        /// <summary>
        /// Get PadSetting from currently selected device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="padIndex">Source pad index.</param>
        public PadSetting GetCurrentPadSetting(MapTo padIndex)
            // Get settings related to PAD.
            var maps = SettingsMap.Where(x => x.MapTo == padIndex).ToArray();

            PropertyInfo[] properties;
            if (!ValidatePropertyNames(maps, out properties))
            var ps = new PadSetting();

            foreach (var p in properties)
                var map = maps.First(x => x.PropertyName == p.Name);
                var key = map.IniPath.Split('\\')[1];
                // Get setting value from the form.
                var v = GetSettingValue(map.Control);
                // If value is default then...
                if (v == map.DefaultValue as string)
                    // Remove default value.
                    v = null;
                // Set value onto padSetting.
                p.SetValue(ps, v ?? "", null);
            ps.PadSettingChecksum = ps.CleanAndGetCheckSum();
        /// <summary>
        /// Get PadSetting from currently selected device.
        /// </summary>
        public PadSetting CloneCurrentPadSetting()
            // Get settings related to PAD.
            var maps = SettingsManager.Current.SettingsMap.Where(x => x.MapTo == MappedTo).ToArray();

            PropertyInfo[] properties;
            if (!SettingsManager.ValidatePropertyNames(maps, out properties))
            var ps = new PadSetting();

            foreach (var p in properties)
                var map = maps.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PropertyName == p.Name);
                if (map == null)
                // Get setting value from the form.
                var v = SettingsManager.Current.GetSettingValue(map.Control);
                // Set value onto padSetting.
                p.SetValue(ps, v ?? "", null);
            ps.PadSettingChecksum = ps.CleanAndGetCheckSum();
        public string SaveSetting(UserSetting s, PadSetting ps)
            var db       = new x360ceModelContainer();
            var checksum = ps.CleanAndGetCheckSum();

            // Update checksum.
            ps.PadSettingChecksum = checksum;
            // Look for existing PadSetting.
            var pDB = db.PadSettings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PadSettingChecksum == checksum);

            // If PadSetting doesn't exists then...
            if (pDB == null)
                pDB           = ps;
                pDB.EntityKey = null;
            // Look for existing setting.
            var sDB = db.UserSettings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.InstanceGuid == s.InstanceGuid && x.FileName == s.FileName && x.FileProductName == s.FileProductName);
            var n   = DateTime.Now;

            if (sDB == null)
                sDB           = s;
                sDB.EntityKey = null;
                // Assign brand new ID.
                s.SettingId    = Guid.NewGuid();
                s.DateCreated  = n;
                s.DateUpdated  = n;
                s.DateSelected = n;
                // Link PadSetting with setting.
                s.PadSettingChecksum = pDB.PadSettingChecksum;
            db = null;
        public static PadSetting GetAutoPreset(UserDevice ud)
            var ps = new PadSetting();

            if (ud == null)
            var objects = ud.DeviceObjects;

            if (objects == null)
            var list = objects.ToList();
            // Get information about device.
            var o          = list.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ObjectGuid.RxAxis);
            var deviceType = (SharpDX.DirectInput.DeviceType)ud.CapType;

