then '会员' when 1 then '代理' when 2 then '直属' when 3 then '特权直属' when 4 then '招商' when 5 then '主管' when 6 then '管理' end as ToGroupName\r\n ,(select count(*) from N_User where ParentID={0} AND UserGroup=a.[ToGroup]) as regNums,*", (object)this.AdminId), "[N_UserGroupQuota] a", "ToGroup", num2, num1, "desc", whereStr); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = sql0; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"" + PageBar.GetPageBar(80, "js", 2, totalCount, num2, num1, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);") + "\"," + dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable, num2 * (num1 - 1)) + "}"; dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); }
private void ajaxGetContractGZRecord() { string str1 = this.q("d1"); string str2 = this.q("d2"); int num1 = this.Int_ThisPage(); int num2 = this.Str2Int(this.q("pagesize"), 20); this.Str2Int(this.q("flag"), 0); if (str1.Trim().Length == 0) { str1 = this.StartTime; } if (str2.Trim().Length == 0) { str2 = this.EndTime; } if (Convert.ToDateTime(str1) > Convert.ToDateTime(str2)) { str1 = str2; } string whereStr = "ActiveType='ActGongziContract' and dbo.f_GetUserCode(UserId) like '%," + this.AdminId + ",%'"; if (str1.Trim().Length > 0 && str2.Trim().Length > 0) { whereStr = whereStr + " and STime >='" + str1 + "' and STime <='" + str2 + "'"; } this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = whereStr; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("Act_ActiveRecord"); string sql0 = SqlHelp.GetSql0("*,dbo.f_GetUserName(UserId) as UserName,(select count(*) from N_UserContract where ParentId=a.userId and Type=1) as contractcount", "Act_ActiveRecord a", "id", num2, num1, "desc", whereStr); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = sql0; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"" + PageBar.GetPageBar(80, "js", 2, totalCount, num2, num1, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);") + "\"," + dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable) + "}"; dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); }
private void ajaxGetRegStrList() { int num1 = this.Int_ThisPage(); int num2 = this.Str2Int(this.q("pagesize"), 20); string whereStr = "UserId=" + this.AdminId; this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = whereStr; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("N_UserRegLink"); string sql0 = SqlHelp.GetSql0("row_number() over (order by Point desc) as rowid,*", "N_UserRegLink", "Point", num2, num1, "desc", whereStr); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = sql0; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"" + PageBar.GetPageBar(80, "js", 2, totalCount, num2, num1, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);") + "\"," + dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable, num2 * (num1 - 1)) + "}"; dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); }
private void ajaxGetAgentFHRecord() { string text = base.q("d1"); string text2 = base.q("d2"); string text3 = base.q("code"); string text4 = base.q("u"); int num = base.Int_ThisPage(); int pageSize = base.Str2Int(base.q("pagesize"), 20); int num2 = base.Str2Int(base.q("flag"), 0); if (text.Trim().Length == 0) { text = this.StartTime; } if (text2.Trim().Length == 0) { text2 = this.EndTime; } if (Convert.ToDateTime(text) > Convert.ToDateTime(text2)) { text = text2; } string text5 = ""; string text6 = "1=1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text4)) { text6 = text6 + " and UserName LIKE '%" + text4 + "%'"; } if (text.Trim().Length > 0 && text2.Trim().Length > 0) { string text7 = text6; text6 = string.Concat(new string[] { text7, " and STime >='", text, "' and STime <'", text2, "'" }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text3)) { text6 = text6 + " and AgentId=" + text3; } this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = text6; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("V_AgentFHRecord"); text5 = text5 + " SELECT '0' as [Id],'0' as [UserId],'全部合计' as [username],'0' as [AgentId],'-' as [GroupName],isnull(sum(contractcount),0) as contractcount,max([StartTime]) as [StartTime],max([EndTime]) as [EndTime],isnull(sum([Bet]),0) as [Bet],isnull(sum([Total]),0) as [Total],0 as [Per],isnull(sum([InMoney]),0) as [InMoney],getdate() as [STime],'-' as [Remark]\r\n FROM [V_AgentFHRecord] where " + text6; text5 += " union all "; text5 += " select * from ( "; text5 += SqlHelp.GetSql0("*", "V_AgentFHRecord", "id", pageSize, num, "desc", text6); text5 += " ) YouleTable order by Id desc "; this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = text5; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = string.Concat(new string[] { "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"", PageBar.GetPageBar(3, "js", 2, totalCount, pageSize, num, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);"), "\",", dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable), "}" }); dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); }
public void ajaxGetFKProListSub() { string str1 = this.q("d1") + " 00:00:00"; string str2 = this.q("d2") + " 23:59:59"; string inputString = this.q("id"); string str3 = this.q("u"); string str4 = this.q("tid"); int num1 = this.Int_ThisPage(); int num2 = this.Str2Int(this.q("pagesize"), 20); this.Str2Int(this.q("flag"), 0); if (str1.Trim().Length == 0) { str1 = this.StartTime; } if (str2.Trim().Length == 0) { str2 = this.EndTime; } if (Convert.ToDateTime(str1) > Convert.ToDateTime(str2)) { str1 = str2; } string str5 = " STime >='" + str1 + "' and STime <='" + str2 + "'"; bool flag = true; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputString)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str3.Trim())) { this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = "select Id,usercode from N_User where UserName='******'"; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dataTable.Rows[0]["usercode"].ToString().Contains(this.AdminId)) { inputString = dataTable.Rows[0]["Id"].ToString(); } else { inputString = "-1"; flag = false; } } else { flag = false; } } else { inputString = this.AdminId; flag = true; } } if (flag) { int num3 = 0; string str6 = string.Format("select {1} as totalcount, {0} as UserID,\r\n (select Convert(varchar(10),cast(round([Point]/10.0,2) as numeric(5,2))) from N_User with(nolock) where Id={0} ) as userpoint,\r\n dbo.f_GetUserName({0}) as userName,\r\n (select isnull(sum(money),0) from N_User with(nolock) where Id = {0}) as money,\r\n isnull(sum(b.Charge),0) Charge,isnull(sum(b.GetCash),0) GetCash,isnull(sum(b.Bet),0)-isnull(sum(b.Cancellation),0) Bet,isnull(sum(b.Point),0) Point,isnull(sum(b.Win),0) Win,isnull(sum(b.Cancellation),0) Cancellation,isnull(sum(b.TranAccIn),0) TranAccIn,isnull(sum(b.TranAccOut),0) TranAccOut,isnull(sum(b.Give),0) Give,isnull(sum(b.Other),0) Other,isnull(sum(b.Change),0) Change,\r\n (isnull(sum(Win),0)+isnull(sum(Point),0)+isnull(sum(Change),0)+isnull(sum(Give),0)+isnull(sum(Cancellation),0))-isnull(sum(Bet),0) as total,\r\n (isnull(sum(Charge),0)-isnull(sum(getcash),0)) as moneytotal\r\n from Flex_UserMoneyStatAll b with(nolock)\r\n where {2} and UserId={0}", (object)inputString, (object)num3, (object)str5) + " union all "; this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = " ParentId = " + inputString; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("N_User"); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = SqlHelp.GetSql0("Id,UserName,Money,Point", "N_User", "ID", num2, num1, "asc", " ParentId = " + inputString); DataTable dataTable1 = this.doh.GetDataTable(); for (int index = 0; index < dataTable1.Rows.Count; ++index) { string str7 = str5 + " and UserCode like '%" + Strings.PadLeft(dataTable1.Rows[index]["Id"].ToString()) + "%'"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str4)) { this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = "STime >='" + str1 + "' and STime <='" + str2 + "' and UserId=" + dataTable1.Rows[index]["Id"] + " and (Charge<>0 or GetCash<>0 or Bet<>0 or win<>0 or point<>0 or give<>0)"; if (this.doh.Count("Flex_UserMoneyStatAll") > 0) { str6 = str6 + string.Format("select {0} as totalcount, {1} as UserID,\r\n Convert(varchar(10),cast(round({2}/10.0,2) as numeric(5,2))) as userpoint,\r\n '{3}' as userName,\r\n isnull(sum({4}),0) as money,\r\n isnull(sum(b.Charge),0) Charge,isnull(sum(b.GetCash),0) GetCash,isnull(sum(b.Bet),0)-isnull(sum(b.Cancellation),0) Bet,isnull(sum(b.Point),0) Point,isnull(sum(b.Win),0) Win,isnull(sum(b.Cancellation),0) Cancellation,isnull(sum(b.TranAccIn),0) TranAccIn,isnull(sum(b.TranAccOut),0) TranAccOut,isnull(sum(b.Give),0) Give,isnull(sum(b.Other),0) Other,isnull(sum(b.Change),0) Change,\r\n (isnull(sum(Win),0)+isnull(sum(Point),0)+isnull(sum(Change),0)+isnull(sum(Give),0)+isnull(sum(Cancellation),0))-isnull(sum(Bet),0) as total,\r\n (isnull(sum(Charge),0)-isnull(sum(getcash),0)) as moneytotal\r\n from Flex_UserMoneyStatAll b with(nolock)\r\n where {5}", (object)totalCount, (object)dataTable1.Rows[index]["Id"].ToString(), (object)dataTable1.Rows[index]["Point"].ToString(), (object)dataTable1.Rows[index]["UserName"].ToString(), (object)dataTable1.Rows[index]["Money"].ToString(), (object)str7) + " union all "; } } else { str6 = str6 + string.Format("select {0} as totalcount, {1} as UserID,\r\n Convert(varchar(10),cast(round({2}/10.0,2) as numeric(5,2))) as userpoint,\r\n '{3}' as userName,\r\n (select isnull(sum(money),0) from N_User with(nolock) where UserCode like '%,{1},%') as money,\r\n isnull(sum(b.Charge),0) Charge,isnull(sum(b.GetCash),0) GetCash,isnull(sum(b.Bet),0)-isnull(sum(b.Cancellation),0) Bet,isnull(sum(b.Point),0) Point,isnull(sum(b.Win),0) Win,isnull(sum(b.Cancellation),0) Cancellation,isnull(sum(b.TranAccIn),0) TranAccIn,isnull(sum(b.TranAccOut),0) TranAccOut,isnull(sum(b.Give),0) Give,isnull(sum(b.Other),0) Other,isnull(sum(b.Change),0) Change,\r\n (isnull(sum(Win),0)+isnull(sum(Point),0)+isnull(sum(Change),0)+isnull(sum(Give),0)+isnull(sum(Cancellation),0))-isnull(sum(Bet),0) as total,\r\n (isnull(sum(Charge),0)-isnull(sum(getcash),0)) as moneytotal\r\n from Flex_UserMoneyStatAll b with(nolock)\r\n where {5}", (object)totalCount, (object)dataTable1.Rows[index]["Id"].ToString(), (object)dataTable1.Rows[index]["Point"].ToString(), (object)dataTable1.Rows[index]["UserName"].ToString(), (object)dataTable1.Rows[index]["Money"].ToString(), (object)str7) + " union all "; } } string str8 = str6 + string.Format("select {2} as totalcount, '-1' as UserID,'合计' as userpoint,'' as userName,\r\n (select isnull(sum(money),0) from N_User with(nolock) where UserCode like '%,{0},%') as money,\r\n isnull(sum(b.Charge),0) Charge,isnull(sum(b.GetCash),0) GetCash,isnull(sum(b.Bet),0)-isnull(sum(b.Cancellation),0) Bet,isnull(sum(b.Point),0) Point,isnull(sum(b.Win),0) Win,isnull(sum(b.Cancellation),0) Cancellation,isnull(sum(b.TranAccIn),0) TranAccIn,isnull(sum(b.TranAccOut),0) TranAccOut,isnull(sum(b.Give),0) Give,isnull(sum(b.Other),0) Other,isnull(sum(b.Change),0) Change,\r\n (isnull(sum(Win),0)+isnull(sum(Point),0)+isnull(sum(Change),0)+isnull(sum(Give),0)+isnull(sum(Cancellation),0))-isnull(sum(Bet),0) as total,\r\n (isnull(sum(Charge),0)-isnull(sum(getcash),0)) as moneytotal\r\n FROM Flex_UserMoneyStatAll b with(nolock) where {1}", (object)inputString, (object)(str5 + " and UserCode like '%" + Strings.PadLeft(inputString) + "%'"), (object)totalCount); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = str8; DataTable dataTable2 = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"" + PageBar.GetPageBar(80, "js", 2, totalCount, num2, num1, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);") + "\"," + dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable2) + "}"; dataTable2.Clear(); dataTable2.Dispose(); } else { this._response = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"recordcount\":0,\"table\": []}"; } }
public void GetListJSON2(int _thispage, int _pagesize, string _wherestr1, string orderby, string order, string pid, string uid, ref string _jsonstr) { using (DbOperHandler dbOperHandler = new ComData().Doh()) { dbOperHandler.Reset(); dbOperHandler.ConditionExpress = _wherestr1; int totalCount = dbOperHandler.Count("V_User"); string sql0 = SqlHelp.GetSql0(pid + " as pid,*", "V_User", order, _pagesize, _thispage, orderby, _wherestr1); dbOperHandler.Reset(); dbOperHandler.SqlCmd = sql0; DataTable dataTable = dbOperHandler.GetDataTable(); _jsonstr = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"nav\" :\"" + this.GetUserNav(pid, uid) + "\",\"pagebar\" :\"" + PageBar.GetPageBar(6, "js", 2, totalCount, _pagesize, _thispage, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);") + "\"," + dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable, _pagesize * (_thispage - 1)) + "}"; dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); } }
