internal virtual Int64Values GetNumeric(NumericEntry entry) { IndexInput data = (IndexInput); data.Seek(entry.Offset); switch (entry.format) { case Lucene45DocValuesConsumer.DELTA_COMPRESSED: BlockPackedReader reader = new BlockPackedReader(data, entry.PackedInt32sVersion, entry.BlockSize, entry.Count, true); return(reader); case Lucene45DocValuesConsumer.GCD_COMPRESSED: long min = entry.minValue; long mult = entry.gcd; BlockPackedReader quotientReader = new BlockPackedReader(data, entry.PackedInt32sVersion, entry.BlockSize, entry.Count, true); return(new Int64ValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(min, mult, quotientReader)); case Lucene45DocValuesConsumer.TABLE_COMPRESSED: long[] table = entry.table; int bitsRequired = PackedInt32s.BitsRequired(table.Length - 1); PackedInt32s.Reader ords = PackedInt32s.GetDirectReaderNoHeader(data, PackedInt32s.Format.PACKED, entry.PackedInt32sVersion, (int)entry.Count, bitsRequired); return(new Int64ValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(table, ords)); default: throw new Exception(); } }
/// <summary> /// Sole constructor. </summary> public BlockPackedReader(IndexInput @in, int packedIntsVersion, int blockSize, long valueCount, bool direct) { this.valueCount = valueCount; blockShift = PackedInt32s.CheckBlockSize(blockSize, AbstractBlockPackedWriter.MIN_BLOCK_SIZE, AbstractBlockPackedWriter.MAX_BLOCK_SIZE); blockMask = blockSize - 1; int numBlocks = PackedInt32s.NumBlocks(valueCount, blockSize); long[] minValues = null; subReaders = new PackedInt32s.Reader[numBlocks]; for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; ++i) { int token = @in.ReadByte() & 0xFF; int bitsPerValue = token.TripleShift(AbstractBlockPackedWriter.BPV_SHIFT); if (bitsPerValue > 64) { throw new Exception("Corrupted"); } if ((token & AbstractBlockPackedWriter.MIN_VALUE_EQUALS_0) == 0) { if (minValues == null) { minValues = new long[numBlocks]; } minValues[i] = BlockPackedReaderIterator.ZigZagDecode(1L + BlockPackedReaderIterator.ReadVInt64(@in)); } if (bitsPerValue == 0) { subReaders[i] = new PackedInt32s.NullReader(blockSize); } else { int size = (int)Math.Min(blockSize, valueCount - (long)i * blockSize); if (direct) { long pointer = @in.GetFilePointer(); subReaders[i] = PackedInt32s.GetDirectReaderNoHeader(@in, PackedInt32s.Format.PACKED, packedIntsVersion, size, bitsPerValue); @in.Seek(pointer + PackedInt32s.Format.PACKED.ByteCount(packedIntsVersion, size, bitsPerValue)); } else { subReaders[i] = PackedInt32s.GetReaderNoHeader(@in, PackedInt32s.Format.PACKED, packedIntsVersion, size, bitsPerValue); } } } this.minValues = minValues; }
/// <summary> /// Sole constructor. </summary> public MonotonicBlockPackedReader(IndexInput @in, int packedIntsVersion, int blockSize, long valueCount, bool direct) { this.valueCount = valueCount; blockShift = PackedInt32s.CheckBlockSize(blockSize, AbstractBlockPackedWriter.MIN_BLOCK_SIZE, AbstractBlockPackedWriter.MAX_BLOCK_SIZE); blockMask = blockSize - 1; int numBlocks = PackedInt32s.NumBlocks(valueCount, blockSize); minValues = new long[numBlocks]; averages = new float[numBlocks]; subReaders = new PackedInt32s.Reader[numBlocks]; for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; ++i) { minValues[i] = @in.ReadVInt64(); averages[i] = J2N.BitConversion.Int32BitsToSingle(@in.ReadInt32()); int bitsPerValue = @in.ReadVInt32(); if (bitsPerValue > 64) { throw new Exception("Corrupted"); } if (bitsPerValue == 0) { subReaders[i] = new PackedInt32s.NullReader(blockSize); } else { int size = (int)Math.Min(blockSize, valueCount - (long)i * blockSize); if (direct) { long pointer = @in.GetFilePointer(); subReaders[i] = PackedInt32s.GetDirectReaderNoHeader(@in, PackedInt32s.Format.PACKED, packedIntsVersion, size, bitsPerValue); @in.Seek(pointer + PackedInt32s.Format.PACKED.ByteCount(packedIntsVersion, size, bitsPerValue)); } else { subReaders[i] = PackedInt32s.GetReaderNoHeader(@in, PackedInt32s.Format.PACKED, packedIntsVersion, size, bitsPerValue); } } } }
