public ushort wingsID = 0x0000; // ride wings model ID public override byte[] use(Hero p) { var pktsAfterUse = new byte[0]; isActive = !isActive; PacketEncoder.concatPacket( PacketEncoder.activeBagItem(this.itemUID, isActive) , ref pktsAfterUse, false); // TODO: should split to two pkts? one for self, one for broadcast? return(pktsAfterUse); }
public static void handle(string cmd) { var inp = cmd.Split(" "); int heroID; Client cli; switch (inp[0].ToLower()) { case "e": case "end": case "exit": Lib.endSrv = true; Console.WriteLine("[!] Killing Server ..."); break; case "snpc": //Lib.broadcast(PacketEncoder.spawnNPC(int.Parse(inp[1]), new Location(45, 45, Map.TYC))); break; case "give_test_item": case "gti": Console.WriteLine("[.] Input Give Test Item Mode:"); Console.WriteLine(" -- Type \"exit\" to exit this mode --"); Console.Write("\t[+] Please type the HeroID to send to.\n\tHeroID: "); if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out heroID)) { Console.WriteLine($"\t[!] Failed to parse heroID to integer."); Console.WriteLine("\t[!] Exited Give Test Item Mode."); return; } if (!Lib.clientList.ContainsKey(heroID)) { Console.WriteLine($"\t[!] HeroID[{heroID}] is not connected."); Console.WriteLine("\t[!] Exited Give Test Item Mode."); return; } cli = Lib.clientList[heroID]; Console.WriteLine("\t[.] Please enter the item with format: <itemID> [baseID]. (baseID is optional)"); do { Console.Write("\n\t[+] Give Item: "); inp = Console.ReadLine().Split(" "); uint gti_itemID = 0, gti_baseID = 0; if (inp.Length >= 1) { if (inp[0] == "exit") { break; // exit } // itemID is given if (inp.Length > 2) { continue; // incorrect format } else { // itemID & baseID are given if (!uint.TryParse(inp[1], out gti_baseID)) { Console.WriteLine($"\t[!] Failed to parse baseID unsigned-integer."); Console.WriteLine("\t[!] Exited Give Test Item Mode."); return; } } if (!uint.TryParse(inp[0], out gti_itemID)) { Console.WriteLine($"\t[!] Failed to parse itemID unsigned-integer."); Console.WriteLine("\t[!] Exited Give Test Item Mode."); return; } Item item = null; if (gti_itemID >= 124000 && gti_itemID <= 124019) { item = new RideWing(); ((RideWing)item).wingsID = 0x0841; ((RideWing)item).wingsLv = 0x000b; } else if (gti_baseID >= 101035 && gti_baseID <= 101039 || gti_baseID == 101057) { item = new RideContract(); } item ??= new Item(); item.itemUID = Lib.lastItemUID++; item.baseID = gti_baseID == 0 ? gti_itemID : gti_baseID; item.itemID = gti_itemID; item.stack = 1; item.headAttributes.Add(EHeadAttribute.forever_binded); if (cli.hero.bag.addItem(cli.hero, item)) { cli.send(PacketEncoder.addBagItem(item)); } else { Console.WriteLine($"[-] Failed to give item to Hero[{cli.hero.heroName} (ID: {heroID})]. [More: Bag is full]"); } } else { continue; // incorrect format } }while (true); Console.WriteLine("\t[!] Exited Give Test Item Mode."); break; case "send_raw_pkt": case "srp": Console.WriteLine("[.] Input Raw Packet Mode:"); Console.WriteLine(" -- Type \"erp\" to exit this mode --"); Console.WriteLine(" -- Type \"x\" to clear the current send buffer --"); Console.WriteLine(" -- Type \"show\" to show the current send buffer --"); Console.WriteLine(" -- Press ENTER or \"s\" after packet to send the packets --"); Console.Write("\t[+] Please type the HeroID to send to. (-1 is broadcast)\n\tHeroID: "); if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out heroID)) { Console.WriteLine($"\t[!] Failed to parse heroID to integer. Fallback to broadcast mode."); heroID = -1; } if (!Lib.clientList.ContainsKey(heroID)) { Console.WriteLine($"\t[!] HeroID[{heroID}] is not connected. Fallback to broadcast mode."); heroID = -1; } Console.WriteLine("\t[.] Enter the pkt.\n"); byte numByte = 0; ushort numShort = 0; int numInt = 0; string pkt; List <byte[]> fullPkt = new List <byte[]>(); do { Console.Write("\t +-> "); pkt = Console.ReadLine(); if (pkt == "" || pkt == "s") { if (heroID == -1) { Lib.broadcast(fullPkt.SelectMany(x => x).ToArray()); } else { Client c; if (Lib.clientList.TryGetValue(heroID, out c)) { c.send(fullPkt.SelectMany(x => x).ToArray()); } else { Console.WriteLine($"\t[-] HeroID[{heroID}] not found. No packet sent."); } } } else if (pkt.StartsWith("rm")) { if (pkt.Length < 3) { continue; } byte idx = byte.Parse(pkt.Split(" ")[1]); fullPkt.RemoveAt(idx); } else if (pkt == "ins") { // (insertion) // ins <idx> // > new pkt < if (pkt.Length < 5) { continue; } byte idx = byte.Parse(pkt.Split(" ")[1]); Console.WriteLine("\t[.] Enter the pkt.