private void ajaxGetProListSub() { string str1 = this.q("stime"); string str2 = this.q("keys"); string d1 = this.q("d1"); string d2 = this.q("d2"); string str3 = this.q("id"); int num1 = this.Int_ThisPage(); int num2 = this.Str2Int(this.q("pagesize"), 20); this.Str2Int(this.q("flag"), 0); string str4 = "IsDel=0"; string whereStr; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str3)) { whereStr = str4 + " and ParentId =" + str3; } else if (str2.Trim().Length > 0) { whereStr = str4 + " and UserCode like '%" + Strings.PadLeft(this.AdminId) + "%' and UserName LIKE '%" + str2 + "%'"; } else { whereStr = str4 + " and ParentId =" + this.AdminId; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str1)) { switch (str1) { case "1": d1 = DateTime.Now.AddDays(0.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00"; d2 = DateTime.Now.AddDays(0.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:59:59"; break; case "2": d1 = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00"; d2 = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:59:59"; break; case "3": d1 = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00"; d2 = DateTime.Now.AddDays(0.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:59:59"; break; case "4": d1 = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM") + "-01 00:00:00"; d2 = DateTime.Now.AddDays(0.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:59:59"; break; case "5": d1 = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-3).ToString("yyyy-MM") + "-01 00:00:00"; d2 = DateTime.Now.AddDays(0.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:59:59"; break; case "6": d1 = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy") + "-01-01 00:00:00"; d2 = DateTime.Now.AddDays(0.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:59:59"; break; } } else { if (d1.Trim().Length == 0) { d1 = this.StartTime; } if (d2.Trim().Length == 0) { d2 = this.EndTime; } if (Convert.ToDateTime(d1) > Convert.ToDateTime(d2)) { d1 = d2; } } this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = whereStr; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("N_User"); string sql0 = SqlHelp.GetSql0("[Id]", "N_User a", "Id", num2, num1, "asc", whereStr); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = sql0; DataTable dataTable1 = this.doh.GetDataTable(); string str5 = ""; for (int index = 0; index < dataTable1.Rows.Count; ++index) { str5 = str5 + "," + dataTable1.Rows[index]["Id"].ToString(); } DataTable dt = this.GetUserMoneyStatSub(d1, d2, this.AdminId); if (str5.Length > 1) { string userId = str5.Substring(1, str5.Length - 1); dt = num1 != 1 ? this.GetUserMoneyStatSub(d1, d2, userId) : this.GetUserMoneyStatSub(d1, d2, this.AdminId + "," + userId); } this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = "select Id from N_User with(nolock) where " + whereStr; DataTable dataTable2 = this.doh.GetDataTable(); string str6 = ""; for (int index = 0; index < dataTable2.Rows.Count; ++index) { str6 = str6 + "," + dataTable2.Rows[index]["Id"].ToString(); } DataTable userMoneyStatSub = this.GetUserMoneyStatSub(d1, d2, this.AdminId); if (str6.Length > 1) { string str7 = str6.Substring(1, str6.Length - 1); userMoneyStatSub = this.GetUserMoneyStatSub(d1, d2, this.AdminId + "," + str7); } this._response = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"加载完成\",\"pagebar\" :\"" + PageBar.GetPageBar(6, "js", 2, totalCount, num2, num1, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);") + "\"," + dtHelp.DT2JSON123(userMoneyStatSub, dt, 0, "recordcount", "table", true) + "}"; dataTable1.Clear(); dataTable1.Dispose(); }
private void ajaxGetList() { string str = this.q("type"); int num1 = this.Int_ThisPage(); int num2 = this.Str2Int(this.q("pagesize"), 20); this.Str2Int(this.q("flag"), 0); string whereStr = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) && str != "0") { whereStr = whereStr + " CheckType=" + str; } this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = whereStr; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("Sys_LoginCheck"); string sql0 = SqlHelp.GetSql0("*", "Sys_LoginCheck", "id", num2, num1, "asc", whereStr); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = sql0; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"" + PageBar.GetPageBar(3, "js", 2, totalCount, num2, num1, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);") + "\"," + dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable) + "}"; dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); }