public override void VisitDocument(int docID, StoredFieldVisitor visitor) { fieldsStream.Seek(indexReader.GetStartPointer(docID)); int docBase = fieldsStream.ReadVInt32(); int chunkDocs = fieldsStream.ReadVInt32(); if (docID < docBase || docID >= docBase + chunkDocs || docBase + chunkDocs > numDocs) { throw new CorruptIndexException("Corrupted: docID=" + docID + ", docBase=" + docBase + ", chunkDocs=" + chunkDocs + ", numDocs=" + numDocs + " (resource=" + fieldsStream + ")"); } int numStoredFields, offset, length, totalLength; if (chunkDocs == 1) { numStoredFields = fieldsStream.ReadVInt32(); offset = 0; length = fieldsStream.ReadVInt32(); totalLength = length; } else { int bitsPerStoredFields = fieldsStream.ReadVInt32(); if (bitsPerStoredFields == 0) { numStoredFields = fieldsStream.ReadVInt32(); } else if (bitsPerStoredFields > 31) { throw new CorruptIndexException("bitsPerStoredFields=" + bitsPerStoredFields + " (resource=" + fieldsStream + ")"); } else { long filePointer = fieldsStream.Position; // LUCENENET specific: Renamed from getFilePointer() to match FileStream PackedInt32s.Reader reader = PackedInt32s.GetDirectReaderNoHeader(fieldsStream, PackedInt32s.Format.PACKED, packedIntsVersion, chunkDocs, bitsPerStoredFields); numStoredFields = (int)(reader.Get(docID - docBase)); fieldsStream.Seek(filePointer + PackedInt32s.Format.PACKED.ByteCount(packedIntsVersion, chunkDocs, bitsPerStoredFields)); } int bitsPerLength = fieldsStream.ReadVInt32(); if (bitsPerLength == 0) { length = fieldsStream.ReadVInt32(); offset = (docID - docBase) * length; totalLength = chunkDocs * length; } else if (bitsPerStoredFields > 31) { throw new CorruptIndexException("bitsPerLength=" + bitsPerLength + " (resource=" + fieldsStream + ")"); } else { PackedInt32s.IReaderIterator it = PackedInt32s.GetReaderIteratorNoHeader(fieldsStream, PackedInt32s.Format.PACKED, packedIntsVersion, chunkDocs, bitsPerLength, 1); int off = 0; for (int i = 0; i < docID - docBase; ++i) { off += (int)it.Next(); } offset = off; length = (int)it.Next(); off += length; for (int i = docID - docBase + 1; i < chunkDocs; ++i) { off += (int)it.Next(); } totalLength = off; } } if ((length == 0) != (numStoredFields == 0)) { throw new CorruptIndexException("length=" + length + ", numStoredFields=" + numStoredFields + " (resource=" + fieldsStream + ")"); } if (numStoredFields == 0) { // nothing to do return; } DataInput documentInput; if (version >= CompressingStoredFieldsWriter.VERSION_BIG_CHUNKS && totalLength >= 2 * chunkSize) { if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) { Debugging.Assert(chunkSize > 0); Debugging.Assert(offset < chunkSize); } decompressor.Decompress(fieldsStream, chunkSize, offset, Math.Min(length, chunkSize - offset), bytes); documentInput = new DataInputAnonymousClass(this, length); } else { BytesRef bytes = totalLength <= BUFFER_REUSE_THRESHOLD ? this.bytes : new BytesRef(); decompressor.Decompress(fieldsStream, totalLength, offset, length, bytes); if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) { Debugging.Assert(bytes.Length == length); } documentInput = new ByteArrayDataInput(bytes.Bytes, bytes.Offset, bytes.Length); } for (int fieldIDX = 0; fieldIDX < numStoredFields; fieldIDX++) { long infoAndBits = documentInput.ReadVInt64(); int fieldNumber = (int)infoAndBits.TripleShift(CompressingStoredFieldsWriter.TYPE_BITS); FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos.FieldInfo(fieldNumber); int bits = (int)(infoAndBits & CompressingStoredFieldsWriter.TYPE_MASK); if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) { Debugging.Assert(bits <= CompressingStoredFieldsWriter.NUMERIC_DOUBLE, "bits={0:x}", bits); } switch (visitor.NeedsField(fieldInfo)) { case StoredFieldVisitor.Status.YES: ReadField(documentInput, visitor, fieldInfo, bits); break; case StoredFieldVisitor.Status.NO: SkipField(documentInput, bits); break; case StoredFieldVisitor.Status.STOP: return; } } }