\n"); pkt = Console.ReadLine(); byte[] tmpPkt = new byte[0]; try { PacketEncoder.concatPacket(Lib.hexToBytes( pkt.Replace("{hid}", Lib.toHex(heroID == -1 ? 0x78563412 : heroID)).Replace("_", "") ), ref tmpPkt); fullPkt.Insert(idx, tmpPkt); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"\t[!] Failed to parse pkt. Error[{e.Message}]"); } } else if (pkt == "rp") { // (replace) // rp <idx> // > new pkt < if (pkt.Length < 4) { continue; } byte idx = byte.Parse(pkt.Split(" ")[1]); Console.WriteLine("\t[.] Enter the pkt.\n"); pkt = Console.ReadLine(); byte[] tmpPkt = new byte[0]; try { PacketEncoder.concatPacket(Lib.hexToBytes( pkt .Replace("{hid}", Lib.toHex(heroID == -1 ? 0x78563412 : heroID)) .Replace("{ai:1}", Lib.toHex(numByte++)) // auto increment: 1 byte .Replace("{ai:2}", Lib.toHex(numShort++)) // auto increment: 2 byte .Replace("{ai:4}", Lib.toHex(numInt++)) // auto increment: 4 byte .Replace("_", "") ), ref tmpPkt); fullPkt[idx] = tmpPkt; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"\t[!] Failed to parse pkt. Error[{e.Message}]"); } } else if (pkt == "x") { fullPkt = new List <byte[]>(); numByte = 0; numShort = 0; numInt = 0; Console.WriteLine($"\t[!] Cleared.\n"); } else if (pkt.StartsWith("ai ")) { var str = pkt.Split(" ")[1]; var flag = System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer; if (str.StartsWith("0x")) { flag = System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber; } if (int.TryParse(str, flag, null, out numInt)) { if (!ushort.TryParse(str, flag, null, out numShort)) { Console.WriteLine("[!] Value applied to numInt only."); continue; } else if (!byte.TryParse(str, flag, null, out numByte)) { Console.WriteLine("[!] Value applied to numInt & numShort only."); continue; } Console.WriteLine("[+] Value applied to numInt & numShort & numByte."); continue; } Console.WriteLine("[X] Are you fking srsly? This fking value cant parse to either int, ushort, or byte!"); continue; } else if (pkt == "show" || pkt == "sh" || pkt == "q") { Console.WriteLine(Lib.pktParser( Lib.toHex(fullPkt.SelectMany(x => x).ToArray()) )); } else if (pkt == "erp") { break; } else if (pkt.Contains("x")) { Console.WriteLine("\t[!] Failed to add pkt. Since it contains \"x\"\n"); continue; } else if (pkt != "") { byte[] tmpPkt = new byte[0]; try { PacketEncoder.concatPacket(Lib.hexToBytes( pkt.Replace("{hid}", Lib.toHex(heroID == -1 ? 0x78563412 : heroID)).Replace("_", "") ), ref tmpPkt); fullPkt.Add(tmpPkt); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"\t[!] Failed to parse pkt. Error[{e.Message}]"); } } } while (true); Console.WriteLine("[.] Exited Raw Packet Mode."); break; case "give": if (inp[1] == "item") { int targetID = int.Parse(inp[2]); uint itemID = uint.Parse(inp[3]); uint baseID = 0; if (inp.Length == 5) { baseID = uint.Parse(inp[4]); } cli = Lib.clientList.GetValueOrDefault(targetID, null); if (cli == null) { Console.WriteLine($"[X] Failed to find target[{targetID}]"); return; } // TODO: ItemFactory pattern Item item = null; if (itemID >= 124000 && itemID <= 124019) { item = new RideWing(); ((RideWing)item).wingsID = 0x0841; ((RideWing)item).wingsLv = 0x000b; } else if (baseID >= 101035 && baseID <= 101039 || baseID == 101057) { item = new RideContract(); } item ??= new Item(); item.itemUID = Lib.lastItemUID++; item.baseID = baseID == 0 ? itemID : baseID; item.itemID = itemID; item.stack = 1; item.quality = 4; item.headAttributes.Add(EHeadAttribute.forever_binded); item.itemAttributes.Add(new ItemAttribute( EItemAttribute.durability, Lib.hexToBytes( "64 78000000 64 ff000000 00" ), new object[] { 0x78, 0xFF } )); item.itemAttributes.Add(new ItemAttribute( EItemAttribute.hole_skill_desc, Lib.hexToBytes( "64 91E10800 64 03000000 00" ), new object[] { /*skillID*/ 582033, 3 } )); item.itemAttributes.Add(new ItemAttribute( EItemAttribute.hole_skill_amount, Lib.hexToBytes( "64 0B000000 64 03000000 00" ), new object[] { 11, 3 } )); if (cli.hero.bag.addItem(cli.hero, item)) { cli.send(PacketEncoder.addBagItem(item)); } else { Console.WriteLine($"[-] Failed to give item to Hero[{cli.hero.heroName} (ID: {targetID})]. [More: Bag is full]"); } } break; case "help": Console.WriteLine("----- Help -----"); Console.WriteLine(" exit\t Kill the server."); Console.WriteLine(" srp\t Enter \"send raw packet\" mode."); Console.WriteLine(" give\t Give item to player."); Console.WriteLine("--- End Help ---"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("[-] Unknown Command. Type \"help\" to print command list."); break; } }