public void GetIphoneListJSON(int _thispage, int _pagesize, string _wherestr1, ref string _jsonstr) { using (DbOperHandler dbOperHandler = new ComData().Doh()) { dbOperHandler.Reset(); dbOperHandler.ConditionExpress = _wherestr1; int totalCount = dbOperHandler.Count("Flex_UserGetCash"); string sql0 = SqlHelp.GetSql0("row_number() over (order by Id desc) as rowid,0.0000 as sxf,*", "Flex_UserGetCash", "Id", _pagesize, _thispage, "desc", _wherestr1); dbOperHandler.Reset(); dbOperHandler.SqlCmd = sql0; DataTable dataTable = dbOperHandler.GetDataTable(); _jsonstr = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"" + PageBar.GetPageBar(6, "js", 2, totalCount, _pagesize, _thispage, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);") + "\"," + dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable, _pagesize * (_thispage - 1)) + "}"; dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); } }
private void ajaxGetActiveRecord() { string text = base.q("d1"); string text2 = base.q("d2"); string text3 = base.q("type"); string text4 = base.q("u"); int num = base.Int_ThisPage(); int pageSize = base.Str2Int(base.q("pagesize"), 20); int num2 = base.Str2Int(base.q("flag"), 0); if (text.Trim().Length == 0) { text = this.StartTime; } if (text2.Trim().Length == 0) { text2 = this.EndTime; } if (Convert.ToDateTime(text) > Convert.ToDateTime(text2)) { text = text2; } string text5 = ""; string text6 = "1=1"; string text7 = base.q("id"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text7)) { text6 = text6 + " and ssid ='" + text7 + "'"; } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text4)) { text6 = text6 + " and dbo.f_GetUserName(UserId) LIKE '%" + text4 + "%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text3)) { text6 = text6 + " and ActiveType ='" + text3 + "'"; } if (text.Trim().Length > 0 && text2.Trim().Length > 0) { string text8 = text6; text6 = string.Concat(new string[] { text8, " and STime >='", text, "' and STime <'", text2, "'" }); } } this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = text6; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("Act_ActiveRecord"); text5 = text5 + " select '全部合计' as UserName,'0' as Id,'-' as SsId,'-' as UserId,'-' as ActiveType,'-' as ActiveName\r\n ,0 as Bet,isnull(sum(InMoney),0) as InMoney,getdate() as STime,'-' as CheckIp,'-' as CheckMachine,'0' as FromUserId,'-' as Remark \r\n from Act_ActiveRecord where " + text6; text5 += " union all "; text5 += " select * from ( "; text5 += SqlHelp.GetSql0("dbo.f_GetUserName(UserId) as UserName,*", "Act_ActiveRecord", "Id", pageSize, num, "desc", text6); text5 += " ) YouleTable order by Id desc "; this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = text5; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = string.Concat(new string[] { "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"", PageBar.GetPageBar(3, "js", 2, totalCount, pageSize, num, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);"), "\",", dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable), "}" }); dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); }
private void ajaxGetListOfMissing() { string str1 = this.q("d1"); string str2 = this.q("d2"); string str3 = this.q("lid"); string str4 = this.q("pid"); string str5 = this.q("sel"); string str6 = this.q("u"); int num1 = this.Int_ThisPage(); int num2 = this.Str2Int(this.q("pagesize"), 20); this.Str2Int(this.q("flag"), 0); if (str1.Trim().Length == 0) { str1 = this.StartTime; } if (str2.Trim().Length == 0) { str2 = this.EndTime; } if (Convert.ToDateTime(str1) > Convert.ToDateTime(str2)) { str1 = str2; } string whereStr = "State=0 and " + new UserBetDAL().GetWQWhere(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str6)) { whereStr = !str5.Equals("username") ? whereStr + " and ssid like '%" + str6 + "%'" : whereStr + " and dbo.f_GetUserName(UserId) like '%" + str6 + "%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str3)) { whereStr = whereStr + " and LotteryId =" + str3; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str4)) { whereStr = whereStr + " and PlayId ='" + str4 + "'"; } if (str1.Trim().Length > 0 && str2.Trim().Length > 0) { whereStr = whereStr + " and STime2 >='" + str1 + "' and STime2 <'" + str2 + "'"; } string FldName = this.q("order"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FldName)) { if (FldName.Equals("bet")) { FldName = "Times*Total"; } } else { FldName = "stime2"; } this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = whereStr; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("N_UserBet"); string sql0 = SqlHelp.GetSql0("Id,ssid,UserId,dbo.f_GetUserName(UserId) as UserName,UserMoney,PlayId,dbo.f_GetPlayName(PlayId) as PlayName,PlayCode,LotteryId,dbo.f_GetLotteryName(LotteryId) as LotteryName,IssueNum,SingleMoney,Times,Num,DX,DS,cast(round(Times*Total,4) as numeric(15,4)) as Total,Point,PointMoney,Bonus,WinNum,WinBonus,RealGet,Pos,STime,STime2,IsOpen,State,IsDelay,IsWin,STime9", "N_UserBet", FldName, num2, num1, "desc", whereStr); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = sql0; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"" + PageBar.GetPageBar(3, "js", 2, totalCount, num2, num1, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);") + "\"," + dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable) + "}"; dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); }
public string AutoPageBar(int mode, int stepNum, int totalCount, int PSize, int currentPage) { string httpN = this.GetUrlPrefix() + "<#page#>"; return(PageBar.GetPageBar(mode, "html", stepNum, totalCount, PSize, currentPage, httpN)); }
private void ajaxGetZHInfo() { string str = this.q("id"); int num1 = this.Int_ThisPage(); int num2 = this.Str2Int(this.q("pagesize"), 20); string whereStr = "zhid =" + str; this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = whereStr; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("V_UserBetZhDetail"); string sql0 = SqlHelp.GetSql0("*", "V_UserBetZhDetail", "Id", num2, num1, "asc", whereStr); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = sql0; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"加载完成\",\"pagebar\" :\"" + PageBar.GetPageBar(3, "js", 2, totalCount, num2, num1, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);") + "\"," + dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable) + "}"; dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); }
private void ajaxGetActChargeList() { string text = base.q("keys"); string text2 = base.q("bank"); string text3 = base.q("sel"); string text4 = base.q("u"); string text5 = base.q("d1"); string text6 = base.q("d2"); int num = base.Int_ThisPage(); int pageSize = base.Str2Int(base.q("pagesize"), 20); int num2 = base.Str2Int(base.q("flag"), 0); string text7 = "Id in (SELECT Min(Id) FROM [N_UserCharge] where InMoney>=100 and State=1 "; if (text5.Trim().Length == 0) { text5 = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } if (text6.Trim().Length == 0) { text6 = this.EndTime; } if (Convert.ToDateTime(text5) > Convert.ToDateTime(text6)) { text5 = text6; } if (text5.Trim().Length > 0 && text6.Trim().Length > 0) { string text8 = text7; text7 = string.Concat(new string[] { text8, " and STime >='", text5, "' and STime <'", text6, "'" }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text2)) { text7 = text7 + " and BankId=" + text2; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text4)) { if (text3.Equals("username")) { text7 = text7 + " and dbo.f_GetUserName(UserId) like '%" + text4 + "%'"; } else { text7 = text7 + " and ssid like '%" + text4 + "%'"; } } text7 += " group by UserId) and ActState=0 "; this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.ConditionExpress = text7; int totalCount = this.doh.Count("V_ChargeRecord"); string sql = SqlHelp.GetSql0("dbo.f_GetUserName(UserId) as UserName,*", "V_ChargeRecord", "Id", pageSize, num, "desc", text7); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = sql; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = string.Concat(new string[] { "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"", PageBar.GetPageBar(3, "js", 2, totalCount, pageSize, num, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);"), "\",", dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable), "}" }); dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); }