        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the read task which keeps a packet buffer as full as possible.
        /// It reports on DownloadProgress by enqueueing an update to the property
        /// in order to avoid any kind of disruption to this thread caused by the UI thread.
        /// </summary>
        internal void RunPacketReadingWorker()
                // Holds the packet count for each read cycle
                var packetsRead = new MediaTypeDictionary <int>();

                // State variables for media types
                var t = MediaType.None;

                // Store Container in local variable to prevent NullReferenceException
                // when dispose occurs sametime with read cycle
                var mediaContainer = Container;

                var main = mediaContainer.Components.Main.MediaType;
                var auxs = mediaContainer.Components.MediaTypes.Where(c => c != main && (c == MediaType.Audio || c == MediaType.Video)).ToArray();
                var all  = auxs.Union(new[] { main }).ToArray();

                // State variables for bytes read (give-up condition)
                var startBytesRead   = 0UL;
                var currentBytesRead = 0UL;

                // Worker logic begins here
                while (IsTaskCancellationPending == false)
                    // Enter a read cycle

                    // Enter a packet reading cycle

                    if (CanReadMorePackets && mediaContainer.Components.PacketBufferLength < DownloadCacheLength)
                        // Initialize Packets read to 0 for each component and state variables
                        foreach (var k in mediaContainer.Components.MediaTypes)
                            packetsRead[k] = 0;

                        startBytesRead   = mediaContainer.Components.TotalBytesRead;
                        currentBytesRead = 0UL;

                        // Start to perform the read loop
                        while (CanReadMorePackets)
                            // Perform a packet read. t will hold the packet type.
                            t = mediaContainer.Read();

                            // Discard packets that we don't need (i.e. MediaType == None)
                            if (mediaContainer.Components.MediaTypes.Contains(t) == false)

                            // Update the packet count for the components
                            packetsRead[t] += 1;

                            // Ensure we have read at least some packets from main and auxiliary streams.
                            if (packetsRead.Where(k => all.Contains(k.Key)).All(c => c.Value > 0))

                            // The give-up condition is that in spite of efforts to read at least one of each,
                            // we could not find the required packet types.
                            currentBytesRead = mediaContainer.Components.TotalBytesRead - startBytesRead;
                            if (currentBytesRead > (ulong)DownloadCacheLength)

                    // finish the reading cycle.

                    // Wait some if we have a full packet buffer or we are unable to read more packets (i.e. EOF).
                    if (mediaContainer.Components.PacketBufferLength >= DownloadCacheLength || CanReadMorePackets == false || currentBytesRead <= 0)
            catch (ThreadAbortException)
                // Always exit notifying the reading cycle is done.
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the read task which keeps a packet buffer as full as possible.
        /// It reports on DownloadProgress by enqueueing an update to the property
        /// in order to avoid any kind of disruption to this thread caused by the UI thread.
        /// </summary>
        internal void RunPacketReadingWorker()
            // Holds the packet count for each read cycle
            var packetsRead = new MediaTypeDictionary <int>();

            // State variables for media types
            var t = MediaType.None;

            // Store Container in local variable to prevent NullReferenceException
            // when dispose occurs sametime with read cycle
            var mediaContainer = Container;

            var main = mediaContainer.Components.Main.MediaType;
            var auxs = mediaContainer.Components.MediaTypes.FundamentalAuxsFor(main);
            var all  = main.JoinMediaTypes(auxs);

                // Worker logic begins here
                while (IsTaskCancellationPending == false)
                    // Wait for seeking to be done.

                    // Enter a packet reading cycle

                    // Initialize Packets read to 0 for each component and state variables
                    foreach (var k in mediaContainer.Components.MediaTypes)
                        packetsRead[k] = 0;

                    // Start to perform the read loop
                    // NOTE: Disrupting the packet reader causes errors in UPD streams. Disrupt as little as possible
                    while (CanReadMorePackets && ShouldReadMorePackets && IsTaskCancellationPending == false)
                        // Perform a packet read. t will hold the packet type.
                        t = mediaContainer.Read();

                        // Discard packets that we don't need (i.e. MediaType == None)
                        if (mediaContainer.Components.MediaTypes.HasMediaType(t) == false)

                        // Update the packet count for the components
                        packetsRead[t] += 1;

                        // Ensure we have read at least some packets from main and auxiliary streams.
                        if (packetsRead.FundamentalsGreaterThan(0))

                    // finish the reading cycle.

                    // Don't evaluate a pause condition if we are seeking
                    if (SeekingDone.IsSet() == false)

                    // Wait some if we have a full packet buffer or we are unable to read more packets (i.e. EOF).
                    if (ShouldReadMorePackets == false ||
                        CanReadMorePackets == false ||
                        packetsRead.GetSum() <= 0)
            catch (ThreadAbortException) { /* swallow */ }
            catch { if (!IsDisposed)
                // Always exit notifying the reading cycle is done.