            // If Right thumb triggers are missing then...
            if (deviceType == DeviceType.Gamepad && o == null)
                // Logitech RumblePad 2 USB
                ps.ButtonA          = GetButtonValue(list, 1, true, "Cross");
                ps.ButtonB          = GetButtonValue(list, 2, true, "Circle");
                ps.ButtonX          = GetButtonValue(list, 0, true, "Square");
                ps.ButtonY          = GetButtonValue(list, 3, true, "Triangle");
                ps.LeftShoulder     = GetButtonValue(list, 4, true, "L1");
                ps.RightShoulder    = GetButtonValue(list, 5, true, "R1");
                ps.ButtonBack       = GetButtonValue(list, 8, true, "Select", "Back");
                ps.ButtonStart      = GetButtonValue(list, 9, true, "Start");
                ps.LeftThumbButton  = GetButtonValue(list, 10, true, "Left Paddle");
                ps.RightThumbButton = GetButtonValue(list, 11, true, "Right Paddle");
                // Triggers.
                ps.LeftTrigger  = GetButtonValue(list, 6, true, "L2");
                ps.RightTrigger = GetButtonValue(list, 7, true, "R2");
                // Right Thumb.
                ps.RightThumbAxisX = GetAxisValue(list, false, ObjectGuid.ZAxis, true);
                ps.RightThumbAxisY = GetAxisValue(list, true, ObjectGuid.RzAxis, true);
                // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                // Controller (Xbox One For Windows)
                // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                // Offset   Usage  Instance  Guid           Name                            Flags
                // ------  ------  --------  -------------  ------------------------------  ---------------------
                //      0      49         1  YAxis          Y Axis                          AbsoluteAxis
                //      0       5         0  Unknown        Collection 0 - Game Pad         Collection, NoData
                //      0       0         1  Unknown        Collection 1                    Collection, NoData
                //      0       0         2  Unknown        Collection 2                    Collection, NoData
                //      0       0         3  Unknown        Collection 3                    Collection, NoData
                //      0     128         4  Unknown        Collection 4 - System Controls  Collection, NoData
                //      4      48         0  XAxis          X Axis                          AbsoluteAxis
                //      8      52         4  RyAxis         Y Rotation                      AbsoluteAxis
                //     12      51         3  RxAxis         X Rotation                      AbsoluteAxis
                //     16      50         2  ZAxis          Z Axis                          AbsoluteAxis
                //     20      53         5  RzAxis         Z Rotation                      AbsoluteAxis
                //     24      57         0  PovController  Hat Switch                      PointOfViewController
                //     32     151        19  Unknown        DC Enable Actuators             NoData, Output
                //     36       1        20  Unknown        Physical Interface Device       NoData, Output
                //     40     112        21  Unknown        Magnitude                       NoData, Output
                //     44      80        22  Unknown        Duration                        NoData, Output
                //     48     167        23  Unknown        Start Delay                     NoData, Output
                //     52     124        24  Unknown        Loop Count                      NoData, Output
                //     56       1         0  Button         Button 0                        PushButton
                //     57       2         1  Button         Button 1                        PushButton
                //     58       3         2  Button         Button 2                        PushButton
                //     59       4         3  Button         Button 3                        PushButton
                //     60       5         4  Button         Button 4                        PushButton
                //     61       6         5  Button         Button 5                        PushButton
                //     62       7         6  Button         Button 6                        PushButton
                //     63       8         7  Button         Button 7                        PushButton
                //     64       9         8  Button         Button 8                        PushButton
                //     65      10         9  Button         Button 9                        PushButton
                //     66     133        10  Button         System Main Menu                PushButton

                ps.ButtonA          = GetButtonValue(list, 0, true, "Cross");
                ps.ButtonB          = GetButtonValue(list, 1, true, "Circle");
                ps.ButtonX          = GetButtonValue(list, 2, true, "Square", "SPACE");        // Jump/Kick
                ps.ButtonY          = GetButtonValue(list, 3, true, "Triangle");
                ps.LeftShoulder     = GetButtonValue(list, 4, true, "L1");
                ps.RightShoulder    = GetButtonValue(list, 5, true, "R1");
                ps.ButtonBack       = GetButtonValue(list, 6, true, "Select", "Back");
                ps.ButtonStart      = GetButtonValue(list, 7, true, "Start");
                ps.LeftThumbButton  = GetButtonValue(list, 8, true, "Left Paddle");
                ps.RightThumbButton = GetButtonValue(list, 9, true, "Right Paddle");
                //Combined pedals
                // Triggers.
                ps.LeftTrigger  = GetAxisValue(list, false, ObjectGuid.ZAxis, true, "L2");
                ps.RightTrigger = GetAxisValue(list, false, ObjectGuid.RzAxis, true, "R2");
                // Right Thumb.
                ps.RightThumbAxisX = GetAxisValue(list, false, ObjectGuid.RxAxis, true);
                // Y is inverted by default.
                ps.RightThumbAxisY = GetAxisValue(list, true, ObjectGuid.RyAxis, true);
            // Right Thumb.
            ps.LeftThumbAxisX = GetAxisValue(list, false, ObjectGuid.XAxis, true, "Wheel axis");
            // Y is inverted by default.
            ps.LeftThumbAxisY = GetAxisValue(list, true, ObjectGuid.YAxis, true);
            // D-Pad
            o       = list.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ObjectGuid.PovController);
            ps.DPad = o == null ? "" : string.Format("{0}{1}", SettingName.SType.POV, o.Instance + 1);
            ps.PadSettingChecksum = ps.CleanAndGetCheckSum();
        public static PadSetting GetAutoPreset(UserDevice ud)
            var ps = new PadSetting();

            if (ud == null)
            var objects = ud.DeviceObjects;

            if (objects == null)
            var list = objects.ToList();
            // Get information about device.
            var deviceType = (SharpDX.DirectInput.DeviceType)ud.CapType;

            if (deviceType == DeviceType.Mouse)
                // Offset  Type    Aspect    Flags         Instance  Name
                // ------  ------  --------  ------------  --------  --------
                //      0  XAxis   Position  RelativeAxis         0  X-axis
                //      4  YAxis   Position  RelativeAxis         1  Y-axis
                //      8  ZAxis   Position  RelativeAxis         2  Wheel
                //     12  Button            PushButton           3  Button 0
                //     13  Button            PushButton           4  Button 1
                //     14  Button            PushButton           5  Button 2
                //     15  Button            PushButton           6  Button 3
                //     16  Button            PushButton           7  Button 4
                //     17  Button            PushButton           8  Button 5
                //     18  Button            PushButton           9  Button 6
                //     19  Button            PushButton          10  Button 7
                ps.ButtonA          = GetButtonValue(list, 0, true, "Button 0");
                ps.ButtonB          = GetButtonValue(list, 1, true, "Button 1");
                ps.ButtonX          = GetButtonValue(list, 2, true, "Button 2");
                ps.ButtonY          = GetButtonValue(list, 3, true, "Button 3");
                ps.LeftShoulder     = GetButtonValue(list, 4, true, "Button 4");
                ps.RightShoulder    = GetButtonValue(list, 5, true, "Button 5");
                ps.ButtonBack       = GetButtonValue(list, 6, true, "Button 6");
                ps.ButtonStart      = GetButtonValue(list, 7, true, "Button 7");
                ps.LeftThumbButton  = GetButtonValue(list, 8, true, "Button 8");
                ps.RightThumbButton = GetButtonValue(list, 9, true, "Button 9");
                // Left Thumb (Look).
                ps.LeftThumbAxisX = GetAxisValue(list, false, false, ObjectGuid.XAxis, true, "X-Axis");
                ps.LeftThumbAxisY = GetAxisValue(list, true, false, ObjectGuid.YAxis, true, "Y-Axis");
                // Wheel.
                ps.RightThumbAxisY = GetAxisValue(list, true, false, ObjectGuid.ZAxis, true, "Wheel");
            else if (deviceType == DeviceType.Keyboard)
                ps.ButtonX        = GetButtonValue(list, null, true, "^SPACE$");          // Jump/Kick
                ps.LeftThumbUp    = GetButtonValue(list, null, true, "^W$");              // Move Forward
                ps.LeftThumbLeft  = GetButtonValue(list, null, true, "^A$");              // Move Left
                ps.LeftThumbDown  = GetButtonValue(list, null, true, "^S$");              // Move Backward
                ps.LeftThumbRight = GetButtonValue(list, null, true, "^D$");              // Move Right
                //ps.DPadUp = GetButtonValue(list, null, true, "^$"); // Phone Up
                //ps.DPadDown = GetButtonValue(list, null, true, "^]$"); // Phone Down
                ps.DPadLeft  = GetButtonValue(list, null, true, "^\\[$");                // Previous Weapon
                ps.DPadRight = GetButtonValue(list, null, true, "^\\]$");                // Next Weapon
                // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                // Controller (Xbox One For Windows)
                // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                // Offset   Usage  Instance  Guid           Name                            Flags
                // ------  ------  --------  -------------  ------------------------------  ---------------------
                //      0      49         1  YAxis          Y Axis                          AbsoluteAxis
                //      0       5         0  Unknown        Collection 0 - Game Pad         Collection, NoData
                //      0       0         1  Unknown        Collection 1                    Collection, NoData
                //      0       0         2  Unknown        Collection 2                    Collection, NoData
                //      0       0         3  Unknown        Collection 3                    Collection, NoData
                //      0     128         4  Unknown        Collection 4 - System Controls  Collection, NoData
                //      4      48         0  XAxis          X Axis                          AbsoluteAxis
                //      8      52         4  RyAxis         Y Rotation                      AbsoluteAxis
                //     12      51         3  RxAxis         X Rotation                      AbsoluteAxis
                //     16      50         2  ZAxis          Z Axis                          AbsoluteAxis
                //     20      53         5  RzAxis         Z Rotation                      AbsoluteAxis
                //     24      57         0  PovController  Hat Switch                      PointOfViewController
                //     32     151        19  Unknown        DC Enable Actuators             NoData, Output
                //     36       1        20  Unknown        Physical Interface Device       NoData, Output
                //     40     112        21  Unknown        Magnitude                       NoData, Output
                //     44      80        22  Unknown        Duration                        NoData, Output
                //     48     167        23  Unknown        Start Delay                     NoData, Output
                //     52     124        24  Unknown        Loop Count                      NoData, Output
                //     56       1         0  Button         Button 0                        PushButton
                //     57       2         1  Button         Button 1                        PushButton
                //     58       3         2  Button         Button 2                        PushButton
                //     59       4         3  Button         Button 3                        PushButton
                //     60       5         4  Button         Button 4                        PushButton
                //     61       6         5  Button         Button 5                        PushButton
                //     62       7         6  Button         Button 6                        PushButton
                //     63       8         7  Button         Button 7                        PushButton
                //     64       9         8  Button         Button 8                        PushButton
                //     65      10         9  Button         Button 9                        PushButton
                //     66     133        10  Button         System Main Menu                PushButton
                // If Sony then...
                if (ud.DevVendorId == 0x054C)
                    ps.ButtonA          = GetButtonValue(list, 1, true, "Cross");
                    ps.ButtonB          = GetButtonValue(list, 2, true, "Circle");
                    ps.ButtonX          = GetButtonValue(list, 0, true, "Square");            // Jump/Kick
                    ps.ButtonY          = GetButtonValue(list, 3, true, "Triangle");
                    ps.LeftShoulder     = GetButtonValue(list, 4, true, "L1");
                    ps.RightShoulder    = GetButtonValue(list, 5, true, "R1");
                    ps.ButtonBack       = GetButtonValue(list, 8, true, "Select", "Back");
                    ps.ButtonStart      = GetButtonValue(list, 9, true, "Start");
                    ps.LeftThumbButton  = GetButtonValue(list, 10, true, "Left Paddle");
                    ps.RightThumbButton = GetButtonValue(list, 11, true, "Right Paddle");
                    // Map triggers from two different axis.
                    ps.LeftTrigger  = GetAxisValue(list, false, false, ObjectGuid.RxAxis, true, "L2");
                    ps.RightTrigger = GetAxisValue(list, false, false, ObjectGuid.RyAxis, true, "R2");
                    // Right Thumb.
                    ps.RightThumbAxisX = GetAxisValue(list, false, false, ObjectGuid.ZAxis, true);
                    // Y is inverted by default.
                    ps.RightThumbAxisY = GetAxisValue(list, true, false, ObjectGuid.RzAxis, true);
                    // Right Thumb.
                    ps.LeftThumbAxisX = GetAxisValue(list, false, false, ObjectGuid.XAxis, true, "Wheel axis");
                    // Y is inverted by default.
                    ps.LeftThumbAxisY = GetAxisValue(list, true, false, ObjectGuid.YAxis, true);
                    ps.ButtonA          = GetButtonValue(list, 0, true, "Cross");
                    ps.ButtonB          = GetButtonValue(list, 1, true, "Circle");
                    ps.ButtonX          = GetButtonValue(list, 2, true, "Square");            // Jump/Kick
                    ps.ButtonY          = GetButtonValue(list, 3, true, "Triangle");
                    ps.LeftShoulder     = GetButtonValue(list, 4, true, "L1");
                    ps.RightShoulder    = GetButtonValue(list, 5, true, "R1");
                    ps.ButtonBack       = GetButtonValue(list, 6, true, "Select", "Back");
                    ps.ButtonStart      = GetButtonValue(list, 7, true, "Start");
                    ps.LeftThumbButton  = GetButtonValue(list, 8, true, "Left Paddle");
                    ps.RightThumbButton = GetButtonValue(list, 9, true, "Right Paddle");
                    // Triggers.
                    var rightTrigger = GetAxisValue(list, false, false, ObjectGuid.RzAxis, true, "R2");
                    // If RzAxis or "R2" name is missing then...
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rightTrigger))
                        // Map triggers form single combinex axis.
                        ps.LeftTrigger  = GetAxisValue(list, false, true, ObjectGuid.ZAxis, true, "L2");
                        ps.RightTrigger = GetAxisValue(list, true, true, ObjectGuid.ZAxis, true, "L2");
                        // Map triggers from two different axis.
                        ps.LeftTrigger  = GetAxisValue(list, false, false, ObjectGuid.ZAxis, true, "L2");
                        ps.RightTrigger = GetAxisValue(list, false, false, ObjectGuid.RzAxis, true, "R2");
                    // Right Thumb.
                    ps.RightThumbAxisX = GetAxisValue(list, false, false, ObjectGuid.RxAxis, true);
                    // Y is inverted by default.
                    ps.RightThumbAxisY = GetAxisValue(list, true, false, ObjectGuid.RyAxis, true);
                    // Right Thumb.
                    ps.LeftThumbAxisX = GetAxisValue(list, false, false, ObjectGuid.XAxis, true, "Wheel axis");
                    // Y is inverted by default.
                    ps.LeftThumbAxisY = GetAxisValue(list, true, false, ObjectGuid.YAxis, true);
                // D-Pad
                var o = list.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ObjectGuid.PovController);
                ps.DPad = o == null ? "" : string.Format("{0}{1}", SettingName.SType.POV, o.Instance + 1);
            ps.PadSettingChecksum = ps.CleanAndGetCheckSum();
        public static PadSetting GetAutoPreset(DeviceObjectItem[] objects)
            var ps = new PadSetting();

            if (objects == null)
            // Get information about device.
            var o = objects.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ObjectGuid.RxAxis);

            // If Right thumb triggers are missing then...
            if (o == null)
                // Logitech RumblePad 2 USB
                ps.ButtonA          = GetButtonValue(objects, 1);
                ps.ButtonB          = GetButtonValue(objects, 2);
                ps.ButtonX          = GetButtonValue(objects, 0);
                ps.ButtonY          = GetButtonValue(objects, 3);
                ps.LeftShoulder     = GetButtonValue(objects, 4);
                ps.RightShoulder    = GetButtonValue(objects, 5);
                ps.ButtonBack       = GetButtonValue(objects, 8);
                ps.ButtonStart      = GetButtonValue(objects, 9);
                ps.LeftThumbButton  = GetButtonValue(objects, 10);
                ps.RightThumbButton = GetButtonValue(objects, 11);
                // Triggers.
                ps.LeftTrigger  = GetButtonValue(objects, 6);
                ps.RightTrigger = GetButtonValue(objects, 7);
                // Right Thumb.
                ps.RightThumbAxisX = GetAxisValue(objects, ObjectGuid.ZAxis);
                ps.RightThumbAxisY = GetAxisValue(objects, ObjectGuid.RzAxis);
                // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                // Controller (Xbox One For Windows)
                // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                // Offset   Usage  Instance  Guid           Name                            Flags
                // ------  ------  --------  -------------  ------------------------------  ---------------------
                //      0      49         1  YAxis          Y Axis                          AbsoluteAxis
                //      0       5         0  Unknown        Collection 0 - Game Pad         Collection, NoData
                //      0       0         1  Unknown        Collection 1                    Collection, NoData
                //      0       0         2  Unknown        Collection 2                    Collection, NoData
                //      0       0         3  Unknown        Collection 3                    Collection, NoData
                //      0     128         4  Unknown        Collection 4 - System Controls  Collection, NoData
                //      4      48         0  XAxis          X Axis                          AbsoluteAxis
                //      8      52         4  RyAxis         Y Rotation                      AbsoluteAxis
                //     12      51         3  RxAxis         X Rotation                      AbsoluteAxis
                //     16      50         2  ZAxis          Z Axis                          AbsoluteAxis
                //     20      53         5  RzAxis         Z Rotation                      AbsoluteAxis
                //     24      57         0  PovController  Hat Switch                      PointOfViewController
                //     32     151        19  Unknown        DC Enable Actuators             NoData, Output
                //     36       1        20  Unknown        Physical Interface Device       NoData, Output
                //     40     112        21  Unknown        Magnitude                       NoData, Output
                //     44      80        22  Unknown        Duration                        NoData, Output
                //     48     167        23  Unknown        Start Delay                     NoData, Output
                //     52     124        24  Unknown        Loop Count                      NoData, Output
                //     56       1         0  Button         Button 0                        PushButton
                //     57       2         1  Button         Button 1                        PushButton
                //     58       3         2  Button         Button 2                        PushButton
                //     59       4         3  Button         Button 3                        PushButton
                //     60       5         4  Button         Button 4                        PushButton
                //     61       6         5  Button         Button 5                        PushButton
                //     62       7         6  Button         Button 6                        PushButton
                //     63       8         7  Button         Button 7                        PushButton
                //     64       9         8  Button         Button 8                        PushButton
                //     65      10         9  Button         Button 9                        PushButton
                //     66     133        10  Button         System Main Menu                PushButton

                ps.ButtonA          = GetButtonValue(objects, 0);
                ps.ButtonB          = GetButtonValue(objects, 1);
                ps.ButtonX          = GetButtonValue(objects, 2);
                ps.ButtonY          = GetButtonValue(objects, 3);
                ps.LeftShoulder     = GetButtonValue(objects, 4);
                ps.RightShoulder    = GetButtonValue(objects, 5);
                ps.ButtonBack       = GetButtonValue(objects, 6);
                ps.ButtonStart      = GetButtonValue(objects, 7);
                ps.LeftThumbButton  = GetButtonValue(objects, 8);
                ps.RightThumbButton = GetButtonValue(objects, 9);
                // Triggers.
                ps.LeftTrigger  = GetAxisValue(objects, ObjectGuid.ZAxis);
                ps.RightTrigger = GetAxisValue(objects, ObjectGuid.RzAxis);
                // Right Thumb.
                ps.RightThumbAxisX = GetAxisValue(objects, ObjectGuid.RxAxis);
                ps.RightThumbAxisY = GetAxisValue(objects, ObjectGuid.RyAxis);
            // Right Thumb.
            ps.LeftThumbAxisX = GetAxisValue(objects, ObjectGuid.XAxis);
            ps.LeftThumbAxisY = GetAxisValue(objects, ObjectGuid.YAxis);
            // D-Pad
            o       = objects.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ObjectGuid.PovController);
            ps.DPad = o == null ? "" : string.Format("{0}{1}", SettingName.SType.POV, o.Instance + 1);
            ps.PadSettingChecksum = ps.CleanAndGetCheckSum();